Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle

Mark asks…

How long to get rid of fleas?

My puppy had fleas a couple weeks ago. I gave her a flea bath and used pesticide spray around the house. She’d had just started the medication revolution at that point.

But she still keeps itching. I gave her another flea bath a week later. Then, I took her took the bet vet who could only find one flea dirt.

I haven’t given her another bath in case she has skin dryness. She’d keeps scratching the saved three spots.

Anyone else have this issue with their pup? Any recommendations?

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Donald asks…

Are certain breeds of dogs more likely to have fleas?

I have two dogs that are yard dogs. One has very long fur, the other has short fur. They are both mixed breeds. Amazingly, the dog with long fur does not have fleas or ticks. The dog with short fur has fleas all over, no ticks. Even after treating with fleas soap and flea powder, in one day he is infested again. They play together and still only one has fleas. Why is that? Any ideas on the best remedy for the fleas.

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William asks…

How do you get rid of fleas?

My two dogs have had fleas for quite a while now. I can’t seem to get rid of them. I have tried all these different flea killing shampoos but none seem to help for more than twenty minutes. I even tried using dawn dish soap since it kills fleas too. My house is vacuumed daily but they still seem to get fleas on them. Any help?

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