Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

George asks…

What is the average life span of a pekingnese/poodle mix?

I have a dog that just turned 2 around a month ago. It is a peekapoo or pekingnese/poodle mix. I want to see how long how he could live so I could spend as time as possible with him. So what is the average life span of this breed, or poodles and pekingneses? Thank you

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Lizzie asks…

What is the life span of a pet with lung disease?

His name was Angelo, he had a very advance case of bronchitis and pneumonia. He was on medication, he was getting better but he took a turn for the worse. He died this past wednesday, he had just turned 3 five days before he past. I gave him his meds everyday as I was told.
My question is how long is the life span of a dog with this type of illness. The doctor told me she didn’t expect Angelo to live long, but that he died too soon and too sudden.

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James asks…

What is the life span of a pit bull/blue heeler mix?

Found the papers for my dog 🙂 she is half pit bull, and half blue heeler, what is the life span of them? I am just curious
wendy my dog is 6 years old already, and shes a healthy dog

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Rescue

John asks…

what do you get when you cross breed a corgidor with a lab?

I have a Corgidor (Corgi/black lab hybrid) and i wanted to know if she was breed to a pure breed lab if the resulting puppies would have longer legs, like the Labradore, since they will have more lab in them then anything else?

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Laura asks…

Which Breed Is Better For Family, Border Collies or Australian Shepards?

Which breed is best with kids and other pets (like cats) and which needs more physical actiovity? Whcih breed is more enrgetic and which is slightly more calm?

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Paul asks…

What Is The Best Dog To Get With A 2 Year Old?

I was thinking of getting a dog but i have a 2 year old daughter so i wanted a friendly one. What is the best breed of dog to be around young children?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life 2

Lizzie asks…

How do I prolong my dog’s life?

I have a boxer, and love him more than life itself. He just turned 2, and is fairly healthy. He has mild allergies, and seizures which are finally getting under control. I try to take care of him, with regular vet visits, vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, and heartworm medication.

How do I prevent him from getting something serious like cancer, like many boxers do? I feed him Acana, and give him plain organic yogurt, brewers yeast, a multi vitamins with b added, and fish oil for neurological support. What else can I do to keep him healthy?

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Robert asks…

How can I get my dog to listen without using treats as a reward?

My six month old Siberian Husky mix is very smart, but he can be stubborn. He will listen 100% of the time if I have food in my hand. I want to get him to listen without using a treat as a reward, but he just wont listen.

I have tried praise, like petting and saying “Good boy, Akino!”. *My dog’s name is Akino
But he just gets too excited and he will bite, almost like he thinks we’re playing.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

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Ken asks…

How long can a dog or 5/m old puppy sleep undisturbed?

Its Summer and i don’t have a job or summer school and my social life is just barely noticeable so i have a lot of time on my hands for a few months.

Today i wanted to watch Pacific Rim so I snail-pace walked my puppy outside at 11 morning for nearly 2 hours (1 hour more and walked slower then usual), from the park, to even my old elementary school to make sure he was tired enough to avoid destructive chewing then before leaving i fed him. I can trust him to not pee on the carpet or furniture since he can hold his urine for up 6 hours. (not that i forced him to, it was that one day we took him with us for a visit grandma because nobody will be at home to take care of him.)

After the walk and movie (it was awesome by the way) i came home and there he was happy to see me, he jumped around me for a few seconds then plopped back to his favorite sleeping spot near the window and started sleeping again. I left at 2:15 and came back came back at 5:00 and he’s still sleeping even now at 7:00PM, thats like almost 5 hours, usually after walks and play he naps for about 2 hours then runs around the house and sometimes humps the bed/blanket because he’s so untrained and hyper.

This interests me, how long can a dog or 5/m old puppy sleep undisturbed? I’m not concerned about his health, (he’s perfectly healthy, just untrained/disobiedient), I’m just a little curious about a dog’s sleeping patterns

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Your Questions About Rough Collie

Lizzie asks…

Is lottie a good name for a rough collie pup?

I’ve always liked the name lottie (it’s short for charlotte in humans) I’m getting a rough collie puppy and was wondering if anyone had an ideas?

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David asks…

Is a rough collie puppy bought better with a brother/sister or alone?

I love rough collies. I’ve had a lot in the past, but never two. But ever since I read on a book having a littermate is a good thing because they won’t be as lonely, I’ve been doubtfull. Should I buy two? Money is not really a big problem but how to puppy feels is. Please include some details and tell me how to prepare for two!

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Sharon asks…

what are names for a rough collie female puppy ?

Im getting a rough collie female who is a black tri .

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life

Sandra asks…

do you feel that some dogs are worth more than others?

Do you feel that a randomly bred mutt is somehow worth less than say a champion show dog?

I do not mean “worth” as in money I mean the actual life of the dog.

A person in my family thinks that purebred dogs’ lives are worth more than mutts’ lives. He says mutts are good first time dogs for people because if they mess up, oh well it’s just a mutt. Not like they are ruining a good purebred.

If you don’t agree then can you at least see his point?

No flames please. I just think it’s an interesting opinion. I do not mean to offend anyone with a pet mutt. (I have a mutt too!)

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Helen asks…

Do older dogs act playfully before they die?

Our 9 yr old wolf is acting like a puppy. He hasn’t been this active ever since I’ve known him. Then today he had a seizure. He’s OK but, it does seem like it could be a natural part of a dog’s life and perhaps a tell tale behavior. Does anybody have any similar experiences that happened before the passing of your pet?

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Mandy asks…

What playstation 3 games would you reccomend to me?

I might get a ps3 and my friend has these games and i really like them
Heavy Rain
Dog’s life (ps2)
Little big planet
Are there any more good games like these you would reccomend to me? These are the sorts of things i like 🙂

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament

Ken asks…

if you could only pick one dog for the rest of your life what dog/breed would that be? and why?

Just curious… I would take the Doberman Pinscher. They are still lap and yet are protective and gentel also.
love them.

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George asks…

I’m thinking of getting a rough collie, but can they co-exist with ferrets?

Can they? Should I be concerned? Of course I’m going to take precautions, but still…

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Carol asks…

introducing a puppy to an existing dog?

we have a 2 year old female Chocolate Labrador who is lively and fussed over. She has a very friendly temperament although she can be boisterous. she can display dominant charachtersistics when playing with other dogs.
We are getting a 7 week old puppy (today) – male Labrador/ collie mix.
I would like to get some practical advice from someone with real expereience on introducing them to one another.
Thanks in advance.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Rescue

Laura asks…

what is the difference between adopting a dog or rescuing one?

well i compared buying a dog from a store and adopting a dog and i saw that adopting one would be better. I’ve heard that you can rescue a dog too. i got mixed up, are they both the same meaning? if they aren’t, then which is better?

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Betty asks…

Do shelters have a “Do Not Adopt” list that they share with other shelters?

I’m a life-long dog lover and long-time dog owner who recently adopted a dog from a pet rescue shelter, following the passing of my last dog at an old age, and I now want to become involved with dog rescue myself as a ‘foster parent.’ I have great respect for rescue shelters and the people who are involved with them, whom I have found to be extremely loving, dedicated individuals who sincerely want to help animals in need, as do I. But yesterday I got in an argument with a woman who runs a shelter who was involved with my adoption of my last dog, and today I got a very ugly, accusing email letter from her telling me, among other things, that she has had my name put on “The DNA (do not adopt) list.”

I’m very upset about this, as I very seriously want to help the cause of animal rescue by becoming a dog fosterer. In addition, I might well be adopting another dog in the near future.

What is both ironic and sad is that we can provide a rescued dog with a great deal of love, attention, and care because we are home during the day, my husband jogs 5 miles a day with our dog(s), we even enlist the help of a dog trainer (positive reinforcement method). Our dogs are our children, and they are happy in our home–our friends and neighbors and veterinarian will attest to that. This woman is not doing ‘rescued dogs’ any favors by putting us on a “Do Not Adopt” list.

So is it true that shelters have a “Do Not Adopt List” which they share with other shelters? If so, what can I do about it to clear my name?
Hi Alisha,

Thanks for asking. It is an extremely long story, too long to get into. Otherwise I would tell you.

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Mandy asks…

How could me and my dog become a K-9 search and rescue team?

This is a job that seems extremely fun and something I could do for the rest of my life. My golden retriever has a nose like I have never seen. I just don’t know what training me and him would need and/or certifications.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Puppies

Donald asks…

Is the smallest rough collie puppy of a litter unhealthy?

I am purchasing a rough collie and my kids favor the littlest. At 8 weeks he is 8 pounds…while some of the others are 9 and 10+ and one is a really big guy…At birth , this little one was half the size of his littlemates. How concerned should I be that choosing this pup may pose health problems down the line? When he was born, he needed assistance to assure his chance to nurse. Eats fine on his own now and holds his own with all the others…vet checked with no problems noted.

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Ruth asks…

How to train my border collie puppy?

he is about 5 months old and very energetic.we have an older dog (border collie also) and our puppy is always biteing him and chasing him, and getting in the way of the older dog. when ever i try to scold him, he doesnt listen. we also want to train him to work cows, how do we teach him everything he needs to know easily?

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Helen asks…

How can I stop a staff/collie cross puppy biting my face?

Our puppy is perfectly ok playing and licking us and then all of a sudden just snaps at our faces. Got my nose! It hurts. What’s the best way to deal with this?

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Jackets

Mary asks…

Im taking my dogs to the river with my boyfriend, any suggestions?

i have a life jacket for both my dogs. one is a blue heeler (10 mnths) and the other is an adult chinese crested powderpuff. Its only me and my boyfriend with these two. on the river (Salt river in mesa, az). ANY SUGGESTIONS or ADVICE?

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James asks…

Does my dog need a life jacket for the lake?

Well i have a germen and rott mix (his pretty big 102 pounds) and i want to take him to lake mead at Nevada to walk him next to the shore line but my dad keeps saying that i cant unless he has a life jacket or i get a ticket is that true?

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Betty asks…

Thinking about starting to go hiking with my dog?

I visit my local dog park all the time and there are trails in the back, I own a mini schnauzer with lots of energy so I’m planning on starting to take him hiking there, they also have a lake and a fenced area with shade. I’m just wondering what I should bring along, so far my pack has his life-jacket, collar and leash of course, small bowl and water, what else do you bring a long when you go hiking and to the lake for a swim with your dog?

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Your Questions About Colliers International

Joseph asks…

What awards did buzz aldrin get?

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Lizzie asks…

Looking for Colliers blk/wht print matching one of woman looking away holding picture of soldier behind her.?

Have black and white print/picture of a woman (civil war era) looking into the distance holding a picture of a soldier behind her. Picture is entitled ‘waiting’. Am told this is part of a set. Would like information on the other picture (name, where to purchase, etc.)

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Sandra asks…

If hell is so bad why did faithful Job want to there ?

Job 14:13 New International Version
“If only you would hide me in the grave and conceal me till your anger has passed! If only you would set me a time and then remember me!

As all Christians who read the bible know hell is the grave , some falsely teach hell is a place of torment , if Job thought that then why did he want to go to hell for some peace & rest ?

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Shedding

Lisa asks…

What are some good family dogs?

We want a medium sized (around labrador size) dog that doesn’t shed much, and is good with other dogs and kids. Any breed that’s matches this will help. Thanks!
I agree, labs are amazing dogs, but we already have one and we would like a different breed. Thanks anyway though!

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James asks…

how can i stop my border collies shedding hair?? is there a kind of dog food that can help prevent it??

i need help so i dont have to get rid of my dog. please
i need help, i dont want to have to get rid of her. she`s only 8 months old and i love her. but my mom says her shedding is too much.she said i need to find some way to stop it or she`s getting rid of her. is there and food or supplements or anything. im really scared im gonna loose my dream dog.please help

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Jenny asks…

Do rough coated collies shed a lot?

I really want a collie i have 2 jack Russel’s they shed but my mom says no automatically if they drool a lot or if they shed anyone?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending

Daniel asks…

Doggers – what temperature is it where you are today?

It is going to be about 40 C here today (about 104 F).

I have closed up the house, shut all the blinds and made sure that the dogs’ paddling pool is filled and in the shade.

What do you do to help your animals cope with extremes of heat and/or cold?
Walks have to be either early in the morning or well after dark here. Canberra seems to have its hottest part of the day between 3 and 6pm.

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Mark asks…

Is there any possible way to extend a dogs’ life?

I was just wondering if there’s any way to make a dog live longer?

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George asks…

What to do during a dog’s seizure and what is the cost of medication?

My 3 year old lab had two seizures in March of this year (really weak, not diagnosed). Yesterday my wife and I noticed he was having one. I rubbed him down and talked to him during the seizure until it went away (3-5 minutes). What else can I do? I know I have to take him to the vet and most likely get him medicated. How much money are we looking at?

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Susan asks…

R&P… Blast back to the Nifty 90’s, please?

Hello there, my fellow rock and poppers!
Earlier today, I asked a question on people’s opinions on the statement “Nevermind is the best album of the 90’s.” I also posted Rolling Stone’s top 10 albums of the 90’s, and let’s just say that I don’t completely agree with it…

So here’s the scoop:

ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE (yes, the critics, the smarter than you people’s choices)
TOP 100 90’s ALBUMS

1. Nevermind – Nirvana
2. The Chronic – Dr. Dre
3. OK Computer – Radiohead
4. Achtung Baby – U2
5. The Miseducation of Lauryn hill – Lauryn Hill
6. Ten – Pearl Jam
7. In Utero – Nirvana
8. Ready to Die – The Notorious B.I.G.
9. Odelay – Beck
10. Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain – Pavement

Question: What’s your opinion on this list?

View the full 100 here at:

*WARNING: There is no Alice in Chains, Sonic Youth, Tool, Hole, or Weezer on this list!!!*

ROLLING STONE READER’S CHOICE (real life normal music fans voted for this list)

1. Nevermind – Nirvana
2. OK Computer – Radiohead
3. Ten – Pearl Jam
4. Achtung Baby – U2
5. (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? – Oasis
6. Siamese Dream – Smashing Pumpkins
7. Metallica (The Black Album) – Metallica
8. Grace – Jeff Buckley
9. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness – Smashing Pumpkins
10. Use Your Illusion 1 and 2 – Guns N’ Roses

Question 2: What’s your opinion of this list?
(I actually voted on this poll! That’s probably why you saw so many Smashing Pumpkins.. teehee.)

Question 3: So…

What is rock and pop’s top 10 albums of the 90’s?

Here’s what we’ll do:

a) Please list your top 10 best albums of the 90’s! 🙂

b) I will tally it all up after a few days.

c) I will post the results in another question!

d) And we can all just sit back, kick up our feet, and admire the work. (I hope you all will like the results, but I can’t be a crowd pleaser!)

So three questions:

1. What’s your opinion of Rolling Stone’s critic’s top 10 albums of the 90’s?

2. What’s your opinion of Rolling Stone’s reader’s top 10 albums of the 90’s?

3. What’s YOUR list of Top 10 albums of the 90’s?

I know it’s hard… but we can do this, ya’ll! Let’s blast back and appreciate this great decade of music! 🙂

Enjoy, and thank you! 🙂

*Star this if you LOVE the 90’s! I wanna see how many 90’s lovers there are!!!*

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Betty asks…

cant find a reggae song! please help?

im looking for a song, i dont know the name but i know some of the lyrics, its kinda only a few lyrics of the song, it goes like this…now i am a man i justa bung all the weed in a chalwa, i donta bung it in a rizla..and thats all i know of the song lol, but if u kno the song u will know what its called 🙂

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Daniel asks…

Can Name Twelv Albums You Can Live Without?

I would like a list and short review of ten albums you cant live without. Here’s my list.

Louis Armstrong : All Time Greatest Hits.
This is more than a Greatest Hits Album it has most of his solo songs on it. His work was spread among a lot of Ella Fitzgerald and other Jazz musicians albums. Which is a shame this, man embodied raw talent. Louis Armstrong did for the Trumpet what Jimmy Hendrix did for the Electric Guitar and Neil Peart and Jimmy Chamberlain did for the Drums. His vocals are warm and emotional not smooth and soft, the have life to them. The music is great, the singing is great, the flow is good, and the production is very raw which works well for Louis Armstrong

Elvis Presley : Self Titled Album.
This was the King Of Rock And Roll when he was just a kid with a dream, a great raw singing voice, and a guitar.This is the best Elvis Presley album ever, the raw sound the energy, the singing Rockabilly sound, and the feel of the late 1950s are heavy in this album. I think this album is over looked by a lot of Elvis Presley fans and it’s a shame. in less than two decades he would be gone and the best singer ever would be dead. The flow is good, the music is good, the singing is great, and the production is great.

The Doors : Self Titled Album.
This album is the core of Psychedelic Rock, it has inspired so many musicians, and entertained so may people through the years. It’s lack of over political songs make it timeless. The Doors were the Nirvana of their time. They wrote music diffident than most other Rock Bands, wrote lyrics diffident than most other Rock Bands, and they forged new ground with their slightly New Wave sound and heavy Psychedelic sound. The music is great, the lyrics are great, the production is great, and the flow is great.

Nirvana : In Utero.
This is Nirvana’s final and best album, it has the rawness of Bleach, it was catchy like Nevermind, and mature enough to be considered a true masterpiece. This album is a real rocker with meaning, it’s pure emotion and beauty. Many people have tried emulate the sound of this album and this band but few have even came close. This album has really stood the test of time too, in part because no one knows what Kurt is singing about (and that’s how I like it. If all of Nirvana’s albums had been this good they would have been the best band ever. The music is great, the singing is great, the flow is great, and the production is great

The Smashing Pumpkins : Melon Collie And The Infinite Sadness.
This album is a true masterpiece, the songwriting is just as good as Siamese Dream, but it doesn’t have Butch Vig’s candy coated production. This album is the best double album ever recorded. There is not one song on this album that is not perfect. Everyone in the civilized world should own this album. The music is great, the singing is great, the floe is great, and the production is great.

R.E.M. : New Adventures In Hi-Fi.
This album marks a return to the classic sound that brought R.E.M. to the top of the list of greatest Rock Bands ever. With powerful lyrics, great music, and maturity, New Adventures In Hi-Fi is a work of art that can make you mellow, can make you dance, or make you sing along at the top of you lungs in a crowded building. As if they didn’t have enough going for this album they also have song featuring the legendary Patti Smith on backing vocals (E-Bow The Letter). The music is great, the singing is great, the flow is great, and the production is good.

The Stone Temple Pilots : Tiny Music.
This album was more Classic Rock oriented and less Grunge oriented. It features Scott’s best vocal, and the bands best songs. It has a timeless feel and sound to it, it echos the 1960s but is fresh enough to not be a rip off. This album is very underrated. The music is great, the singing is great, the flow is great, and the production is great.

The Smashing Pumpkins : Adore
This album was a major switch in the style of music and lyrics The Smashing Pumpkins had written. The heavy Hard Rock was replaced with Keyboards and Acoustic Guitars. The overall

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Rescue

Daniel asks…

What cross breed do you think my border collie is?

I was thinking she has a bit of Kelpie. I don’t think she is pure-bred. I got her from an animal rescue but they don’t know much about her.
Well they said she was border collie x unknown. Her ears look a bit Kelpie-ish, I thought.

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Sandra asks…

What is the best breed of dog for a first time trainer?

I am about to graduate high school in june and i want to become a dog trainer…i havent had luck finding a school to go to yet but when i do i want to know the breed of dog that would be easiest for a first timer.

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Lisa asks…

What is a good dog for a first time owner?

Generally- Low matinence, good with younger and older kids, easy to train and all around easy to own.

Any breeds in mind?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

Paul asks…

my 3 year old min pin is really lazy and mean!?

okay i have and min pin she is alwase laying down and sleeping her eats and drinks alot. she it getting a little chubby and im kinda svared she will get really fat. it is winter and she never runs around cause she is cold. should i get her new dog food or something.also i have another problem about her she is awase aggresive and barking and strangers and other dogs. please help

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Mandy asks…

Anyone know anything about service dogs?????

Our apt complex doesn’t allow pets over 25 lbs. My neighbor moved in with a BIG dog well over the limit. She told the manager it was a service dog. She (neighbor) has no visible disabilities. She told me that she trained the dog herself. It barks all the time. I’ve heard that service dogs are trained not to bark, but, if she trained it herself would it be considered a ‘real service dog’? Also when she has him outside he wears a muzzle. Another sign to make me think she scamed the manager in order to get her dog in her apt.

Of course none of this is any of my business, except that she lives right next door to me with this huge barking dog that seems to bark all the time. Is he a ‘real service dog’?

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Daniel asks…

did something happen to Dog’ the bounty hunter’s son?

supposedly the news about him was in the paper but i didn’t see it at all so if anyone knows about i really like fo know iam a fan of the show

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Your Questions About Collie Buddz

Paul asks…

What are some good rap/hip hop songs to listen to while high?

Beside pussy, $$, weed and because i got high. I will listen to just about anything as long as its good. Artists like wiz, wale, and wayne.

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Laura asks…

I need some suggestions for some good reggae artists and songs?

I want to explore more reggae, particularly 70s thru 90s. Any good suggestions?

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Betty asks…

What are some good reggae/dancehall songs to play to get people at my party dancing?

No songs that are too old , im a dj who constanly want to expand his playlist so plz help 🙂 The party is in 1wk! thx u!

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament

Paul asks…

Visiting dog breeder for the first time how to act?

Hello! My husband and I want to buy a puppy…We found a breeder and i’ve been exchanging E-mails with her for about 4 months! The puppies were born 4 weeks ago and She want us to visit and wanna get to know us! I’m a bit nervous :-/ i hope she’s nice! 😉 What should i ask? and do u think i should buy a toy for the puppies? I don’t want to show up empty – handed!

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Jenny asks…

Collies- diff. btwn females+males and their activeness?

Ok, well, I’ve just got 2 questions that I’d like to know about from experienced owners of smooth and rough collies:

1. Is there a difference between females and males? Because I heard that the female is more independant

2. I heard that smooth collies are more active, true?

Thanks to everyone who answers!

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Lizzie asks…

ive just bought a 12wk old husky rough collie pup, and wonder if anyone would know what temperment it might ha?

she is 12wks old and we think she is husky xrough collie.. she is already standing up to or mal and husky , and wondered if she will be as hard to train as a husky and mal or will she be easier as she has collie in her, and wonders if anyone has experiance of this cross..

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle

Paul asks…

When do female dogs get their first heat?

I’ve never had a female dog before. My dog is a Bosapso, in case breed or size makes any difference.

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Sandra asks…

what is the best product to use on my dog to control flees?

my poor dog!!!! we have tried everything to get the flees off of him. does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of shampoo, sprays, powders, ect to use? He is miserable and so am I.

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Daniel asks…

Is it safe to have a 5 month old female in heat spayed?

My Basset pup is 21 weeks old and has just come into heat. Is there any complications in having her spayed?

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

William asks…

Looking for scottish poem. The Whistle?

The whistle that the wee herd made

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Steven asks…

I need Reggae music.?

any good chill reggae.
I like Dirty Heads,Expendables,Barrington Levy,Slightly Stoopid,Sublime,Rebelution,and Mike Pinto

I’m looking for any reggae with a chill sound and lyrics

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Ken asks…

Looking for Fast Paced reggae?

i was once in the car with my best friend and her older brother, and he got a used car and a cd was stuck in the drive..some really fast paced reggae with lots of vocals was playing and it was the best music i ever heard..i know i’m never gona find out who it was b/c i dont remember any lyrics but anyway does anyone have any suggestions for artists that make that type of reggae/ragga? b/c i’ve searched and i’ve found nothing similar..thanks

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

Carol asks…

Are there any stories about Dogs that make you cry?

Does anyone have a story or poem about dogs that makes them cry?

While answering another question I came across ‘Eulogy to a Dog’ EVERYTIME I read these words I get choked up and more often than not I am in tears by the end. It’s not a story per se It’s actually the closing arguments to a court case dating back to 1870. A man shot his neighbor’s dog “Old Drum”. Drum’s owner sued, and this poignant passage was spoken by Attorney George Graham Vest:

“The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it the most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.
The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.”

“Gentleman of the Jury, a man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that encounters the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.”
“If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. When the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death.”

Needles To say Old Drum’s owner won.
Dreamer – Rainbow Bridge is tough 🙁 But! Once you get through it and the tears stop alteast you feel a little more at peace with your furry friend’s passing.

Love I can’t even LISTEN to “angel” anymore! I used to volunteer in a shelter and I keep seeing the faces of all the dogs we put down 🙁 I had to put my own dog down when he was very sick – the dog I raised from a puppy. Yet rubbing the ears of the dogs who I hardly knew or even the aggressive ones who whould have ripped my arm off if not for a muzzle somehow seemed – harder =(
one_fishslayer – Yep men are definately allowed to cry over dogs *nod nod*

admin answers:

Robert asks…

Did you hear about the dog who gave birth to 17 puppies?!?

News link with a photo of some of the puppies:

A dog in Germany has given birth to 17 puppies, leaving their owner thrilled but fatigued after having to feed them with a bottle for several weeks because their mother couldn’t cope with the demand.

Owner Ramona Wegemann said she barely slept for more than a couple of minutes without interruption during about four weeks in an “exhausting” struggle to make sure all of the purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies would survive.

She said when she was “finished feeding the last puppy, the first was hungry again.”

Wegemann’s dog Etana gave birth to eight female and nine male puppies on September 28 in Ebereschenhof, which is near Berlin.

At least five times a day, Wegemann gave the dogs a bottle with special milk because their mother’s nipples could have never coped with the demand, and when the puppies were not hungry, they wanted to be entertained, she said.

Wegemann said when dogs give birth to so many puppies several of them die within the first week. “But all of our puppies survived. This is incredible and wonderful,” the 32-year-old added.

It was the second time that Etana gave birth. She gave birth to eight puppies in her first pregnancy, not uncommon for the dog’s breed, Wegemann said.

“The birth of the puppies was very special. All puppies were born naturally, no caesarean was necessary,” she added. It took Etana a full 26 hours to give birth to all of the puppies – and Wegemann was as baffled as amazed.

But caring for 17 puppies turned out to be a full-time job: Wegemann put her work as an independent animal psychiatrist on a hold and her husband took as much vacation as he could.

Their lives have been turned upside down by the puppies, and their living room is now occupied by a giant box that houses the puppies.

But even Wegemann still struggles to recognise them: The females puppies are called Bahati, Binta, Bahya, Bashima, Batouuli, Binki, Bora, Bisa and the male ones are Baakir, Banjoku, Belay, Bruk, Bundu, Bayo, Bukekayo, Biton and Bulus.

Wegemann gave them all African names because the Rhodesian Ridgeback is an African hunting dog. Wegeman and her husband now plan to give most of the puppies away.

A price of 800 euro (NZ$1500) per puppy would only cover the expenses for the veterinary, vaccinations, food and the mandatory paperwork, Wegemann said. She hopes to get about 1000 euro ($1800) per dog, but said they would only give them to families with children, not breeders.

Four of the puppies have been sold, two more are already paid for and will leave their siblings shortly.
LOL em yes daaaaaaaamn indeed.
*throws a stress for less ball at Angiee*

admin answers:

Charles asks…

Boyfriend of 12 years is moving to Florida for health issues..?

I have dated my b/f for 12 years. I live in my house and he lives in his house. I don’t believe in living-together. My b/f has a lot of health issues, especially arthritis. I am 51 years old and he is 62 years old. He has suffererd alot because of the cold winter months. He would like to see how Florida reacts to his ailments. (everyone says it does wonders for your health) He also has a dog (pug) that he chooses not to fly because of the dog’s health issues.

He has never been to Florida because he cannot travel with his pet. So, I offered to housesit his dog for a week in order for him to look into Florida.

He has held off going to Florida because he says he loves me and would be heartbroken if he left. So he stays here and suffers.

He wishes we could be together either in marriage or living together, but I not interested in getting married. He is getting to the point where the pain is getting worse each winter.

What do I do? Marry/relocate or let go?
I do love him. He is retired and I am still working as a teacher assistant at a junior high school. I am vested tho. Do I get another job in Florida at the ripe old age of 51? What happens if it doesn’t work out? I have to find employment in my 50’s, start all over again. I was married for 14 years. I like my freedom and independence. I don’t know if I can do a marriage. My first one failed. I have always told my b/f that he is way ahead of me. He has been retired for 20 years and I am just finally getting my act together financially. I don’t know if I am ready for a big committment never mind relocating. It sounds like I am not ready, I think.

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