Your Questions About Collie Buddz

Ruth asks…

What are good reggae hip hop songs?

I need some smoking music like reggae hip hop genre type for example collie buddz and devin the dude, songs around that type. and slow stuff like chopped and screwed songs cause that’s always good blowed;)

thanks for the help

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George asks…

What artists do you recommend for some good reggae music?

It’s for my dad, and he’s not really into that whole weed culture, so if you guys know anyone who’s pretty clean let me know.


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Daniel asks…

What are some good songs that will sound good with my subwoofers?

Something with good bass, and not rap. Or heavy metal. Something like Manchester Orchestra’s “I Can Feel A Hot One” — the bass gets pretty intense towards the end of the song, and it sounds great. So something like that. I like Indie & Alternative, thanks

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Your Questions About Rough Collie

Sandra asks…

Where can I find breeders of Rough Collies in New York State?

I have been looking. I have two rough collies now, male and female. I am looking into getting a third. I live in Northern NY and do NOT want to buy across the border.

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Maria asks…

Do you think Rough Collies have become less popular as pets?

I grew up with a gorgeous and huge Rough Collie; back then they seemed fairly popular.

Now, I never ever see a single Rough Collie in any of the parks I walk a friend’s dog in – I’ve seen numerous other breeds but not even *one* RC.

Any thoughts?
((((((((HEY MARIE!!))))))))))

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Susan asks…

Is a Rough Collie a good dog to get?

I have been thinking about getting a dog, and I’m kind of interested in getting the Rough Collie. (the one like Lassie)….Does anybody own one and is it a good dog to get?

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Your Questions About Collie Man

Laura asks…

How do I find out what breed my (mutt) dog is?

When people say that dogs are mans best friend it is true… I absolutely love my dog. How do I find out what breeds she is comprised of? I’m looking for an effective and inexpensive way to pinpoint precisely what breeds she is genetically comprised of. In addition I would also like to know how old she is since I adopted her around the age of two or so. If anybody can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Sandra asks…

What is the cutest kind of dog that girls love?

I was arguing with my friend what the cutest breed of dogs were, and he was arguing that it was different for men and women. What type of dog do you guys think that girls find the cutest?

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Donald asks…

Which football player is most important to his NFL team?

Troy Polamalu: Without him, the Steelers have lost every game this season.
Peyton Manning: Who do they have without him?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle

Richard asks…

Is it okay to breed a small femal dog with a larger one?

I have a five pound yorkie terrior; would it be okay to breed it with a ten pound yorkie?
CHILL OUT, my dog has papers, and get over yourself with my spelling.

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Steven asks…

Sure fire way of ridding my home of fleas?

Can anyone please tell me a sure fire way to rid my home of fleas. They are really bad, purchased and released 6 foggers this past saturday with no luck. Dog has been removed from home, even brushed boric acid on carpets. Had to send children out today due to bites. Someone please help! Can’t afford an exterminator, but want to know something that works! Please help!

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Ruth asks…

How can we get rid of fleas?

My 8 wk old puppy got fleas. Whats the method of getting rid of the cycle of fleas.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Breeders

Jenny asks…

Is it possible for a mixed-breed to fit the breed standard of a purebreed?

I’ve just seen some pictures of Rough Collie X Pomeranian puppies and they look very much like Cardigan Welsh Corgis. I would have put money on it until someone told me they were mutts lol.

Is it in any way possible for a mutt to fit a breed standard? I know it would be as unlikely as hell…

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Carol asks…

What are the negative aspects of owning a good-quality collie as a family dog?

AKC and Collie Club of America sources only tell prospective owners how great collies are. I need some more balanced information. I’m not so much interested in individual anecdotes. Please no “my brother’s best friend’s hairdresser had a collie that…” stories. But I would appreciate documented sources on the breed in general, particularly temperament and health issues.

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Thomas asks…

Where can I find information on Collies?

I want information like websites on nothing but the rough coated collies.

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Your Questions About Collier

Mandy asks…

In the TV show The Event, how did Carter get away from agent Collier?

We see Shaun and Laileigh steal the vehicle and go off leaving Collier in the motel with Carter. We later see Carter somwhere else with no explanation as to how he got away. We see Collier later talking to Shaun on the phone. Did I miss something or will they explain later?

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Mary asks…

Where can I find the worth of a baseball book written in 1911?

the book of baseball–from the earliest day
P.F. Collier & Sons copyright 1911.I would like to know what its worth or if anyone collects this type of memoribilia.

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Laura asks…

What happened to the print-based encyclopedia industry?

What happened to the print-based encyclopedia industry when PC CD-ROMs and now the internet (Wikipedia) rose to prominence?

Encyclopedia Britannica still has an online presence, but do salesman still sell the 30 volume set? Do only schools and libariries buy them now?

Are Collier‘s and the World Book still alive?

Is it an undustry that has blossomed with the PC or suffered?

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

Mandy asks…

My Grandma wants a medium dog with a long life-span?

My grandma’s dog has recently died and she’s been really upset about it. So she said if she gets another dog she wants a semi-small/medium dog with a long lifespan. Any suggestions?

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Ken asks…

What force of nature controls how long an animal species lives?

It can’t just be size, because parrots and swans can live as long as people. Many reptiles can live even longer than people. Some fish can live a lot longer than a dog, and some insects can even live a lot longer than a dog.
What dictates life span?

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Susan asks…

Is it true that the life span of a Shitzu- princess type is only five years?

My family is planning to buy a shitzu dog. We have an option, to choose a princess type and a non-princess type of dog. Some people say that the princess type has a short life span. Is that true?
And can you suggest a name for a male shitzu?
Princess type Shitzus are the really small ones. Maybe it will grow more or less 10 inches in length.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Puppies

Lizzie asks…

When buying a border collie puppy how can you tell if it will be rough or smooth coated?

I’m getting a border collie and I want a rough coated dog. How can I tell if the puppy is going to be rough or smooth coated?
I have a friend who has a border collie that is smooth coated, so how can they only be rough coated?

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Susan asks…

Would it be ok if i brought a german shephard puppy and a rough collie puppy together?

I love both breeds and can spend as much time as necessary.

Would they be ok
I would get two males and get both neutered

Is it better to get them together or wait

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Michael asks…

how often can I bathe my puppy?

I have a shampoo for puppies. She is a 3 month old rough collie.

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Your Questions About Colliers International

John asks…

Is English a romance language, or a Germanic language?

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William asks…


please be serious & specific

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David asks…

What is a Wildlife Rehabilitator?

I’m wanting to major in being an animal rescue worker or something with animals. Will this be working with dogs too?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Rescue

Mary asks…

Should Vegans only keep dogs when the dogs can be kept on a Vegan diet?

This came up in a past question, Someone said that a Vegan should feed their dogs vegan food if they are true Vegans. What do you think? Personally I think it’s more complex then that. Dog’s do fine on a Vegan diet, barring any previous health problems (there is plenty of research on this subject, look it up, I don’t want this to become a discustion about dog nutrition.) but if for some reason the dog cannot eat a Vegan diet I think the human Vegan should not get rid of the dog. While I think it’s regretable to feed the dog meat, you are better off giving the dog a good home and supporting the meat industry a bit, then to kick out the dog.
Everyone also should understand that we don’t have a problem with the dog eating meat exsactly. We have a problem with supporting the meat idsustry. Thoughts?

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Richard asks…

What happens if search and rescue dogs are needed in an extreme heat wave?

We’ve had a heat index over 110 and it’s looking like we will until the end of the week. What happens in weather like this if search and rescue dogs are needed?

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Susan asks…

If I get a big dog and a small dog as puppies, will they automatically get along with each other?

I want a pembroke welsh corgi and a doberman, I’m just afraid that I’ll come home one day to find that the doberman has eaten the corgi. I’m just wondering, if they’re raised together as puppies, is that something I have to worry about? Like if the smaller dog goes near the bigger dog’s food, will he attack? Also, dog’s that are known to be guard dogs…they can be raised to be sweet and harmless right?

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Your Questions About Rough Collie For Sale

Mark asks…

can you name all the dogs that has shorter tails .?

you will earn 10 pts

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Mandy asks…

Is it bad for dogs to eat different brands of dog food?

We have a dog that has always eaten premium dog food that can only be bought at the pet store. We have made sure the ingredients are healthy and beneficial. Lately though, money has really gotten a lot tighter. My husband is a self employed contractor, and because of the economy…work has been slow. The last bag of dog food we purchased was Pedigree. Not premium…but not generic either. It has corn in it…which none of the food he has eaten has ever had. Is corn bad? Is “regular” dog food healthy? When, if, we switch to a “regular” dog food, do we have to stick with it, or can we just buy whatever is on sale? He is an active 7 year old Border Collie with no known allergies.

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Michael asks…

Spayed dog got pregnant!

This i know sounds like a joke-NO JOKE, but I watch a Show over the weekend- called Animal Emergency by the Lort Smith Animal Shelter in victoria to the rescue-this Female Staffy bull terrier had been spayed, and had a chance of 4-6weeks after spaying to get pregnant. Sure enough the dog got pregnant-with a Rottweiler x German Shepherd.

The mother dog had 8 PUPPIES, but due to the size of the pups, they got stuck, so she had to have C-cection.

I didn’t no this could happen, can someone explain how a spayed dog could become pregnant?
It sure HAPPENED! The male wasn’t NEUTERED. they even mention that in the show

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Michael asks…

have u heard this song?

gosh my old calculator ain,t got no bow
nippley man i met he ate my motarboat
calm down u mother shine gaurd armour
welcome the dude who ain,t buyer of mugs
girly mannnnnnn
girly man man man man
woot i am coming
mutton go yay
coz its a yardless day
congo line too good day
i will eat wasabe on my dude

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James asks…

Reggae/Dancehall songs?

I know this is in lyrics section but if y’all know lyrics you should b able to help me out with songs…. so
Hi people, i need a lil help, i need reggae / dancehall songs to put on a cd for my baby, im having to leave him for a few weeks and then a few months…. im gonna miss him like crazy but he big on music and would listen to the cd i make him every day
the songs i have already are
:akon – dont matter
:busy signal – missing you
:U a mi baby – vybz kartel
:ziggi – need to tell you this
:Da’Ville – cant get over you
:Da’Ville – on my mind


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Daniel asks…

QUIZ TIME everyone!!??

First correct answer gets 10 points!!! I DO NOT NEED THE LYRICS TO THIS SONG!!!

Finally the herbs come around
The high grade when me look for
Me get it by the pound, yeah
When Collie Bud come around
Apure ganja man tune
Just a lick from the sound yeag
When Babylon come around
Ask dem when dem ago search for

This one is kind of hard so, GOOD LUCK!!!

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending

Richard asks…

In Fallout New Vegas, was Lonesome Road already made when Dead Money and all the other dlcs were released?

In Dead Money, near the end Christin talk’s about a courier trying to find another courier who is like Christin someone impacting his life (Ussyles). Also, in the end cut-scenes, in both Dog’s and Christine’s ending, it talks about the Divine.

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Maria asks…

What are your favourite quotes on love and life?

Mine for life is ‘everything happens for a reason’ & its the same for love. How about you?

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John asks…

How to keep a dog’s diaper dry?

My neighbor has a fine old Golden Labrador who is in his next-to-last stages of life.
He must wear a diaper for his occassional loss of bowel control.
At the same time he has an almost constant slight dribble of urine that keeps his diaper damp.
As a result, all the hair underneath the diaper remains wet and my neighbor is concerned that this wetness will cause further problems for the old pooch.
Anything out on the market you can think of, or something that can be inserted inside his diaper to absorb the moisture?

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Your Questions About Collie

Joseph asks…

What is the difference between a sheltie and a collie?

I remember taking care of a collie when I was a kid and the other day I saw a dog that I was sure was a collie but the owner said it was actually a sheltie. They looked like they were identical. What is the difference between the two?

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Nancy asks…

Could a border collie stay home for 8 hours while I am at school?

Hello I’m thinking about getting a border collie. I’m am very aware of the kind of breed this dog is and that it needs its exercise. I will be able to give him the exercise he needs BUT I will need somewhere to keep him for 8 hours at home. If this Isnt a problem, where should I keep him? Backyard, crate , etc. Also house training will not be a problem because summer is coming up, but I just want to have an idea what I will do with one once August rolls in and school starts. Will he tear down the house if I teach him right and wrong during the summer?

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Steven asks…

What is the average height of a 6month old border collie?

I have a 6month old border collie and he is probably 45-50cm tall from the floor to his withers. I was looking for the overall height on google and it said that they keep growing until they are 2 and that they usually get to about 52-54cm tall.

Does anyone have any ideas what height he should be now?

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Shedding

Betty asks…

What is the best and worst dog breeds?

I am looking for a dog that is mellow and of medium size.

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Chris asks…

Is a papillion a good dog to get?

I’m wondering if a papillion is a good type of dog to get. If u dont know wat a papillion is then do u know a good type of dog?
Is a papillion good for someone who lives in a small house with children? And if you don’t think papillion is, can u give some suggestions. I also want it to be the kind that small forever and don’t shed or bark alot.
Child age is 5.

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Helen asks…

Can anyone tell me alot of information on shetland sheepdog puppies?

I’m getting a 9 month old male sheltie pup and it’s my first sheltie and I need some information on it.Can someone please help me?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life

Sandra asks…

Why would a cat keep burying his muzzle in a dog’s ears?

We recently got a border collie mix. Now that he and our cat have gotten used to each other, they are playing and have become great friends. But one behavior of the cat’s really has us puzzled. He seems to get off on sticking his muzzle as far as possible into the dog’s ears…licking, rubbing his face over the area, holding onto the dog’s head for dear life so the dog won’t pull away. The cat does this at every opportunity when the dog will allow it. Actually, the dog seems to like it, but the cat acts like he is high on catnip after doing this. It’s funny as all get-out, but why does he do it?
We have never seen this behavior in the cat before we got the dog. We keep the dog clean and he’s never been around catnip or the like.

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Lisa asks…

Are there any games where you can play realistically as animals?

Like Dog’s Life for the PS2 and Wolf Quest for the PC. I know The Dog Island is.. Not exactly realistic but it’s not too bad.

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Mary asks…

Do wild dogs get an adrenaline rush during a hunt?

I am thinking of that saying,”The thrill of the hunt,” and was wondering if wild dogs get an adrenaline rush when a pursuit is on prey. Watching a documentary about a wild dog’s life, observing them closely when they chase prey, I would imagine adrenaline pumping through their bodies, pushing them faster to catch their prey.
Would the same apply for wild cats in a wild pursuit on prey?

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Your Questions About Colliers International

Ken asks…

what caused pw markets to go out of business?

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George asks…

(poll) Do you think Jesus is in hell?

Is Jesus in Hell?
If jesus inherited the burden of all of humanities sins, Wouldn’t he go to hell? If not i would say God is holding us to a bit of a double Standard. Though seriously whos going to stop him

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Robert asks…

is there any boxing trainers in my earea?

i need to find a boxing trainer in missouri

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Your Questions About Rough Collie For Sale

Mark asks…

Is it just me or this is annoying? (About buying a pet vs shelter pets)?

Whenever somebody starts asking, “I really want a puppy (or a kitten)! Does anybody have one for sale?”

I’m thinking to myself, “Um…humane society? You know, instead of getting one from a pet store or some breeder, why don’t you go save one from a shelter?”

Like people get so hyped up like, “No, I want one like this! This breed!”

And I think it’s sad when everybody just wants the kittens and puppies and the older animals at the shelters are really the ones in need. I mean, they should have a home and someone to love and take care of them for the rest of their lives.

Random rant, pretty much here. Looking for opinions.

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Donald asks…

Methods of emergency rescue fund-raising?

Our rescue has a 4y/o border collie who suffered some major trauma in their back yard, it is suspected he was attacked by coyotes. He suffered a perforated trachea and is currently in the hospital and making good progress. The vet bills after 24hrs have come to over $1,100 and growing fast. We have our normal fund-raising methods planned for the year like dog washes and attending events, etc. So far for this guy we have only started internal fund-raising by passing the hat to members of the rescue through our website paypal account. Do you know of any other methods of fast fund-raising?

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Ruth asks…

What kind of dog do you think she is?

This is my mother in laws dog, her name is Phoebe, she is now nine years old, they got her as a puppy. The add in the news paper stated St. Bernard mix puppies for sale. The mother of the puppies was a Golden Retriever mix, they also owned a male St. Bernard, that is where they got their reasoning behind them being St. Bernard mix puppies. Don’t get me wrong we love this dog to bits! She is perfect although she is also slightly crazy ,she has had 3 near death experiences. She almost died as a puppy not from parvo but something else, she was bitten by a black widow and nearly suffocated (damaging her brain), and she was skinned. While running her side caught a screw on our pool pump and it literally skinned her. She is sweet, but like I said a little crazy.
Her personality is very timid, shy, and she is frantic when people are sick, sad, or playing to rough in the swimming pool. She is super skinny, we’ve tried to get her to put on weight, trying high calorie foods, adding chicken gravy to her food. She eats like a bird, she nibbles here and there, but she will never finish her entire bowl of food, and she is fed twice a day.

What do you think she is, keep in mind her hair is much longer normally, we just got her trimmed for the summer.
Kurt I did explain a little about her life and how she has nearly died three times, but she has always been scared of cell phones, cameras, and stuff like that.

This is a picture I found of a border collie/ retriever mix. I’m sorry but I just don’t see it.

Australian Retriever mix, again, sorry but I just don’t see it.

I couldn’t find a grey hound retriever mix, but what about saluki? could this be what she is?

saluki retriever mix.

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Jackets

Nancy asks…

How to get my dog used to quads?

I want to take my dog quading and boating but he is afraid of the quads. He loves car rides but doesn’t like quads! How can I get him used to quads? And also do you know where I can buy a life jacket and goggles for a medium sized dog? Thanks 🙂

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Jenny asks…

How to get my dog used to quads?

I want to take my dog quading and boating but he is afraid of the quads. He loves car rides but doesn’t like quads! How can I get him used to quads? And also do you know where I can buy a life jacket and goggles for a medium sized dog? Thanks 🙂

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John asks…

Taking my dog swimming for the first time?

I have a three year old dog that’s never been in water before besides a bath. We want to take her to a lake, and would love get her to swim a little bit. She has a very timid personality. How should I approach introducing her to the water for the first time? Any personal experiences? Also, I’ve seen doggy life jackets – do you think this would make her more comfortable or just get in the way?

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Your Questions About Collie Buddz

Michael asks…

Who are some good reggae artists?

I’ve recently become a fan of reggae but I’ve only heard a view artists Bob Marley, Collie Buddz, etc.

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Linda asks…

Who are some good reggae artists?

Who would you suggest if I really like Collie Buddz?

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Lisa asks…

What Do Jamaicans Think About the Reggae Artist ‘Collie Buddz’?

Since he’s from bermuda and all, I was wondering if he is widely accepted in the dancehall? I’ve heard him several times, spun by DJ’s, but only in touristy areas.

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