
Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Grain Free

Richard asks…

why would anyone feed a HIGH quality dog food vs Puppy Chow or Pedigree brand from a Walmart?

Why buy organic or Grain free or Raw meat or Frozen raw diet when you can buy a puppy chow from a wal mart for your dog ?

admin answers:

It’s the same as if you ate McDonalds everyday for every meal.

David asks…

Why do people think switching off dog food is the only answer to the recall?

Do they not know that there are tons of great quality kibble out there that are made with human grade ingredients and are grain free? I only ask this because it seems the general public isn’t aware that brands like Innova EVO, Wellness, Canidae, and Timberwolf Organics are out there. I feed my dog Wellness mixed with Timberwolf Organics dry food, and she looks great and I NEVER worry about her food being recalled. It seems everyone wants to switch to homemade dogfoods rather than investigating what foods are good quality, with the assumption that there couldn’t possibly be anything better than what they were feeding, whether Alpo, Science Diet, Nutro, or Eukanuba. I am definately NOT against making your own food for your dog, but for some people this isn’t going to be a longterm solution. If you have the time I think it’s great to make it yourself, but many dogs with allergies can’t do this (like mine)
I understand these brands aren’t readily available, but many stores will order them if the distributor carries them and most you can buy online. Timberwolf Organics will even ship to you for free, regardless of where you are located.

admin answers:

I feed a very good premium dog food, “Solid Gold”. I live in a rural area, so I have to order it on line, a little extra for shipping charges, but my dogs are worth it. I wish more people would feed the premium dog foods.

Betty asks…

What dog food is the healthiest for my pit bull?

I’m sick of people writing answers like “why do you want to make your pit bull big or muscular” don’t answer with stupid stuff like that. I want to know what dog food is best for my pit, I heard that high protein foods such as timber wolf is good, but I also hear other people say that high protein foods are bad for pit bull’s because they genetically have bad livers. Someone please respond with an intellectual answer.

Thank You


admin answers:

Raw feeding (raw meat, raw bones, raw organ meat, and trace amounts of raw veggies) is about the healthiest diet you can get for any dog.

The healthiest kibbles are the grain-free ones like Innova EVO, Wellness Core, Orijens, and Taste of the Wild. Next to that are the quality organic foods like Wellness, Artemis, Canidae, Innova, Merrick, etc.

The WORST foods are the crap you can buy in grocery stores and Walmart- stuff like Purina, Beneful, Iams, Pedigree, etc. Nothing but empty calories and grease. It’s like feeding your dog Big Macs every day.

It’s a myth that high protein diets are hard on the kidneys/liver- this is a problem with HUMAN high protein diets, because humans are omnivores. Dogs are carnivores who depend on animal protein for the majority of their nutrition- their bodies are much better at digesting and utilizing protein than humans are. You will not hurt him by giving him a high protein diet, whether it’s raw or kibble.

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Jackets

Lisa asks…

Where can you buy a Dog Life jacket at?

My dog likes to swim but i want to make sure shes safe, but it seems no one carries dog life jackets? Where do they carry them in stores for NJ?

admin answers:

Petsmart petco and academy and cabelas

academy sports:


John asks…

Can you purchase life jackets for your dogs?

We’re having a pool put in. It will be in ground and it will scale from three feet to eleven feet. Obviously the dogs or our children would not have the opportunity to just wander in and swim. For reasons of my own, I would like the dogs to have life jackets when the pool is open.

admin answers:

Oh my god yes! My cousin has a yorkie and she has a life jacket for him! Its soooo cute!

Ken asks…

Can you purchase life jackets for your dogs?

We’re having a pool put in. It will be in ground and it will scale from three feet to eleven feet. Obviously the dogs or our children would not have the opportunity to just wander in and swim. For reasons of my own, I would like the dogs to have life jackets when the pool is open.

admin answers:

Yes you can… My dad uses them on his hunting dogs.

That is the one my dad uses, bit there are others. I know Cabela’s products and they are great!

Http:// these would be better for the pool area, also Cabela’s.

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Your Questions About Dog Training Books

Sandra asks…

Does anyone have any puppy training tips?

I have a 10 week old GoldenDoodle named Eilidh (AYlee). She’s very sweet and I recently had to put a dog down for aggression. I don’t want to make any mistakes this time. I have a dog training book (Dog Training Made Easy) but I would like to know of any other tips to train her the right way. We have been very careful not to smack her when she’s “naughty” and we just yell “NO” in a harsh voice.

She’s still not potty trained but we’ve only had her two weeks and she goes outside most of the time. When she does go inside, I know it’s because WE aren’t paying attention.

I guess what I’m asking is the proper way to punish her when she’s eating my rug, or a shoe, or one of the kids toys. Right now we just say “NO” and give her one of her “Good girl toys.”. Any ideas?
Also, I was told by my vet that she shouldn’t go to puppy training classes until she is 15 weeks, after all of her shots. Will that be too late?

admin answers:

Its not too early to start on the sit-stay and down- stay and come.. When she begins chewing, give her any of the above commands, and be persistant about her doing it..that way, when you do give her a treat, it is for a job well done…It also shows her that when she tries to create her own job, that you have a better one for her..
The Basics


Holding a treat in your left hand just above the pup’s nose, gently rest your right hand on pup’s rump.
Slowly move the treat in an upward motion while applying gentle pressure to the rump. ( you don’t want to push hard because if you do the dog will sit every time someone touches him and this is not good for competitive obedience)
as soon as pup sits say in a very happy excited tone “GOOD SIT” and give the treat.
Repeat exercise 7x. Then take a play break and move on to something else.
Very young pups should not train for more than a half hour each day
every time you put food bowl down or give a treat give the sit command, and wait for the sit. Then once pup sits give treat or food down.
DO NOT move on to something new until pup has the new command down pat.


walk away from pup about 10 feet to start. Say pup’s name and “COME” in a happy voice. Once pup comes praise it lavishly have a bit of a play and give it a treat.
Gradually increase the distance you walk away. And eventually once pup knows command only treat every 3rd come. Tapering off until he comes every time with out treat using only praise.
This will take a few days to learn if you practice every day.


Start with pup in sit. Move hand with the treat between the pup’s front paws on the ground.
Say “DOWN” in firm but not loud voice.
Pup might try and get treat without going down, don’t let him have it until he downs.
Praise in happy voice “GOOD DOWN”
repeat 7x


Start pup in down position. Say “STAY” in firm voice. Walk to end of leash, backwards. If the pup moves say once only “AP” in a not pleased tone. Go back do not say anything. Put pup in down again repeat “STAY” walk backwards to end of leash.
Pup does NOT get praise or treat until he stays for 30 seconds, then a minute, then 5 minutes. Move times up each week.
After he can do a 5 minute down/stay every time. Move on to a sit/stay doing exactly what you did for down/stay.
Once on leash sit and down/stays are reliable for 5 minutes each. Drop the leash and walk away from your pup, your back to the pup. About 10 feet away. Wait 5 min. Recall your dog. With dog sitting in front of you once he reaches you. Treat and praise.


Please do NOT train with a choke collar. I recommend martingayles .
With dog on a short leash exactly beside you on your left side say “HEEL” if the dog starts to pull give a correction snap with leash on collar. And recommend “HEEL” the second your dog complies praise with “GOOD HEEL” in happy voice. And continue to walk , correct, and praise for 30 minutes.

Always end training sessions on a positive note. Never get angry with your pup for not responding to a command. Praise lavishly every time pup responds to a command.

Linda asks…

How can I train my dog not to bark at visitors?

I have a 9 month old shih-tzu, and every time someone knocks at the door, or when she hears something that resembles knocking, she barks up a storm. This wouldn’t be so bad, except that when I have company over (not too often) she acts afraid of the person, barking at them and hiding in her crate. She is otherwise socialized, and when we see people outside of my home (like on walks, in the park, etc.) she is fine. I know this is probably because I live alone, she rarely sees visitors except for my boyfriend (who she adores) and she is protecting her territory. But how can I get her to accept visitors?

I have read many dog behavior/training books, but none have taught me how to deal with this problem.

admin answers:

It is natural for a dog to watch out and bark when someone comes close – at least persons whom it does not know. If it barks all the time, also at people it knows – it is a problem. It is not sure you are able to protect good enough.

I had a dog once – I tried a “catastrophy-bag” (…)… Which consisted of coke-cans with small coins in it which I threw after him a couple of times when barking. It helped for as long as I had the bag in my hand. I also had a collar which squished out lemon-squirt every time he barked. I tell you; he barked and he got 10 squirts with lemon right in his mouth. Did not help. Only thing that helped was work, work and work. Making him understand I was the boss over all bosses… : ) Here’s what I did:

You will have to teach it you are in charge. The way to do this is to walk it every day – with leach or without if you really are in charge. Enter rooms first – dog second allways. Say hi to persons in room allways before dog. Let other persons say hi to you before your dog – allways. Eat first – dog last, allways. Never feed when you eat and sertainly not at table…

Good luck

Sharon asks…

Can any one tell me of any dog training books?

Can any one tell me of any dog training books

admin answers:

The dog listener by jan fennell is great and she has done quite a few books on training and understanding dogs. If you want to do more than just basic traning and go that step further then i think expert obedience training for dogs by winifred strickland is also great. You can go onto amazon and buy them for much less than in the shops plus lots of pet shops only sell books for training like sit, stay etc.

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Reviews

Daniel asks…

Is Pedigree and Iams dog food safe to feed to my dog?

My friends told me that their puppies have thrown up when they ate Pedigree and Iams dog food. I also heard about a story that many dogs got killed from some dog food companies. Was this true? Right now, I feed my dog Iams dry food and Pedigree canned food. Please tell me if they are reliable brands.

admin answers:

They have had recalls because of dogs getting sick. They are also very low quality dog foods to begin with.

Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.

Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.

Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.

Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.

Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.

Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!

Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by the crappy pet food companies! They also often get paid to sell some of their products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)

A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now! And Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Taste of the Wild.

Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo. If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality food brands have websites with store locators on them.

Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:

Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing new slowly in with the old over about a two week period), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies.

Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted:

More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)

Ruth asks…

What are some grain free dry dog foods?

Or what are some good dog foods with high quality grain? Also is purina bad for my dog? Because thats all ive been feeding her along with canned tuna 1-2 times a week.

admin answers:

I don’t have 100% confidence that grains are bad for a dog. In fact, I’ve home cooked for years and fed rice to my dog along with protein .

The problem I have with pet food that contains grain is not that its in there – its that many so called premium AND grocery store pet food do not actually contain the actual grain or kernel – so you are not buying grain – you are buying husks, or the parts of the grain they throw away with little to no nutritional value.

Its fake grain. Worse, since around the early 1990’s, its Fake Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) grain – which means the grain is not a grain, but a fish, that looks like a grain (if you think I’m kidding, research Monsanto). Same for soybeans – the World according to Monsanto is a great documentary to watch on You Tube. Google Monsanto GMO and you will learn they have a huge vested interest in soybeans that are modified from fish, as well as corn, wheat and others.

These grains are literally resistant to herbicides – and Monsanto made them that way because Monsanto ALSO markets a very deadly herbicide (similar in organic structure to Agent Orange) called Round Up and its cheaper for a farmer to plant a grain resistant crop because they can load the field down with ROund Up which will kill the other plants (actually it kills anything ) EXCEPT the GMO crop.

POINT: Why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to feed a dog something even poison cannot kill?

So to circle back to your question – is grains good for dogs – YES, if they are real grains but NO they are not going to be found in any commercial dog food LEAST OF ALL PURINA.

On Purina specifically, bluntly speaking, outside of the grain issue, the problem I have with them is there definition of what constitutes actual “dog food”. When a company can market products ranging from absolute garbage (Ol Roy which I affectionately call Ol shoe) to Purina Dog Chow (mostly garbage but maybe a few less shoes) to Kibbles and Bits (full of dyes and dubious other ingredients none of which are good for a dog mixed in with corn which again, is not even whole corn) to Pro Plan (which is the best they can do and its mediocre…or even Purina One which is Pro Plan with more chemicals and less dead diseased chicken)… I wonder what their mission statement reads.

Is it: Provide the public with the best quality commercial dog food money can buy with MINIMUM STANDARDS of NUTRITION AND COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY ON WHAT EACH FOOD CONTAINS OR

Throw shyte against the wall and hope it sticks.

I tend to feel its the latter.

How does the vet here explain that? Is Ol Roy food? By who’s standard? Will they open their plant and provide the public with a thorough inspection on EXACTLY what is in that food because beyond that, I don’t believe them. Its absolutely toxic to dogs.

Here’s a review of Ol Roy …note the definition of “wheat middlings” which (I quote)

QUOTE: In reality, middlings are nothing more than milling dust and floor sweepings. UNQUOTE

How can anyone take Purina seriously when it is clear they market to the masses -with formulations for every price point – with NO regard for nutrition. They may have the last laugh, because the more I read, the more I”m convinced Ol Roy is probably not more than 2 degrees worse than Pro Plan – the main difference in price attributed to the cost of the bag – the rest is margin.

Which brings me to standards and transparency – Purina have their own standards, which we are asked to believe, but they are not substantiated by any 3rd party.

There motto: Trust me.

While AAFCO is hardly the Good housekeeping seal of approval, Purina refuses to even make public their actual formulation so while I can read an AAFCO book and know pretty much the crap that is in dog food, I cannot even do that with Purina. Its all a big secret, and we the consumer as asked to believe them.

So bottom line: I don’t feed Purina. I don’t trust them. I don’t care how many vets they pay. Paid employees who stand to loose their jobs if they speak out against their employer are not reliable sources. Its true of pet food, like it is with cars, dishwashers, and any other consumable item.

Long post to say: feed your dog the best quality food you can buy – and if you cannot afford human grade food 100% – then yes, supplement. Canned tuna is fine in moderation – but there is mercury in canned tuna, so I would prefer to supplement raw hamburger, and vary the protein. And also balance it with some raw cow hock bones (soup bones) which your dog will love.

If you can afford FROMM – buy it. I feed my own dogs the grain free Fromm and its pretty good, but the BEST food is food that you buy yourself, and make for your dog.

Here’s a link to a book for more info.

Michael asks…

what commercial dog food is best for papillons?

if there is any commercial dog food out there that you recommend for papillons,that has NO corn and soybean in it,plz let me know,I need help >.<

admin answers:

I feed my papillon Merrick dry foods. She does wonderful on this food, and has a gorgeous, shiny coat. All the ingredients are from the USA, and it is manufactured here as well. Excellent ingredients, excellent results.

Merrick was recommended to me by a papillon breeder / conformation exhibitor. I tried it, and I tried some other high-quality foods, but I came back to Merrick. It’s what my dog does best on.


=== === ===

There are other high-quality foods out there as well.

Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food.

Here is my “short list” of rules when I am looking at dog ingredients:
1) When I chose a dog food, I chose one high meat content. I want to see preferably at least 2-3 out of the top 5 ingredients be meat or meat meal (first ingredient must be!). Meal is simply the meat with the moisture removed.
2) I want to see higher quality grains, such as barley, brown rice, and oatmeal, instead of seeing wheat and corn. Or an alternative starch/carbohydrate such as potatoes or sweet potatoes.
3) I don’t want to see any byproducts.
4) I don’t want to see a lot of fillers.
5) I don’t want to see preservatives that are believed to be carcinogens (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin).
6) I don’t want to see artificial colorings such as the Red, Blue, and Yellow dyes.
7) I don’t want to see added sugars (sugar, corn syrup).
8) I don’t want to see mystery meats (meats identified only as “meat” or “poultry”.)

Here is an article about byproducts:

And an article on what ingredients to avoid:

There is no food that is the *best*, different individual dog may thrive on different foods. What is best for one may not be the best for the next. And just because a food is good quality, it doesn’t mean it will jive the best for your dog.

What you want to find is the high-quality food that *your dog* does best on.

Here are some examples of high quality foods:
* Artemis –
* California Natural –
* Canidae –
* Chicken Soup –
* EVO –
* Fromm –
* Innova –
* Merrick –
* Nature’s Variety –
* Orijen –
* Solid Gold –
* Taste of the Wild –
* Timberwolf Organics –
* Wellness –

Or check this website for good foods:
(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)

Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, etc.)

Beware “premium” foods. “Premium” does not always mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. Most of these foods have the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)

Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that’s why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don’t focus a lot on nutrition. It’s not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told “this is good food”, so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it’s good as well.

Hills company, the makers of Science Diet, are heavily involved in vet schools. “Hill’s scientists author more than 50 research papers and textbook chapters each year and teach at leading schools of veterinary medicine” (Source of quoted section:!598359213!167846923!7005!8005&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026072&bmUID=1196192566575 )

Higher quality food may seem more expensive at first, but it evens out. The higher quality the food, the less fillers eaten (and therefore the less poop comes out the other end). Your dog eats more to try to get the nutrition it needs, and most of the food just passes right on through. Also, it will make your animals healthier, so you save money on vet bills in the long run.

“Big box” petstores like Petco and Petsmart rarely have quality foods. (I do believe that PetCo sells “Solid Gold” and “Natural Balance” brands and Petsmart sells “Blue Buffallo”, which are all quality foods, but most of the foods aren’t.)

Also, grocery stores and Walmart aren’t good places to buy food either.

Your best bets for getting quality dog food are:
– small, locally owned petstores
– dog boutiques
– farm supply stores

When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A

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Your Questions About Dog Training Colorado

George asks…

Is Colorado a good home for a Siberian husky?

I’m getting a siberian husky and I live in castle rock Colorado. I was wondering if tht is a good home for a husky. I want the dog to be happy to 🙂 thnx!

admin answers:

The climate is totally fine for a Siberian, realize, though, that these dogs are working and racing dogs so just because they like the temperature doesn’t mean that they are happy.

Your dog will need to RUN several times a day and will never be trustworthy off a leash in an unfenced area. Siberians also have more primitive tendencies like a higher prey drive, pack-oriented nature but not easy obedience training, and more tendency to perceive and exploit weaknesses in other pack members and pack leaders.

Siberians are wonderful dogs, look up Skijoring and X-Joring as two possible ways to work off all of that energy or sign up for obedience, agility, or flyball classes in your area for help with training, socialization, and exercise needs.

Good luck!

Paul asks…

What dog breed would be right for me?

Saile wants a big dog that is reasonable to train at a young age, can be used for bird hunting as well as tracking imposters on a few acres of land, is fun to play with even if it plays mean, has to do well in the kind of weather and temperatures that occur every season in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Most importantly of all, it has to make a good companion for his owner and can be trained to like his friends and family and possibly be a little meaner to a few certain people.

admin answers:

First of all, think about which type of dogs you like and find attractive. Then you decide, which dog would serve your purposes and how much you are willing or able to spend. Dogs with papers can be very expensive. Sometimes you get good deals from ASPCA. The other thing that it’s very important to train the dog in all the areas you mention. You could do it yourself or better yet, if you can have a trainer do it. Also look at the dog’s physical and emotional condition,and if possible how was he treated by his/her previous owner.Also consider the dog’s age in order to determine his/her life expectancy The age would also determine what type of training would be most appropriate

In terms of dogs I especially like St Bernards, German Shepherd , Doberman, Great Dane, Alaskan Huskies. Good Luck and enjoy,

Mandy asks…

Im 16 and I am considering a future with educating special needs children, I have a few questions?

I remember in elementary school across from my 4th grade classroom was the special kids class and a few times a week, the teacher would bring her two corgi’s in and of course I was jealous because I LOVE dogs(I’m very experienced with dogs, and I’d be a vet but I’m not as good at science as I think I am :)). So I was wondering if the school would allow me to bring a dog to work for the kids?

Also, how much schooling do I need to work with special needs children? I would want to work with elementary school aged children.

What is teaching and working with special need children like (how many children are in a class, etc)?

I know that this job can be very challenging and requires loads of patience and understanding (not just with the kids, parents too haha) because I babysit a 10 year old boy with autism and help him with his homework every school day and sometimes weekends, I also just did a research report on autism, but only working with Brandon allowed me to fully understand the disorder. Any stories of your experiences would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

I’m a special education teacher. I started out taking care of a boy who had autism like you did, then while I was in college I started working for a company that aided people with cognitive disabilities in obtaining and training for jobs. I later worked for a company where I worked one on one with people with disabilities. I moved to another state and began my master’s degree in Special Education and worked in a public school system also with people with cognitive disabilities. When I graduated with my degree I got a job in Colorado in a room working with Behavior Disorder children. I currently still have that job.

So, here is my advice to you. If you don’t like paper work do not become a teacher, become an aide or para. Second, be understanding that the field of education encompasses many disabilities. Either you hold out for the job you really want or you’re flexible with what you want to do! My paras work with the kids more than I do. You will have long days, be abused by children, parents, and administration to varying degrees. Often times you do not do as much help as you’d like to do. It’s very overwhelming and often your aides are incompetent. I’m not trying to say don’t do it, but don’t romanticize the job or think it’s “sweet” to help the poor little disabled children. Don’t romanticize disabilities either.

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Amazon

Helen asks…

How much people can 1 acre land feeds?

I mean keeping biotechnology and other factors in mind .how much people can 1 acre feed.

admin answers:

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker
One eighth of one acre per person. Awhile ago I had the exact same question and my research led me to a man named John Jeavons. You can look up his farming book on Amazon and even if you’re not a farmer it’s an interesting read because of the amazing and effecient techniques he uses. And he’s legit – not just a farmer, he heads a worldwide program called Biointensive that teaches people how to farm their own food and gain self-sufficiency. His techniques are based on scientific research and include advanced topics such as crop pairing, soil structure and composition, sustainability (so you don’t deplete the soil), etc. One thing to mention though is that the diet you would recieve from these techniques is 100% vegan (as well as organic/free of pesticides) and, as with a lot of similar diets, there is a defeciency in Vitamin b12. Jeavons was working on this last I checked and he may have found a solution by now. Rainwater would only be sufficient in that region if you had a separate cistern/rain catcher and could then use that to water your crops. And as for the animals if you want them, I have heard that feeding dogs and the like a vegan diet such as the one this system would produce will not only sustain them but keep them very healthy. I used to wonder about this kind of diet for humans and animals alike, I had always suspected that not eating meat or dairy would cause some sort of health problems, but then I remember that I know people who have been vegan since birth, never touched a piece of meat, and they are normal, healthy, athletic human beings.

Maria asks…

My vet told me my puppy is underweight?

Hi, I have a 6 month old maltese/mini aussie mix I took her to the vet the other day and she told me my pup was underweight, I never relized it until she said something, I feed her twice a day and I thought she was eating okay, but now that I pay more attention to how much she eats I noticed she doesnt eat much at all I even bought her wet dog food thinking she would like it better, she does but she doesn’t go crazy over it like most dogs would she also doesn’t like any treats that I buy her… she is very picky. I feed her pedigree the vet told me that was okay but not that great of food for dogs. I’m really worried about her it’s gotten to the point where I feed her with a spoon so she will eat and not be distracted..Now she’s not deathly skinny shes just thinner than she should be, any ideas on how i can fatten her up? Any suggestions of good food I can give that she will enjoy….Anything will be helpful Thanks!

admin answers:

Pedigree (or most foods you can buy at Petsmart/Petco/grocery stores) are not that great. Your vet is right! They contain a lot of fillers like corn and animal byproducts that aren’t very nutritious for your dog. You may want to consider buying a more premium food. lists some great foods that you can order to have shipped to you, OR visit your local independent pet store for some suggestions. I’ve listed the Old Mother Hubbard site below, too — they make Wellness kibble and canned food for dogs, and they have a store directory. VERY high quality stuff! Some other great brands are Innova EVO, Flint River Ranch (site below), California Natural, Canidae and Newman’s Own.

Those foods may be more expensive, but you actually don’t need to feed that much. They are made of human-grade, often organic ingredients and dont’ contain any fillers. They are very rich, so you might need to feed even less than you feed on the Pedigree now. It’ll say on the back of the bag. It often tastes better to the dogs, too!

You might also want to look into the book, “The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs,” search on It has vet-approved stews you can make (and treats, too) that can be served on top of kibble to make it more appetizing to your pup.

Carol asks…

Veg*ns, what do you feed your pets?

Or if you prefer- companion animal/s.

My pet is a vegan. What about yours? If you have a cat or dog, do you feed it organic meats?

Thanks for your feedback =D
Keith- But my pet is a bunny so it’s OK. Good answer though.
La Vie Boheme- I meant vegan diet, not a vegan. Sorry! =D
The Great Leap- Thanks so much! :)x

admin answers:

My Husky has been vegan for several years now and is very healthy, in fact more so because he is less of a tubbo. Dogs are well documented for their omnivore like abilities.

The oldest lived dog in Britain in fact was a vegan and died around 29 years of age.


I used to go with v-dog but the price of the food plus shipping was killing me. Great food though, no complaints about that.


I went then with Avoderm which is also pretty good but the shipping was still killing me.


Finally I ended up with Natures Recipe via my local Petco which gives me a free bag of food every ten I buy. This puts the price well under a 1 per pound which for good quality vegan pet food is a steal.


I attempted to feed my girlfriends cat vegan for a while. First I tried Evolution

which had a potential ph balance issue so I switched to vegecat which you have to put together and bake yourself.


Our cat ate the food pretty good but seemed to tire of it so my girlfriend bought her Wysong which though is good quality sadly has slaughtered animals in it.

In the future I plan to be very careful as to only take in animals which can be fed vegan.

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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver

Carol asks…

how to house train my dog?

were trying to start letting are red lab go around the house, but everytime he goes crazy haha! like he runs all over and we just want him to be calm and not run all over constantly and jump all over everything! how can we make him calm down

admin answers:

Hi James,
This animal shelter in Denver has great dog training instructions! You can find it for free on their website here:

You might also ask for vet for ideas or call your local animal shelter. They will be able to tell you where to find local dog training classes if you need them.

Good luck! Labs are sweet but also energetic so you are super smart to be thinking about training!

Mark asks…

i am 16 and live in denver colorado i need a job! anyone knows places that are hiring?!?

admin answers:

Nursing Homes, Home Assisted Living Places. I worked through a Church when I was 16 & did In Home Health Care/Companionship for the elderly.
It was pretty neat, I traveled to peoples homes, did light dusting & cooking for them, some grocery shopping & walked their dogs for them….Basically everything that they couldn’t do for themselves around the house, bring in the mail, shovel the walk way…it was kinda fun cause everyday was different, never knew what they needed until I got there. One lady just liked me to have tea with her & water her plants while I listened to her stories, she was pretty lonely.
But I got paid by the hour.
In order to do it I had to take a CPR Class & get some first Aide Medical Emergency Training that the Church paid for. I didn’t have a car yet at the time so I took the bus or my Mom dropped me off.

Steven asks…

Guitar Songs for 2 people?

My friend and I are in a guitar class. We are doing an end of the year concert, but we do not have any idea what songs to play. We are using pieces of crap nylon stringed guitars, so distorted guitar songs don’t work. We are intermediate guitar players, but we also have to sing. So easy, short songs, without a lot of vocals would be ideal.

admin answers:

Why would you want to play DISTORTED sounds on a NYLON STRING CLASSICAL GUITAR? You sould KNOW that CLASSICAL guitars DON’T HAVE PEDALS. These VOCALS work well with Guitar OR Piano
ALREADY GONE… Tempchin/Strandlund
ANNIE’S SONG… John Denver
BAMBOO.. Dave Van Ronk
BELIEVE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
BLACK WATER… Doobie Brothers
BLACKBEARD’S NAVY. James (Sunny Jim) White
BLACKBIRD.. Paul McCartney
CALYPSO… John Denver
CANDLE IN THE WIND.. Elton John / Bernie Taupin
COMES A TIME.. Neil Young
COTTEN FIELDS.. The Highwaymen,
DEPORTEE.. Woody Guthrie
DESPERADO… Henley/Frey
EARLY MORNING RAIN… Gordon Lightfoot
EAST TEXAS ROAD.. Woody Guthrie
EAST VIRGINIA.. Pete Seeger (great Banjo Piece)
EL CONDOR PASA.. Paul Simon/ Robles
EVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT… Jesus Christ superstar
EVIL WAYS… Santana
FADED BLUE.. Ian Tyson
FAREWELL.. Bob Dylan
FIRE AND RAIN.. James Taylor
FLY AWAY.. John Denver
GARDEN SONG.. David Mallett
GEORGY GIRL.. The Seekers
HALLELUJAH.. Jeff Buckley
HE WENT TO PARIS… Jimmy Buffet
HEART OF GOLD.. Neil Young
HOTEL CALIFORNIA… Felder/Henley/Frey
I AIN’T GOT NO HOME… Wooddy Guthrie
I AM, I AM.. Naomi Hirshorn
I WILL NEVER MARRY.. The Carter Family
I WISH I WAS IN DIXIE.. Daniel Emmitt
IMAGINE… John Lenno
JOLLY MON SING .. Buffet/Jennings/Utley
LAY DOWN SALLY.. Eric Clapton
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE.. Walsh/Henley/Frey
LIKE A SAD SONG.. John Denver
LITTLE BIRDIE.. Pete Seeger (a fun Banjo piece to play)
LOVE NEEDS A HEART.. George, Carter and Brown
LYIN’ EYES… Henley/Frey
MEXICO.. James Taylor
MOMMA TOLD ME.. Three Dog Night
MONDAY MORNING… Yarbow/Stookey/Travers/Okun
MORNING TRAIN.. Elena Mezzetti
MY SWEET LADY.. John Denver
NEW KID IN TOWN.. Souther/Henley/Frey
OLD MAN… Neil Young
PART OF ME.. Paul Barron
PROPINQUITY .. Michael Nesmith
PROUD MARY.. Creedance Clearwater Revival
RAINY DAY PEOPLE.. Gordon Lightfoot
ROCK ME ON THE WATER.. Jackson Browne
ROCKET MAN.. Elton John/Bernie Taupin
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH… John Denver/Mike Taylor
SAD SONGS… Elton John/Bernie Taupin
SONG FOR CANADA.. Tyson/Gzowski
SWEET BABY JANE.. James Taylor
SWEET EMOTION.. Arrowsmith
T FOR TEXAS… Jimmy Roberts
TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT.. Meisner/Henley/Grey
TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN.. Yarbow/Stookey/Taravers
THE CRUEL WAR.. Stookey / Peter Yarbow
THE BEAT GOES ON.. Sonny and Cher
THE HUNGRY YEARS.. Neil Sedaka / Howard Greenfield
THE PRETENDER.. Jackson Browne
THE ONE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
THIS TRAIN.. Peter Yarbow and Paul Stookey
YOU LOVE THE THUNDER.. . Jackson Browne
WASTED TIME.. Henley/Frey
WITCHY WOMAN… Leadon/Henley
WILD HORSES.. The Rolling Stones

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Delivery

Steven asks…

UK DOG OWNERS. Please advise?

I would like to change my dogs’ food. After checking the ingredients the foods that I have given him (pedigree and Bakers), I am dusgusted with the amount of preservatives and lack of “real natural ingredients”. Can anyone reccommend a really good food that contains natural preferably organic ingrredients. Many Thanks. Lou

ps He’s nearly 12 months old!

admin answers:

I have recently changed my Dobermanns kibble to Solid Gold Wolfking for my male and Solid Gold Holistique Blendz Adult Dog for my female. They are very healthy and thriving on it.


Timberwolf is also a good kibble.


Or Orijen kibble

(All available from, delivery is free on orders over £29.00)

~ I would suggest buying a small bag first to see if it agrees with your dog ~

James asks…

My puppy needs a high quality food brand? Help?

My Golden Retriever puppy is fed on Taste of the wild but im in UK and its hard to find and very expensive for delivery and all.
I have narrowed my food search down to 4 foods
Orijen, Wafcol, James wellbeloved or Natural dog food company
All these puppy formula
Ingredients for all
Orijen puppy
Fresh boneless chicken*, chicken meal, fresh boneless salmon*, turkey meal, herring meal, russet potato, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), sweet potato, peas, fresh boneless turkey*, fresh whole eggs*, fresh chicken liver*, fresh boneless lake whitefish*, fresh boneless walleye*, sun-cured alfalfa, pea fiber, fresh boneless herring*, organic kelp, pumpkin, chicory root, carrots, spinach, turnip greens, apples, cranberries, blueberries, licorice root, angelica root, fenugreek, marigold flowers, sweet fennel, peppermint leaf, chamomile, dandelion, summer savory, rosemary, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, zinc proteinate, iron proteinate, manganese proteinate, copper proteinate, selenium yeast, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium.
* DELIVERED FRESH, preservative-free and never frozen.
Price: 13.5kg £57.99

Wafcol large and giant breed puppy
Potato (33%), Salmon (24%), Salmon Meal (16%), Whole Lupins, Salmon Oil, Seaweed (3.5%), Sunflower Oil, Salmon Digest, Minerals, Vitamins, Mannan-Oligosaccharides (2150mg/kg), Fructo-Oligosaccharides (2150mg/kg), Glucosamine (510mg/kg), Methylsulfonylmethane (510mg/kg), Chondroitin (360mg/kg)
Price: 15kg £41.99

James wellbeloved Lamb and rice puppy
Lamb meat meal, rice, ground whole barley, potato protein, lamb fat, whole linseed, lamb gravy, sugar beet pulp, alfalfa, sodium chloride, natural seaweed, chicory extract, omega 3 and omega 6 supplement, lysine, calcium carbonate, D,L-methionine, yucca extract, threonine, JWB special ingredients. Contains: Min 26% lamb, min 26% rice, min 14% barley.
Price: 15kg £46.99

Natural dog food company chicken and brown rice large bite
Dried British Chicken (min 29%), Fresh British Chicken (min 26%), Whole Brown Rice (min 20%), Mixed Vegetables and Herbs (min 9%), Whole Barley, Linseed, Refined Chicken Oil, Brewer’s Yeast.
Typical Analysis – Protein 25%, Oil 11.0%, Fibre 3%, Ash 6%
Price: 15kg £47.95

Which one do you feel is best? I mean I feel Orijen is really expensive, Does it pay off? Thanks a ton guys 🙂
Sorry guys I hoped it would be obvious.. I live in the UK. So I CANT get the american dog food brands like solid gold and Innova. Thanks.

admin answers:


Without question, based on the ingredients you’ve included, Orijen is the best choice. Why??? You’re dealing with primarily grain-free food and no beet pulp.

Orijen is a very well-known quality food — and the price is worth it.. If you had to make a second choice from your list, based on ingredients alone I would choose the Wafcol Large and Giant Breed Puppy formula you’ve listed. I’m not familiar with this brand, but it’s contents do not contain the quantities of partial grains and other undesirables I’ve mentioned above. Third choice of the four would be the Natural Dog Food. The last choice would be the James Wellbeloved Lamb and Rice Puppy because of the high ranking for rice and ground whole barley on the ingredient list and the beet pulp it contains.

Other choices (whether you can get them in the U.K. Or not I do not know) would be Wellness or Blue Buffalo/Blue Buffalo Wilderness brands. Too bad that Taste of the Wild is so difficult to come by in the UK…it is a very high-quality product!

Good luck!

Lisa asks…

adopting a puppy online is it a scam?

I am adopting a puppy online and i emailed the person and they said that I only had to pay the shipping fee do you think it’s a scam? Here’s part of their email

“We Have a well Secured and Guaranteed Transport Company that Transport Pets along Side, Two Pet Sitters and a Vet Doctor..So I will just like you to keep to your words and
fulfilled your promises. Spike and Della are very good pet that
listen to command and they love to work and play too with Kids and
other pets . They love to sleep with people and also love to be
carried in the hands . I know that they will be very good in your home
if only you provide them with all the love and care they need ok . I
want them to be ever happy in life and being a religious person it
will prick our Conscience if we deprive Spike and Della from their
happiness. I wish you to provide all of them a good, caring and loving
home. which if you do, any of the puppies will be bringing much joy
and happiness to your family.We would be very happy offering them to
you ..We are certain from your interest that they will meet a better
home with your family. They are ready to meet up with their new
family alongside with the followings belongings as listed below *Pets
& Vets Organic Health Supplement, and Wheat Germ Oil. *Certificate of
Veterinary Inspection, *Playing toys, *Puppy formula, *Traveling
Kennel (crate), *Over dog food/treat, *working collar and Chock
collar, *, *Puppy Menu, *A Nutrition Hand Manual Booklet Regard to
their Diet, *Pet Degree also with their VCD player. * AVID
Micro-Chipped (In case ever lost or stolen) Airport Delivery Agent
will take good care of them right up to delivery to your home.I am Located in North Carolina. I am looking for the welfare of this Puppies, So if you have make up your mind and Capable of providing any good home?? ,Then if you are capable then all you have to do is to provide me with your delivery information which includes , Your Full Names, House address,
State/city,zip code, Phone Number and the closest airport to your
home,I would be needing the above addresses in order to go to the
airport and make arrangements for their delivery right to your
doorstep ok . Also the transportation fees for both puppies to your
location is $240 and that is all you shall be spending in order for
the puppies to be delivered at your home address. So if you need only
one puppy it is going to cost you only $130 I would be expecting a
reply with your complete address to proceed with the puppies.
Thanks and may God bless you and your family”

admin answers:

A VERY well known and well used scam. There is no puppy. Google “Cameroon puppy scam”

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Daniel asks…

What songs should I put on my music playlist for a vacation trip to Hawaii?

I want them to have a Bob Marley, Beach Boys, 50 First Dates soundtrack kind of vibe. Please and Thank you 🙂

admin answers:

Reggae and Acoustic!

I dont know who ‘them’ is so i’ll just make the list like I would listen and you can filter out any inappropiate songs just in case youre uncomfortable with language themes or refrences.

Audiodub- Slow Girl (sexual theme, suggestive not obvious)
Audiodub- Lazy Lake
Audiodub- Lucky
Audiodub- Save Your Soul
Ballyhoo!- Lately I Notice
Ballyhoo!- Somewhere Tropical
Ballyhoo!- Cali Girl
Ballyhoo!- Close To Me
Cant Hang- Better By Tomorrow
Cant Hang- Uptown
cant Hang- Wasted
Clear Concience- New Love
Clear Concience- high and dry
Clear Concience- Smoke too much (instrumental song, spite the name no lyrics)
Close Enough- Burn In The Fire
Close Enough- Reggae Style
Close Enough- Noize (mild language)
Dirty Heads- Lay Me Down
Dirty Heads- Believe
Dirty Heads- Stand Tall
Echo Movement- Red Sunday (religious)
Echo Movement- Sweet Summer
Echo Movement- I Think God Smokes Weed (Funny song, obvious connotations)
Echo Movement- Things I’ve Done
The Expendables- Down Down Down
The Expendables-Driftaway
The Expendables- Fight The Feeling (instrumental song/Play with high bass)
The Holdup- Good Times
Iration- Summer Nights
Iration- Falling
Iration- Wait And See
Iration- Electricity
Iration- Time Bomb
Iration- Get Back To Me
Iration- I’m With You
Iration- The Rock
Iration- Downtown
Katastro- That Place You Know
Katastro- I Got What You Need
Katastro- Where I Wanna Be
Kathafire- Collie Herb Man
Katchafire- Love Letter
Katchafire- Meant To Be
Matisyahu- One Day
Matisyahu- King Without A Crown
The Movement- Habit
The Movement- Set Sail
The Movement- Sweet Summertime
Natural Incence- And I Dream
One Drop- No Good Reason
One Drop- It Doesnt Matter
One Groove- All My Life
One Groove- Unwind
Orange Grove- These Days
Pacific Dub- Utica
Pacific Dub- Dreaming
Passafire- The King
Rebelution- Bright Side Of Life
Rebelution- Outta Control
Rebelution- Attention Span
Rebelution- Courage To Grow
Rebelution- On My Mind (suggestive sexuality)
Rebelution- What I Know
Staylefish- Deja Vu
Anything by Stick Figure. They have alot of instrumental perfect for what you’re wanting but I’ll list they’re hits.
Stick Figure- So Good
Stick Figure- Fight The Feeling
Stick Figure- Smoke Stack
Stick Figure- Rise Above
Stick Figure- Dead End Street
Stick Figure- Break Of Day
Stick Figure- Double You (Instrumental)
Stick Figure- Sparked (Instrumental)
Stick Figure- Wonderful World
Stone Senses- Broken Crown
Stone Senses- Wash Away (religious)
Three Legged Fox- Slow Down (sexualy suggestive)
Three Legged Fox- Maybe I’m Sorry
Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds- Vices
Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds- Love Street
Tribal Seeds- Beautiful Mysterious
Tribal Seeds- Island Girl
Tribal Seeds- Dark Angel
Tribal Seeds- Lost Paradise


Bag Of Toys- Share
Bag Of Toys- The Raven
Bag Of Toys- Surf Song
The Beautiful Girls- On A Clear Day
The Beautiful Girls- Spanish Town
The Beautiful Girls- Periscopes
Better Than Ezra- Juarez
Big D And The Kids Table- Shining On
Catch 22- Party Song (1917)
Citizen Cope- Sun’s Gonna Rise
Citizen Cope- Let The Drummer Kick
Collie Budz- She Gimme Love
Current Swell- New Reggae
Current Swell- Brumner
Dispatch- The General
Dispatch- Bang Bang
Dispatch- Lightning
Everclear- Santa Monica
G. Love and Special Sauce- Kick Drum
Gorillaz- On Melancholy Hill
Gorillaz- Clint Eastwood
Gorillaz- Feel Good Inc.
Harry Belafonte- Day-O (Bannanna Boat song)
Harry Belafonte- Jump In The Line
Jack Johnson- Flake
Jack Johnson- Better Together
Jack Johnson- Bannana Pancakes
Jack Johnson- Good People
Jack Johnson- Do You Remember
Jack Johnson- Dreams Be Dreams
Jason Mraz- I’m Yours
Long Beach Dub All Stars- Sunny Hours
Mighty Mighty Bosstones- The Impressions That I Get
Mighty Mighty Bosstones- Where Did You Go
Modest Mouse- Float On
Modest mouse- Dashboard
Modest Mouse- Dramamine
Sublime- I’ve Seen Better Days
Weezer- Island In The Sun
Weezer- Hash Pipe
Weezer- Say It Aint So
311- Amber

Ken asks…

what is the song “collie man” by slightly stoopid about?

what is the song “collie man” by slightly stoopid about?
just wondering thanks!

admin answers:


Mandy asks…

“and I hear voices in the wind sayin she ain’t coming back” – What is this song?!?

I heard a country song the other day, and made a note of one line so I could find it later:

“and I hear voices in the wind sayin she ain’t coming back”

But after extensive Googling, I can’t find any song with that lyric. Anyone know this song?

admin answers:

Even the Man In the Moon Is Crying – Mark Collie

Man I havn’t heard that song in years. Takes me back.

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Your Questions About Dog Training Collars

John asks…

Can someone help explain how to sell items on e-bay?

Is it simple? I’m not good with computers that’s why I’m asking! I have a remote control dog training collar with citronella that I want to sell and some PINK clothes from Victoria’s Secret. If someone can explain the steps in selling something on E-bay, I’d be really happy. THANKS!

admin answers:

Take a picture of it with a digital camera, upload it to your computer,sign in to ebay( I am presuming you have an account, if not you need to sit all that up first-they have FAQs and live help) go to sell an item, follow all the stuff on the screen such as category and description, upload your picture, set your price, set your shipping method and price and then list the item. I suggest you look at some descriptions of items that are close to what you want to sell so that you can get an idea of how writting a description will look and how similar items are priced.

Lizzie asks…

Pet-safe yard and park Remote Trainer or Innotek UltraSmart Micro Remote Dog Training Collar?

I am considering purchasing a remote training collar for my dog. Mostly to teach her to come on command, even when she’s distracted. If you have had experience with either of these two particular brands, please leave me some feed back Thanks!

admin answers:

Pet-Safe is the short cut brand – cheap but not very long lasting. Innotek is one of the two top brands (the other which I believe to be superior is Tri-Tronics).

Steven asks…

How do you FIX a dog that only listen to you perfectly on leash but not when no leash?

The dog was trained with a collar and leash, the dog and the collar is the master now. Once taken off, the dog go run around like a wild horse. Put the dog on a long line with a collar the dog settles. When put on a short walk leash with a collar, the dog is fine. Once take them off, he does not hear nor see you.

admin answers:

A lot more training. The dog’s obviously not really trained, hasn’t been proofed and isn’t ready to be allowed off lead. Classes will help immensely, distractions are something you really need, and perhaps other methods of training as well.

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Sensitive Stomachs

Sandy asks…

What is a good dog food to feed a 2 year old Boston Terrier with dry skin and a sensitive stomach?

admin answers:

Natural Balance Ultra Premium Dog Food

Actor Dick Van Patten’s line of Natural Balance dog food is expensive, but reviews say its ingredients are the best you can buy for your dog (aside from making your own homemade dog food). Notable for its organic ingredients, quality meats and lack of by-products, the top ingredients in Natural Balance dry dog food include chicken, brown rice, duck, lamb meal, oatmeal, pearled barley, potatoes and chicken fat, supplemented with healthy extras like whole ground flaxseed, dried kelp and vitamins, the flaxseed should help with dry skin.

Richard asks…

what is the best dogie food in stores?

would like to change, she’s using Pedigree at the moment and i like it a lot for her ( but ) not sure if that’s the best option.

admin answers:

Grocery store dog food or pet store dog food?

Most grocery store dog foods are about the same.
Pedigree is ok along those lines.

However it and the other grocery store foods are not premium foods and are filled with nasty things, and fillers.

Here is an article, be warned, after reading it you may never buy grocery store dog food again.


Some of the top premium dog foods are
Solid Gold
Blue Buffalo

Here is a great website that tells you how to rate your dog food, AND has some ratings of a lot of foods so that you can compare.


And here are the ones that are scored

94-100+ = A
86-93 = B
78-85 = C
70-77 = D
<70 = F

Here are some foods that have already been scored. If you don't see your dog's food here, ask and someone will score it for you.
Dog Food scores:

Alpo Prime Cuts / Score 81 C

Artemis Large/Medium Breed Puppy / Score 114 A+

Authority Harvest Baked / Score 116 A+

Authority Harvest Baked Less Active / Score 93 B

Beowulf Back to Basics / Score 101 A+

Bil-Jac Select / Score 68 F

Blackwood 3000 Lamb and Rice / Score 83 C

Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice / Score 106 A+

Burns Chicken and Brown Rice / Score 107 A+

Canidae / Score 112 A+

Chicken Soup Senior / Score 115 A+

Diamond Maintenance / Score 64 F

Diamond Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 92 B

Diamond Large Breed 60+ Formula / Score 99 A

Diamond Performance / Score 85 C

Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium / Score 122 A+

Dick Van Patten�s Natural Balance Venison and Brown Rice / Score 106 A+

Dick Van Patten's Duck and Potato / Score 106 A+

EaglePack Holistic / Score 102 A+

Eukanuba Adult / Score 81 C

Eukanuba Puppy / Score 79 C

Flint River Senior / Score 101 A+

Foundations / Score 106 A+

Hund-n-Flocken Adult Dog (lamb) by Solid Gold / Score 93 B

Iams Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Premium / Score 73 D

Innova Dog / Score 114 A+

Innova Evo / Score 114 A+

Innova Large Breed Puppy / Score 122 A+

Kirkland Signature Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables / Score 110 A+

Member�s Mark Chicken and Rice / Score 84 C

Merrick Wilderness Blend / Score 127 A+

Nature�s Recipe / Score 100 A

Nature�s Recipe Healthy Skin Venison and Rice / Score 116 A+

Nature�s Variety Raw Instinct / Score 122 A+

Nutra Nuggets Super Premium Lamb Meal and Rice / Score 81 C

Nutrience Junior Medium Breed Puppy / Score 101 A+

Nutrisource Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B

Nutro Max Adult / Score 93 B

Nutro Natural Choice Lamb and Rice / Score 98 A

Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Puppy / Score 87 B

Nutro Natural Choice Puppy Wheat Free / Score 86 B

Nutro Natural Choice Senior / Score 95 A

Nutro Ultra Adult / Score 104 A+

Pet Gold Adult with Lamb & Rice / Score 23 F

Premium Edge Chicken, Rice and Vegetables Adult Dry / Score 109 A+

Pro Nature Puppy / Score 80 C

Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach / Score 94 A

Purina Benful / Score 17 F

Purina Dog / Score 62 F

Purina Come-n-Get It / Score 16 F

Purina One Large Breed Puppy / Score 62 F

Royal Canin Boxer / Score 103 A+

Royal Canin Bulldog / Score 100 A+

Royal Canin Natural Blend Adult / Score 106 A+

Science Diet Advanced Protein Senior 7+ / Score 63 F

Science Diet for Large Breed Puppies / Score 69 F

Sensible Choice Chicken and Rice / Score 97 A

Solid Gold / Score 99 A

Summit / Score 99 A

Timberwolf Organics Wild & Natural Dry / Score 120 A+

Wellness Super5 Mix Chicken / Score 110 A+

Wolfking Adult Dog (bison) by Solid Gold / Score 97 A

Laura asks…

Has your dog experienced stomach upset on Blue Buffalo food?

My vet said that some of her clients have a difficult time digesting organic foods and I noticed that since I began transitioning my puppy from her old food to Blue, her stools are often loose. Have you experienced this, and if so what other food would you suggest that isn’t necessarily organic?

admin answers:

ORGANIC just means it was grown with NO chemicals that is the only difference. From other food. ..any dog can tolerate organic.There is nothing in organic that is not in the non organic ‘regular’ food. Actually non-organic can have chemicals and treatments in or on it. It is the individual ingredients that a dog might be sensitive to. THE vet that said that about organic food is out of his mind…. Try a food with no grains, Like HONEST KITCHEN or ORIJEN 6-fish both are great. Most dogs cannot tolerate much grain and maybe the new food has too much grain and less real meat.(not by products or ‘chicken meal’ which is crap) …Grains just rot inside the dogs stomach they are very hard for a dog to digest and most cant., and they cause gas and loose stools etc. Corn is especially hard on dogs .

BUT it is NORMAL for a dog to get loose stool when you transition them too quickly to a new food. Some have loose stool til on the new food for a week or more before it firms up again.( you can add 1/4 cup canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix!) to her food that can help firm it up while you are changing the food. It should take about a week (at least) to wean her off the old food and get the new food started completely. Try putting 3/4 of the old food and 1/4 new mixed for the first 2 days then 1/2 and 1/2 for a few days then 3/4 new and 1/4 old for a few days then all new. Some dogs can tolerate the change better if you do it gradually

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Your Questions About Dog Training Boulder

Nancy asks…

La Costa / Encinitas – Where do you go to let your dog off leash?

We recently moved to back to Encinitas from Colorado and can only find two places in Encinitas/La Costa that allow off leash dogs: Orpheus Park and Viewpoint Park. But those parks are only during certain hours on certain dates. We are used to taking our well trained, well socialized dog to any number of dog parks in Boulder. My dog is very active and needs exercise everyday! So are there any unofficial areas that people take their dogs? Thanks

admin answers:

Go to dog beach in Del Mar or Coronado!

Ken asks…

where are some good places to hike with my dog around Denver metro area?

We like moderate level hiking and enjoy 3 to 5 mile long total (round trip)

admin answers:

Wow – where to start. If you want to hike in the city, go to any bike store and get a copy of the Denver Bicycle Touring Club map. Highline, Cherry Creek and Bear Creek are some of my favorites. Do keep the dog on a fairly short leash, bring a poop bag, and listen for bikes. Nothing worse than zipping along at 15 miles an hour and see a dog on one side and the owner on the other with a leash between them.

If you want more mountain hiking, try Jeffco Open Space. They have dozens of great hiking trails from moderate to steep, but again on leash please. Http://

My favorite are the Boulder Off Leash parks. Your dog must be obedience trained and have a special tag but Boulder has miles of great trails where you can legally walk off leash with the dog. Http://

Richard asks…

where should you not go in las vegas with family/children?

any advice to stay away from encounters with prostitutes, gamblers, druggies, majorly drunk guys/women? we have young children and we’re going to vegas for the first time and im kinda concerned.

admin answers:

First…YES…my advice IS to have your kids/family stay away from prostitutes, gambling (well too much!), druggies(?), and majorly drunk people!!!

You would typically only encounter those people within the casino bars where any ‘working girls’ typically hang and when/where you’ll find any ‘excessively’ drunk people (bars/nightclubs are also in that proximity…but you, or at least your ‘young children’ will either be asleep, in your room, or somewhere else other than the casino area at that time anyway: clubs open at 10pm at the earliest!)
The ‘cards’ that are handed out along the sidewalks of Las Vegas Blvd (the strip) are easy to intercept. The private parts covered up in bikinis/stars/etc and 99.?% of the time are only handed out to ADULTS or large kids that look close to 18. They don’t want parents punching them out, or legal problems (The mayor’s been fighting them legally for years!).

“!” have been raising two very moral young boys in Henderson/Las Vegas just fine (I’ve lived here for nearly 20 years!). Granted we don’t hang out in casinos though we have gone to their pools, shows, shopping centers, Secret Garden, Gameworks, Circus Circus, etc…all the places you would be going. You will be fine.

I WOULD say, avoid the front of the Riviera hotel, but you have no reason to go there, nothing kid oriented at that property at all. (It has sculptures of women’s backsides sticking out of the exterior wall, advertising their ‘Crazy Girls’ show.) and you should probably avoid the Mandalay Bay’s restaurant/dining section (the furthest side) where there is a sculpture of a woman’s bust sticking out of the wall (many tourists, men AND women, pose next to it). Beyond that, and trying to sneak them into a nightclub/bar…you should be fine EVERYWHERE ELSE in town.

Next…I’ll start with clearing up the ‘false’ info others have given out…

*****Drinking is legal, just as everywhere else in America,..only for those over 21, NOT in ANY vehicle…and NOT in a backseat(!) of any vehicle. It is also illegal, just as with any other city in the USA, to be excessively intoxicated/drunk in public. The ONLY place walking down the street while drinking is allowed…is along the strip between the resort properties (The Strip)…anywhere else, ILLEGAL.
*****Prostitution is NOT LEGAL in Las Vegas…not even within Clark County which contains Las Vegas & “the Strip”. (The closest county where prostitution is legal is 45 mins -1 hour away).
*****Circus Circus is NOT the only hotel setup with stuff for kids…

Beyond that…
Vegas has TONS of things for kids…depending on their ages…here’s a LIST of “Family Friendly Stuff” in Vegas….

Shark Reef (Mandalay Bay) (again, watchout for the wall sculpture, it’s easy to block once you know it’s there…LOL)
The Lion King show/play (Mandalay Bay)
Wildlife Habitat at the Flamingo (Flamingo Hotel across from Caesar’s)
“The magic and tigers of Rick Thomas”…(Sahara)
The Secret Garden…(Siegfried & Roy! So LIVE dolphins, tigers, lions, and more!)
Madame Tussauds Las Vegas…(Venetian)
The rides at the Stratosphere, for the bravest amongst you!
Visiting the Hoover Dam as a family is an excellent idea…(Hoover Dam, Boulder City, NV)
and OF COURSE…experiencing Circus Circus..their Adventure Dome rides, shows etc are a great fun time!

Extra/Bonus ideas…
***Gregory Popovich’s Comedy Pet Theater (Starts around $10/ticket…very funny, trained dogs and Cats!…that he has rescued from shelters!) We have booked this show for a corporate event of all adults (Vet industry!) and they loved it and were Amazed!)…(Planet Hollywood)
***Siegfried and Roy’s Secret Garden…(Mirage Hotel) The white tigers (two new tiger cubs!), white Lions(!), dolphins, etc should not be missed by any kids visiting Vegas!
***Don’t forget the pools…the only place(s) that can beat Vegas Hotel Pools…are ‘some’ water parks..and some properties here have up to 5 pools inter-laced with lazy rivers (bring your own inflatable tubes/rafts and save some good bucks…don’t blow them up till your in the pool area, easier to carry and won’t count as luggage on a plane! LOL!!!
***Gameworks for kids into video games and ‘party food’ stuff (Just outside of the MGM Grand)
***Coca Cola world next to the M&M world! (Just outside of the MGM Grand)
***”IF” you are a “daring” group of family members…you could try “Vegas Indoor Skydiving”…it’s NOT CHEAP…but a VERY Unique experience!

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Coupons

Susan asks…

question about dog food?

My dog is a german shepherd/rottweiler mix she is about 70 lbs. And she is 1 1/2 years old. I was wondering what would be the best brand of dog food for her? Because I really want her to live a long and happy life.
also she has a sensative stomach and she sometimes pukes when she eats. Is their a certain kind of dog food that would be good for that? thanks

admin answers:

I’m very happy that you are concerned about what food to feed her, some owners just go out and buy any random food they have a coupon for.

When you’re looking for a good dog food, look at the ingredients. There should be sources of meat (chicken, lamb, bison, fish, etc.) listed as the first few ingredients. If the first ingredient isn’t a source of meat, don’t buy it. There should be no corn, artificial colors, or artificial flavorings like sugar or corn syrup. Here’s a list of ingredients to avoid in dog food:

Here’s a list of some high quality dog foods:

Solid Gold
California Natural
Nature’s Variety
Timberwolf Organics
Taste Of The Wild
Chicken Soup For The Pet Lover’s Soul
Blue Buffalo
Any food that is rated anywhere from 3-6 stars at this website-


Stay away from these foods:

Foods you find in the grocery store
Ol’ Roy
Hill’s Science Diet
Kibbles ‘N’ Bits
Royal Canin
Any food that is rated 2 stars and below at the link posted above.

Best of luck!!! ♥

Add: Apricot Toy Poodle- Vets are paid to advertise what they are selling in office, which are usually crappy foods.

Richard asks…

organic food for my puppy?

well, my puppy is a little over a month old.
and i feed her pedigree. but i researched on it and found out that pedigree isn’t so good after all..
i hear that organic food is great for them.

what kind of organic food would be good?

& by the way, why is pedigree sooo bad ?

admin answers:

We give our shih tzu Blue Buffalo. Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula (dry food) does not use animal by-products and their gluten-free recipes do not contain any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Their food also does not have corn, wheat or soy, which have been known to trigger allergies.

You can go to the website: and read more about the products they have. You can also request a free sample (and a $3 coupon) so you can see if your dog is going to like it before you buy a larger bag.

Their treats and canned food were on the recall list so I don’t recommend those.

You can also check this website for higher quality foods:

Sharon asks…

What kind of natural / holistic / organic dog foods would you recommend?

My dog currently eats beneful, its the only brand he has eaten and I want to change his food to something more healthy. He does throw up every once in a while due to him not being able to digest some of the ingredients properly. I read that beneful, pedigree, the more “well known” dog foods contain ingredients that isn’t necessarily healthy and that they are just to used as fillers. I was thinking about switching his food to Karma organic or any of these on this website – Any thoughts or other recommendations?

admin answers:

Wellness super5mix

its natural with no corn, by product or fillers

high quality 5 star rated brand

i have my dogs on wellness n they never looked better

and if u join the mailing club at they send out coupons every month

good luck!

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Your Questions About Dog Training Denver

Sharon asks…

Where is the best place to live in the usa if you are into dogs?

Schutzhund, Ring, Personal Protection, AKC obedience, etc. I know lots of people travel long distance to train dogs (if they can with lots of money … it would be best if you lived in the area where good dog trainers and great vets lived in your area. Which part of the US is known as ” dog state” ?

admin answers:

Denver, Colorado.

John asks…

Where can I buy a ferret from a pet store in Colorado?

I live in the denver area. Not really interested in adoption.

admin answers:

Lets talk about adopting instead of purchasing through a pet store.
Advantages: Shelter workers have had a chance to see what the personality of the ferret is like. (looking for a snuggler, a thief, a sleeper or something in between?) They probably have assessed the medical issues (if any) and treated or started treatment (just like cars, a new one can be a ‘lemon’ while a used one usually has some history attached to it).
They probably have worked on any issues such as biting, fear, chewing etc. A ferret who has started to learn is easier to train than one who hasn’t started. Biggest advantage: at some point in their life, they’ve been let down by a human owner… can turn their experience around.
Do you really think that a pet store ferret (normally very young) has had any proper training, any proper handling (other than a finger stuck through the cage?), any proper food (most pet store sell crap food, honestly. Most shelters use better food than you give your cat or dog)?
I mean, why would you spend big bucks at a store when you can usually get a ferret much cheaper (also the cage and supplies) from a shelter? Perhaps you don’t wish to submit to the ‘ferret proofing’ checklists and background check that most shelters will do to protect the interests of the ferrets. Most shelters see their animals as victims of abuse they must protect and seek a better life for. Most pet stores see their animals a a commodity they must make the maximum profit on. If you can’t provide a hazard free home for the ferret then you shouldn’t own one..bottom line. PLEASE research ferrets before you purchase them…they are NOT a pet like a rabbit or even a cat. They need to exercise (NOT IN A CAGE) and need mental stimulation. They like human interaction. They are WORK…they make messes, and will frustrate the h*ll out of you when they tear your house apart….but they will melt your heart every time you see and play with them. OH YES…they don’t smell MUCH—but their urine does, so unless you plan on cleaning their litter pan/ messes up daily, don’t get a ferret. Did I mention work?
I love our 9 ferrets. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. They take a lot of work, and it just ticks me off when people buy one thinking it’s just like a hamster they can keep caged up all day, and clean the cage once a week. Look at it this way…
If you’d like to stay in your bedroom all day, every day, and poo in the corner for a week, then go ahead. But a ferret doesn’t deserve the same thing. Before you purchase a ferret, call up a shelter in your area and ask to see some ferrets first. Go look at someone’s home. Too smelly? To ferret proofed? Get a good look at what life is like with a ferret before you buy one, decide he’s not what you thought he’d be, and then take him back or abandon him. News flash, domesticated ferrets WILL die if abandoned outside.
Most ferrets are abandoned or surrendered because their owners DID NOT do the research on what they were getting into. If you think a pet store ferret is going to come home with you the first day and lick your fingers like a puppy, then please don’t buy one. You couldn’t be further from the truth.

Mandy asks…

How do i get my puppy to come to me everytime i call?

My puppy hasn’t started puppy classes yet as there is a set 6 weeks programme. I want her to start learning now though as she is already 13 weeks. She knows the basics sit etc but she doesn’t always come to me when I call especially when she is distracted. Anyone have any training techniques for this?

admin answers:

First imprint yourself on your puppy. Do this by cupping your hand around his muzzle and very gently blowing your breath on his nose. Let her become accustom to your smell. Do this 4 or 5 times each day for about a month more if need be. Place clothing you have worn but not washed in her bed where she sleeps. (change it out every couple of days)
Then when you talk to her or call her do it in a normal tone and not harsh unless she is in danger of being injured. Teach her such words as “come” or “come here” and point to where you want her to come. When she does this reward her with a treat or petting her telling her she is a “good girl!” with enthusiasm.
I trained my dog to know about 15 or 20 commands today when “free” he never goes more than about 50 feet from me usually about 10 feet. He “stays” on command instantly. I very seldom have to raise my voice to him unless he is in danger of being injured. I have been told by hundreds of people he is the most well mannered dog they have ever seen.
When he does something bad which is very seldom or when someone comes in the door and he would be in the way he has a command that sends him immediately to his bed. I learned this from my uncle with his dogs. He told his dogs to, “Get in Texas” and that pup would run and get in its bed and stay until called. I have trained my pup to, “Get in Denver” he goes and gets in. My dog has never been caged because he was taught from a puppy how to act and what to do. It takes time but well worth the effort.

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food

Betty asks…

What is the best dog food for a rottweiler puppy?

I have a 4 month old German rottweiler puppy who has a very dull coat and is not very energetic. I want to switch to an organic/natural dog food but I also want it to be for large breeds (to keep up with her growth). Help! I do not know what to get! I have been feeding Science Diet Large Breed Lamb and Rice, but she doesn’t like it and it hasn’t helped with the coat. Am at my wits end.

admin answers:

I use Eagle Pack Holistic for Large and Giant breeds for my mastiffs. It gives them a shiny coat, they all have good muscle tone, and the puppy food is specially formulated ofr large breed pups so it doesn’t have too much protein.

Steven asks…

What kind of food should I feed my 2 year old Frenchie?

I have always fed him castor & pollux organix dog food but recently he has had skin issues (almost like hives) and he is licking his paws. This is an organic dog food but i am guessing he is allergic to something. Can anyone recomend a good dog food for this breed and condition?

admin answers:

Castor and pollux is a middle grade food, not bad, just there are better foods out there. I would go for wellness core, evo, orijen, taste of the wild, solid gold barking at the moon, or other grain free food, or a homemade diet of boiled chicken for a few weeks, I prefer to keep rice optional and it has to be brown rice if you are going to feed rice.

If the allergies persist after the 4 weeks of boiled chicken, the allergies are not all caused by food, although most are so I highly doubt your pup will need to see the vet if his food is switched to grain free or higher quality. At that point I would seek a holistic vet that isnt going to put your dog on meds that cover up the symptoms. can help you with all the other stuff you want to avoid in dog food, but to get the good food, a feed store or pet boutique will be your first stop. I would ask what grain free foods they have and then pick from those. With some dogs, grain free is too rich and their poo is loose. If your dogs poo is loose after a week, try lowering the amount you are feeding by 1/4 cup per day and mixing in plain mashed pumpkin. The amount on the bag/website is typically too much anyway, but always start with that, then increase/decrease as needed.
I have also heard people have an issue with their dogs weight once they get it down to the right amount for solid poo. If this happens, I recommend adding boiled or raw chicken to his food(feed raw separately from kibble, preferably a 4 to 5 hours before the kibble is fed). If that does not help him add on weight, I suggest seeing a canine nutritionist or asking this forum: Many have dealt with that issue on the forum so they will definitely give you some advice.

Chris asks…

Any thoughts on BLUE Organic Dog Food?

I recently switched my dog (two year old German Shepherd) from Purina to BLUE Organic Dog food, and I was wondering if it is as good as it claims to be. Any thoughts from people who have or do feed their dog BLUE??
I feed him the Blue Adult Life Protection Formula – Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe.

admin answers:

If you mean the blue stuff in the shiny foil bag with the wolf on the front , yes its very good……But oh my god its expensive.

Try some taste of the wild, its just as good if not better and costs a lot less.

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Your Questions About Dog Training Colorado

Mary asks…

Are there any Public access service dog test evaluators around the area of Colorado Springs, CO?

I was wondering if there are any service dog public access test evaluators around the area of Colorado Springs, CO. If there are, do you charge money for the evaluation? I have been diagnosed with severe social anxiety, and I fear going out in public, so I thought that having my dog Toby would help. He has already passed the CGC test a few years back, and is super well behaved.

admin answers:

Like “Lil_Farfa” said, you can’t just bring your pet out with you no matter how well-behaved he is. In order for a dog to legally be a service dog (in the U.S.), it must be trained to do something that helps you that is directly related to your disability. A dog for emotional support, its presence, comfort, petting it, looking at it, companionship, etc. Is not a service dog – this is clearly stated in the law.

If you are disabled AND your dog does a trained task/trained work specifically for your disability (i.e. If you have a panic attack, the dog is able to safely lead you away from the situation because during a panic attack you zone out/freeze and cannot do so yourself; a guide dog does guide work; a mobility dog does mobility work) AND your dog behaves impeccably/invisibly in public (which is much more than the CGC test measures, as that test is meant for well-behaved pets and service dogs are on a completely different level of behavior and temperament than that), then your dog is a service dog that can be taken in public places. Anything short of that is breaking the law.

If you are disabled, you can have your dog evaluated to see if he has what it takes to become a service dog after much training (6-12 months) and, if he passes, have him trained to help you. If he is too old (you said he passed the CGC a few years ago, so it might not be worth training him at his age) or doesn’t have what it takes to be a service dog, you could try finding another dog to be your service dog.

Do note that a service dog can actually make your Social Anxiety Disorder WORSE, not better, due to the access challenges of stores/restaurants/etc. That are guaranteed to sometimes happen as well as every time you go out, you’ll get: lots of questions from the public, the public trying to distract your dog by petting/talking to/etc. It, lots of people staring at you and making comments to their companions about you (for real – not imagined like SAD can make you feel is happening), etc. The plus is that you’ll be forced to interact with the public because of your dog, but that will happen even when you are feeling extremely anxious or just want to run a “quick errand” (there’s no such thing with a service dog at your side!). I have SAD, so completely understand it. It can be hard to go out with my service dog (who is not for SAD, but for other disabilities) sometimes.

Have you first explored other therapies, like talk therapy; using a stress ball in your pocket; medications; exercise/stretching (or yoga, if you believe in it); breathing techniques; etc.? These should be explored first before trying a service dog and can still be used in conjunction with a service dog if there is one in your future.

John asks…

Does anyone know of apartments that allow pit bulls in colorado?

I have been looking for an apartment but I have not had any luck finding ones without pet restrictions =(.. my dog is so loving and it’s unfortunate that everyone has to suffer since some people don’t know how to raise thier pets. If anyone does know of a place around the northglenn, thornton and westminister area that allows them please let me know. Thank you so much!!

admin answers:

I don’t know of any specific apartments in your area. But, I have two pit bulls and over the past ten years I have lived in three different places that were rentals. So, while you may have your work cut out for you, it’s not impossible to find a place to rent. Sometimes you need to be a bit of a sales person. Sometimes, it’s all in the approach you take. Here are some thoughts:

1. Try not to have the pet conversation over the phone with a prospective landlord. Go meet them. If they like you, it will be a little harder to say no to your face. Bring a very cute picture of your dog with you.

2. If the landlord is at all receptive, bring your dog to meet him/her. Make sure your dog is immaculate. Ideally, it’s obedience trained and you can demonstrate this at the meeting. If your dog has an obedience certificate, CGC or titles–bring those as well. If your dog does any kind of therapy or compassionate visiting bring a letter from the agency you volunteer for.

3. Put the landlord’s mind at ease about potential property damage. If you don’t already, start crating your dog when you aren’t home. Assure the landlord your dog will not be loose in the house when you’re not there. Offer to have the landlord see where you are living now if that’s practical. Offer an extra pet deposit.

Insurance can be a sticking point for some. Insurance companies that restrict coverage based on a dog’s breed often have 10 breeds or more they won’t cover: Dobermans, German Shepherds, Akitas, Chows are commonly on the list as well as Pit Bulls. Some landlords feel that just eliminates too many potential tenants and they either shop for other insurance or ignore the restrictions altogether.

Good luck in your search.

David asks…

Where to certify my husbands dog as a service in utah?

My husband has bi-polar disorder and I would like to get Daisy certified as a service dog, where in utah can I get her the training needed for this?
Every apartment and house I have looked for and i can not find any that accept pets. My husband would be heartbroken if he had to give Daisy up. What do I do???

admin answers:

If Daisy already provides him help to calm down at home… Then she is already an Emotional Needs Dog & housing must recognize his right to have his Emotional Needs Dog with him in the home

He will need to talk with his doctor & get his doctor to write a prescription about Daisy being an Emotional Needs Dog and briefly describe how Daisy helps

Service Dogs are given broader access than Emotional Support Dogs

The best way to find a SD trainer is to see who Delta Society has listed

See if this link will work for you… This is an SD trainer in Utah that is listed in Delta Society’s database

I have a friends.. A couple in Colorado who helps asses Service Dog candidates & also help provide knowledgeable support for owner-training support — I would highly recommend you contact Marcia & Patrick to see what they can help you with & if they know of owner-training resources in your area

When you talk to Marcia… Let her know Remie sent you to her (see my AV? That is my SD Remie)

Feel free to email me for on-going conversation or more info… I am set up for email in Yahoo Answers — I would email you, but you are not set up for email

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Sensitive Stomachs

Ken asks…

Precautions when switching my dog to a raw food diet?

I’m thinking of trying a raw food diet for my dog for the first time. I understand that dogs are much more resistant than humans when it comes to parasites and bacteria which may be in the raw meat. What are some precautions that I can take? I heard soaking the meet in apple cider vinegar for a bit will take care of any parasites, etc. Thanks.

admin answers:

You don’t have to soak it in anything. I just wash the dog and cats meat like I do mine. Run it under cold water for a few seconds. After they are done eating you can wipe up their area with 50%white vinegar and 50% water. My dog with a sensitive stomach has never had a problem with bacteria. We tested apple cider vinegar for riding of ecoli bacteria in my biology lab and it did very poorly and if you were to use apple cider vinegar you want it to be raw and organic.

EDIT: Vets hardly know anything about dogs diets and raw chicken, pork, beef, fish, bison, lamp, goat etc can be fed with no problem. The bones clean the teeth without brushing. Their is no risk with raw unless you don’t feed it correctly.

Betty asks…

Why has my 6 month old boxer puppy stopped eating hard food?

She will still eat moist dog treats, chicken, and cheese, but not her regular food. Also, she has diarrhea, but that might be from not eating the right foods. Any ideas?

admin answers:

Having 2 boxers and raising two litters, I can tell you that an occasional treat is fine but they have very sensitive stomachs and then gas; I would stick to one type of food and leave all treats alone for awhile; I feed mine Newman’s Own Organic dog food; diarrhea is probably from the treats and not regular foods; all dogs will get an upset tummy from time to time but with boxers you have to watch what you give them; food changes need to be done slowly and your dog is the best indicator of something not right; water is up to the dog as to how much and is not detrimental in any way ; water doesn’t cause diarrhea ; diarrhea is a loss of fluids so they need the water to compensate; boxers are a great dog with a fussy tummy and prone to gas and upset so watch what you feed. Good luck and enjoy puppy, socialize and train; they love to learn tricks and learn quickly; they love to run and explore and of course be a part of the family daily.

If you feed table scraps , they are smart to know that dog food isn’t as good and will not eat the dog food to get the good stuff; they are smart smart smart. – can’t blame them for trying

Richard asks…

What do you feed your Jack Russell Terrier?

I have an amazing jack russell, he is almost 10 years old and we rescued him when he was 2. We buy his dry food from whole foods (it has a lot of vegetables and organic grains) which he absolutely loves. Now, wet food is another story. I have tried a few brands but his stomach is very sensitive and the past couple nights he has been throwing it all right back up!

He just had a check up so I know there is nothing wrong with him, I just want to know what other owners feed their Jacks and find out if there is maybe a gentle senior brand of wet food we can give him. thanks!
wow these answers are very helpful, so jacks really don’t need wet food? maybe i will make him chicken and rice (very bland) but he loves chicken, and that would be easy on the stomach. thanks

admin answers:

I feed my Jacks Eagle Pak Holistic dry kibble. They also get a dollop of canned Pumpkin, not the kind used to make pies, and to the on on a diet I use green beans as a filler. I add just enough hot water to stir in the green beans and pumpkin. I feed twice a day. My Jacks also get vegetables such as carrots and broccoli. I play Flyball with my Jacks and they are in excellent physical condition.

My opinion would be feed the dry kibble until they can no longer eat the dry. It is good for their teeth as well as helps them eat slower if they are a dog that devours their food.

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Your Questions About Dog Training Books

John asks…

How train puppy not to jump up?

I have a 3 mos old puppy have trained to sit, stay, come, go to kennel etc, but do you have any ideas on how to train him not to jump up on people besides telling me to buy a dog training book?
I am looking for specific ideas that worked for you.

admin answers:


This question is asked so many times, and I am SO SICK of people recommending leash corrections, kneeing the dog in the chest, and hitting. Besides being unneccesary and ineffective, have any of you ever tried to knee a 3 month old pup in the chest? Unless you are about three feet tall, ain’t gonna happen!

Now that I have vented…this is soooooo simple. No one pets the dog unless he is sitting (or at least standing) first. If he jumps, turn around and walk away. If he sits and then you reach to pet him and he starts to jump again, turn and walk away. He wants attention…he will learn very quickly what he needs to do to get attention from people. The hardest part is not going to be training your pup, it’s going to be getting other people to comply. Make them! If necessary, ask them to have the pup sit so they can give him a treat and then pet him. They will be more amenable if they believe they are helping you train him to sit.

Mark asks…

How do you stop a puppy from barking?

Our black lab/golden retriever puppy is about 16 weeks old. We bought a dog training book that says to hold a treat up to his nose because they can’t bark and sniff at the same time when he is barking. But that is not working because he might think he is being praised. What do you suggest we do?

admin answers:

NEVER EVER BEAT THE DOG, OR HIT IT when it barks or else it will turn aggressive. I know alot about dogs, and usually you ignore the dog or look at them straight in the eyes and say no in a stern voice and then ignore them but don’t put them in a time-out, because their cage is eathier their home, or when they crap in the house. Just ignore the dog because all they want is attention and that’s why they’re barking or because they’re trying to protect their property! GOOD LUCK! Contact me if you have any questions at

Richard asks…

Can any one tell me of any dog training books?

Can any one tell me of any dog training books

admin answers:

I’ve tried various dog training books which are ok but through experience the best method is to go to puppy traing classes where the pups can socialise with other dogs. You also learn and it is like a good workout when you take part. You also meet friends with similar interests

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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food

Maria asks…

What is the healthiest and most cost effective dog food on the market today?

I have a Labrador Retriever. He is going on 10 years old now and I want to make sure I am feeding him the best I can. He means a lot to me, and I want to make sure he remains healthy and keep him with me for at least another 10 years if that is remotely possible. Currently he seems healthy and isn’t over weight. Is organic dog food worth the extra cost? What about human grade dog food?

admin answers:

Cost should not be a factor when it comes to your pets nutrition.

Natural, raw, or holistic dog foods are best.

Here are a few suggestions I think you should try:

Timberwolf Organics


Solid Gold

Taste of the Wild


Innova Evo


*** Do not feed your dog Science Diet… It is no better than bottom of the shelf generic brand dog food. Do some research on canine nutrition, and learn how to read the labels. Read the ingredients… Should not contain corn (non-nutritional “filler”) or by-products (low quality proteins… Beaks, feathers, etc).

Carol asks…

What kind of Innova dog food should I use for a dog with a tumor?

He is on nd Prescription now, but he has started to bite his paws. I think it’s from this food. I want to switch to an organic dog food. What type do you suggest?

admin answers:

I would ask your veterinarian before you switch to anything because the N/D is a diet formulated for dogs with cancer and since it is a prescription you really need to ask first. I think that Science Diet is the only company that currently manufactures a diet designed for dogs with cancer, but I am not positive.

I have heard of a study where the dog with cancer was put on high level of fish oils and it helped some, but there have been no definitive tests saying that it helped.

Joseph asks…

How much dog food should a Border Collie eat?

My Border Collie is 11 months old and a bit small for her size due to being mistreated by the person she was rescued from. She does not eat very much at all. I give her one cup of high quality dry food (Purina Pro Plan Selects for puppy) with a small scoop of wet food (Newman’s Own Organic dog food) every night and she usually only eats a small portion of it. She weighs 30lbs. How much SHOULD she be eating?

admin answers:

First of all, don’t ever go by the guidelines on a dog food bag. Those are meant to sell dog food. Most of them are way over what a dog should eat to be a healthy weight. I have had BCs for 21 years. I stop feeding straight puppy food at about 16 weeks of age to keep the puppy’s growth rate slow and steady. You may want to consider giving her half adult/half puppy for the dry. I feed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. She may not be able to eat all of what you are giving her at one time. It’s better for them to eat more than just once a day. Two of my adult males and my adult female (18″ tall, 30 lbs.) eat 2/3 cup with a T. Of canned 2x a day. My other adult male eats 1 cup in the AM and 1/2 cup in the PM with canned. They are all very active and maintain a healthy weight very easily. I feed Prairie Nature’s Variety dry kibble, Merrick and Eagle canned. I hope this helps!

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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver

Ruth asks…

looking for a dog training school in east haven, CT need major help!!?

im looking for a school near my home (east haven connecticut) to become a dog trainer (mostly for aggression behavior) but as im googling i keep getting these lame online schools and places too far away or dog training places that doesnt train to become a dog trainer . im getting really frustrated and think they need to better the search engines. so i come to ask you guys for help. if you offer training or know a place that does that would help so much!! thanks !!

admin answers:

We are in VA and we recently purchased a franchise called Bark Busters. It is an At-Home Dog Training Company and it is the largest in the world. If you decide to join, you go to Denver Colorado for training for three weeks, after which you become Dog Behavior Specialist. After a year, you return for a one week class and then become a Master Dog Behavior Specialist. If you are interested, the website is

Hope this helps!

James asks…

How are your New Year’s resolutions for your dog coming?

A couple of months ago, I asked this question.;_ylt=Ap35p0OUSN3Xl7J0jPh.Hgzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071227144926AAlJc9W

Did anyone have any goals for this year with his/her dogs that is making good progress?

I said Miss would become my first agility dog. Next week we’re going to sign up for the class.

I still plan on giving a “thank you” donation to the shelter I adopted her from, but now I have to save some money for agility.

I’m still working on finding a better vet.

“Some raw meaty bones” became a switch to a complete raw diet, and she’s doing GREAT!

“I will STOP buying crap for her. She’s a DOG.”
That one’s tough.

I haven’t joined the ASPCA, but I did join a local dog training club. I’m getting more involved in dog showing and training.

How is everyone else doing?

admin answers:

Well I still haven’t found a trainer to try and start an obedience class in our rinky-dink town, but I’m still trying. I have started working my two dogs in the conformation ring. One finished her UKC Ch and is now starting on her AKC. The other one went to the Rocky Mtn. Cluster in Denver, and placed first in his class two of the days, so he’s off to a good start. As for all the loves yeah, that’s working out great. Still not getting very far with getting them ready to get their CGC’s yet though. I really need to buckle down on that.

Richard asks…

which is better?a german shepherd or a siberian husky?and why?

i cant decide between the 2..
ive read that huskies actually are temperament and that they arent really good guard dogs,and i dont need my dog trying to run away whenever possible.
i live in denver colorado
huskies look more cooler,but german shepherds are more intelligent..
thanks for that insignificant answer john,kudos on that one!
and i need facts on which is not just going for looks ya know..
in response to dog judge,i live in denver colorado,which is ideal for the husky,but again,temper is a problem,and also shedding,umm..i am an outside person,and dog weight has no problem at all
yes and huskies tend to run away,as all dogs but thats their instince right?outdoors..
and in the summer it gets hot round 80-110 F any given day.and in the winter it snows like no tomorrow and temps get low roughly bout 10-40 F

admin answers:

You could get a list a foot long here.

Put up more information. Where do you live, what do you like to do, inside or outside person, dog weight issues.

We don’t need to convince you, you need to decide what you’re looking for.

Update – I had two Huskies and I’ve had LOTS of German Shepherds in obedience classes. For a lot of reasons, Huskies are healthier. Smaller dog, fewer structural problems. Either dog could tolerate the Denver climate. Both dogs shed, and although Huskies shed more, I don’t think that it’s really a make or break issue. Huskies are renown for running when loose because they are SLED DOGS! With proper training, you can overcome this, but it’s an issue that will need to be addressed. GSDs are more trainable for a novice. I would lean toward the Husky because of the health issues (hips in particular). That being said, if you decide to go after a GSD make sure that you do all of your homework about hips. Both parents and as many other relatives as possible MUST be OFA certified. If not, find another breeder. Hips are not that much of an issue with Huskies for a lot of reasons.

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