Your Questions About Rough Collie Shedding
Linda asks…
Smooth collies and rough collies- the shedding differnce?
Naturally, I thought rough collies shed much much much more than smooth collies but i recently heard that smooth sollies or more likely to leave hair around the house because they have a shorter coat and so the hair comes out more easily while roughs- you brush it out. is this true? id like to hear it from people who have had experience in living with collies because i am considering purchasing one.
thanks to all who answer!
admin answers:
They are going to shed the same. Only difference would be grooming. A Rough Collie will get packed and matted undercoat and unless you keep it combed out, it will need to be dematted or possible shaved off. (especially the back end) Most of the Rough owners I groom for want the dog trimmed up. Not shaved down..but just trimmed and neatened up. Smooth coats don’t require any of that..just a good bath, brush out etc. So, grooming costs..roughs would be more.
Michael asks…
Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?
i am looking to get a collie, but i want to make sure they don’t have any form of separation anxiety, because we would occasionally leave the house, not for long, but we don’t want it destroying the house.
also, do they take A TON of care?
admin answers:
Rough Collies are good dogs if you can handle its very high energy, its heavy shedding, and tendency to bark a lot. They can handle being alone, they don’t have reputation of separation anxiety. It seems pretty rare. If you spend a lot with the dog and are with the dog 24/7 the dog will feel weird by its self, it might cause separation anxiety. Hope i helped!
Joseph asks…
What is the difference between a border collie and a normal collie?
What is the difference between a border collie and a rough coated collie besides the size? I mean like personality, fur, or health/life span.
admin answers:
I own both and there could not be a bigger difference. And Rough and smooth collies are not different breeds, they are both collies just different coat types.
Border collies-
Very high energy, frequantly this is the reason everyone thinks that all herding breeds are high energy, and that is not really true. Borders do however need excessive amounts of exercise each day as they where and stil are bred to work all day. If they dont get enough they can be ill behaved and show neurotic tendancies. So a few good long jogs a day are required. They are best suited for someone who has at least a small yard and can take them out to play fetch a few times through out the day. Every border I know lives for fetch
-Their coats vary in lengh but as not seperated. They have a double coat that sheds heavily a couple times a year. The coat is generally soft or silky feeling. They come in black and white, tri, blue merle, red merle, red tri. However black in white is by far the most common.
– They are signifiacantly smaller, standing up to 21 inches at the withers
-They are the smartest breed of dog in the world. This is not always as great as it sounds. They need to be properly trained from day one or they will train themselves and pick up bad habits. HOw you train them matters to. They need positive training methods, not even light taps or yelling, they are sensitive to their owners feelings. All you need to do is show them what you want them to do next time. They need mental stimulation daily to be well behaved pets. They are best suited to a home that is willing to pick up a dog sport with them, herding, agility and flyball are favorites
-borders are velcro dogs and while they will be friendly with the whole family usually bond closest with one person. They are great for singles who want a companion and have the time spend with them
– The couch potatoe of the herding breeds. Make no mistake they still need exersice daily. But are happy with long walks and romps aroung the yard with you or a doggy friend. Inbetween play sessions they are content to sleep on the couch.
– They have two coat varieties the smooth and rough coated. Rough looks like lassie, smooth shorter, between a GSD and Labs coat. Both coats are double coats and shed a few times a year. The rough is actually not that hard to mantain, just brush weekly co clipping required (except between feet pads) They come in sable (lassie), blue merle, tri, and white with a colored head
– They are a larger dog, standing up to 26 inches at the withers
-A properly socialized collie loves the whole family, esspecially children. They also get along with other pets normally.
– They are also smart dogs and benefit from on going mental activity. I find them more trainable, as borders can even distinguish the slightest difference in the way you pronounce a command and ignore it. Collies are not as picky. They do have short attention spans as pups so spread out the training into small sessions through out they day. My collies are also more social than my border.
-As far as prey dirve goes most borders, aussies, and heelers have strong drives. Meaning they want to chase everything that moves. They also like to herd children, which can mean nipping them in the ankles. Its not like bitting and they can be trained not to do it but its tough. A conformation line border is far less intence than a work border. I have never had a collie display these traits. They prefer to ‘taddle’ When a collie sees children playing rough or something supicious going on they let out a high pitched warning bark. Its entirely different from their regular bark. One of my collies would tell on my border when ever she was into something.
Both are interesting breeds with very different personalities
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Your Questions About Dog Training Collars
David asks…
Need help with Fitting and using a martingale dog training collar!?
I have a martingale dog training collar for my dog, I got the right size and all, but I am not sure where it is to sit on the dogs neck and that kind of stuff so any help would be appreciated.
the martingale dog raining collar I got has the partial chain on it, so does it matter where that DRing is for the leash to go on? Oike am I pulling to the side or straig twards me if the dog is on my left?
admin answers:
as close to the ears as U can get it.
High and snug!!
The collar slips over the dog’s head, then is adjusted to fit –
use the sliding-figure-8 to fit the collar.
U are adjusting the collar so that there’s MORE doubled-over collar,
and LESS single-thickness collar.
When properly fitted, the fabric-loop is FLAT,
and the collar is HIGH and SNUG.
No more than a Pinky-Tip (to first-joint) should slip between dog and collar,
once it’s fitted; U want it to STAY up there,
not slither down the dog’s neck toward their chest/shoulders.
Once the collar is snug, slide the fabric-loop to the back,
so it’s centered at the top of the dog’s neck.
Now clip the leash on the metal D-ring.
When the dog (or U) put tension on the leash,
the fabric-loop closes, tightening the collar.
However, since the loop can only close to half its size,
there’s no danger of ‘strangling’ or choking the dog.
That’s why a martingale is AKA a ‘limited-slip’ collar.
A choke or slip-collar closes to INFINITY:
they can easily shut-off the airway,
especially if U are so foolish as to imitate Cesar Millan,
and HANG a dog
(suspend them by their collar, with feet off the ground).
Lifting a dog’s feet off the ground and shutting off their airway can cause death, brain-damage, epilepsy, and other serious injury.
Martingales are safer than choke-chains or slip-collars;
they are far less-likely to injure the dog’s trachea or cervical vertebrae.
However, U still cannot safely HANG or SUSPEND a dog,
even with a martingale!
Please make collar-corrections short and firm:
a quick tug, then let the leash droop slightly.
U want to get the dog into apropos position,
then REWARD them with that easy-loose leash.
A constant tension on the leash is counter-productive:
it teaches the dog that walking is ‘tug-of-war’.
Walking should be BRISk, focused, and point to point,
Vs sauntering, meandering, and goal-less.
Aim for a nearby object, go there; as U approach it,
pick another, and repeat.
Dogs use the direction of our gaze to figure out where we are headed,
so by looking toward our goal,
we help the dog to understand where we (dog and human) are going.
Happy training!
Sharon asks…
Whats the best dog training collar for my neapolitan mastiff?
I am looking to get a training collar for my 7 month old Neapolitan Mastiff who has been attacking my other two dogs only in the house. I have been informed by a few breeders to get a collar to train him but there is thousands of them so need some advice on which one to pick, Hopefully under $300 dollars.
admin answers:
Get a prong collar & hire a professional trainer or bring him to OB classes. This kind of behaviour should have been corrected on the 1st time it happened but it’s never to late to correct a dog. At only 7 months, it should be quite easy to correct unlike when it’s a much older dog. It takes a little longer. You just need to be really firm with it. A big dog like that needs a firm, strong owner. Hope I helped.
ADD: Creepy, are you crazy? A Halti(head collar) for a Neapolitan Mastiff??? You gotta be kidding me! The Halti will snap off in a wink of an eye before the owner even realizes it & the dog would have already gone after the other dog. You CANNOT train an aggressive dog, whatever size they are with a head collar. And with a dog that size & strength, no way ho zay. If you ask any professional dog behaviorists or trainers about training an aggressive dog, none will recommend those kind of collars. Not even a soft collar. The prong or the choke collar does the job well & does it best combining with the right training technique ofcourse…
Here’s a pic of a N.Mastiff if you don’t know what dog this is:
Here read this & learn. It’s very interesting:
George asks…
Are dog training (shock) collars safe and do they work?
I am considering using a training collar to teach my dog boundaries. I need to be able to keep her off leash, but she runs off if I let her off the leash. A fence, even an invisible fence, is out of the question as its not my house. I’ve tried teaching her boundaries for the last 5 months but it is not working well. She won’t respond to “come” unless she’s in the mood. I want to use a shock collar but I worry it may be inhumane. Are they effective and are they safe to use?
admin answers:
First off shock collars are not inhumane. Yes they are safe to use.
They do not give a strong shock. Yes I tried it on my own arm before ever putting it on the dog.
Properly used as a training tool they work very well for certain things. You need to read all the information that comes with the collar and learn how to use it.
Then you need to set up visable boundries for your dog. Your dog must have some sort of visable thing to see to learn where the boundries are. Like flags.
If your dog does not respong to the come commad or only does so at her pleasure you need to go back and do some basic obedience work with your pet. You need to have the basics down and if your dog does not come you do not have those down yet.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Grain Free
James asks…
what is the best commercial dog food in the market?
Doing my research, I believe Great Life Dog/Cat food is top on the list. They use a freeze dry process, use organic ingrediants, add probiotics and emzymes, and have grain free formulas. For your basic, good quality dog/cat food Canidae/Felindae is the smart choice. For organic, Newman’s Organic is a worthy one, and for raw food diet, Nature’s Variety is winner. Others to consider are Timberwolf and Blue Buffulo. Do you agree? Give your comments Check out the websites.
admin answers:
Personally, I like Science Diet. Check out their link
George asks…
What dog foods that are not tested on animmals have smaller bite size pieces?
I’m taking my dog off imas because I herd they donate dog food to places that do animal testing. So she’s going to a grain free organic diet. She’s a very small dog about a 9 lb small breed and can only chew small bites. Thanks:>
admin answers:
I think you’re saying you don’t want to feed iams because they support companies that test other products on animals.
Iams is a bad food anyways…
I like wellness small breed. Blue buffalo was a close 2nd place for me, until they had to recall a bunch of different things.
Be careful when you feed a small dog grain free. That amount of protein might not mix well with such a small dog. Grain free diets are often greater than %40 protein. Where as a regular premium dog food such as wellness is around %28. How old is your dog? A young puppy probably shouldn’t be on a grain free diet either.
I have a yorkie and he has done great on wellness.
Richard asks…
How does Organic pet food help my pet live longer? Is there a difference between Organic and all natural food?
I have been thinking about feeding my dog Organic pet foods, then I see something called “all natural foods.” What is the difference if any?
admin answers:
Organic means grown without herbicides or pesticides. All natural means everything in it is natural… Eg. A plant, animal or grain.
Pesticides are made to kill things… Anyone who thinks they can kill the bugs and weeds but are perfectly safe to consume should really think about it. I know they are consumed in minute quantities, but over time I tend to wonder why we have so much more cancer and immunodeficiency ailments these days such as asthma and severe allergies.
Whichever you go with be sure it is a good quality animal diet… As far as cost goes you are better off buying a grain free (or at lease wheat and corn free) diet over an organic diet with wheat or corn in the top 5 ingredients. If you can afford an organic grain free diet…then your pup is one lucky dog!
Wheat and corn are much harder on your animal than the small amount of pesticides are…
And this is coming from someone who buys organic LOTS and truely understands the difference.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Boulder
John asks…
What would be a good dog for a small 1 bedroom house with a small yard?
I really would like to have a dog to keep me company, I have a fairly large yard, but only a small section is fenced off. (about 10 feet wide by 15 feet long.)
I live alone. I work 8 hours a day, from 2pm to 11pm. I wake up in the morning around 10am, and always go for a walk before I go to work, so a walking companion would be nice.
Money is not really an issue. I make roughly $60,000 per year.
admin answers:
Any of a wide variety of dogs would work for you. The only real constraint you have is that you aren’t there for a long stretch every day, so you should steer clear of dogs that are particularly attached to people, as you might have real trouble with separation anxiety. You probably also want to avoid really smart type A dogs like border collies, because they get bored more quickly and will find things around the house to entertain themselves. So you want an independent dog, but one that is content to lie around if you’re not there. And you might want to avoid dogs that have been bred at least in part to be guard dogs, because these tend to be territorial and become barky if they hear anyone nearby – like your neighbors – if you want to leave him outdoors in good weather, on a dog run or cable tie or in that fenced area.
The only real problem I see is that, to raise a young puppy, you really need to be able to come home for lunch, because they really shouldn’t be left for 9 hours at a stretch. That leaves you plenty of options, though.
Right now, the shelters and breed rescue societies in many areas are full of much loved socialized and trained family dogs that people had to give up due to foreclosure, moving into a place that doesn’t allow dogs, moving back with family members and can’t take the dog, etc. I’d say your best bet is to see if you and one of these dogs ‘click.’
One thing you didn’t mention is climate. You might want to steer clear of dogs that have quite a short coat if you live in a cold climate, though they can wear coats for walks; obviously the reverse holds for long haired breeds (no huskies or samoyeds) and dogs with pushed in noses if you live in Arizona or Louisiana.
How far do you want to walk your dog every day? That’s probably the main consideration, because many breeds need quite a lot of exercise, whereas others don’t need much at all. If you’re willing to walk 45 minutes a day or more, you might love a greyhound. They’re very sweet dogs, are happy to lie around ALL day, not destroying your house, as long as they get a long walk, and have very little separation anxiety. If you train them, you can take advantage of that big yard for a good run when you’re home, too, if you’re not really up for a walk some days. And, of course, being retired racing dogs, they’re already grown up and healthy.
A lot depends, too, on what YOU like in a dog. I’m fond of really smart dogs, because I like to talk to them and have them understand, but I’m around all day. I’m also fond of smaller dogs, but I don’t want to worry that my dog is too small when meeting any other dog, and where I live is the land of big dogs (Boulder) – so I got a Corgi, a small but sturdy cattle herding breed. You might think that big dogs are just the thing, or you might be more fond of smaller ones, like me.
You’ll also want to consider how much grooming you’re willing to do, and if anyone who’s likely to come by often is allergic to dogs. Also, how much cuddling you like.
Whether you get a big or small dog, you are likely, eventually, to want to fence off the whole yard, unless you get a real couch potato like a pug or a really small dog like a yorkie, and even pugs like to be able to explore.
I’m assuming, despite the outdoor dog run you describe, that the dog will live indoors with you for the most part. If that’s the case, you could do a lot worse than the classic black or yellow lab. There’s a reason they’re so popular. If you want to walk him quite a lot, at least an hour every day, or throw tennis balls in addition to the walk, go for a youngish one; if not, a slightly more mature one might be a great starter dog, say 5 or 6 or a bit older. That way, if you ever do end up getting a puppy, your well trained, mellow but playful, mature dog can do much of the work raising, and entertaining, the new pup! You’d really need to be home more to raise a pup without a steadying older dog (I know, I already said that.)
I’m assuming by ‘big yard’ you mean something at least 75 feet long? ‘Big yard’ could mean a lot of different things, depending on your area. If it’s smaller, you might want to check out the local dog parks before you get a retriever who’s really into retrieving. Also, it sounds like you’re single now, but you might not be forever, and you might get anklebiters one day; it might not be a bad idea to pick a breed that’s reasonably good with small kids, and socialize him to kids once you get him, just to avoid a hard decision down the road.
There are a LOT of dog breed selector guides on the Web; just google ‘dog breed selector’ and you’ll have a couple of dozen to choose from. Try those, and you’ll learn a lot about the tradeoffs of different breeds relative to your preferences.
William asks…
Convincing my parents to get me a medical card?
I have super back back pain, which i have gone to a therapist for (didn’t work) and anxiety. If i was 18 i would be eligible for a card. (I live in Boulder, Colorado). I’m only fourteen though and although my parents are pro mmj they have a problem with me buying off the streets. They think i’m too young and irrisponsible to buy from friends. MMJ really helps my back and i’m pretty sure it’s helping my anxiety.. haha so help?
admin answers:
Try exercising or yoga for your back pain. Your parents are right that you do not need a medical card. Your need is to respect your body. As far as your anxiety, watch the Dog Whisperer and try to find a way to do what Cesar Milan does to relax and reduce stress. If you are about to say he trains dogs, forget it, he trains people to get their dog to respect them! How about respecting yourself to solve your problems.
Joseph asks…
What is the poem that is commonly heard along with TV pictures of a steam train at full speed?
I think it might be by Betjeman, but I’m not really sure
It has a very fast pace and I think it also has a tight rhyme pattern, but I’m not entirely sure
admin answers:
“The Night Mail” by WH Auden but attributed to John Betjeman.
The LMS made a film about it. It was about the night mail train from London to Glasgow.
This is the Night Mail crossing the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
Letters for the rich, letters for the poor,
The shop at the corner and the girl next door.
Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb:
The gradient’s against her, but she’s on time.
Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder
Shovelling white steam over her shoulder,
Snorting noisily as she passes
Silent miles of wind-bent grasses.
Birds turn their heads as she approaches,
Stare from the bushes at her blank-faced coaches.
Sheep-dogs cannot turn her course;
They slumber on with paws across.
In the farm she passes no one wakes,
But a jug in the bedroom gently shakes.
Dawn freshens, the climb is done.
Down towards Glasgow she descends
Towards the steam tugs yelping down the glade of cranes,
Towards the fields of apparatus, the furnaces
Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen.
All Scotland waits for her:
In the dark glens, beside the pale-green sea lochs
Men long for news.
Letters of thanks, letters from banks,
Letters of joy from the girl and the boy,
Receipted bills and invitations
To inspect new stock or visit relations,
And applications for situations
And timid lovers’ declarations
And gossip, gossip from all the nations,
News circumstantial, news financial,
Letters with holiday snaps to enlarge in,
Letters with faces scrawled in the margin,
Letters from uncles, cousins, and aunts,
Letters to Scotland from the South of France,
Letters of condolence to Highlands and Lowlands
Notes from overseas to Hebrides
Written on paper of every hue,
The pink, the violet, the white and the blue,
The chatty, the catty, the boring, adoring,
The cold and official and the heart’s outpouring,
Clever, stupid, short and long,
The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong.
Thousands are still asleep
Dreaming of terrifying monsters,
Or of friendly tea beside the band at Cranston’s or Crawford’s:
Asleep in working Glasgow, asleep in well-set Edinburgh,
Asleep in granite Aberdeen,
They continue their dreams,
And shall wake soon and long for letters,
And none will hear the postman’s knock
Without a quickening of the heart,
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Amazon
Laura asks…
What is the best way to do a full body detox cleanse? Ive been sluggish & tired lately, I want to start fresh!
I want to do a full body detox cleanse. I have been so tired and sluggish lately, and need something to cleanse my system. I last did a cleanse about 4 months ago & it really helped, but they have since discontinued the product I used.
I am a 24 y.o female, moderately active lifestyle, in s. ontario. I eat mainly organic and healthy foods, no fast food at all. Walk my dog every day with my son. Am on a budget, and some cleanse programs I checked out are ridiculously expensive. I’d like to find something that won’t cost me anything outrageous, and is affordable to do every 3 months or so.
I take a multi vitamin, B12, B6, and iron supplements.
I have IBS, and cleansing seems to help calm it down a lot, too.
Any info on how to do a really in depth, full detox would be fabulous. Thanks.
admin answers:
… Sounds like you are doing a good job of taking care of yourself. Good for you. …
My personal experience is that fasting is the most powerful and most natural way to cleanse the body. … Some folks believe that properly done juice fasting is the best way to do this,.. And others believe that straight water fasting is the only true way to fast. …….. Personally, I feel that juice fasting is by far the wiser choice for someone who has not already done a good deal of cleansing work on their system,.. Or at least already well into a cleansing, organic and healthy vegetarian diet. …………….. If you are talking about someone who is already on a pretty clean diet and who is not taking any sorts of medications or with any serious illnesses,.. Than I would say that water fasting is a safe way to go.
…. If a person is taking any sort of medications,… Then I would definately not do any sort of fasting. In that case, I would encourage them to go on a cleansing diet, (such as you already follow). ………… If someone is dealing with any sort of serious illness,.. Then I would reccommend that they only fast under professional supervision.
Fasting, as a form of cleansing, is thousands of years old,… And of course, (if you are not juice fasting),.. It costs absolutely nothing financially. .. Fasting is an extremely powerful tool for promoting and maintaining health. ……………… If you have never fasted before,. I would reccommend that you begin by doing a couple of 24 hour fasts once a week,.. Followed by a couple of 3 day fasts once a month,.. Followed by a seven day fast which you might do perhaps one month after your second 3 day fast. …………….. After that,.. You can either move up to a 10 or a 14 day fast, if that feels right for you,.. (perhaps a few months or more after the 7 day fast), ……….. And then You could do something like one 7 or 10 day fast once a year or once every six months,.. To continue to promote and maintain your health.
………….. You need to know that fasting is a science,.. And there is much to learn about how to properly begin,.. Undergo and then end and come out of a fast. …. There are some good books available which will instruct you on how to properly fast. Most of them offer somewhat different approaches and philosophies,.. But if you are talking about a straight water fast,… The important instruction pertains to how to begin and how to end the fast. ………… You could look into the books by such authors as; Paul Bragg or Paavo Airola ( ….
There is also information available for free on the web. You will definately find that everyone offers different advice and different approaches. You should choose the advice that feels right to you and your needs.
If you do choose to fast,.. You may want to try and get some high colonics once or twice after you are well into the fast, to help clean out your colon. This is an excellent additional tool to go along with the cleansing process.
Be Well….
John asks…
What is the name of the thing that birds have in their throats?
i forgot what the vet said it was called…well she said my bird lost it due to poor feeding of seeds so she is now on a pellet diet
can she lose it?
admin answers:
It’s called their crop. They cannot “loose” it, but it can become damaged just like your stomach can become damaged from improper nutrition. And seeds are much healthier and more natural than pellets (as according to my birds experienced, well respected avian vet). However, your bird needs much more than just seeds or pellets. They need fresh fruit/veggies daily (no avocado ever). They need nuts and whole grains. And most birds love any healthy table food your eating (it’s good for them too, just be sure it’s organic).
The fact of it is, neither seeds nor pellets should be the staple in your birds diet. Fruit and veggies should be what their eating most of, supplemented by nuts, then healthy table food, then seeds or pellets. Before we adopted our amazon (who was abused and under-fed) we consulted with the avian vet my parents have used for 20 years to find out an ideal diet to bring him back to health. The way he explained it was, imagine if your primary diet was dry fortified cereal 3 meals a day and you only ate other foods as a treat. Not healthy right? That’s the same thing your doing to your parrot by feeding them mostly seeds or pellets with other more natural and healthy foods as treats. Especially since birds don’t drink much water, they have evolved to absorb moisture from fruit.
I would highly recommend you switch vets to an avian vet (who treats only birds), since regular vets treat mostly dogs/cats and are not well versed in proper parrot care. You can start helping your bird today by putting his pellets in the treat dish, and filling his primary food dish with chopped fruits and veggies (this should be the way the dishes are always arranged).
Paul asks…
Is there a store or website where I can get the following all natural/organic items?
Soap/Body Wash/Body Scrub
Body Butter/Body Lotion
Dog/Cat/Small Animal/Ferret Shampoo and Conditioner
Pet Food
I live in San Berniadino/Rialto, CA and plan on moving to Texas in about 4 to 6 years in the Athens/Austin/Lexington area.
Also market.
Any health/beauty/pet supplies.
admin answers:
Yeah check out I’ve gotten many of those things off there over the years recently bought my wife a organic soy based lavender soap she loves it
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Your Questions About Dog Training
John asks…
What is the best age to take a puppy to dog training courses?
I have a wire haired daschund and we will be taking it to dog training courses. What age is best for us to start taking it to courses?
admin answers:
Well, for me daschunds are the best choice of breed, so well done on that. I also think – judging by everyones answers – that you should start as early as possible. Daschunds really deserve a nice name like Koko. Whatever the name is, make sure it’s not something like Dahpne. I would also recommend a dog training service such as “Lead The Dog”. Just look at for more information. Have a nice day!
Charles asks…
What is the most expensive dog training ever?
i need to know what is most expensive dog training a dog has been trained.
quick 10 points!!!
and ceser millan is coming to perth, shall i go to his session.
admin answers:
The $120,000 TITAN Protector Ultra – A dog that has had the “ultimate” training.
You do not send your dog there for training. They sell you a dog that has been trianed by them.
Mark asks…
Are there any sites with tips for dog training?
I have a dog that I’m trying to train. Instead of buying a book, are there any dog training sites I can go on and look at instructions and tips for free?
admin answers:
You need a full and proven training program.
“SitStayFetch” is one of the most popular dog training products on the market written by Daniel Stevens, an experienced dog trainer, for every dog owners who know that the experience of training their dog has or will continue to establish a better relationship with their four legs friend.
First when I read SitStayFetch ebook, I was surprised at lots of information has been covered. The 186 page book is broken down into different sections step-by-step, each one dealing with a different aspect of dog ownership. SitStayFetch starts from a basic that dog owner should know. For instance, things to consider before adopting a dog, choosing the right breed, dealing with breeders, the secrets of dog training; and then moves on at common dog problems including biting and nipping, aggression, jealousy, digging holes, disobedience, separation anxiety, fights with other dogs, destructive behavior and even understanding how your dog thinks.
The core of SitStayFetch system is the communication between dog and owner. Daniel Stevens understands that most of common dog problems are from the lack of communication. Your dog simply doesn’t understand what you want. SitStayFetch demonstrates how dogs communicate, what are they thinking, how you can communicate with them effectively.
This simple technique helps in improving the relationship between you and your dog. And it also doesn’t just focus on one or two aspects of dog ownership. SitStayFetch deals with all common problem behaviors, step-by-step approach tells you exactly what to do and when to do it.
SitStayFetch works because of the tips and advice come directly from the author’s real-life experience. You also can sign up for free 6 days mini course which covers selected training methods and behavior fixing methods that are used in SitStayFetch ebook.
So if you want to have a good relationship with your dog and get rid of dog problems, I think SitStayFetch will definitely help you reach your goals.
Check my source, hope it helps. Good luck!
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Reviews
Carol asks…
What is the best dog food to switch from a prescribed fish and potato dry food?
My dog is ready to start wheening her off her prescribed fish and potato diet of dry dog food. Do you have any ideas of what brand and type of dry food that would be best for her. She has been dealing with allergies and has been on shots for the past year.
The dermatogist could not find exactly what she is allergic to regarding foods. I wastold that there is no testing that can rule this out. She has been on the fish a potato doet for 1 year. She is allergic to mold, various grasses, and leaves, etc.
admin answers:
Here are some high-quality, fish-based dog foods:
– Fromms Four Star whitefish and potato –
– Fromms Four Star salmon a la veg –
– GO Natural Wild Salmon & Oatmeal –
– Nature’s Variety Prairie Salmon Meal and Brown Rice –
– Timberwolf Organics Ocean Blue –
– Blue Buffalo Fish & Sweet Potato –
– Eagle Pack Holistic Select Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon Meal with Oatmeal –
– Flint River Ranch Premium Fish & Chip –
– Wellness Fish & Sweet Potato –
Below the line is my normal shpeel on choosing a dog food.
On choosing a good dog food:
Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food. A grain should not be in the first couple ingredients ingredient (corn and such are mainly fillers, dogs don’t digest it well). Avoid foods that have a lot of “by products” listed.
Here is an article about byproducts:
And an article on what ingredients to avoid:
Some GOOD foods are :
* Merrick –
* Solid Gold –
* Canidae –
* Timberwolf –
* Orijen –
* Wellness –
* Chicken Soup brand –
* Innova –
* Innova EVO –
Or check this website for good foods:
(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)
Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, Purina, etc.)
Beware “premium” foods. “Premium” does not mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. It has the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)
Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that’s why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don’t focus a lot on nutrition. It’s not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told “this is good food”, so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it’s good as well.
When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A
Maria asks…
What is the best kind of dog food? Your personal opinion?
I have been feeding my dog Purina brands of dog food, the higher quality types purchased in places such as Petsmart, etc.,however have been reading articles on dogs in certain foreign countries living alot longer and healthier lives because the dog foods are a much better quality.
I am looking for the best diet for my dog. 11lb. Jack Russell, 18 months old. I would like something with less grain, especially corn. Ones without corn are hard to find. Any suggestions? With or without corn, if they’re good.
admin answers:
There is no food that is the *best*, different individual dog may thrive on different foods. What is best for one may not be the best for the next. And just because a food is good quality, it doesn’t mean it will jive the best for your dog.
What you want to find is the high-quality food that *your dog* does best on.
For my dog, I feed primarily Merrick foods. This is what my dog does excellent on; great coat, solid stools, no excessive or smelly flatulence, etc.
Below the double line is my shpeel on how to choose a good dog food.
=== ===
Read the ingredients before you buy. Go with a high-quality dog food.
Here is my “short list” of rules when I am looking at dog food ingredients:
1) When I chose a dog food, I chose one high meat content. I want to see preferably at least 2-3 out of the top 5 ingredients be meat or meat meal (first ingredient must be!). Meal is simply the meat with the moisture removed.
2) I want to see higher quality grains, such as barley, brown rice, and oatmeal, instead of seeing wheat and corn. Or an alternative starch/carbohydrate such as potatoes or sweet potatoes.
3) I don’t want to see any byproducts.
4) I don’t want to see a lot of fillers.
5) I don’t want to see preservatives that are believed to be carcinogens (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin).
6) I don’t want to see artificial colorings such as the Red, Blue, and Yellow dyes.
7) I don’t want to see added sugars (sugar, corn syrup).
8) I don’t want to see mystery meats (meats identified only as “meat” or “poultry”.)
Here is an article about byproducts:
And an article on what ingredients to avoid:
Here are some examples of high quality foods:
* Artemis
* California Natural
* Canidae
* Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
* Eagle Pack Holistic Selects
* Fromm
* Innova
* Merrick
* Nature’s Variety
* Orijen
* Solid Gold
* Taste of the Wild
* Timberwolf Organics
* Wellness
Or check this website; the 4, 5, or 6 star rated foods are all good foods, 3 or less stars I would stay away from. Http://
Higher quality food may seem more expensive at first, but it evens out. The higher quality the food, the less fillers eaten (and therefore the less poop comes out the other end). Your dog eats more of a low-quality food to try to get the nutrition it needs, and most of the food just passes right on through. Also, higher-quality food will make your animals healthier, so you save money on vet bills in the long run.
Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, etc.)
Beware “premium” foods. “Premium” does not always mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. Most of these foods have the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)
Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that’s why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don’t focus a lot on nutrition. It’s not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told “this is good food”, so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it’s good as well.
Hills company, the makers of Science Diet, are heavily involved in vet schools. “Hill’s scientists author more than 50 research papers and textbook chapters each year and teach at leading schools of veterinary medicine” (Source of quoted section:!598359213!167846923!7005!8005&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026072&bmUID=1196192566575 )
“Big box” petstores like Petco and Petsmart rarely have quality foods. (I do believe that PetCo sells “Solid Gold” and “Natural Balance” brands and Petsmart sells “Blue Buffallo”, which are all higher quality foods, but most of the foods aren’t.)
Also, grocery stores and Walmart aren’t good places to buy food either.
Your best bets for getting quality dog food are:
– small, locally owned petstores
– dog boutiques
– farm supply stores
When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A
Mark asks…
What is the best brand of dog food you will find in a grocery store?
All those organic foods are too excpensive.I already have bills to pay and paying tons of money for holistic and organic food is just too much. What are some cheap but good quality and easy to find foods?
admin answers:
Nutro Natural Choice or Pro Plan Selects you can get them at petco, petsmart, and most pet stores.
Whatever food you get make sure they don’t use
“BHT/BHA and Ethoxyquin: These are preservatives in some dogs food that have been banned from use in human food because they are linked to many health problems such such as liver/kidney damage, cancerous skin lesions, loss of hair, blindness, leukemia, fetal abnormalities and chronic diarrhea. In animals it has been linked to immune deficiency syndrome, spleen, stomach and liver cancer, as well as the above mentioned diseases.
Propylene Glycol
This potentially harmful chemical is added to many products to maintain the right texture and moisture. Along with the use of Ethoxyquin, these humectants tie up the water content and thus prohibit the growth of bacteria. These preservatives allow dry food to stay on the shaves for up to five years, and canned products indefinitely. As well as inhibiting bacteria growth in the product, they inhibit proper and necessary growth of friendly flora in the digestive tract, which aids in the assimilation of nutrients. They also decrease the amount of moisture in the digestive tract, which has led to intestinal blockage and a host of serious digestive tract problems such as cancerous intestinal lesions.
By products (that stuff is discussing)
Also some dogs are sensitive to corn, which appears to be in a lot of lower grade dog foods.
You best bet is to learn how to analyze dog food and read labels . For example this is why Iams is considered a 1 Star dog food
Review of Iams from
The first ingredient on the listed is a named meat product, but since this is chicken inclusive of its water content (about 80%) and this ingredient will weigh only about 20% of its wet weight once water is removed (as it must be to make kibble) it is unlikely that this is the true first ingredient in the food and would be more accurately placed much further down the ingredient list. Fish meal, at 5th on the ingredient list, is a second named meat product in the food, but this is far too low down toelevate the meat content to an acceptable level. We note that the manufacturer does not claim to use ethoxyquin-free sources (ethoxyquin is a chemical preservative commonly added to fish destined for meal, and is believed to be carcinogenic).
The next two ingredients are low quality grains. Corn is a problematic grain that is difficult for dogs to digest and thought to be the cause of a great many allergy and yeast infection problems. We prefer not to see this used in dog food. Sorghum is a carbohydrate source low in digestibility. We consider it primarily filler.
The next ingredient in this food is by-products. It is impossible to ascertain the quality of by-products and these are usually products that are of such low quality as to be rejected for use in the human food chain, or else are those parts that have so little value that they cannot be used elsewhere in either the human or pet food industries. The AAFCO definition of chicken by-product meal is “a meal consisting of the ground, rendered, clean parts of the carcass of slaughtered chicken, such as necks, feet, undeveloped eggs and intestines, exclusive of feathers, except in such amounts as might occur unavoidable in good processing practice.”
Beet pulp is further filler and a controversial ingredient – it is a by-product, being dried residue from sugar beets which has been cleaned and extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar. It is a controversial ingredient in dog food, claimed by some manufacturers to be a good source of fibre, and derided by others as an ingredient added to slow down the transition of rancid animal fats and causing stress to kidney and liver in the process. We note that beet pulp is an ingredient that commonly causes problems for dogs, including allergies and ear infections, and prefer not to see it used in dog food. There are less controversial products around if additional fiber is required.
Here is the ingredients list of Iams
Chicken, Corn Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Chicken By-Product Meal, Fish Meal (source of fish oil), Corn Grits, Natural Chicken Flavor, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of vitamin E, and Citric Acid), Dried Beet Pulp (sugar removed), Dried Egg Product, Brewers Dried Yeast, Potassium Chloride, Salt, Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement, (source of vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Calcium Carbonate, Choline Chloride, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate), DL-Methionine, Rosemary Extract
Guaranteed Analysis:
Crude Protein (minimum) 26%
Crude Fat (minimum) 14%
Moisture (maximum) 10%
Crude Fiber (maximum) 5%
Omega-6 Fatty Acids not less than 2.8%
You can read about other foods on the website above.
And just keep in mind, more expensive food maybe only a few dollars more for a 20 pound bag, but the quality and your dogs health is worth it.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Books
Jenny asks…
Where can I download free dog training books off the Internet?
I’m beginning to train my dog and I’m looking for a good site that I can download free dog training books? Any suggestions anyone?
admin answers:
Your local library has a bazillion of them that you can check out for free.
Steven asks…
Can anyone recommend a good dog training book?
We have two Goldens that are 1 year old. I literally HATE walking the boy because he is so very disobedient. He wants to pull me and HAS pulled both of our children down onto the pavement, so they are unable to walk the dogs at all. A good dog training book would be greatly appreciated.
admin answers:
Lots of good dog booke
Read The Monks of New Skete
The Other End of the Leash
Don’t Shoot the Dog
Dog Tricks for Dummies
All of these have some wonderful insite. If you can afford to consider a Puppy/Beginner Class. It’s more for you than the dog. Check your local AKC Club or Golden Retriever Club for a good Class in your area. It usuall lasts 6 to 8 weeks and you go one hour a week. Average cost is $100.00.
Betty asks…
What are the best Dog Training Books?
Any recommendations on dog training books? or a dog book that has everything in it from raising puppies, nutrition, dog breeds, to obedience training etc?
admin answers:
Try any of these you can find. I agree forget Cesar and his return to the harsh methods that failed in the past. Jean donaldson may be good, but I found her psycho babble too thick.
Excel-crated Learning by Pamela Reid, 1996
Don’t Shoot the Dog, by Karen Pryor, 1996
Surviving Your Dog’s Adolescence, by Carol Lea Benjamin, 1993
Second Hand dog, by Carol Lea Benjamin, 1988
Dog Problems, by Carol Lea Benjamin, 1989
Super Puppy, by Peter J. Volume, 1988
HELP, Mt dog Has an Attitude, by Gwen Bohnenkamp, 1994
Owners’ Guide Better Behavior in Dogs and Cats, by William Campbell, 1989
What All Good dogs Should Know, By Wendy Vollmer, 1991
How to Raise a Dog When Nobody is Home, Jerry Kilmer, 1991
Through Otis’ Eyes-Lessons from a Guide Dog Puppy, by Patricia Berlin Kennedy and Robert Christie, 1998
Puppy Primer, by Brenda K Skidmore and Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D., 1996
Beginning Family Dog Training, by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D., 1996
Planet of the Blind-A Memoir, by Steven Kuusisto, 1998
The Other end of the Leash, by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food
George asks…
What kind of organic dog food is good for a 8 year old chihuahua?
I am going to get rid of my dry dog food because of what I was told on tv. Only thing is if I get rid of old dry food and buy or make organic dog food how will I give it to him at first. SO CONFUSED!
admin answers:
Any kind of organic brand is better than what you were feeding her, do a search on google it should come up with a few. I know they carry some at Petco, introduce it slowly into her diet, adding little by little to her current food for a period of about 1-2 weeks. If you can supplement with things like raw egg, cottage cheese or plain yogurt.
Mark asks…
What is the best organic dog food?
I have a Yorkie who just turned 3. I want to get him eating healthier food. The vet recommended Science Diet, but my dog won’t eat it. He has to be one of the pickiest dog ever! Sometimes I boil him chicken and he usually loves it but if he’s not in the mood he won’t eat it. Right now I’m feeding him chef michael’s wet food. He likes it. I have try diff foods but I waste money bc he won’t eat it! I wanna know if there are real organic dog food. Any recommendations?
admin answers:
I really don’t know of any dog foods that are certified as organic but there are plenty of foods that are good and healthy for your dog.
High quality dog foods will have named meats as the main ingredients and no grains. Grains are hard on a dog’s digestive system and are just cheap ingredients used to fill the dog up. Avoid foods that have corn, soy, wheat, by products, unnamed meats, unnamed fats, animal digest, added sugar, glutens, and artificial flavors/colors/preservatives.
I feed my dogs Orijen, the Regional Red kind in particular. I feel Orijen is the best dry dog food out there, so long as the dog’s digestive system agrees with it. This food is loaded with meats which is what a dog is supposed to eat. All of the ingredients put into the food are inspected and passed fit for human consumption before using them.
I also mix in Before Grain canned dog food with their food often for added moisture content. High quality meat based canned foods are even better because of the moisture, it’s less processed, and most have no preservatives. The food is more in its natural state. They also get the occasional Tiki Dog canned food alone, which is actually passed fit for human consumption straight out of the can.
Other high quality foods are Acana Grain Free, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Before Grain, Wellness Core, Canidae Grain Free Pure, and EVO.
A good rule of thumb is avoid any foods sold in a grocery store. No food sold in a grocery store is going to have high quality meats in the food and be grain free.
Steven asks…
If you were going to feed your dog a natural/organic dog food, which would you choose?
I really want to feed my dog something with REAL ingredients. I try to eat natural and healthy food, so I want my dog to be able to do the same. Can anyone tell me a good natural/organic dog food and give me reasons for why you like it? Thank you so much 🙂
admin answers:
I use Acana Grasslands, It’s not organic but it is natural ingredients. I like it because the ingredients put in are fit for human consumption and it is all meat based. It’s grain free which is all I feed because grains are not needed by dogs and are high in unnecessary carbs. Also the food has no by products, animal digest, added sugar, artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. I also feed canned and the brands are Tiki Dog and Weruva Human Style, both passed fit for human consumption straight out of the can. All of these foods have all needed vitamins and minerals. What more can I ask for.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Fort Collins
Betty asks…
Any tips to keep our dog from bothering us at the table?
(Shes tall enough to rest her nose on the table)
admin answers:
Begging — 9 Tips to Table the Pleas
Your heart swells as your loyal, loving pet gazes up at you with those soft brown eyes. Then you notice the whining, the drooling and the unrelenting stare at your fork. This isn’t about love. It’s about your food — she wants it, and she wants it now.
It’s hard to ignore a good mooch, but if you give in, experts say, you’ll never have a peaceful meal again. So be strong, hang onto your plate and follow these helpful hints.
For Dogs and Cats
Feed her first.
“If your dog or cat is really full, she just won’t be as inspired to ask for more,” says Kathryn Segura, who trains animals for television and movies and is owner of PHD Animals in Studio City, California.
Don’t give in to guilt.
No matter how much she manipulates your emotions with those Oliver Twist eyes — “Please, master, may I have some of yours?” — remind yourself that your pet is already well-fed and doesn’t need human food, says M. Lynne Kesel, D.V.M., assistant professor of elective surgery in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Fort Collins.
Make her leave for leftovers.
If you do decide to slip her a snack, don’t do it from the table, Dr. Kesel adds. Otherwise your pet will begin confusing your mealtimes with hers. “If I’m eating something healthy and I can’t finish it, at the end I’ll put a little in their bowls,” she says.
Lay down the law.
Usually just raising your voice will send your pet scurrying to another room. If that doesn’t work, try honking a bike horn or rattling a shake can. “After a few times, they should get the message,” says Gary Landsberg, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice in Thornhill, Ontario, who specializes in animal behavior.
To make a shake can, put some coins inside an empty soda can. Tape up the hole and you’ve got a noisemaker extraordinaire.
Say it with spray.
Cats can be incorrigible beggars, even jumping on tables and stealing food when you don’t hand over a handout. And dogs aren’t above trying some pretty pushy maneuvers themselves. To discourage such brazen behavior, surprise your pet with a blast from a spray bottle. The plastic bottle you use to spray plants will do nicely. Just aim for whatever part of your pet is handy, says Bob Gutierrez, animal behavior coordinator at the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Isolate the problem.
“When your dog or cat is driving you crazy, tell her ‘ No!’ and calmly put her in another room and shut the door,” says Dr. Landsberg. You may get complaints in the form of barking or meowing, but don’t let her out until you’re done eating. “Eventually she’ll figure out that if she doesn’t beg, she doesn’t get sent away,” says Dr. Landsberg.
Try a sticky solution.
Does your pet’s begging repertoire include jumping up on kitchen counters? If so, try putting strips of double-sided tape in strategic spots. Then stand back and watch, says Gutierrez. “They hate the sensation of their paws getting a little stuck,” he says. “They’re unlikely to return, but just in case, buy an extra-big roll.”
Give in — just a little.
Some people love feeding their pet at the table and don’t want to give it up entirely. As a compromise, try slipping her something healthy, like lettuce, suggests Myrna Milani, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice in Charlestown, New Hampshire, and author of The Body Language and Emotions of Cats and The Body Language and Emotions of Dogs. “If she doesn’t like it, you’ve done your part — and if she does, you’re not loading her down with fattening food,” she says.
For Dogs Only
Send her to school.
If your pooch’s pleas are starting to peeve, why not try obedience school? Once you’ve both mastered the essential commands like “Stay!” and “Down!” you’ll have peace in the family once again. “This way it’s not a constant battle at the dinner table,” says Dr. Landsberg.
Thomas asks…
is there such thing as a police dog trainer and would i have to join the police?
if i want to become a police dog trainer would i have to join the police and would they give me a dog to train and it would be under my responsabilaty like i feed it live with it e.g.
admin answers:
Good question. My dog came from Romania, was partly trained there. She was imported to the US by Joe Clingan ( Joe was a K9 supervisor at Fort Collins, Colorado and he trained her also. My K9 finished training in FL, but again it was with a K9 supervisor.
You don’t have to be a police officer; however, that it where you will get your experience. Use the two links below and contact the USPCA as well as Clingan’s site.
Steven asks…
Does anyone want free CATS?
Ok so i am trying to help a family in fort collins colorado get rid of 13 cats . All the animals are putting a strain on the family in every aspect possible. so if you want a cat or muliple of them please contact: Ashley Gremer @ 970-388-3098 Kelly Littlefair @ 970-308-9392 Deb Philpson @ 970-308-6515
admin answers:
People who want free pets can be:
1) Looking for bait to train fighting dogs
2) Looking for animals to sell to labs
3) Dangerous
Always ask for an adoption fee, you can always waive it once you have met the person. Do you have a local spca, humane society or shelter?
What is the plan for these people for the future? If they continue to have intact cats, you will just be digging them out in another year. People that let cats breed uncontrolled and cannot afford them often end up right back where they started after good people help them out. Sometimes education and monitoring is necessary, hope you are prepared for the task.
Also, often cats in risky situations like this are not healthy and can be inbred. You might consider providing some vetting or at least being up front with folks about the risks. It could be a danger to more than the cat they are adopting, it could also be a danger to their current pets.
Thanks for trying to help, but you may need more than a freebie ad.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Sensitive Stomachs
Donna asks…
What is a good dog food for sensitive stomach and easy digestion?
I have an 18 month Maltepoo that seems to easily get tummy issues. She has had bouts of colitis and has difficulty going potty. I have found on canned foods she digests it a little better but I am not sure which is the best food for her stomach and one that isnt full of a bunch of added stuff.
Has Anyone ever used Nature’s Variety food?
admin answers:
It really depends on what she is sensitive to in the food. Have you ever tried Merrick dog food? It is organic can be found online even if you can’t find it locally. If you can make her food at home you can feed boiled chicken and white rice and see if her tummy settles down.
David asks…
What is the best dog food to feed a dog that rarely has recalls.?
I am currently feeding my dog pedigree, which has a lot of corn and I want to switch her dog food.
How would I go about switching, and what dog food do you recommend? Last time I switched to Innova but my dog got sick.
admin answers:
Congrats on wanting to help your dog! A lot of people think it’s okay to feed their dogs crap food…
When switching your dog’s food, make sure to keep a reserve of her old food. I like to use 20% increments–so the first day of the switch, use 80% Pedigree, and 20% new food. From there, you can change the levels to 60/40, 40/60, 80/20, and then finally 100% new food. You can also do it in 25% increments. Ideally this should take about a week (or two weeks if your dog’s stomach is sensitive). If your dog got sick last time you switched her, it was probably done too quickly. Innova is a fantastic food; it’s just really hard on a dog’s system to immediately go from a cruddy food to a high-quality one since there’s way more protein in the good food. It may take your dog the full two weeks to get her used to the new food.
Some great, premium/ ultra-premium foods are EVO, Blue Buffalo/ Wilderness, Pinnacle, Acana, Instinct, Wellness, Solid Gold, Taste of the Wild, Timberland Organics, Fromm Family… A good site to peruse is Check out all of the 4-6-star foods they have on there–you local pet store (or farm supply/feed store) is bound to carry a couple of them.
(Science Diet is crud, by the way. Sorry, kids.)
Betty asks…
What is a good brand of puppy food to help with diarrea and vomiting?
I have been feeding my puppies pedegree. One does fine, but the other gets diarria and vomits randomly. I dont know if she just has a sensitive stomach, cause it is random. The last time was after a bone I gave her. I just want to know what foods may be better for her, but I cant spend a ton cause I have two dogs that will both be eating it. Thanks
admin answers:
There is no food that is the *best*, different individual dog may thrive on different foods. What is best for one may not be the best for the next.
You can do MUCH better than Pedigree. Pedigree has a lot of fillers, byproducts, low-quality grains, and overall just bad ingredients.
What you want to find is the high-quality food that *your dog* does best on.
If you are on a budget, I recommend Canidae and Chicken Soup brand dog foods. They are very reasonably priced, and are still high-quality.
=== ===
Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food.
Here is my “short list” of rules when I am looking at dog ingredients:
1) When I chose a dog food, I chose one high meat content. I want to see preferably at least 2-3 out of the top 5 ingredients be meat or meat meal (first ingredient must be!).
2) I want to see higher quality grains, such as barley, brown rice, and oatmeal, instead of seeing wheat and corn. Or an alternative starch/carbohydrate such as potatoes or sweet potatoes.
3) I don’t want to see any byproducts.
4) I don’t want to see a lot of fillers.
5) I don’t want to see preservatives that are believed to be carcinogens (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin).
6) I don’t want to see artificial colorings such as the Red, Blue, and Yellow dyes.
7) I don’t want to see added sugars (sugar, corn syrup).
8) I don’t want to see mystery meats (meats identified only as “meat” or “poultry”.)
Here is an article about byproducts:
And an article on what ingredients to avoid:
Some GOOD foods are :
* Artemis –
* California Natural –
* Canidae –
* Chicken Soup –
* EVO –
* Fromm –
* Innova –
* Merrick –
* Nature’s Variety –
* Orijen –
* Solid Gold –
* Taste of the Wild –
* Timberwolf Organics –
* Wellness –
Or check this website for good foods:
(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)
Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, etc.)
Beware “premium” foods. “Premium” does not mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. It has the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)
Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that’s why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don’t focus a lot on nutrition. It’s not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told “this is good food”, so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it’s good as well.
Higher quality food may seem more expensive at first, but it evens out. The higher quality the food, the less fillers eaten (and therefore the less poop comes out the other end). Your dog eats more to try to get the nutrition it needs, and most of the food just passes right on through. Also, it will make your animals healthier, so you save money on vet bills in the long run.
“Big box” petstores like Petco and Petsmart rarely have quality foods. (I do believe that PetCo sells “Solid Gold” and “Natural Balance” brands and Petsmart sells “Blue Buffallo”, which are all quality foods, but most of the foods aren’t.)
Also, grocery stores and Walmart aren’t good places to buy food either.
Your best bets for getting quality dog food are:
– small, locally owned petstores
– dog boutiques
– farm supply stores
When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A
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Your Questions About Dog Training Denver
Betty asks…
How long will dog grooming training take?
I am doing a training internship type thing with a local very preferred groomer and I will begin training my very first day. I go Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week. So how long would it take to be good enough to do it on my own? Thanks.
Well it’s a local preferred groomer who owns her own shop and I had asked her to do an internship training with me so I could be trained on how to groom dogs. But I was just curious if anybody else had done anything like this.
admin answers:
I’ve trained alot (OJT)of dedicated, talanted, responsible, respectful, motivated, hardworking employees in the past. I prepared each one to expect the OJT internship to be a 5-6 month endeavor to be thoroughly qualified to call themselves a professional. Experience is the key here and that doesn’t come in a brief education. One can pay a school for anything from a 3 week class to many month’s but do understand that your everyday experience in a shop is real. I’ve been at this for 3 decades and am still learning. My advice is slow down on your plans and don’t plan on whipping through this for knowledge and experience is powerful to be the best and most sucessful. Ask alot of Q’s and be respectful to your teacher/mentor. This is a choosen profession. Also, get to the Denver Dog show Feb 13-16 atleast one day to study the cream of the crop and breed profile. Also, join the asso and become as active as you can for this is a group of friendly groomers to tap info from. Good Luck! WB
Paul asks…
How do I keep my dog from urinating on my carpet?
My dog goes to the bathroom in the same spots on the carpet. She does this even after she has been let outside.
I’ve tried Nature’s Miracle and other products from Petsmart. I guess I could try the OxiClean stuff and see how that works. I don’t want to replace the carpet if I don’t have to.
admin answers:
Okay there are many reasons why a dog might urinate on the carpet. If your dog is a puppy you have to remember that it takes almost four months for them to take full control of their bladder. Also, there is something called submissive urination. This is something a puppy or even an older dog does as a sign that it is submitting to you. Like when you approach it the dog becomes very excited and urinates. Below is an excerpt from a website about submissive urination.
Submissive urination is not an un-solvable problem, especially with a four month old puppy. Let’s see if I can help. First it would be very helpful to know exactly what you’ve tried and hasn’t worked. Training takes time to work, and if you were trying a bunch of different things, rather than sticking to one technique for a month or more, she may be confused. Especially since she is very sensitive.
Here would be what I would suggest, which is I learned from the Denver Dumb Friends League. Both you and your husband and anyone else (if possible) who interacts with the dog should follow these guidelines. I would also suggest enrolling her in a training
1. Take your dog to the vet to rule out medical reasons for the behavior.
2. Keep greetings low-key. For now, don’t pick her up.
3. Encourage and reward confident postures from her. She can’t be urinating non-stop in your presence, so as often as you can, if she is with you or your husband and not urinating, praise her. (Positive reinforcement, which I am sure you are familiar with from your readings).
4. Give her an alternative to behaving submissively. For example, if she knows a few commands, have him “sit” or “shake” as you approach, and reward her for obeying.
5. Avoid approaching him with postures that she reads as dominant, for example: Avoid direct eye contact (this means looking at her back or tail instead, not in the eyes. You can do this standing up, you don’t have to get down to her level).
6. If you do want to pet her or get down on her level, do so by bending at the knees rather than leaning over from the waist and ask others to approach her in the same way.
7. Pet her under the chin rather than on top of the head. Hands coming from above, especially if she was abused, can be viewed as threatening and scary.
8. Try to approach her from the side, rather than from the front, and/or present the side of your body to him, rather than your full front. You may feel funny sliding around at first, but this is only a temporary method while you are training her to get used to you, not get so excited/scared in your presence that she urinates.
9. Don’t punish or scold her – this will only make the problem worse. You can continuing to housebreak her without scolding.
Put her on a regular schedule of feeding (twice or three times a day for a puppy) and going out to go to the bathroom, or walking her on a leash to her papers if you are paper training her. Lots of praise if she does it in the right spot. If it has been a while and she has not gone, I would suggest calling her into a safe room (like a kitchen with a child’s gate) or into a crate where she can be until you can take her out under supervision, until you take her to her bathroom spot again. Only in the hour after she has just gone should she have full run of the house. If she does have an accident, you will have to just ignore it for now, but if you are consistent and supervising her, the chances of her having one are very small.
This information is basically for puppies but there is also info on the site about house breaking older dogs.
James asks…
Which dog breeds tend to be the biggest barkers and which tend to be the least?
I use the term “tend” because there are always exceptions. However, it can’t be argued that some breeds even w/ lots of attention and training, bark a lot usually instinctively. For instance, we have two wonderful Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). They are a herding breed and I believe this is why that they tend to be a rather noisy although extremely intelligent, loving breed. They bark when they are excited or when squirrels, deer, or strange cats are spoted.
admin answers:
Top 10 Nosiest Dog:
1. Beagle
2. Collie
3. Doberman Pinscher
4. Finnish Spitz
5. German shepherd
6. Norwegian elkhound
7. Rottweiler
8. Shetland sheepdog
9. Terriers
10. Toy and miniature poodles
Quiter Dog Breeds:
Basenji, The Barkless Dog:–Basenji-the-barkless-dog
The quiet list has Maltese, which I say are NOT quiet! The opposite in fact. But I agree with the noisy list for sure, from my experience.
Chris asks…
What kind of dog would u recommend?
I’m looking for a family dog (i have a wife and two kids) and we’re looking for a dog that’s small and will stay small. One that is fun and somewhat cuddle for the kids and also doesnt bark much. Any recommendations?
admin answers:
You would do well to check with your local Humane Society about what kind of dog to get. Many shelters now have someone who tests the dogs to see what their temperment is and if they are safe to be around children. Each kind has its own temperment and not every dog in that breed will be kid-friendly. Just because a dog is small doesn’t mean it’s safe to be around little ones. Not to give you nightmares, but last year I read of a woman in Denver who put her infant in the playpen on a deck to get some fresh air while she did something in the house. She heard screams and barking and found the family dauchsand had eaten through the playpen netting and was chewing on the baby. The baby later died at the hospital. No one could believe such a small dog could drag the child out through the hole.
Greyhounds are larger dogs, but can be very child friendly. Since they are rescue dogs they are tested to see if they are child friendly, cat friendly, etc. They rarely bark.
Beware of the “popular” breeds. Some of them have been so inbred you have no idea what they’ll do from minute to minute.
I think the best advice is to go the animal shelter and let them help you. They can see how the dogs match up with your kids (you don’t give ages so it makes it a little harder to be more definitive on what breed is good).
Remember too, just as you train the dog you have to train your children not to pull tails, ears, whatever. Not to cling to the dog or interrupt it while it’s trying to eat, etc. Any dog will react negatively in those circumstances.
Little dogs like terriers might not be a good choice because they are so hyper and they yap so much.
Nancy asks…
Have you used the puppy training class at PetSmart?
How well did it work for you? How much did you spend on classes?
I’m all set to get a Mini Schnauzer around the beginning of December and I want to bring her up right. I’ve had a Schnauzer before but this will be my first puppy on my own. I was looking at the training classes at PetSmart and I’m curious to know what expieriences (if any) you’ve had with them. I’m open to other suggestions, preferably something with other dogs so she can socialize. I am in the Denver Metro area, FYI, and I am on a budget, so nothing too extravagant! lol Thanks!
admin answers:
Petsmart classes should have other dogs in them-unless you’re speaking of a private class. A typical puppy class, from my experience, has anywhere from 4-13 puppies. No, I’m not kidding about the 13. I’ve been to several. They are good for generalized obedience, and socialization. Of course, the trainers are very limited in their training, so for behavioural problems, such as aggression, it’s best to go to someone more qualified.
The Petsmart trainers teach you how to train your dog. You practice exercises in the store, and at home. In puppy classes, the puppies are allowed “play time” to interact, in-between learning. Classes are once a week, 8 weeks, for $99.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver
Daniel asks…
What’s a good song to sing for class performance?
every one has to do a solo performance in music and I need a song. so help please!
I like classical songs and can sing really high oprah but I’m absolutely crap when it comes to low notes. My voice is a soprano.
admin answers:
Try these great vocal solos
ALREADY GONE… Tempchin/Strandlund
ANNIE’S SONG… John Denver
BAMBOO.. Dave Van Ronk
BELIEVE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
BLACK WATER… Doobie Brothers
BLACKBEARD’S NAVY. James (Sunny Jim) White
BLACKBIRD.. Paul McCartney
CALYPSO… John Denver
CANDLE IN THE WIND.. Elton John / Bernie Taupin
COMES A TIME.. Neil Young
COTTEN FIELDS.. The Highwaymen,
DEPORTEE.. Woody Guthrie
DESPERADO… Henley/Frey
EARLY MORNING RAIN… Gordon Lightfoot
EAST TEXAS ROAD.. Woody Guthrie
EAST VIRGINIA.. Pete Seeger (great Banjo Piece)
EL CONDOR PASA.. Paul Simon/ Robles
EVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT… Jesus Christ superstar
EVIL WAYS… Santana
FADED BLUE.. Ian Tyson
FAREWELL.. Bob Dylan
FIRE AND RAIN.. James Taylor
FLY AWAY.. John Denver
GARDEN SONG.. David Mallett
GEORGY GIRL.. The Seekers
HALLELUJAH.. Jeff Buckley
HE WENT TO PARIS… Jimmy Buffet
HEART OF GOLD.. Neil Young
HOTEL CALIFORNIA… Felder/Henley/Frey
I AIN’T GOT NO HOME… Wooddy Guthrie
I AM, I AM.. Naomi Hirshorn
I WILL NEVER MARRY.. The Carter Family
I WISH I WAS IN DIXIE.. Daniel Emmitt
IMAGINE… John Lenno
JOLLY MON SING .. Buffet/Jennings/Utley
LAY DOWN SALLY.. Eric Clapton
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE.. Walsh/Henley/Frey
LIKE A SAD SONG.. John Denver
LITTLE BIRDIE.. Pete Seeger (a fun Banjo piece to play)
LOVE NEEDS A HEART.. George, Carter and Brown
LYIN’ EYES… Henley/Frey
MEXICO.. James Taylor
MOMMA TOLD ME.. Three Dog Night
MONDAY MORNING… Yarbow/Stookey/Travers/Okun
MORNING TRAIN.. Elena Mezzetti
MY SWEET LADY.. John Denver
NEW KID IN TOWN.. Souther/Henley/Frey
OLD MAN… Neil Young
PART OF ME.. Paul Barron
PROPINQUITY .. Michael Nesmith
PROUD MARY.. Creedance Clearwater Revival
RAINY DAY PEOPLE.. Gordon Lightfoot
ROCK ME ON THE WATER.. Jackson Browne
ROCKET MAN.. Elton John/Bernie Taupin
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH… John Denver/Mike Taylor
SAD SONGS… Elton John/Bernie Taupin
SONG FOR CANADA.. Tyson/Gzowski
SWEET BABY JANE.. James Taylor
SWEET EMOTION.. Arrowsmith
T FOR TEXAS… Jimmy Roberts
TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT.. Meisner/Henley/Grey
TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN.. Yarbow/Stookey/Taravers
THE CRUEL WAR.. Stookey / Peter Yarbow
THE BEAT GOES ON.. Sonny and Cher
THE HUNGRY YEARS.. Neil Sedaka / Howard Greenfield
THE PRETENDER.. Jackson Browne
THE ONE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
THIS TRAIN.. Peter Yarbow and Paul Stookey
YOU LOVE THE THUNDER.. . Jackson Browne
WASTED TIME.. Henley/Frey
WITCHY WOMAN… Leadon/Henley
WILD HORSES.. The Rolling Stones
WRITTEN IN THE STARS.. Elton John / Tin Rice
YOU RAISE ME UP.. .. Graham/Lovland
YOUR SONG.. Elton John/Bernie Taupin
Paul asks…
What is a great jazz piece for guitar?
I’m in history class studying the 20’s and I need to present a cultural aspect. I plan to perform a jazz piece in guitar. Which is difficult task, I plan to have a backing track playing through docked speakers. What jazz piece is recommended to perform that’s heavy on a guitarist perspective. I have previous experience with jazz and can improv well
admin answers:
This is my play list for folk/jazz festivals
ALREADY GONE… Tempchin/Strandlund
ANNIE’S SONG… John Denver
BAMBOO.. Dave Van Ronk
BELIEVE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
BLACK WATER… Doobie Brothers
BLACKBEARD’S NAVY. James (Sunny Jim) White
BLACKBIRD.. Paul McCartney
CALYPSO… John Denver
CANDLE IN THE WIND.. Elton John / Bernie Taupin
COMES A TIME.. Neil Young
COTTEN FIELDS.. The Highwaymen,
DAUGHTERS.. John Mayer
DEPORTEE.. Woody Guthrie
DESPERADO… Henley/Frey
EARLY MORNING RAIN… Gordon Lightfoot
EAST TEXAS ROAD.. Woody Guthrie
EAST VIRGINIA.. Pete Seeger (great Banjo Piece)
EDELWEISS.. Traditional and Sound of Music
EL CONDOR PASA.. Paul Simon/ Robles
EVIL WAYS… Santana
FADED BLUE.. Ian Tyson
FAREWELL.. Bob Dylan
FIRE AND RAIN.. James Taylor
FLY AWAY.. John Denver
GARDEN SONG.. David Mallett
GEORGY GIRL.. The Seekers
HALLELUJAH.. Jeff Buckley
HEART OF GOLD.. Neil Young
HOTEL CALIFORNIA… Felder/Henley/Frey
I AIN’T GOT NO HOME… Wooddy Guthrie
I AM, I AM.. Naomi Hirshorn
I WILL NEVER MARRY.. The Carter Family
I WISH I WAS IN DIXIE.. Daniel Emmitt
IMAGINE… John Lenno
JOLLY MON SING .. Buffet/Jennings/Utley
LAY DOWN SALLY.. Eric Clapton
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE.. Walsh/Henley/Frey
LIKE A SAD SONG.. John Denver
LITTLE BIRDIE.. Pete Seeger (a fun Banjo piece to play)
LOUISIANA 1927… Maria Ball
LOVE NEEDS A HEART.. George, Carter and Brown
LYIN’ EYES… Henley/Frey
MEXICO.. James Taylor
MOMMA TOLD ME.. Three Dog Night
MONDAY MORNING… Yarbow/Stookey/Travers/Okun
MORNING TRAIN.. Elena Mezzetti
MY SWEET LADY.. John Denver
NEW KID IN TOWN.. Souther/Henley/Frey
PART OF ME.. Paul Barron
PROPINQUITY .. Michael Nesmith
PROUD MARY.. Creedance Clearwater Revival
RAINY DAY PEOPLE.. Gordon Lightfoot
ROCK ME ON THE WATER.. Jackson Browne
ROCKET MAN.. Elton John/Bernie Taupin
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH… John Denver/Mike Taylor
SAD SONGS… Elton John/Bernie Taupin
SONG FOR CANADA.. Tyson/Gzowski
SWEET BABY JANE.. James Taylor
SWEET EMOTION.. Arrowsmith
T FOR TEXAS… Jimmy Roberts
TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT.. Meisner/Henley/Grey
TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN.. Yarbow/Stookey/Taravers
THE BOXER.. Paul Simon
THE CRUEL WAR.. Stookey / Peter Yarbow
THE BEAT GOES ON.. Sonny and Cher
THE HUNGRY YEARS.. Neil Sedaka / Howard Greenfield
THE PRETENDER.. Jackson Browne
THE ONE.. Elton John/ Bernie Taupin
THIS TRAIN.. Peter Yarbow and Paul Stookey
YOU LOVE THE THUNDER.. . Jackson Browne
WITCHY WOMAN… Leadon/Henley
WILD HORSES.. The Rolling Stones
WRITTEN IN THE STARS.. Elton John / Tin Rice
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Mavis Staples /Jeff Tweedy
YOU RAISE ME UP.. .. Graham/Lovland
YOUR SONG.. Elton John/Bernie Taupin
Nancy asks…
Has anyone had any success with a dog trainer or dog obedience classed in Denver?
Please don’t suggest a Petsmart or Petco type traning class. Thanks for your help!
admin answers:
I am all for positive reinforcement training. I agree with you on the Petsmart and Petco thing. This group looks like a something to check out. They have the qualifications and philosophy I look for.
Mary asks…
I’d like to get an American Staff or Pitbull cross but have a cat & small dog already?
Does anyone know if these dogs would be ok with my cat & dog. They’re best friends but they are pretty much the same size. A Pit or Staff would be bigger
admin answers:
I have an American Bulldog/pittbull cross who weighs 110 pounds. I also have a cat. The cat was here first and I got “Norman” as a 3 month old puppy. If you are interested in getting a “bully” breed you need to do some homework. These breeds are amazing and fun to work with, but you have to treat them as though they are potentially aggressive. In the wrong hands, these breeds are down right dangerous (hence the pitt bull bans going across the country, like Denver).
I absolutely love both the breeds and I think they make great family pets, but it will be very important to socialize your new dog with your current pets, other people’s pets, other people you know, and strangers. The more exposure, the better. These breeds have a tendency to be protective, and you wont be able to completely train this out of them. However, by socializing them and going to a puppy obediance class, they will be both loving and well behaved and you wont find yourself in a lawsuit because your dog bit someone.
I hope this helps 🙂
Sharon asks…
What do I do about my dog’s aggression? 2 yr old boxer/pit.?
He is a good dog when it is just my husband and I but if you throw other people (or dogs) in the mix he gets a little psycho. I also have a 6 month old boxer that he has actually nipped a few times..once causing minor bleeding. Every incident has been over a scrap of food, dog bone, etc. But most of the time the two dogs are fine together. It’s when dogs or people that he doesn’t know come around he goes nuts. There is nothing I can do to control him, he’s so strong I certainly can’t hold him back. When he gets to this point not even a filet mignon would distract him. Although he’s never bitten it scares me that he might. When children are around he has a completely different reaction. He barks and growls in a seriously aggressive way. I’m afraid he would attack a child. He also has recently began to destroy everything in the house which is the straw that has broken the camels back. I want to give him up. I would be sad without him but I feel like he’s too much. What to do?
I don’t want him to be euthenized. Should I take him to the humane society? Would anyone want a dog like him? I feel guilty but I think he has special needs that I unfortunately don’t have time for.
I didn’t choose to get a pit bull. I thought he was a “mutt” that wouldn’t have those strong tendencies toward aggression. I took him from a friend’s litter of puppies…I actually would have chosen a pit bull last (sorry pit bull lovers…I know they can be good dogs but you never know) It takes the right owner.
admin answers:
Sounds like you need a trainer/behaviourist…. Both for the dogs and your family… Its something all of you need to go to class for… They will teach not only your pups but your dog how to deal with your problems in a humanly manor..take BOTH dogs to the training…. If you take the one to the shelter they will probably euthanize him 🙁 so if you cant keep him try finding a Rescue group…..good luck…smile
EDIT: here is some info on both breeds…
Info on the breed:
FCI Official Name Boxer
Country of Origin: Germany
FCI Classification: Group 2 – Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossoid breeds – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds; Molossoid breeds, mastiff type.
Utilization: Companion, Guard and Working Dog.
AKC Classification: Working Group
Personality: Intelligent, playful, fun-loving, even-tempered, affectionate, very devoted to its owner. The Boxer is weary of strangers and makes an excellent protection dog. When threatened, they exhibit fearless courage that would deter most intruders. They are highly adaptive to the home environment and will not claim all your spare time.
Size Category: Medium
Height: 21-25 inches at shoulders
Colors: Fawn or brindle : Fawn comes in various shades from light fawn to dark deer red but the most attractive shades are in the middle range (red fawn). Black mask. The brindle variety : fawn background of varying shades has dark or black stripes running parallel to ribs. Stripes must contrast distinctly to ground colour. White markings should not be discarded.
Average Litter Size: 6
Life Span: 10-12 years
Grooming Requirements: A quick brushing will be sufficient.
Shedding: Moderate
Social skills: Gets along with familiar dogs quite well, but can be aggressive toward strange dogs.
Suitability for Children: The well-bred Boxer is gentle, fun loving and patient with children. He may be wary of unfamiliar children.
Exercise Needs: Very high. The Boxer needs plenty of daily exercise (2 hours daily would be ideal for this high energy dog).
Train Ability: Easy to train but can be stubborn.
Health & Behavior Issues: Boxers are considered strong and sturdy dogs, but they suffer from several genetic diseases. The most common ailments are: lung cancer, skin allergies, joint problems, paw infections, sinus infections, hip dysplasia, gum tumors, and heart problems. It is strongly recommended to buy a Boxer puppy from a reputable breeder who takes good care of their puppies and provides a healthy living environment.
Some facts I found about pitbulls:
Pitbulls are GENETICALLY bred to be aggressive, that means, taking aggressive dogs and breeding with other aggressive dogs. Even if you are not breeding for an aggressive dog, the dog will have genes which make its temperment aggressive.
This means that you can have puppies bred from very calm not aggressive parents that will still be aggressive. It will take years to breed aggression out of pitbulls. Do you get it?
They are simply aggressive, and even if you have one that was raised in a loving home, doted on, goes to obiedience, gets socialized, they still have those genes. They are basically time bombs waiting to go off. I stand by what I say. There is no reason on earth for ANYONE to be allowed to, or to want to for that matter, have and own a pit bull terrier. Especially when there are so many other breeds to choose from.
It is irresponsible to keep this dog breed and promote it. Breeders of these animals sell them and they have no idea what the people are like they are selling to.
I know you love your pitbulls, but you could have easily fallen in love with another breed.
Its for pure selfishness and macho image that these dogs are kept as pets.
How dangerous are pit bulls?
Temperament: The American Temperament Testing Society evaluated 122 dog breeds and found that the American Staffordshire Terrier, a type of pit bull banned in Denver, passed its evaluations 83.3 percent of the time, just behind the golden retriever (83.6 percent).
Bite fatalities: The American Canine Foundation calculated rates of human dog-bite fatalities by breed, and it found that pit bulls bite at a lower rate than many other dogs. The Doberman pinscher was found to bite 10 times as often as a pit bull. Another study concluded that fatal attacks “represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans, and therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs.”
Most deaths: Pit bulls and Rottweilers have caused the most deaths, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Humane Society of the United States, which examined 20 years of dog-bite data. Julie Gilchrist, a CDC doctor who researches dog bites, said many factors go into biting risk, including the health of the dog and how the animal was raised.
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It’s A Dog’s Life
There is a phrase used by people who have little in their lives but their work and commitments at home, with little scope for fun. “It’s a dog’s life”, people will sometimes mutter when the stream of demands on their time simply will not stop. They mean that it is tiring, unrewarding and punishing. And yet, if you look at the average dog, their life seems pretty sweet in comparison. Think about this; would you swap places with your dog? Most of us would probably say “yes”.
However there is, it must be said, something in that well-worn phrase which chimes with the dog-owners among us. A dog, after all, is rarely given the freedom to do absolutely what it wants. If a human being had to lead a dog’s life, the chances are that we wouldn’t do all that well at it. As humans, we can go and get a snack when we feel like it, our toilet is convenient and hygienic, and we can ask for things and be instantly understood. For a dog, things are generally at the mercy of their owners.
When you are training your dog, then, it is wise to cut it some slack. As far as it is concerned, you are exhibiting some very strange behavior that it will not understand initially, and if it is slow to respond then this can be understood. It is not a stupid dog for getting things wrong. In fact, by paying attention to you it is being very obedient.
Check out more training tips here!
Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Coupons
Daniel asks…
What is the best store bought dog food for my Chihuahua and are there coupons?
admin answers:
Our pets need quality food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. “Vet approved” means they have a vet on staff to approve their product. In other words, someone paid to approve it. Same with foods most vets recommend. Salesmen “gift” vets then the vet recommends the food. Most vets are not nutritionists! Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient Wellness, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out: more=1$$PetFoodsByRating?OpenForm
Blue Organics is great but pricey.
Carol asks…
Why is Kate of Jon and Kate plus 8 considered mean?
Once again like my other question, I don’t watch the show but I can’t avoid the news and there’s always something talking about the people in this show. Anyways why is everyone saying the mother is a bitch or mean?
admin answers:
Oh gee i dunno..where do i begin?
1. She shut out her parents b/c they gave them mismatched cribs instead of cash.
2. She wouldn’t let aunt jodi get paid from tlc, and even went behind her back to prevent it from happening.
3. She treats her husband like a dog/disobedient child
4. She takes any handout she can get, and worse than that feels she’s entitled to every free offer on the planet
5. She is so money hungry that she doesn’t care that the publicity from the show is ruining her family.
6. She berated jon over not using a $20 coupon, but spends thousands of dollars on her new hideous look, which includes a rooster/80’s/lesbian hairstyle, at least 20 pairs of new shoes that i’ve seen over the last 2 months, tanning, spa treatments and new clothes.
7. She pretends she does everything herself, when she’s had a LOT of help from day one…more than our grandmothers ever would have dreamed of! (my grandmother had more kids than that…naturally…and NO help)!
8. All she does is take her kids on free vacations and treat others like total garbage.
9. It was HER idea and HER idea alone to continue the show and be followed by cameras. That didn’t “just happen!” she’s willing to put up with it b/c she’s a money-hungry animal.
10. She went through fertility treatments knowing she would have multiples, but went through with it anyway, assuming that her family would be magically provided for.
11. And as far as the organic food, they have been seen drinking frappuchinos and eating fast food for the last couple of months. Do you really think she feeds them organic food on their dozens of vacations each year?
12. The kids college educations are already paid for. In addition to that, they get 75 grand per episode…plus money from autographs, books and speaking engagements.
13. She fires every helper that comes into the house!
14. She is a fraud.
15. She alienated all of her family and closest friends.
16. There are other families of mutliples who have chosen to provide for their families on their own………
Ruth asks…
Moms- How much do you spend on groceries per week?
And for how many kids / people? I have 3 kids, but only 2 who consume groceries.. and a very hungry husband. I am thinking I could be cutting costs somewhere, so what is your average?
admin answers:
For me, my husband and son I can do 2 weeks worth of grocery shopping for dinners and other meals on $165 which boils down to about $80 a week… And no, we do not eat hamburger helper and pasta either. Mostly I buy alot of fresh things when I can, no processed junk foods or sodas. I do not buy organic (which allows you to buy less because it costs more and therefore the healthy food you need you don’t get enough of). I coupon clip, compare sales ads for the stores near me for the best prices and double coupon offers(when they have them). I look for buy one get one free offers in my market on things I need, buy store brand things for more pricey fair if it is something I need on my list etc.. If your store has a shopper card that allows you discounts or special buy pricing get one. They are usually free at places that have these and you can use them with coupons. I find it also helps to sit down before grocery day and plan my menus out. I do several “cook once and eat twice” type meals, especially in summer weather (left over chicken makes a great salad topper for dinner salada OR you can make your own pizza with it, sandwich wraps or even chunk or shred it to make soup etc.. ). Taking a pantry inventory and then planning my menus accordingly not only saves me money at the market but it also guarantees that there is minimal to no waste.
My son is a toddler and eats table foods like we do, but at least for now it doesn’t add much to the final total (and I don’t consider an extra gallon of milk here or there for my little milk-a-holic to be a big deal).
My bill includes ALL items, including home items and pet supplies (5 cats, 2 dogs). I use petco for my pet food because every 10 bags I buy there I get a free bag which can save me about $20 on those trips for pet food. My husband and I are major foodies so we tend to shop accordinly. I use publix as my main market but I also use Brunos (like a whole foods market ), Whole Foods. When travelling and in need of a grocery store I look for either a Whole Foods, Central Market or somewhere comparable. I also find that using COSTCO for certain items like paper goods, common staple items, cleaning items and meats about 3 times a year helps. It’s alot on those trips (usually $500) but we only do it 3 times a year and in the long run it saves us money because I am not continually buying things like meat, flour, sugar, paper towels, laundry supplies etc.. At the market all the time which can add up. There are just some items that buying in bulk makes sense for us to buy it large, store it in our pantry and then worry about just what we need week to week for meals. I am in the South Eastern US.
Nancy asks…
i need to switch cat food?
i use vet cat food and it is very expensive. i use it for one of my cats who used to have bad hairballs. the vet food works well but i need something less expensive. please help.
i went to vet today and she suggested i keep the vet brand cat food. i have heard that the better more expensive foods do pay dividends. ie. litter box waste, healthier cat, etc. am i wrong?
admin answers:
You know, getting a good all around naturally balanced healthy and complete food will take care of hairballs and more! First off, for the health of your cat i would suggest avoiding any ingredient labels that contain byproducts, wheat, corn, soy, BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin, dies, artificial flavours and preservatives. These are pointless fillers, additivies, and things that are for human appeal and bad for animals kidneys and livers! Allright ill lead you in the direction of Eagle Pack Holisitic Select, this is what we recomend at the hospital i work for and i recomend it from experience with my cats and dogs. It eliminated hairballs naturally, firms up stool, decreases odor, miracoulously improves skin conditions and is amazing!! All natural, usda organic, the vitamins come from naturally occuring things like carrots, blueberries etc…. Not a chemical formula that can not be metabolized. They are not expensive and always have BOGO coupons.
Donald asks…
Where to purchase dog food?
I have searched NUTRO and Innova website and can not find anyone close to me who sell their food. Does anyone know how I might purchase either one of these?
I have found Nutro for puppies at petsmart website, Thanks
admin answers:
I work for nutro! Yay! Well we do sell at petsmart, petco, and D and B Supply also local CO-OP ( organic stores ) carry our holistic type “Ultra” food. We have food for both dogs and cats, and several options such as puppy, adult, senior, largebreed, largebreed puppy, and holistic for dogs. Check us out… Almost each weekened, depending on where you live, we have live demonstators at the above stores to give out coupons, pamplets and show you charts with ingredient comparisions and other great info! Can always go to or call the 1-800-833-5330 information hotline!
Good luck and enjoy the results- they are amazing!
Less backyard clean up
shiney coat, and healthy skin
dogs eat less
and mine really seems to enjoy the flavor over his old brand!
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A Happy Dog Is A Well-Behaved Dog
In our society, there is a tendency to have a political response to most things. Many people are of the opinion that criminals transgress due to an unhappy home life or a poor upbringing. Comfort and discomfort are a major part of the influence that affects a person’s life, whether you are of the opinion that some people are “just bad” or otherwise. By the same token, dogs are liable to react to their circumstances, and it is well-known that a more content dog will behave in a more respectful manner.
When it comes to training a dog, you will get results if you motivate by fear. However, these results may not be satisfactory to you because although the dog will respond to commands, it will do so tentatively, conscious as it is of the fact that getting it wrong will lead to punishment. If a dog is trained in a happy atmosphere with an owner who is prone to reward good behavior, then it will react to the correct stimuli in the correct way. It will behave in a way which makes you feel proud, rather than simply satisfied.
If you have concerns about being too “soft” with your dog, simply remember that a dog will react in kind to the way it is treated. If you let it be lazy, then it will take the opportunity – simply because that is what it knows. If you encourage activity, however, it will reward you with the behavior that you want from it.
Check out more tips here!
Your Questions About Dog Training Colorado
Joseph asks…
Does anyone know a dog trainer who would like to be a mentor?
I’m currently a student with Animal Behavior College and I’m looking for a mentor in Alameda county. It is a paying gig. I need to have 60 hours of hands on, positive reinforcement dog training.
admin answers:
I know of some in Colorado, including myself. But none in Alameda county, CA. Look up trainers in your area online and start shooting them emails.
Ken asks…
How much does it cost to ship a dog from Florida to Michigan?
I want to adopt a dog (or puppy), but it’s being sold in Florida at a rescue center. It’s been fostered and it’s a great breed, but I live in Michigan and I want to get it so bad! It’s a fantastic dog, already house trained and that. How much would it cost to ship it here? PLEASE answer and please be around the exact cost!! Thanks!!
admin answers:
From Florida to Michigan would be around $180-$200. Contact Northwest Airlines. I have used them for shipping before and like them the best. They do actually ship COD at times. I sent an 8 week old Shepherd pup from Indiana to Mobile, Alabama a while back in an intermediate crate and it was less than $170. I used United once to ship to Colorado. It worked out alright as well. Most airlines will want to ship a dog on a direct flight. Call around to different airlines that come into your airport. Make sure that they get a health certificate on the dog before they ship.
Helen asks…
How do you get into training companion dogs?
When we move to Colorado, I so would like to do this! Any ideas?
admin answers:
I need a companion dog trained for me, maybe we can do business. I have an anxiety problem, and a note from my doctor excusing any pet restrictions on rental properties so I can have a dog. However, I have had no luck finding a trainer in this area at all, and I need to find a dog that is trained. I know we are quite a ways apart (I am in Iowa), but maybe we can arrange something.
Laura asks…
How do get my dog to potty outside?
My husband and I went to Colorado for the holidays and got a six month old Corgi. While staying with his Mom, she was great at telling us when she needed to potty, but now that we are back in Northern CA she refuses to potty outside. She is pottying in her crate. We will take her outside knowing she has just ate or right before bedtime and she will beg to go back in, just potty on the floor minutes after entering the house. What can we do?
admin answers:
I would suggest going outside with your dog. When I potty trained my puppy, I would take him to the same spot in the yard every time. That way they can smell what they are there to do. While we were out there I would say “go potty” every couple of seconds. When he did go, he got a treat immediately. Don’t wait until you get back to the house to give the treat, do it right away. Also, if you know your dog has to go (hasn’t gone for awhile), don’t come in till she goes. It will take some persistence on your part, too. My dog is 2 years old now but he was potty trained very quickly. He knows now that he is ONLY allowed to potty in “his” area (makes it nice for poop clean up), and he pretty much will go on demand with “go potty”.
Also, is her crate to big? Until she is FULLY potty trained, she should only have enough room to stand up, turn around, and lay down. Any extra room allows for her to have a “potty area” and a “sleep area”. Dogs do not like laying where they soiled.
Good luck! Don’t give up, it’ll come with time. 🙂
Daniel asks…
I’m a dog trainer and want to know what rate I should rent a space for group classes?
I’m a dog trainer just south of Devner, Colorado and have been looking into rentable space to hold group classes. I found a doggie daycare/boarding place that is opening near me who has a space but both the owner an myself have never done this before. Anyone out there know anyone or personally have experience doing this? Is there a rate per month or percentage given to the landlord?
Other advice?
admin answers:
This is something to be worked out with the daycare and a contract drawn up so neither party gets more or less than agreed upon.
How big will your classes be? What will you charge per training session?(6 wks., 8 wks., 10 wks. Per session) How many nights a week will you be offering classes.
Example: $75 enrollment fee. 10 dogs max per class = $750 per session. 3 classes per week =$2250 per session. If you did 8 week sessions with a week off between sessions for you to rest, you could do 5 sessions per year if you took December off for the holidays.
The training club I belong to does 4 -10 week sessions each year with a 2 week break between sessions. We end the last session just after Thanksgiving and have December off. We charge $75 for the 10 weeks for new students. Club members pay $40 per session and Dues of $50 for a single and $75 for a family per year.
We also own our 12,000 Sq. Ft. Building. to check out the website. We offer classes 4 nights a week, 2 nightly sessions plus morning classes and weekend classes.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Recipes
Jenny asks…
Who knows of a good homaid dog food recipet?
Regular dog foods that u buy at the store ar dangerous 1 of my pets died from it. I don’t want to take that risk again does anyone know any recipes. Preferable organic thanks~
admin answers:
I found a great one a year or so ago called Mable’s Meatloaf. My dogs LOVE it.
there are links there to a meaty version and a vegetarian version.
Lizzie asks…
What dog food should i be feeding my new dog?
I just rescued a 3 year old tricolor sheltie. He is the cutest guy ever and i want to feed him the right dog food so he doesn’t get sick. What dog food should i feed him? I know there are alot of crap food out there. What dog food do you feed your dog and they do awesome on. I would like to find something that he would like but has no corn and soy in it. Frist few ingredients must be meet. Preferabble fish or turkey. Meat that shelties would eat in the wild. He is about 15 pounds.
admin answers:
If you have the time and the interest, you could consider home cooked meals. Here’s one site with dog food recipe:
This way, you pick out the content yourself and have complete awareness of quality of product.
If you want a dog food, consider something that has no recent history of recalled product or repeat recalls in the past years. Some to consider:
Some dog foods are labeled “organic” or “holistic” but some of these have been recalled due to inferior gluten products that were in other foods recalled during the massive series of recalls that started some years ago.
Here’s a site to keep updated on recalled dog foods:
Thomas asks…
What are your opinions on this dog food?
I recently switched my 3 year old Golden Retriever Jack onto a grain free diet. I bought Blue Wilderness Dog Food, the duck recipe. (I chose the Wilderness rather than the Regular because I do agility with Jack, & the Wilderness has higher protein levels, etc.)
I have 2 questions actually!
1: What does holistic mean? I’ve seen it before, but I’m not entirely sure what it means.
2: What are your opinions on this food? Is it worth it’s price, etc?
Thanks for your help ahead of time! 🙂
admin answers:
Hi Abby,
You have some great questions. The word “holistic” doesn’t really mean anything at all when applied to dog foods. It sounds good to buyers, because they assume that the food is organic, natural, healthy, or human-grade. Here’s a good website that defines the terms you may be seeing on dog food bags:
This food is expensive because of the ingredients used, the fact that it’s grain free, and the high protein content. I don’t believe that dogs are strict carnivores and that they absolutely need grain-free diets, but you should do some research for yourself and decide what you want to believe about this highly controversial topic. In my opinion, high protein foods for dogs are a waste of money – you’re paying for extra protein that just isn’t doing your dog any good. The AAFCO has done research on the appropriate amount of protein in dog foods, and some foods, like Blue Wilderness, are very high in protein, and exceed normal amounts. Having said that, it’s not a bad food, but there are probably cheaper options that are just as healthy for Jack. But don’t take my word for it – there are plenty of resources out there that have nutrition information for dogs.
Carol asks…
Where is the best place to find organic meat?
I want to have a dog, and I want to feed them right, not with that cheap dog food.
I live in southern california, and I want to feed a yorkshire terrier maybe a mix of the following:
(all organic)
beef meat, grounded up veggies, (somehow…) grounded up bone, and maybe any organs in the cow or something.
I also gotta find out how to grind up bone.
But I want a label besides the USDA to certify they’re organic.
admin answers:
Most of the grocery stores sell organic meats these days. There are always the natural markets too. I agree with you and feeding a dog right. I have 3. One of them is allergic to corn and wheat ( mostly what plain old pet food is made of with very little meat) I took all 3 of them if commercial dog food and feed them the european stlye dog food. is where you can get it. It’s a dry mix of grains and other nutrients. You mix a said amount with water and soak it,then add veggies and meats. It can even be made ahead and frozen. I took their recipe and tweaked it to make my own mix. My dog’ s health, coat, energy level and overall well being has greatly improved. The one with the allergies is all clear now. If you don’t want to mess with all that there are some wonderful organic dog foods on the market usually available in natural markets. They can be kind of pricey, but if you have a small dog it won’t be that bad. Price isn’t always important when it comes to our beloved pets.
Susan asks…
What is a good dog food to fatten up my rescued Pit Bull/Boxer mix?
I recently rescued a Doggie from Abusive owners. He is wonderful and luckily has a clean bill of health. Only Problem is he is very underweight! What are some good quality Dog foods that will fatten him up and also taste good? (he is a picky eater)
admin answers:
Blue Buffalo is a great, high quality, fair priced food if your looking for doggie food.
However, consider people food.
(Always make it plain, no spices, etc.) Broiled chicken, plain white rice, turkey, cheese, some dogs like cream cheese, peanut butter, carrots, green beans, dog meatballs (google for the recipe, can’t remember where I found it.) and other wholesome, organic foods.
Just make sure the meals are balanced and that he gets ALL of his food groups!
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