Your Questions About Rough Collie Rescue

Maria asks…

Should people purchase dogs from breeders or should they always adopt?

What’s your opinion?

I think they should adopt, dogs need homes.

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Robert asks…

Is a Collie a good dog for me?

I am 18 I live on my own and I have had 2 dogs before but they both live with my parents. I’ve had a mixed yorkshire-rat terrier and a GSD.

What positive and negative tendencies of a collie?

Are they expensive, how much should I expect to pay for a pure bred?

Should I get it as a puppy or a few months old?

Does it need a big yard or just a lot of exercise?

Anything else would be appreciated 😀


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Donald asks…

Would an Irish Setter make a good first dog?

Are they good with kids? Are they affectionate and licky? Any downsides?

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