Your Questions About Dog Training Collars
Ken asks…
Can I trust this site called to buy dog training collars?
I love my dog, so I decide to select a good dog training collars for it. Then I came across this site: that offer dog training collars. They are in low price but with amazing function. Anyone who buy from this site can share your suggestion?
admin answers:
Better question – why do you feel the need to electrocute your dog to make him obey you, rather than humanely training him?
Daniel asks…
Does anyone know where I can get a leather/chain combination training collar for my puppy?
I just got a new puppy and am looking for a training collar like the ones I used years ago. It is choker style but buckles on like a regular collar. If anyone knows where I can get one I would appreciate the information.
admin answers:
Here is one
scroll half way down the page, there is 2 listed one with a slide and the second with a buckle
To search for others, do an internet search for leather martingale, you may be able to turn up some more
These type of collars are referred to as humane choke or limited choke , far nicer and safer than regular choke collars
and very good for dogs that can back out of a regular style collar and helps to keep them safe
I have more links listed here–&paid=answered#F79kC0_LOUoTyIoozCpf
Paul asks…
Why do you treat your dog like a person?
I’ve asked a few questions about dogs over the last couple of days from kennels outside to choke training collars and it seems like people think I’m being cruel. I want to train my dog properly and have been doing that since I have the luxury of being home during the day. But, I treat the dog like a dog. When he is good, he gets treats and when he is bad, he gets punished. I don’t baby talk to the dog. I don’t put him in sweaters. I don’t like him on the furniture and he doesn’t go on our bed. My husband wanted the dog and I’m trying to make the best of it. Our dog does have a good home, but I treat him like a dog. Why do you treat your dog like a little person? I just don’t understand that. I have a cat and would say I am more a cat person, but then I treat my cat like a cat. Help me understand your logic.
I do treat my animals with love, but love doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want. There are still rules that must be obeyed.
freckles – that’s what I was getting at. That’s the answer I was looking for. Thanks.
I meant no offense by the word, “you”. It’s just that I’ve noticed some people that have dogs, have a different type of behavior with them, as if they can do no wrong. I’m not trying to insult anyone, if that’s how I come across, I seriously would like to know why some people behave this way and others don’t. Honestly.
admin answers:
I love reading the answers to a question like this!
The answer is: because they dont know any better.
Thier dog would actually be happier being treated like a dog!
Recently you see alot of schools teaching positive reinforcement only training.I like to call it “trend training”, it doesnt actually work, but it is what people want to hear and it is what sells. That is why I love Cesar Milan, he still works with correction and everyone says WOW look at his results!..LOL
Dont get me wrong, positive reinforcement is valuable, but only balanced with correction.
What happens when the reward is not as sweet as the distraction?
People should be angry at this trendy training taking over because it means that there are some animals being surrendered to shelters becasue thier owners werent given the right guidance and they couldnt train thier dogs.
Now people go to Petsmart for thier training, guess what, they have to market positive reinforcement only because if someone took correction out of context and abused thier dog, petsmart could get sued!
If you love your dog, treat him like a dog!
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Your Questions About Dog Training Colorado
Daniel asks…
Should i feel guilty for wanting another dog?
I use to live in colorado and i moved to pennsylvania. When i did i had to sell my dog, tip. He was the coolest beaggle. He would climb trees, hunt, and jump fences an get on my roof. Im saving for another dog bcuz i cant stand being without a dog but should i feel guilty for wanting another dog when he was so loyal and protective of me?
admin answers:
They most certainly allow Beagles in Pennsylvania …. You did NOT have to sell your dog because you moved.
Do not get another dog until you are ready to make a life time (for the dog) commitment to the dog. You don’t sell a dog because they are inconvenient.
Only when you are prepared to commit to the dog for its lifetime should you get one. That means – if you move, the dog goes with you. If it is sick, you take it to the vets. If it develops some bad habits, you train it.
A dog depends on you. If you move, you make 100% sure that the place you buy/rent will allow dogs.
A dog should be a member of your family, not something easily disposed of when you get tired of it.
Lisa asks…
Should I fly the dogs or send them by train? What can I do?
I need to get my boyfriends (ex, maybe) dogs back to him in colorado. I live in florida. I read that is it very unsafe to fly the dogs, but there are no trains to take them either. If I did fly them, what would I need to do so? HELP!
admin answers:
I flew my cats from Maryland to Frankfurt, Germany and they did fine. It depends on the time of year (Feb for me) and the airline. Contact a few airlines and see what they say. It may cost you an arm and leg to do so. I paid 100 dollars a cat but thats when I was flying. I think alone it costs more.
William asks…
How can i get my puppy to “go” on the puppy pad?
my dog goes on the floor, hes a puppy but its gross i need him on a puppy pad desperately plz help!
admin answers:
Hi, I have two small dogs that are trained both to use their litter box or to go outside. If I’m home they go out. If I’m not they are confined in the bathroom with their beds and water and with their litter box. So their boxes are just large storage box (maybe 2’x3′ or a bit smaller) with puppy pad in the bottom – I use just a few layers of newspaper now. All the pet stores sell a spray product that leaves a scent (you can’t smell it though, thank goodness), which tells the dogs, this is where go to pee or poo. I guess the scent must be like that one spot in the yard they always go to. Anyhow, it is a bit pricey, but it takes very little and then after a short training time, you no longer even need to use it, they just know where they go. I still have 3/4 of the original bottle I trained them with so start with the small size. So the girls never have accidents in the house – either ask to be let out or use the boxes.
To those who say if you litter box, or pad train a dog, it will go all over the house, it just isn’t true. I guess if you are careless in training then perhaps dogs just think they can go anywhere. But if you are careful and use this spray to help them get the idea, then they just go in the box, not everywhere they want. I think the puppy pad inside the ‘box’ helps them to define the space they are suppose to use and they learn to better ‘aim’. Also with the plastic storage box, it is easy to spray with disinfectant and wipe clean should things ‘runith over’. Both little girls are meticulous with their dual routines and don”t go everywhere around the house – just outside or box..
The two dogs are tiny, and just don’t have bladder enough to last very long although they are adult. In the winter, I have a patio umbrella set-up near the back door. I ‘scoop’ the snow under it so they have a grass place outside to go too. They are just too small to plow their way through the snow and in Colorado we have a lot of snow! Ha ha
Anyhow, look for that scent spray and it helps completely. It is sold right next to the spray that is used for “DONT pee or poo here”.
Good Luck.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver
Linda asks…
How can I raise some money to meet my grandfather?
I never met my biological grandfather on my mother’s side and i just found him. I want to go take a trip down to where he is but it will cost $700 and I don’t have a job. I am a mature teen and I would love to see him. Is there any ideas as to how i could raise that kind of money? I did take a babysitting/ cpr training class at the red cross but i need to update my cpr this april and i probably should take first aid too.
I dont feel comfortable asking him to pay for anything because i never met him before and he only knew my mom had 3 kids
My parents can’t afford to give us allowance since we are tight on money and none of my neighbors has children since they are either grandparents or have kids my age or older
admin answers:
You can make up to $20 an hours as your own business picking up dog droppings in backyards. It is a job no one likes doing, and are willing to pay to have it done. A woman in Denver is making $75,000 a year doing it. You just need a small garden rake, a handle dust pan, plastic bags, and transportation, which can be a bicycle.
Robert asks…
Dog agility question????
What are the requirements for entering my dog into the stock show in January? You know, the one in Denver that happens mid-January every year. I have a Border collie who will be 9 months old next year in January, he was born March 6th of this year, and I want to enter him, but how old does he have to be? And how old do I have to be? I’m 13, I already have agility classes set up, so he should be ready by then, but he’s a Border collie/Aussie mix, can you tell me the requirements for entering him into the competition? Thanks!
admin answers:
Most agility/obedience clubs won’t let your dog start classes and especially competitions until the dog is at least a year old. I’m not sure about larger breeds, but I have a Papillon I plan to do agility with and we have to wait until he is a year to avoid joint development issues from the jumping and hard running.
Contact your local agility/obedience club, most of them will have agility training courses in stages for you to take with your dog. I found the club we are going to sign up with through Google, most have websites now. Usually the clubs also host competition/events, so when you sign up for courses, after you have completed the basic and beginner level agility training, the club will have lots of information on how to sign up to complete within the club, and also at other events in your area. Or just contact the organization that runs the event or visit their website, I’m sure they have lots of sign-up information on-line.
Lisa asks…
What kind of dog should I get?
Hi, within the next couple years I plan on getting a dog. I am trying to do all my research to get the best one. I am looking for a 3 year old female since I know in my heart I am really not up for the commitment and time it takes for an active puppy, and I really want a girl. With that said, this is what I am looking for.
under 20 pounds because of apartment restrictions, but not necessarily really tiny.
low energy but can still fetch a ball a bit. I also plan on giving a 10-15 minute walk mid-day and a 30-45 minute walk in the evenings.
on the quiet side because of below.
can handle being alone about 4-5 hours a weekday. I work all day and live alone but my apartment is close enough to come home for lunch.
fairly long lived since I am already getting an adult. (12-15 years ideal)
I want an affectionate dog that is really loyal and enjoys cuddling, but am told the more independent ones are better for being alone.
I prefer not to have a dog that has to go to the groomers or at least doesn’t have to go often, but have no problem with daily brushing/grooming myself.
I do not like the terrier personality and look for the most part.
I have taken bunches of quizes on dog breeds and of all the ones I like, the pug keeps coming up. What do you think? I also am mildly interested in some other breeds but most of them are prone to separation anxiety according to their descriptions. I had a dog as a small child but never one as an adult so I don’t think I would do well with a dominating or aggressive dog.
I am not adverse to getting a mixed/pound breed but it is harder to make sure all the above criteria is met. I would love some ideas.
also, I don’t care if it sheds or is hypoallergetic, drools, snores, etc that is all part of having a dog for me lol.
I live in a large suburb and it does get in the triple digits in the summer here, but my dog will live in a nice air-conditioned apartment. Also, when I mentioned the exercise I was willing to give, that is the max, I am quite happy with a dog that takes less.
admin answers:
Pugs have about the best personality of any dog, period, towards humans. (I speak as a non-pug owner – I have an awesome corgi, but we get outside a lot more than you do, and I’m home all day.) They’re ideal for the kind of apartment living you want. They are real people lovers, and don’t need a lot of exercise or space. The thing to keep in mind about pugs is that their heads are too big for their own birth canals, so they can’t give birth naturally. They have to have a c-section. That eliminates backyard breeders from the mix pretty much completely. As a result, with only ‘real’ breeders raising pugs, habits of aggression, etc have been bred out. They really do have great personalities.
The flip side is that, with all the inbreeding, they’re genetic disasters, with all kinds of health problems, inward sneezing, water on the brain, weak bones and joints, etc. You’ll have to keep this in mind, and have any new dog carefully checked out – not that that should stop you from adopting a dog with a few difficulties, but keep it in mind.
You might consider a pug-something mix for the health benefits. I’m only familiar with puggles, pug-beagle mixes, but that’s WAY too active for you. The one I know, admittedly a pup, gives the local jack russells a run for their money. On the subject, one drawback of pugs is that, with such fragile hips and bones, they can be easily injured in a dog park by bigger dogs just playing, so if you have a local dog park that you want to attend (it can be fun, and a good way to meet people) that has a fair share of bigger dogs like Labs, etc., be warned. Sounds like you’re in a city, but I don’t know if it’s Manhattan or Denver – big difference in dog park dogs.
This (head too big, great personalities) also applies, though not quite so dramatically, to Boston terriers, which you should also consider. Really, I’m not sure many pugs can keep up for a 45 minute walk, especially once they get past 8 or so. Boston terriers top out at 25 pounds, but there are classes of them that top at 15 and 20 pounds too, and female dogs are often smaller than the boys, so you might well find a winner there too. Don’t let the ‘terrier’ in the name fool you, or their origin as fighting dogs – these are happy apartment people-loving dogs that don’t require more exercise than you plan.
If you are really looking for a three year old dog, you’re pretty much locked in to a shelter or a rescue dog. Your first plan should probably be to figure out what kind(s) of dog you want, just as you’re doing – the more you’re ok with, the better your odds – and then visit your humane society pretty often. It may take a dozen visits to find the dog you want.
Three year old dogs are pretty much in the prime of their lives, though, so the most likely way to find one who hasn’t been abused or completely untrained at that age would probably be to contact a rescue club for the breed(s) you’re interested in. They are more likely to find dogs that an elderly person might have to give up, or someone who is moving into a building that doesn’t take dogs, etc. Right now, with the economy as it is, you probably are more likely to find much-loved and well-trained dogs in both spots than normal – a lot of people are moving from their own places into rental spots or relatives’ homes and can’t take the dog.
Don’t lock yourself into a three-year-old, though – a 6 year old is still plenty young, in a smaller dog. Fortunately for you, dog longevity is very strongly correlated with size. ‘Giant’ breeds like Great Danes or St Bernards usually make it to 7 or so; ‘toy’ breeds often make it to 16 or 17 or even more. (My mom’s neighbor’s 18 pound Italian greyhound just died, but almost made it to 20, and ran every day of her life with her ‘dad’ until the last week or so.) Any dog under 20 pounds is likely to make it to 14 or 15, maybe more, if there is no particular health issue and you don’t let it get fat.
One thing you haven’t mentioned is your climate. Both of the dogs I mentioned are short muzzled dogs which don’t do well in a lot of heat because of that short muzzle; at the same time, both are short haired, so they don’t do so well if it’s really cold, either, though of course they can wear coats and booties for walks. Keep your climate in mind as you pick.
You should also consider a bichon frise. They’re full of energy, especially when young, but have a wonderful personality, are super easy to care for (though they do have to have their hair cut every 6-8 weeks or so; you can do it yourself, though, with a little training and patience and a pair of clippers). Since you’re going for a mature dog, a 6 year old Bichon would be just great. And unlike the other two, you can let the hair grow out in winter, and clip short in summer, and they have a long muzzle, so they’re fine in any climate within reason. They don’t have the inbreeding problems that the big head guys do, either. They are notoriously slow to house train, but that shouldn’t matter in a mature dog.
One thing to keep in mind, as you ‘interview’ dogs, especially mutts, is that while you do want a fairly independent dog (ruling out some toys), you don’t really want a smart, inquisitive dog either. You want one who loves you, then is OK lying around.
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Your Questions About Dog Training
Charles asks…
what is the best dog training book to read for an apbt puppy?
i recently ordered pit bulls for dummies, and will soon acquire a copy of dog training for dummies.
the lady that lives downstairs from me gave me a book titled ‘Smarter than you Think’ and it tells you to throw things at your dog to teach it to come, and to stick a match in its butt to poop, and not trust dog food companies, and all this weird stuff, not too sure about that book.
any other suggestions? or tips?
admin answers:
When I had just got my APBT I went to my local library’s site and in the keyword box i put Pit Bull and it came up with alot of good books that were really useful so try looking up your library. They have alot of info on APBTs. Good luck
William asks…
What to put on a dog training registration form?
i have a little dog training business and i use to have this form on hand but it has somehow gone missing. i know what information i need from the owners and what not but i cant remember what i put in the release/waiver at the bottom. any ideas?
admin answers:
I would employ an attorney to draft the release language for you. In today’s society, people will sue you for just about anything. You want to be as well-protected as possible in case there is a mishap and a dog or person is injured or killed (so, not only making sure the release language is legally sound, but also carrying an appropriate amount of liability insurance for your business). To me, it is worth the expenditure to have something professionally done that is specific to your business in instances like this.
Lizzie asks…
Which do it yourself dog training ebooks are the best?
I want to learn a positive approach to dog training I can do myself.Which do it yourself dog training ebooks are the best?
admin answers:
In my opinion the best e-book so far that I found on the web regarding dog training is secrets to dog training.
It will teach you how to train your dog like a professional trainer, so you can have your dog obey you no matter what the situation and solve any specific problems that you may have with your dog – this is truly cutting-edge material!
Over 63,997 dog owners worldwide, just like you, have used this unique course to fast-track their dogs learning, while having loads of fun in the process. To see what “Secrets to Dog Training: Stop Dog Behavior Problems!” can do for you, in just 3 easy steps.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Denver
Carol asks…
Do you think breed banning laws are an appropriate response to dog aggression?
Denver and the UK have banned pit bulls. Chicago is considering this after a pit bull attack in one of our suburbs involving pet dogs that were not trained to be aggressive. Do you think dog laws should target specific breeds? If not, how would you handle cases where dogs were raised properly and “turned?”
admin answers:
I think laws that ban specific breeds in ineffective and inappropriate especially with non-pure breads. I just adopted a dog that I’m told it is a boxer lab mix but looks like a pit bull, who is to say what it is.
A more effective use of legislation would be to require all dog owners to take courses and train their animals at the risk of loosing their pets. But ultimately law makers want a quick fix that they can sell, and educating people, unfortunately, is not quantifiable over night.
Thomas asks…
Is it better to get a Rottweiler as a puppy or as a full grown?
I am looking to buy a rottie and are unsure if I should get a puppy or purchase one that is already grown and trained. Any advice?
admin answers:
Puppy puppy puppy. I am a big advocate for the Rottie rescues, but if this is your first time owning this breed… Get it as a puppy. Most rotties who are full grown aren’t trained. Most, not all, but most are given up because they snapped at someone or something like that because the original owner didn’t devote the time and attention to the dog as a pup.. Therefore, the dog has to be handled differently as an adult. If you own a Rottie, you know what I mean. They have a certain personality that if you have raised one from a pup you can turn a rescued dogs life around… If not… Then start with a pup so that when you come across a characteristic that you have to correct you can take the time to find out what to do because if it is only a 40 lb dog doing it, you have some room to learn with it. A 150lb dog… You better know what your doing from the get go.
If you get a Rottie… Be sure you really have the time to socialize with him/her. They need social interaction with other animals and small children at a young age. They are not attack dogs they are German farm dogs. Do not train them to attack! They will protect you without having to be shown how. They instead need a loving family/person with enough time in the puppy years to really bond.
They are the best dogs in my opinion.. But really research them first. Talk to other people who have had them. Find a reputable breeder and really talk to them about how to raise the pup.
They are time intensive… But well worth it. They are the best dogs IMHO. Ours lived to be 11 – thankfully only getting cancer once and it was removed and over with. (rotties are prone to cancer). We now have a yellow lab, who we love very much… But when he passes on we will be getting another rottie.
Take your time… Do your homework and these dogs will be a great joy in your life.
I have to politely differ with the person who said that a person needs a lot of doggy time under their belt to own this breed. It would be like saying that people should take care of a few very compliant well behaved children before ever attempting to have their own.
My hubby and I (we were only dating at the time) got our rottie at the ages of 19 and 21. It was the first dog we ever owned. We did our research though and really were diligent about how we raised him. This is not a scary breed or a difficult breed.. Hell.. We own a lab now and this dog drives me nuts!!! He is 6 and still chews mouse holes in our fence and chews toys.. And it isn’t cause he is bored.. I am a sahm and am playing with him literally all day.. And when my older kids get home from school they take him out to play. It is just who he is, ugh. Like I said before… If you haven’t owned this breed before… Get a puppy. It isn’t rocket science… It is a dog. Just don’t be a fool and try to make him aggressive. I literally never even heard ours bark until he was almost 2. We really didnt think he could bark – which was fine with us. (Come to find out… Rotties dont bark for no reason) I was alone one night – we lived in a bad part of Denver, CO and it was about 12 midnight. Zues (our rottie) was on the back porch because I had just gotten home from seeing my dad in the hospital and had let Zues out while I was going to take a shower. We had NEVER taught him any protection stuff, or attack stuff or anything aggressive. All the sudden, I just happened to be looking out the window and saw this guys legs come over the top of our fence… Zues got up and started barking and knocked the guy back over the fence. I was very grateful to him, but was scared to let him in because he had sounded so vicious. LOL… Needless to say… He slept in bed with me from then on. (Hubby worked nights)
Paul asks…
Are beagles ment to be outdoor dogs in the winter?
I have a beagle and we have to keep it outside because of 2 little babies in our house and the dog is just to wild for them. Should we get a room were she can stay without bothering the babies?Or let her stay outside.By the way, weve got a lot of snow here in Denver this winter.
admin answers:
Obviously you know the answer. No dog should be an outside dog. Its called training. Laziness results in just sticking a dog outside. Have you heard of crate training? Yes bring them into the house. Beagles were bred as pack animals and it is cruel to force them to a life away from their masters.
Read this regarding backyard beagles
Regarding dogs outside in general
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Your Questions About Dogs Life Jackets
Lisa asks…
Where can you buy a Dog Life jacket at?
My dog likes to swim but i want to make sure shes safe, but it seems no one carries dog life jackets? Where do they carry them in stores for NJ?
admin answers:
Petsmart petco and academy and cabelas
academy sports:
John asks…
Can you purchase life jackets for your dogs?
We’re having a pool put in. It will be in ground and it will scale from three feet to eleven feet. Obviously the dogs or our children would not have the opportunity to just wander in and swim. For reasons of my own, I would like the dogs to have life jackets when the pool is open.
admin answers:
Oh my god yes! My cousin has a yorkie and she has a life jacket for him! Its soooo cute!
Ken asks…
Can you purchase life jackets for your dogs?
We’re having a pool put in. It will be in ground and it will scale from three feet to eleven feet. Obviously the dogs or our children would not have the opportunity to just wander in and swim. For reasons of my own, I would like the dogs to have life jackets when the pool is open.
admin answers:
Yes you can… My dad uses them on his hunting dogs.
That is the one my dad uses, bit there are others. I know Cabela’s products and they are great!
Http:// these would be better for the pool area, also Cabela’s.
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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending
Sandy asks…
How do Christians know that suicide is against God’s will?
We commonly end a dog’s life if it is old and suffering. Not because we think of them as expendable but because we love them and have compassion for them and don’t want them to suffer needlessly. We can’t even get their permission, but we as a culture generally assume that it is better that way. We can and do get people’s permission to end their life when their suffering gets to be too great but Christians say no because it is not God’s will. Is God not compassionate? Does He not love us the way we love dogs? How do we know that His compassion does not include allowing us to end our life when we have had enough of it and are in great pain? Or is it just certain humans that have told us about God’s will for their own agendas?
Thanks for your answer Maka, but y’know I don’t really care what Mother Theresa’s opinion is. That’s actually part of the problem, we have HUMANS like her telling us what God’s will is and then developing public policy around that. Though now that you have brought it up, the Marquis de Sade, and many other ‘sadists’ who followed, thought that suffering was a good thing too. I beg to differ.
bugs, some generalizations are not only useful but needed in order to have any public discourse about issues like this. Can you really say that in general Christians are not against assisted suicide? Do you really think that religion has no influence on public policy in this issue?
admin answers:
It’s not. According to the bible, it’s better to kill yourself (or have someone assist your suicide) than to be killed by a woman:
And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech’s head, and all to brake his skull. Then he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A women slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died. — Judges 9:52-53
Suicide is a noble thing if it results in the death of your enemies (including civilians):
And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. — Judges 16:29-30
Suicide must be a good thing since Jesus did it:
Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. — John 10:17-18
Joseph asks…
Do you find German shepherds not showing much happiness in expressions?
A GS owner friend and I started to notice that German shepherds are not happy dogs a lot or show it as expressions in body language. Lobo is a very happy, affectionate (most of the time once in a blue moon aloof for like one day), incredibly loyal, makes people happy, outgoing, and the most friendly. Beyond excited when he sees me or the owners. But sometimes we see something in Lobo that’s saying, “I do not care.” kind of mood. A minute or so after we think of that he kisses us gets excited. We have notice other “i do not care” moods in other German shepherds. Also many are just a “one person” dog luckily Lobo is not a “one person” and loves both his owners, me and many other people mostly children.
Unconditional love? Yeah to their owner their are many German shepherds who are like this or some other dogs where there are conditions to get them to love you. Many people do not know this because people often are misconceptions by dog’s body language. That is why you might here a lot of “why did my friend’s dog or my dog snap at me?”. If you show an owner’s dog that you respect their wishes always they will love you back. A disrespect in some dogs’ wishes will cost you a lost of love a bit or show more aloof.
By the way, I spend most of my life time as a nearing end teenager with dogs have a wide knowledge of them.
Ryan’s strongest attributes
Ryan is always looking to improve his skills, thus spends many hours online looking for training ideas and techniques, scouring through breeder websites, dog forums, etc. to get tips on how best to work with dogs. He’s learned about health issues, temperament, and dog-to-dog interaction.
Ryan is passionate about, and hopes to have a career, working with dogs. He’s constantly looking for ways to work with dogs to further his knowledge and improve his skills. He spends most of his free time helping other people with their dogs: walking them, caring for them when the owner is out of town, playing with them. He also volunteers at the SPCA.
Ryan is very knowledgeable about dogs and is vigilant about watching over his “charges”. He’ll notice if a dog has a slight limp, is nervous about another dog, has a tick, foxtail, etc. Ryan is ever watchful–usually more than the actual owner.
We have a 90-pound German Shepherd who has an incredibly strong prey drive. He’s a challenge! I got to know Ryan really well before he was allowed to walk Lobo alone. When Lobo was a puppy, I always went with them. We finally realized Ryan is more vigilant and cautious about reading other dogs than we are. So Ryan takes Lobo by himself and has for the past year or so.
Ryan is also one of the few people to whom we’ve given a key to our house. He is scrupulously honest and trustworthy–won’t even take a Coke without being offered. He’ll starve before helping himself to food.
You couldn’t ask for a person with more initiative. Ryan looks for ways to help with his dog friends, suggests ideas for things to do with them, and assists in their training, if asked and offers to. He spent a Saturday afternoon meeting with our dog’s trainer to better understand our training approach. He offers to help in many ways that we can’t always take advantage of.
He asks to visit with and walk our dog at least twice a week. I’m sure it would be daily if he didn’t have other obligations (high school, homework, family)! During the typical visit, he plays with our dog for awhile and chats with us for a few minutes if we’re there. Then he goes out for a walk, anywhere from 1 – 3 hours. It’s rewarding to see Lobo respond when he sees Ryan–he’s beyond excited! Despite Ryan’s enjoyment of such an enthusiastic greeting (we love that kind of greeting, too); at our request, he’s working with Lobo to achieve a calmer welcome.
There are many other lucky families he helps in this way. Ryan spends nearly all of his free time taking care of dogs. He never asks for any money–his “payment” is the joy of being with his dog friends.
admin answers:
Ive had GSDs since I was 7 now Im 37 and have three. I kinda understand what your saying but what Ive noticed about mine is they show their expressions more in their eyes and body language. For instance ears down head low and kinda looking up at you means something wrong or knows in trouble. Head up ears erect and sometimes panting means excitement weather it be hunger,needing to urinate, stress or play. Only you can read your dog or actually should be able to. And from what Ive noticed GSDs do better with a task to do or another dog to keep them busy if not they get bored and IMO its a waste of a good dog with great potential.
George asks…
How do I get my dog to be happier?
My dog’s name is Taco, she is a female chihuahua and ever since we moved, she is not happy anymore. First of all, we moved in with other family members and they had a dog that always fought with Taco, and every fight, Taco would end up with bites that are bloody and gashes. The dog and the family members moved out about a year ago, but I think that dog scarred Taco for life. Is there anything I can do to make her happy again?
admin answers:
Omg, I almost cried reading this! Seriously. I feel so bad.
This question is sincerely hard to answer, because we don’t know what Taco liked to do before this other dog came in, or whatever her source of depression. Make sure you acknowledge every sign of tacos affection, make sure she knows that she is loved. Play with her frequently, and try making her dog meals, My dog Loves it! You can buy food to prepare for your dogs at petsmart and such, its easy and a fun way to interact and keep your dog healthy! I would suggest taking her to petsmart or a park, but she might be afraid of other dogs…. But you could take her on drives or strolls, Avoid direct eye contact, as its a sign of dominance for dogs, and she might be scared of it. And buy her a bunch of news toys, Hopefully some of this will cheer the little ball of Joy Up. =]
Good Luck, Hope Taco feels better soon.
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Your Questions About Dog’s Life
Ruth asks…
What are all the affects collapsed trachea can have on my dog’s life?
I think my dog might have collapsed trachea. 46lbs, German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix, runt of the litter. It usually only starts when he’s lying down resting in the house, and it only happends about once a week. And it only lasts about 3-6 minutes every time.
What effects can this have on my dog’s life?
admin answers:
Hey Mutt!
Honestly i do not think he has a collapsed trachea. It is probably just a reverse sneeze. (All my dogs get it, have had it there whole life’s) Its nothing to worry about doesnt cause any harm.
Reverse sneeze-
It has videos of dogs reverse sneezing in it.
Good Luck!
George asks…
Why is the life of a dog worth more than a human life?
I was just wondering why Michael Vick gets a couple of years in jail for killing dogs but Dante Stallworth kills a kid and gets a 30 day sentence. This shows me that our country values the life of a pet more than that of a human. Im not a pet lover at all but there is something wrong with this country if a human life isn’t worth as much as a pet’s life. So why is a dog’s life more important than a human life?
admin answers:
I think you need to do more research before posting such illiterate questions. Nothing personal.
Vick’s charges were different. It involved a long-term (six years+) illegal gambling operation, illegal proceeds from those operations, dog-fighting, interstate charges (across state lines, that makes his crimes federal ones, not state ones, which automatically gives his conviction different rules), animal cruelty, and many other angles.
Primarily, it was a long-running, pre-meditated action for personal gain.
Meanwhile, Dante Stallworth’s situation was NOT premeditated. It was an accident and not done for personal gain. And while drinking played a role, the victim (a 59 year old man, not ‘a kid’) was also illegally crossing the street which shifts some of the blame, legally speaking, to him. The victim put himself in an illegal area where cars wouldn’t expect to find a pedestrian, creating a dangerous situation for himself and drivers. That doesn’t make it wholly his fault, but unlike the dogs which had no choice and didn’t know any better, the victim here did know better and tried to cross a dangerous, busy road where there was no crosswalk–assuming some of the risk by his actions.
(We had someone near where I live kill a pedestrian fairly recently and get off without even charges being filed, much less a trial, all because the pedestrian was illegally crossing the street and the driver was doing everything legally. They killed a person and walked totally free because it was ruled to be essentially the person that got killed’s fault.)
You’re also only looking at jail time as ‘the sentence.’ Stallworth also got 1000 hours of community service, 2 years of house arrest, 8 years of probation, not to count professional retribution, such as a full season off without pay. He didn’t just get 30 days, he lost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and if he screws up legally in just about any way for the next 10 years it will violate his probation and send him back to prison. He got 30 days in jail, but a much larger sentence.
No, a dog’s life is not worth more than a man’s. But the crimes, circumstances, number of charges, intentions behind the crimes, and applicable laws (such as state versus federal) were wholly different. You’re creating a false comparison just to have something to get riled up about. Do some research next time.
Maria asks…
How to save a street-dog life which has a disease? I would be grateful with any idea.?
So there is a dog that I see every time that I go to my work.
He is losing hair day after day, everyday seems worse. He is skin is getting red, no hair. I think he has mange.
I feel sorry for him and I feel worse that I don’t have the money to save that animal. I tried to contact a non-profit organization for save his life and I offered an android/web application to improve their system to improve the number of adoptions of dogs which are waiting for someone to be adopted. All of that, which is costly, for free if they save the dog’s life.
But I didn’t get any response.
There is no way I could rise up money to save a dog life if I sell candies or something, since where I live, people are just kind of apathetic to animals life since they only care about them, so I don’t think they are going to give me money for that.
I don’t have the economy, since I study and and have a part-time job. Also I can’t take the dog sick to my house because I can’t offer him a treatment and I don’t want to expose my other dogs to get infected.
I don’t know what to do… Should I just give up and ignore him? Give me ideas 🙂
admin answers:
No, please do not give up and ignore him. If you live in the US (or US territory), I can mail you a spray product that will cure his mange. I will pay for the product and shipping. Email your address to me. I have set up a temporary email address that will work for 3 days – Thanks.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Books
Sandy asks…
What is the best dog training book you would recommend?!?
Dog Problems (Howell Reference Books) (Paperback)
by Carol Lea Benjamin
The Perfect Puppy (How to Choose Your Dog By Its Behavior) by Benjamin and Lynette Hart
Second-Hand Dog: How to Turn Yours into a First-Rate Pet (Howell Reference Books) by Carol Lea Benjamin
Any of the Dog Training for Dummies books!
admin answers:
Keep It Simply Simple book. Puppy Training
Steven asks…
How to deal with an aggressive dog?
I rescued a large-breed dog a few months ago. He exhibited the usual signs of anxiety and disobedience as expected but nothing that raised red flags for me. He quickly learned new commands and adapted to his new home. Later on, his previous family let it slip that he was attacked by their dogs on several occasions and gotten in a fight with one of the dogs. Of course, what I thought were mere signs of disobedience (lunging at other dogs during walks, barking, etc) now started to look more like signs of aggression. Although I’ve worked with aggressive dogs before, I never dealt with dogs who’ve actually were in dog fights.
I enrolled the help of an animal behavioralist. After spending way too much money, she told me that my dog is fine and simply needs some positive reinforcement.
I continuously worked with my dog…utilizing any reasonable disciplinary measures I could find in dog training books, articles ,etc. I hired a knowledgeable individual to work with my dog when I’m away. Basically, I can honestly say that I’ve tried everything by now but my dog‘s aggression has not changed even at the slightest.
We are no longer welcome at our local dog park because my dog tried to attack a boxer without a reason. I have to be extra cautious when I take my dog on walks because he tries to lunge at any other dog we encounter.
It’s gotten to the point where I’m not sure if I can rehabilitate this dog. I’ve considered putting him to sleep because I’m not sure what else I can do.
Anyone with the same experience? Anyone with success stories or pointers or advice?
Thank you in advance.
At this point, I do walk him on a short leash and sternly say “No”. When he sees another dog, it’s like he’s in a trance. You could probably put a bone in his face and he’ll just continue lunging and barking. I tried positive reinforcement (treats when he follows commands) and that only works when no one else is around. I’ve tried spritzing him with water per the behaviorist’s suggestion. Doesn’t work either. I’ve never had that problem before and I’ve worked with some very bratty dogs.
As far as giving him back is concerned, the family refuses to take him back. Besides, he was very neglected when I got him. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I returned him to a household where the dogs constantly fight.
admin answers:
Have the dog humanly destroyed
Best thing you can do, no amount of training and love can ‘cure’ a dog that is aggressive and is only getting worse
Daniel asks…
John Miller dog trainer book and recipes: are you familiar with them?
Got an email about recipes and a dog training book by John Miller. Can’t find the material on Amazon, so as there were no excerpts, etc. was wondering if any of you were familiar with either his 245 dog food recipes or training tips and how you evaluated them. Yes, has a money back guarantee, but too often those are hard to get folks to follow through on. Simpler to look for folks who’ve used the material and can give some decent evaluation of the work.
admin answers:
You probably need to decide if it’s worth risking a hassle to get your money back or not. There are dog food recipes on the Net, as well as training tips, but many of them are no good as you’ve probably found out. Vets also vary on what they say to feed dogs, etc. Seems to me if the dog seems satisfied with his food and his labs check out, then you’re on the right track.
This doesn’t help with John Miller, but then no one seems to know his work on the site. Sorry about that.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Collars
Charles asks…
How do you ease use of a training collar but still keep the dog quiet?
My in-laws have a loud dog problem and want to use a training collar, but my concern is that the dog will know not to bark only when it has the collar on, and it would be pretty ridiculous to keep the collar on forever.
Is there a way to do it so that eventually they won’t have to use the collar at all?
admin answers:
Have the dog wear the collar for a week with the collar turned off. Make sure that you remove it at night when the dog is in the house. These collars are not meant to be left on 24/7. Doing so can cause severe skin issues. Be very neutral when putting on and taking off the collar. You want this to become as normal as clipping a leash on and off. After about a week just calmly reach down and turn the collar on while petting the dog. Again you don’t ant to make a big deal over the dog wearing the collar. Then start weaning the dog off of the collar by turning the collar off certain days but not removing the collar totally. Done correctly, many dogs can be weaned off of the collar. The important thing is not to wean off too soon or too quickly. You also need to understand that some dogs have to wear the collar forever too.
Ken asks…
How to quickly train my dog to listen to me?
Not something that will take months, if I don’t get him under control my whitetrash neighbors will call the police or something.
I’ve been told things about this Don Sullivan guy and his dog training DVD/command collar. Anyone know of this? It’s supposed to work faster than most methods but I’m not sure what it is. I don’t want to hurt my dog, just want him to listen.
admin answers:
Yes, that is an excellent program! I’ve used many other training programs, and as hard as I tried, they weren’t complying. I’ve got 3 mini-dachshunds, very hard-headed. But when I saw the infomercial, I thought it was too good to be true, but I’d try it. My dogs literally changed in minutes. I wasn’t able to get through the entire program before I had to stop due to health problems in the family, but it’s been a year without training and they still do what they learned and know that I rule the house, not them. It turned my little terrors into little angels. And, believe it or not, they loved training and were so excited. I really need to start back up and finish the program. I very highly recommend the program!
Mary asks…
Are there any bark or training collars available for dogs under six pounds?
I have a five pound pom-a-poo that is very aggressive towards other animals (but is the sweetest little thing to people), and barks continuously. All the bark and training collars I can find say eight pounds and over. Does anyone know of one that can be used for him? Please help, I’m desperate. Thank you so much.
I also have two other dogs, and he is very aggressive towards them too.
admin answers:
Using pain for this issue is very likely to make it worse.
Save your money and teach your dog to be calm in the presence of other dogs.
Leslie McDevitt’s book, Control Unleashed, has some wonderful exercises for self-control – I recommend getting it.
One of the exercises in it is “Look at That.” It gets the dog in the habit of glancing at whatever distracts or upsets him, then automatically looking back at the handler. It works better than “watch me” or “leave it” for a lot of dogs, since it allows looking at the distraction, and includes an automatic, trained habit of looking right back at the handler after doing that.
The first step, before even playing the LAT game, is to get the dog in the habit of re-orienting to the human often. So standing beside a crate (rather than in front of it) when opening it, stopping after going through a door together, stopping while your dog is walking with you in the house or yard, and rewarding with lots of attention (and perhaps a treat) if and when the dog turns toward you, comes first.
Once that is habit, LAT works better. I usually teach the game starting with a neutral stimulus, like a boring object held in my hand, but waved in the dog’s peripheral vision (works well with two people, one to be the distraction, the other to be the person to whom the dog refocuses).
You can then escalate to other movements, objects, noises, etc. Temptations, rather than mere distractions, can be part of it.
A description of the exercise can be found here, and a video of a dog being trained with it is below that:
With your own dogs, you can also try this:
Always make the presence of other pets a pleasant experience – tensing up, scolding, shooing and grabbing teach that another animal is to be disliked.
Learn the signs of peacemaking and stress in dogs.
Praise any appropriate interaction that you see – polite dogs can help one another learn.
Serial feeding is a handy way to support several goals:
– helping an animal learn its name
– getting an animal to enjoy the company of another animal or person
– encouraging animals to remain calm around one another
– strengthening the idea that food should not be taken without permission
Have all of the animals within reach, and equidistant from you. If any know “sit” or “down,” and are comfortable doing so in one another’s presence, ask for it. Say an animal’s name, your cue for giving permission to eat something, and feed that animal a treat. Then do the same with the next, etc., until each has had a treat.
Any animal that gets pushy, bothers another animal, or does anything else that you don’t want, doesn’t get a treat when their turn comes around again. Keep moving yourself, if need be, to keep the distance equal between you and every animal.
Periodically repeat this ritual, to remind all that the presence of the others brings good things, but only if they are all calm and polite.
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Nina Ottosson Wooden Dog, Treat Fighter
![]() | This popular puzzle is sure to make your dog think. Treats are placed under the wooden blocks, which your dog must slide through the channel to be able to remove. This puzzle can be made more difficult with the addition of the two larger pegs which can be used to block the channels. Your dog must lift the peg, retrieve a treat and then slide the block to the end of the channel to retrieve the additional reward. | |
Read more | ![]() |
Your Questions About Dog Training Collars
David asks…
Need help with Fitting and using a martingale dog training collar!?
I have a martingale dog training collar for my dog, I got the right size and all, but I am not sure where it is to sit on the dogs neck and that kind of stuff so any help would be appreciated.
the martingale dog raining collar I got has the partial chain on it, so does it matter where that DRing is for the leash to go on? Oike am I pulling to the side or straig twards me if the dog is on my left?
admin answers:
as close to the ears as U can get it.
High and snug!!
The collar slips over the dog’s head, then is adjusted to fit –
use the sliding-figure-8 to fit the collar.
U are adjusting the collar so that there’s MORE doubled-over collar,
and LESS single-thickness collar.
When properly fitted, the fabric-loop is FLAT,
and the collar is HIGH and SNUG.
No more than a Pinky-Tip (to first-joint) should slip between dog and collar,
once it’s fitted; U want it to STAY up there,
not slither down the dog’s neck toward their chest/shoulders.
Once the collar is snug, slide the fabric-loop to the back,
so it’s centered at the top of the dog’s neck.
Now clip the leash on the metal D-ring.
When the dog (or U) put tension on the leash,
the fabric-loop closes, tightening the collar.
However, since the loop can only close to half its size,
there’s no danger of ‘strangling’ or choking the dog.
That’s why a martingale is AKA a ‘limited-slip’ collar.
A choke or slip-collar closes to INFINITY:
they can easily shut-off the airway,
especially if U are so foolish as to imitate Cesar Millan,
and HANG a dog
(suspend them by their collar, with feet off the ground).
Lifting a dog’s feet off the ground and shutting off their airway can cause death, brain-damage, epilepsy, and other serious injury.
Martingales are safer than choke-chains or slip-collars;
they are far less-likely to injure the dog’s trachea or cervical vertebrae.
However, U still cannot safely HANG or SUSPEND a dog,
even with a martingale!
Please make collar-corrections short and firm:
a quick tug, then let the leash droop slightly.
U want to get the dog into apropos position,
then REWARD them with that easy-loose leash.
A constant tension on the leash is counter-productive:
it teaches the dog that walking is ‘tug-of-war’.
Walking should be BRISk, focused, and point to point,
Vs sauntering, meandering, and goal-less.
Aim for a nearby object, go there; as U approach it,
pick another, and repeat.
Dogs use the direction of our gaze to figure out where we are headed,
so by looking toward our goal,
we help the dog to understand where we (dog and human) are going.
Happy training!
Sharon asks…
Whats the best dog training collar for my neapolitan mastiff?
I am looking to get a training collar for my 7 month old Neapolitan Mastiff who has been attacking my other two dogs only in the house. I have been informed by a few breeders to get a collar to train him but there is thousands of them so need some advice on which one to pick, Hopefully under $300 dollars.
admin answers:
Get a prong collar & hire a professional trainer or bring him to OB classes. This kind of behaviour should have been corrected on the 1st time it happened but it’s never to late to correct a dog. At only 7 months, it should be quite easy to correct unlike when it’s a much older dog. It takes a little longer. You just need to be really firm with it. A big dog like that needs a firm, strong owner. Hope I helped.
ADD: Creepy, are you crazy? A Halti(head collar) for a Neapolitan Mastiff??? You gotta be kidding me! The Halti will snap off in a wink of an eye before the owner even realizes it & the dog would have already gone after the other dog. You CANNOT train an aggressive dog, whatever size they are with a head collar. And with a dog that size & strength, no way ho zay. If you ask any professional dog behaviorists or trainers about training an aggressive dog, none will recommend those kind of collars. Not even a soft collar. The prong or the choke collar does the job well & does it best combining with the right training technique ofcourse…
Here’s a pic of a N.Mastiff if you don’t know what dog this is:
Here read this & learn. It’s very interesting:
George asks…
Are dog training (shock) collars safe and do they work?
I am considering using a training collar to teach my dog boundaries. I need to be able to keep her off leash, but she runs off if I let her off the leash. A fence, even an invisible fence, is out of the question as its not my house. I’ve tried teaching her boundaries for the last 5 months but it is not working well. She won’t respond to “come” unless she’s in the mood. I want to use a shock collar but I worry it may be inhumane. Are they effective and are they safe to use?
admin answers:
First off shock collars are not inhumane. Yes they are safe to use.
They do not give a strong shock. Yes I tried it on my own arm before ever putting it on the dog.
Properly used as a training tool they work very well for certain things. You need to read all the information that comes with the collar and learn how to use it.
Then you need to set up visable boundries for your dog. Your dog must have some sort of visable thing to see to learn where the boundries are. Like flags.
If your dog does not respong to the come commad or only does so at her pleasure you need to go back and do some basic obedience work with your pet. You need to have the basics down and if your dog does not come you do not have those down yet.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Boulder
John asks…
What would be a good dog for a small 1 bedroom house with a small yard?
I really would like to have a dog to keep me company, I have a fairly large yard, but only a small section is fenced off. (about 10 feet wide by 15 feet long.)
I live alone. I work 8 hours a day, from 2pm to 11pm. I wake up in the morning around 10am, and always go for a walk before I go to work, so a walking companion would be nice.
Money is not really an issue. I make roughly $60,000 per year.
admin answers:
Any of a wide variety of dogs would work for you. The only real constraint you have is that you aren’t there for a long stretch every day, so you should steer clear of dogs that are particularly attached to people, as you might have real trouble with separation anxiety. You probably also want to avoid really smart type A dogs like border collies, because they get bored more quickly and will find things around the house to entertain themselves. So you want an independent dog, but one that is content to lie around if you’re not there. And you might want to avoid dogs that have been bred at least in part to be guard dogs, because these tend to be territorial and become barky if they hear anyone nearby – like your neighbors – if you want to leave him outdoors in good weather, on a dog run or cable tie or in that fenced area.
The only real problem I see is that, to raise a young puppy, you really need to be able to come home for lunch, because they really shouldn’t be left for 9 hours at a stretch. That leaves you plenty of options, though.
Right now, the shelters and breed rescue societies in many areas are full of much loved socialized and trained family dogs that people had to give up due to foreclosure, moving into a place that doesn’t allow dogs, moving back with family members and can’t take the dog, etc. I’d say your best bet is to see if you and one of these dogs ‘click.’
One thing you didn’t mention is climate. You might want to steer clear of dogs that have quite a short coat if you live in a cold climate, though they can wear coats for walks; obviously the reverse holds for long haired breeds (no huskies or samoyeds) and dogs with pushed in noses if you live in Arizona or Louisiana.
How far do you want to walk your dog every day? That’s probably the main consideration, because many breeds need quite a lot of exercise, whereas others don’t need much at all. If you’re willing to walk 45 minutes a day or more, you might love a greyhound. They’re very sweet dogs, are happy to lie around ALL day, not destroying your house, as long as they get a long walk, and have very little separation anxiety. If you train them, you can take advantage of that big yard for a good run when you’re home, too, if you’re not really up for a walk some days. And, of course, being retired racing dogs, they’re already grown up and healthy.
A lot depends, too, on what YOU like in a dog. I’m fond of really smart dogs, because I like to talk to them and have them understand, but I’m around all day. I’m also fond of smaller dogs, but I don’t want to worry that my dog is too small when meeting any other dog, and where I live is the land of big dogs (Boulder) – so I got a Corgi, a small but sturdy cattle herding breed. You might think that big dogs are just the thing, or you might be more fond of smaller ones, like me.
You’ll also want to consider how much grooming you’re willing to do, and if anyone who’s likely to come by often is allergic to dogs. Also, how much cuddling you like.
Whether you get a big or small dog, you are likely, eventually, to want to fence off the whole yard, unless you get a real couch potato like a pug or a really small dog like a yorkie, and even pugs like to be able to explore.
I’m assuming, despite the outdoor dog run you describe, that the dog will live indoors with you for the most part. If that’s the case, you could do a lot worse than the classic black or yellow lab. There’s a reason they’re so popular. If you want to walk him quite a lot, at least an hour every day, or throw tennis balls in addition to the walk, go for a youngish one; if not, a slightly more mature one might be a great starter dog, say 5 or 6 or a bit older. That way, if you ever do end up getting a puppy, your well trained, mellow but playful, mature dog can do much of the work raising, and entertaining, the new pup! You’d really need to be home more to raise a pup without a steadying older dog (I know, I already said that.)
I’m assuming by ‘big yard’ you mean something at least 75 feet long? ‘Big yard’ could mean a lot of different things, depending on your area. If it’s smaller, you might want to check out the local dog parks before you get a retriever who’s really into retrieving. Also, it sounds like you’re single now, but you might not be forever, and you might get anklebiters one day; it might not be a bad idea to pick a breed that’s reasonably good with small kids, and socialize him to kids once you get him, just to avoid a hard decision down the road.
There are a LOT of dog breed selector guides on the Web; just google ‘dog breed selector’ and you’ll have a couple of dozen to choose from. Try those, and you’ll learn a lot about the tradeoffs of different breeds relative to your preferences.
William asks…
Convincing my parents to get me a medical card?
I have super back back pain, which i have gone to a therapist for (didn’t work) and anxiety. If i was 18 i would be eligible for a card. (I live in Boulder, Colorado). I’m only fourteen though and although my parents are pro mmj they have a problem with me buying off the streets. They think i’m too young and irrisponsible to buy from friends. MMJ really helps my back and i’m pretty sure it’s helping my anxiety.. haha so help?
admin answers:
Try exercising or yoga for your back pain. Your parents are right that you do not need a medical card. Your need is to respect your body. As far as your anxiety, watch the Dog Whisperer and try to find a way to do what Cesar Milan does to relax and reduce stress. If you are about to say he trains dogs, forget it, he trains people to get their dog to respect them! How about respecting yourself to solve your problems.
Joseph asks…
What is the poem that is commonly heard along with TV pictures of a steam train at full speed?
I think it might be by Betjeman, but I’m not really sure
It has a very fast pace and I think it also has a tight rhyme pattern, but I’m not entirely sure
admin answers:
“The Night Mail” by WH Auden but attributed to John Betjeman.
The LMS made a film about it. It was about the night mail train from London to Glasgow.
This is the Night Mail crossing the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
Letters for the rich, letters for the poor,
The shop at the corner and the girl next door.
Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb:
The gradient’s against her, but she’s on time.
Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder
Shovelling white steam over her shoulder,
Snorting noisily as she passes
Silent miles of wind-bent grasses.
Birds turn their heads as she approaches,
Stare from the bushes at her blank-faced coaches.
Sheep-dogs cannot turn her course;
They slumber on with paws across.
In the farm she passes no one wakes,
But a jug in the bedroom gently shakes.
Dawn freshens, the climb is done.
Down towards Glasgow she descends
Towards the steam tugs yelping down the glade of cranes,
Towards the fields of apparatus, the furnaces
Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen.
All Scotland waits for her:
In the dark glens, beside the pale-green sea lochs
Men long for news.
Letters of thanks, letters from banks,
Letters of joy from the girl and the boy,
Receipted bills and invitations
To inspect new stock or visit relations,
And applications for situations
And timid lovers’ declarations
And gossip, gossip from all the nations,
News circumstantial, news financial,
Letters with holiday snaps to enlarge in,
Letters with faces scrawled in the margin,
Letters from uncles, cousins, and aunts,
Letters to Scotland from the South of France,
Letters of condolence to Highlands and Lowlands
Notes from overseas to Hebrides
Written on paper of every hue,
The pink, the violet, the white and the blue,
The chatty, the catty, the boring, adoring,
The cold and official and the heart’s outpouring,
Clever, stupid, short and long,
The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong.
Thousands are still asleep
Dreaming of terrifying monsters,
Or of friendly tea beside the band at Cranston’s or Crawford’s:
Asleep in working Glasgow, asleep in well-set Edinburgh,
Asleep in granite Aberdeen,
They continue their dreams,
And shall wake soon and long for letters,
And none will hear the postman’s knock
Without a quickening of the heart,
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
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Nina Ottosson Wooden Dog, Treat Fighter
![]() | This popular puzzle is sure to make your dog think. Treats are placed under the wooden blocks, which your dog must slide through the channel to be able to remove. This puzzle can be made more difficult with the addition of the two larger pegs which can be used to block the channels. Your dog must lift the peg, retrieve a treat and then slide the block to the end of the channel to retrieve the additional reward. | |
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It’s A Dog’s Life
There is a phrase used by people who have little in their lives but their work and commitments at home, with little scope for fun. “It’s a dog’s life”, people will sometimes mutter when the stream of demands on their time simply will not stop. They mean that it is tiring, unrewarding and punishing. And yet, if you look at the average dog, their life seems pretty sweet in comparison. Think about this; would you swap places with your dog? Most of us would probably say “yes”.
However there is, it must be said, something in that well-worn phrase which chimes with the dog-owners among us. A dog, after all, is rarely given the freedom to do absolutely what it wants. If a human being had to lead a dog’s life, the chances are that we wouldn’t do all that well at it. As humans, we can go and get a snack when we feel like it, our toilet is convenient and hygienic, and we can ask for things and be instantly understood. For a dog, things are generally at the mercy of their owners.
When you are training your dog, then, it is wise to cut it some slack. As far as it is concerned, you are exhibiting some very strange behavior that it will not understand initially, and if it is slow to respond then this can be understood. It is not a stupid dog for getting things wrong. In fact, by paying attention to you it is being very obedient.
Check out more training tips here!
A Happy Dog Is A Well-Behaved Dog
In our society, there is a tendency to have a political response to most things. Many people are of the opinion that criminals transgress due to an unhappy home life or a poor upbringing. Comfort and discomfort are a major part of the influence that affects a person’s life, whether you are of the opinion that some people are “just bad” or otherwise. By the same token, dogs are liable to react to their circumstances, and it is well-known that a more content dog will behave in a more respectful manner.
When it comes to training a dog, you will get results if you motivate by fear. However, these results may not be satisfactory to you because although the dog will respond to commands, it will do so tentatively, conscious as it is of the fact that getting it wrong will lead to punishment. If a dog is trained in a happy atmosphere with an owner who is prone to reward good behavior, then it will react to the correct stimuli in the correct way. It will behave in a way which makes you feel proud, rather than simply satisfied.
If you have concerns about being too “soft” with your dog, simply remember that a dog will react in kind to the way it is treated. If you let it be lazy, then it will take the opportunity – simply because that is what it knows. If you encourage activity, however, it will reward you with the behavior that you want from it.
Check out more tips here!
Your Questions About Dog Training Colorado
Joseph asks…
Does anyone know a dog trainer who would like to be a mentor?
I’m currently a student with Animal Behavior College and I’m looking for a mentor in Alameda county. It is a paying gig. I need to have 60 hours of hands on, positive reinforcement dog training.
admin answers:
I know of some in Colorado, including myself. But none in Alameda county, CA. Look up trainers in your area online and start shooting them emails.
Ken asks…
How much does it cost to ship a dog from Florida to Michigan?
I want to adopt a dog (or puppy), but it’s being sold in Florida at a rescue center. It’s been fostered and it’s a great breed, but I live in Michigan and I want to get it so bad! It’s a fantastic dog, already house trained and that. How much would it cost to ship it here? PLEASE answer and please be around the exact cost!! Thanks!!
admin answers:
From Florida to Michigan would be around $180-$200. Contact Northwest Airlines. I have used them for shipping before and like them the best. They do actually ship COD at times. I sent an 8 week old Shepherd pup from Indiana to Mobile, Alabama a while back in an intermediate crate and it was less than $170. I used United once to ship to Colorado. It worked out alright as well. Most airlines will want to ship a dog on a direct flight. Call around to different airlines that come into your airport. Make sure that they get a health certificate on the dog before they ship.
Helen asks…
How do you get into training companion dogs?
When we move to Colorado, I so would like to do this! Any ideas?
admin answers:
I need a companion dog trained for me, maybe we can do business. I have an anxiety problem, and a note from my doctor excusing any pet restrictions on rental properties so I can have a dog. However, I have had no luck finding a trainer in this area at all, and I need to find a dog that is trained. I know we are quite a ways apart (I am in Iowa), but maybe we can arrange something.
Laura asks…
How do get my dog to potty outside?
My husband and I went to Colorado for the holidays and got a six month old Corgi. While staying with his Mom, she was great at telling us when she needed to potty, but now that we are back in Northern CA she refuses to potty outside. She is pottying in her crate. We will take her outside knowing she has just ate or right before bedtime and she will beg to go back in, just potty on the floor minutes after entering the house. What can we do?
admin answers:
I would suggest going outside with your dog. When I potty trained my puppy, I would take him to the same spot in the yard every time. That way they can smell what they are there to do. While we were out there I would say “go potty” every couple of seconds. When he did go, he got a treat immediately. Don’t wait until you get back to the house to give the treat, do it right away. Also, if you know your dog has to go (hasn’t gone for awhile), don’t come in till she goes. It will take some persistence on your part, too. My dog is 2 years old now but he was potty trained very quickly. He knows now that he is ONLY allowed to potty in “his” area (makes it nice for poop clean up), and he pretty much will go on demand with “go potty”.
Also, is her crate to big? Until she is FULLY potty trained, she should only have enough room to stand up, turn around, and lay down. Any extra room allows for her to have a “potty area” and a “sleep area”. Dogs do not like laying where they soiled.
Good luck! Don’t give up, it’ll come with time. 🙂
Daniel asks…
I’m a dog trainer and want to know what rate I should rent a space for group classes?
I’m a dog trainer just south of Devner, Colorado and have been looking into rentable space to hold group classes. I found a doggie daycare/boarding place that is opening near me who has a space but both the owner an myself have never done this before. Anyone out there know anyone or personally have experience doing this? Is there a rate per month or percentage given to the landlord?
Other advice?
admin answers:
This is something to be worked out with the daycare and a contract drawn up so neither party gets more or less than agreed upon.
How big will your classes be? What will you charge per training session?(6 wks., 8 wks., 10 wks. Per session) How many nights a week will you be offering classes.
Example: $75 enrollment fee. 10 dogs max per class = $750 per session. 3 classes per week =$2250 per session. If you did 8 week sessions with a week off between sessions for you to rest, you could do 5 sessions per year if you took December off for the holidays.
The training club I belong to does 4 -10 week sessions each year with a 2 week break between sessions. We end the last session just after Thanksgiving and have December off. We charge $75 for the 10 weeks for new students. Club members pay $40 per session and Dues of $50 for a single and $75 for a family per year.
We also own our 12,000 Sq. Ft. Building. to check out the website. We offer classes 4 nights a week, 2 nightly sessions plus morning classes and weekend classes.
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The Power Of Positive Dog Training
Everyone who wants to have a harmonious happy relationship with a dog should learn to apply the power of positive dog training. What exactly do we mean by the power of positive dog training? The answer shouldn’t be too complex though we can elaborate a lot on it: basically the power of positive dog training means the ability to develop skills and obedience in your dog while avoiding physical punishment. It is not yet sure whether the power of positive dog training could solve all kinds of behavior problems, but we are convinced that a lot more loving methods can be used in teaching obedience to an animal.
The power of positive dog training has gained prominence in recent years as people have reached the conclusion that forceful methods can sometimes do more bad than good. From a certain point of view, the power of positive dog training only implies a shift of attitude, a different approach to our four-legged companions. We should definitely start by changing our way of seeing them: dogs are not animals that will dominate you unless you show control first. The main aspect of the power of positive dog training is to see your pet as a creature that needs love and a good environment.
Since positive influences are so appealing to humans, why should it be the case for dogs too? They’re very tender animals that attach to the family and the environment, therefore, the power of positive dog training should work wonders on them. If you don’t know where to start, the reward type of training is a good way. The power of positive dog training is obvious in the rewards the animal receives when it performs a certain task. Sometimes, the dog may be more thrilled about the owner’s attention than by a toy for instance. Try the power of positive dog training for yourself and see what it is like.
Most animal centers now recognize and widely use the power of positive dog training, and of course people find it more appealing to take their pet to a place where it will be well taken care of. There are even books and guides on the power of positive dog training, tackling with all the methods enjoyed by both handlers and animals. If you choose to test the power of positive dog training on your own, have a look from time to time to the many sites providing useful tips online.
Check out these great training tools:
All The Help You Can Get To Train Your Dog
No-one is about to claim that training a dog is an easy thing to do. Dogs are animals with personalities, and whether or not those personalities are amenable to training, they will present different challenges with each different dog. It cannot be denied that some are easier to train than others, but no dog is untrainable. It is simply the case that some dogs need to be given more of a chance than others to pick up what their master wants them to learn. After all, humans are the same – if you got straight As in your freshman year of high school, congratulations, but you are in a minority.
So it makes sense that there is help that can be found to improve the behavior of a dog you are finding hard to train. As ordinary “civilians” when it comes to the overall behavioral patterns of a pet dog, it goes without saying that we will not magically have access to the “button” inside a dog’s mind that makes it behave well, perform tricks or anything else you want it to do. There are professionals who have written books and made DVDs showing helpful tips and hints, and a wealth of websites which do the same.
You may even take your dog to a trainer who will be able to identify ways to get it behaving the way you would like. The expense of doing this makes it something that you may not want to do too regularly, but if all else fails it can be beneficial to you and to your dog.
Click here to check out our Dog Training Blog.
Halo Spot’s Stew Natural Dry Dog Food, Adult Dog, Wild Salmon Recipe, 4-Pound Bag
![]() | The First Dry Food Worthy of Being Called SPOT’S STEW! Our holistic approach to dog care is based on treating the “whole animal,” using pure, natural ingredients in optimum formulation to stimulate the body’s ability to heal and maintain itself. The result is a happier, healthier dog — inside and out. Our commitment to using only the highest quality ingredients in our dog food has never wavered. We guarantee you will see a difference in your dog’s health when you use our products. | |
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