Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

John asks…

What is The Average Life span of Siebreaon Huskys?

What is the average life span of a Siberan Husky? My sister is worried about her Husky which was born in 93 94 my guess and the Dog is really gettiing slow and hurting and such. So shes been abit upset.

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Robert asks…

Why is it different life forms have different life spans?

Why is it different animals have different life spans? For example, why is it dogs and cats have life spans of 10 to 15 years, while that of man is about 70 years to 100 years. Likewise, bird can live for 30 to 50 years while those of insects ranged from a few weeks to a few months?

What caused their bodies to age so differently?

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Lizzie asks…

What is the average life span of a shitzu dog?

I have a shitzu and was wondering how long the average life span is for them?

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