Daily Archives: July 29, 2024

Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

Sandy asks…

I hunt and sometimes I bring my dog with me so he can hold onto the boar or whatever I am hunting. So I was…?

curious how you can make a dogs jaw stronger so he can hold onto something like a boar so it does not escape. Also if my dog lets go I don’t want the boar or something to go into attack mode because as a hunter their is a big difference when the dog is able to hold onto to the animal to slow it down than having a BIGGER & STRONGER animal attacking back.

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Richard asks…

What are some UNTRUE stereotypes about your personal breed(s) of choice?

And what about some stereotypes that you’ve found ARE ACTUALLY TRUE about your favorite breed(s)?

Examples might be…
(false) Chihuahuas are only for rich spoiled girls.
(true) Chihuahuas are big dogs in little dogs’ bodies.
@Josiah – LOL! Who knew?

@Expertise – What breed is it?

@Rogue – Yes, indeedy! ^5!
@Chaos – LOL! I adore all those pictures of Bulldogs flying over agility hurdles. *made my day*

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Paul asks…

Poems about Dogs going to heaven?

My mom put her dog down because it was ill and I was trying to find a really sad poem about a dog going to heaven or being put down any good sites or poems I could show her? Thanks

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