Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

George asks…

What is the average life span of a pekingnese/poodle mix?

I have a dog that just turned 2 around a month ago. It is a peekapoo or pekingnese/poodle mix. I want to see how long how he could live so I could spend as time as possible with him. So what is the average life span of this breed, or poodles and pekingneses? Thank you

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Lizzie asks…

What is the life span of a pet with lung disease?

His name was Angelo, he had a very advance case of bronchitis and pneumonia. He was on medication, he was getting better but he took a turn for the worse. He died this past wednesday, he had just turned 3 five days before he past. I gave him his meds everyday as I was told.
My question is how long is the life span of a dog with this type of illness. The doctor told me she didn’t expect Angelo to live long, but that he died too soon and too sudden.

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James asks…

What is the life span of a pit bull/blue heeler mix?

Found the papers for my dog 🙂 she is half pit bull, and half blue heeler, what is the life span of them? I am just curious
wendy my dog is 6 years old already, and shes a healthy dog

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