
Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle

Donna asks…

What products are best for ridding fleas in my house and yard?

HELP!!! We’ve tried bombing our house and that works for a few days then there back in full force. Open to any ideas.
*Any ideas that are safe might I add

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Steven asks…

Why should I give my dog heartguard during the wintermonths if heartworms are caused my mosquitos?

Can someone give me what info I need on what is needed and when and why, etc. Thanks

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Robert asks…

How can I get my dog’s hair to grow back?

she is losing her hair on her head and is now beginning to look bald

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Your Questions About Rough Collie For Sale

Lisa asks…

Rough Collie life stages?

I want to see pictures of a rough collies life stage, like how they look at birth, a couple months, 1 year, two years, and so on. I tried looking and i cant find anything like it. Where can i find it? thanks

admin answers:

William asks…

What breed of dog did i see?

Ok, i saw this dog that I thought was awesome. It looked like a german shepard but it had longer hair, the face was all black, and it was bigger overall. I asked the owner and he said the breed is a cousin of the german shepard or something like that, can’t remember his exact words. He also told me the name, but i can”t remember exactly what he said, what i remember was Ashani, but i could be wrong. I tried googling it but no results. Help Please

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Betty asks…

Whats the best dryer to use?

My groomer usually gives me a discounted rate when i take 3 of my collies to her but now i want to do my own dogs myself and was wondering whats the best dryer to use? Also any other equipment i may need and hints and tips would be appreciated. I do their nails, ears and eyes myself and also trim their pads so i am used to that but can anyone can give me some idea of what other things i may need for rough collies to fully groom them myself.
Helena: I am not doing anything drastic to their eyes!! LOL. Sorry it may have come across that i shave them or somethin silly.
I wipe their eyes and faces every day. (also their backsides considering all the fur they are not careful with toileting.

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Your Questions About Colliers International

Paul asks…

What are some myths about global development?

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Sandy asks…

What is a better place to spend summer, Naples or Panama City?

I guess night life in Panama City is better, what do you think? and what about the beach??

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George asks…

Because each area of the world possess different resources, how does it impact country/continent interaction?

I am confused with the question. I get it, i just don’t know the answer

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life 2

John asks…

Which of these environmental alternatives is better?

I need to know which of these I should do. What’s better? What’s worse? Why? I’ll let you folks decide this one. I’m going to do one of two things, which do you prefer? Which ever gets more votes, that’s the one I will do.

1) Dump that drum of used motor oil into the pond of the nature preserve behind my house because it’s getting in the way in my garage

2) Take down that local cougar and her cubs because they keep encroaching on my property and keep threatening my dog’s life

You folks can pick.

admin answers:

Mandy asks…

From a Native American spiritual perspective, why is it that I often have dreams where my dog is present?

I adopted my dog from a shelter about 2 years ago. The frequency of my dog’s appearance in my dreams is much more than anyone else I interact with (humans or animals) in my daily life. Please, informed answers only. This is a serious question.

admin answers:

Mary asks…

how to make a slowly aging dog exercise?

my dog’s an 8 year old female german shepherd, has hip dysplasia and stays quite lithargic at home, also unable 2 climb stairs….. but becomes active when taken on trips…can anyone suggest a way of making her exercise so as to promote her life span period and better health?

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Robert asks…

wut are the lyrics to “I hate College(Remix) by Sam Adams (Wiz)?

I really want the lyrics, but i can’t find them anywhere. someone please help ?!

admin answers:

Ruth asks…

Songs for guitar performance?

What are some good intermediate level songs that can be performed on the guitar alone? Whenever I learn a new song and play it for someone they usually tell me it would sound better if I could sing, which I guess is true given the songs I like to play. But I can’t sing, nor do I know anyone who can. I started learning a guitar interpretation of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness which I think sounded really nice so anything sort of like that would be good.

admin answers:

William asks…

want to earn an easy ten points?

okay,i am going to give you part of the lyrics to 3 songs the first person to get every song right with artist and all wins!
1.Samson came to my bed
Told me that my hair was red
He told me i was beautiful and came into my bed
Oh I cut his hair myself one night
A pair of dull scissors and the yellow light
And he told me that I’d done alright
and kissed me till the morning light, the morning light
and he kissed me till the morning light
2.I missed the last bus
I’ll take the next train
I tried but you see
It’s hard to explain
I say the right thing
But act the wrong way
I like it right here
But I cannot stay
I watch the tv
Forget what I’m told
Well I am too young
And they are too old
The joke is on you
This place is a zoo
You’re right, it’s true
3.And some man live his life
For profits alone
That very same man
He lives his life all alone
And the road to life
Yes it goes up and down
Doesn’t really matter
As long as the music goes on
Hey mister collie man
Why don’t you come round

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament

Carol asks…

Would a Redbone Coonhound be a good running partner?

I’m looking for another dog, I’m still open to most any active breed.. I just saw someone with a beautiful Redbone in the park today. Hounds are usually pretty active dogs, right? Would a Rebone be happy to go running with me every day? And run beside me while I’m riding my bike. Nothing too intense, but will keep him at a trot for several miles.

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Thomas asks…

Golden retriever and collie?

I’m planning to buy a rough collie because I used to own 2 and they had the sweetest temperament i’ve ever seen in dogs! I currently have a 2.5 months hyper golden retriever at home. If I let them play together, will the golden’s hyperness rub off on the collie??

admin answers:

James asks…

Which has more tolerance for kids a labrador or golden retriever?

which can take the pulling of the tail walking on it, trying to ride it’s back etc

Please also suggest any other dog that will be perfect for young kids

a dog that doesn’t need a whole lot ot exercise will be good but not required.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending

Paul asks…

How do you shorten overgrown toenails on dogs?

My boyfriend didn’t cut his dog’s toenails very often and the vein grew in far. Even if I cut it as short as I can without hitting the vein, they are still long. How do you reverse this? Is there a way? Or is this poor little dog doomed to have excessively long toenails for the rest of her life?

admin answers:

Keep on cutting them little by little, every chance you get. As soon as you see that there’s nail that you can cut without quicking the dog, then by all means, cut it. Buy some styptic powder (also called quik stop), in case you do end up cutting too far. The quik (or vein) will retract little by little as you cut.

If the nails are too overgrown and causing the dog pain or making the dog unable to walk right – or even if you think that the process will take more than a year, then head for the vet. They are able to cut a dog’s nails comfortably short – for a price (remember, if you can’t afford it it’s okay, keep on cutting the dog’s nails whenever possible).

The procedure is pretty simple. They’ll anesthesize the dog and cut the nails, including the quik and quickly laser the quik shut to prevent bleeding.

Good luck!

Richard asks…

Why do people say suicide is never right?

They say it’s never right to kill yourself, nothing is worth it. Really? Any amount of suffering is worth living for? Any atrocity imaginable should be lived through just for the sake of having a life, regardless of it’s quality or conditions? If it’s selfish for me to die just to end my own suffering than isn’t it selfish for others to ask me to continue it just for them? We put dog’s we can’t help out of their misery and call it humane.. but it’s not humane for humans?

admin answers:

It’s quitting. Plain and simple. Personally, I have no respect for a quitter. Life is a roller coaster and it is constantly going to go up and down and from side to side. If a person feels they are unable to handle it, then they are weak and not trying hard enough. Yes, it is selfish for someone to take their life because of the emotional scarring they leave behind for their loved ones.
Some religions believe it is a sin. Personally, I don’t give a rat’s A** about religion. Not into fairy tales that destroy humanity. But that’s a diff subject.
Putting a dog down is not the dog’s choice, so it is incomparable. Sometimes, when an animal is put down, it’s not out of mercy for the animal, but rather because of a financial burden to nurse that animal back to health. I worked at a veterinary hospital for years. People let go of their pet’s lives because they cannot afford to keep them going. Sad, but true.

Helen asks…

How do I clean my Dog’s poop out of the ground, even after it’s been sitting there for several months.?

This is my first dog ever in my entire life! So I’ve had her since October 1, 2012. So anyway, I haven’t been cleaning my Dog’s poop up everytime she poops regularly for awhile, due to migraines, it hurts to bend over. Then when it was time to clean it up, it snowed and that happened a few times before I cleaned it all up a few days ago. When it snowed and it froze to the ground, I tried shoveling it up, but it kept hitting my face! Eeeew! So I had to wait for it to thaw enough to pick it up. My question is: Even though the dog poop has been there for a couple of weeks, frozen and what not, are the worms that dogs have automatically in their poop, is there a chance to get them out of the ground so it’s safe for my kids to play when it’s nice out? Or do I have to buy this special stuff to kill them so my kids can be safe in the yard. I didn’t know that the worms in their poop could be contracted by bare feet! So now that I know that, how do I fix this problem? I ONLY WANT “PROFESSIONAL HELP” OR “FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE” not lectures!! It was a “Lack of knowledge” thing not a stupid thing.

admin answers:

It would depend upon what type of ground we are speaking of. IF it is dirt…then the worms would have gone into the dirt in the beginning…and so, yes they could still be there. Only worms that go thru the soles of the feet are hook worms. Did your dog have hook worm? Have you had him wormed yet? A place where a dog has defecated over and over is NOT a good place for kids to play. Maybe you could use the hose when weather permits…..Bleach will kill hookworm larvae. You need to find out what kind of worm your dog had or has. IF he still has them, get him wormed, but still the fecal matter needs to be in another place other than where your children play.

If the dog has tapeworms, they can be picked up by the kid’s hands….and put in their mouth. BIG problem. So, get the dog checked, bleach the area w/a garden sprayer on the end of your hose, let that sit for a few days, then hose the area down well. Don’t let the dog use the area where your kids will be playing for his toilet.

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Your Questions About Collier

Maria asks…

Where should we start our lives as newlyweds?

My fiance and I are looking to relocate to a smaller city somewhere in the United States. I am a teacher and he is in the golf course industry. We have debated about moving to Florida (specifically the Collier County area), but I am concerned that this won’t meet our community wants. I would like to move some place that values education, has plenty of museums, and has a variety of culture. We love the warm weather and enjoy being outside. We do plan on having a large family, so it is also important that we live in an affordable environment.

admin answers:

Well… My husband’s family (Aunt, Uncles, Cousins..ect..) Most of them lived in Lawrence, MA. One day they heard about Buford, GA, and decided to come and take a look.. THEY LOVED IT!! And everybody moved here.. That was almost two years ago.. My husband and I got married 1 year ago and we love it here!! It’s a nice place to raise your childrens… And we already have a 3 month old 😉

Mark asks…

How does one learn Egyptian Hieroglyphs in depth?

I know all the basic hieroglyphs, but I just can’t memorize the other, less used, ones and I really have trouble remembering ancient Egyptian words. I have the book by Collier and Manley, but I still can’t remember the full words. Any tips for learning the language of the people of Kemet and remembering their writing any better? Thanks.

admin answers:

First thing to do is get a replacement brain,you will need one to absorb that “mind boggling ” mumbo jumbo.Best of luck mate ,your going to need it !

Nancy asks…

How can I loose/control my weight with a broken ankle and arm?

I was in a car crash and now have a broke ankle, wrist, and collier bone.
I now can barley walk on it so I’ve been eating right, but I also am wondering if theres any workouts, exercise I can do just to keep my weight from going up.

admin answers:

Hi, what I think you should do is seek for physiotherapist, they are experts on this kind of situation, there many you can find, look on the internet, newspapers, tv, local brochures, your local therapist etc.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Shedding

Helen asks…

Would acupuncture help or even cure my allergies dogs?

Ok, so I really want a dog! The breed I would like to get would probably be a Rough Collie. I know they are heavy shedders and are not the best for allergies but I really want one. Would acupuncture help or not?

admin answers:

Depends on how bad your allergies are. Acupuncture will help some but you would have to be going every week. That’s a lot of money to spend when you have other options. I’d find a breed that doesn’t shed so much (like a poodle)

William asks…

Why is my Rough Coat collie shedding in the Minnesota cold?

I don’t understand why this is happening. It is February and in Minnesota; February could be the coldest month of the winter and we just came out of a deep freeze. Pepper was out in the very cold during the day and in the house at night. The other dogs I have are not shedding like she is, she is shedding like it is April.

admin answers:

It may be the fact that she’s going in and out so much. The heat from the house may be drying out her coat. Perhaps you could keep her indoors instead of leaving her outside during the day? I’m not suggesting leaving her out at night by any means!

The other thing you may want to do is add some omega oil in her food. One of my labs is blowing her coat now. It’s odd because the other 3 are not and my mixed breed isn’t either. Only the one. I’ve upped the fish oil caps in her food.

My dogs are all house dogs and only go out to potty and play. We’ve started running a humidfier in the house as well. It’s really dry in the house and maybe it’s just affecting her worse than anyone else.

Mary asks…

What should the grooming routine for a rough coated collie and what are the best products?

I’m a little intimidated by all the fur. I’m afraid I won’t get all the shampoo out or hurt the coat by brushing it wrong.

admin answers:

A rough collie should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. And with any long-coated breed, you just need to keep rinsing them until the poor dog almost feels like he’s water logged! What’s easiest with a coated breed is if you dilute the shampoo with about 1/3 water so it pours through the coat more evently. You’ll find it’s going to make it a bit easier to gently massage through the coat, then rinse out.

As for brushing, you won’t hurt his coat! You need a good quality pin brush which is for line brushing the whole dog. You start at whatever end you prefer and with the dog lying on his side, brush in a “line”, one small section at a time, being very careful to get down to the skin.

You also need a good slicker, but this brush is used only to tease out mats. You need to be careful with it because it can cause slicker burn if you’re rough on the dog’s skin.

It’s not at all hard to groom a collie, but if you could get your dog’s breeder or someone else with a coated dog to show you the line brushing technique, it would make things much simpler. Brush him out once or twice a week (oftener during shedding season) and you don’t need to feel intimidated by his coat!

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Jackets

Lisa asks…

What is the best dog life jacket?

I have looked at several online, but I haven’t found anyone who has compared them against each other. I have looked at the Ruff Wear, EzyDog, and Kyjen Outward Hound jackets. I’m looking for personal experience with these jackets or any other life jacket you think is the best. By the way, the jacket would be for an Australian Shepherd who is about 50 pounds.

admin answers:

I have a great life jacket for my 73 lb. German Shepherd.

It’s by Salus.


It’s been used a lot and is still doing great. It works well and if you need to lift him into the boat it has handles on top for that purpose. This is a higher quality life jacket and costs more than the cheap garbage (Outward Hound) from bix box pet stores (that were broken and falling apart while still on the shelf!)

The size for our dog (I believe Large) was about $100.

I highly recommend Salus life jackets for dogs.

James asks…

Where can I find a stylish life jacket for my 55 pound dog?

I’m looking for a pink life preserver for my large dog – most stores I can find only carry for smaller dogs or are plain boring ones. I’m looking for a fun life jacket

admin answers:


good web site for out door gear on dogs

Daniel asks…

What size life jacket does my Pomeranian need?

I’m going to be kayaking a lot this summer, in lakes and rivers throughout Michigan. I want to bring my Pomeranian with me, he’s about 11-12 pounds, and I’m wondering what size life jacket does he need?

I know dogs can swim, but if we tip in the middle of a lake he might get fatigued.

admin answers:

XS will work! This is the vest that I got for my basset hound (bassets do not swim very well). It is called the MTI UnderDog. The floatation is under the dogs belly rather than on its back, it is designed to keep him/her up and on top of the water.

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Your Questions About Collier

George asks…

where can i do court ordered community service in collier county?

I need to do 200 hour and 30 minimum each month where can I do it at in collier county Naples fl

admin answers:

You need to contact the county probation Dept and ask them for a list of nonprofits that have agreed to accept court ordered volunteers. Many places such as the library, hospital, nursing home and animal shelters do not accept court ordered volunteers.

Steven asks…

Perth query:Check if there is a hospital around Collier Street, Applecross?

I am going to be staying at Applecross , Collier Street. Can I check if there is a hospital around there?

admin answers:

The closest public/emergency hospitals to Applecross are Fremantle (to the south east), Charles Gardiner (Nedlands) and Royal Perth (in city).

There are others (e.g. St John of God at Murdoch) but these are private.

Paul asks…

What’s the price of the Hermes “collier de chien” in 2013?

What is the current price of the black and gold “collier de chien” bracelet from hermes?
When I said black and gold i meant the black leather with the gold thing on it wich is also not all gold its only covered with it, and i have an idea about the price now, its around 1100$ dollars

admin answers:

Collier de Chien
Hermes bracelet in silver, 6.6″ long
Ref. 106515B00LG

Collier de Chien
Ring in silver, size 53
Ref. 106513B00053

Collier de Chien
Hermes bracelet, PM size, 18kt rose gold
Ref. 108112B00SH

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Your Questions About Rough Collie For Sale

Sandra asks…

how to find a reputable breeder?

I was wondering, how do I find a reputable breeder. I know they won’t place an ad in the classifieds but I don’t know where else to look. I do not trust internet sites selling dogs because I doubt a good breeder would place a puppy for sale on the internet.

I know good breeder usually have you place a down payment on one before they even breed their dog.

admin answers:

Decide what breed of dog you want.
Then contact either the parent club, or your local club-which will be a member of the Local Club.

EXAMPLE-Say you want a Rough Collie

You could contact the Collie Club of America or one of the local Clubs

Say you live in Northern California- The Northern California Collie Club.

Then you will get a breeder referral from them.

This will be for a reputable breeder that is a member in good standing in the club.

ADD: ANY BACKYARD BREEDING CROOK can advertise in magazines such as Dog Fancy or even the AKC website. They do NOT SCREEN BREEDERS.

AND ANYONE can put up a website.

Good lord, do NOT let that be how you pick a breeder.

Only go to a website if you have a referral FROM the breed club.

Ken asks…

Do you know of any sheltie breeders/sheltie puppies for sale in Calgary?

I’m looking to buy a female sable and white (or sable merle) sheltie puppy (7-10 weeks preferably). Hah, I’m pretty specific. Anyway, does anyone know of any reputable sheltie breeders with available puppies like this? Or does anyone know of any puppies for sale that roughly meet this criteria? Thanks a lot! 😀

admin answers:

Here is the weekly ONLINE Sheltie Magazine with many many reputable breeders on the site.

They also have a breeders directory.

Always make sure the breeder is a member in good standing with the parent club

Nothing wrong with being specific. When I wanted my Rough Collie, I wanted a Sable and White female, who was white factored and had a blaze, and I got her!

Looks like you have a Shetland Sheepdog club in Alberta as well!

Contact them

Laura asks…

Rough coated Blue Merle border collie female puppy’s for sale in Rochester NY?

Looking for my future dog. A rough coated Blue Merle border collie female puppy with blue eyes or brown eye blue eye for sale in Rochester NY

admin answers:

Check out

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

David asks…

When you are walking down the street?

do the ladies be all up ons?

admin answers:

What I Got – sublime

Early in the morning, risin’ to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason, a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money’s all gone
But I got a dalmatian and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a mother ****** riot
Life is too short so love the one you got cause you might get
runover or you might get shot
Never start no static
I just get it off my chest
Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Take a small example
A tip from me take all of your money and give it up to charity
Lovin’s what I got
It’s within my reach
And the sublime style’s still straight from long beach
It all comes back to you you’re gonna get what you deserve
Try and test that you’re bound to get served
Love’s what I got
Don’t start a riot
You feel it when the dance gets hot
That’s why I don’t cry when my dog runs away
I don’t get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don’t get angry when my Mom smokes pot, hits
the bottle and goes back to the rock
****** and fighting it’s all the same
Livin’ with louie dog’s the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin come back to me

Mandy asks…

my dog has liver disease/infection, what is her prognosis?

She is nine years old and has been very unwell. After lots of tablets (antibiotics and liver pills) she has improved, no longer jaundiced and eating without being sick. I am still worried that she may relapse or even have a tumor. Has anyone had any experiance of this with their dog?

admin answers:

His prognosis is likely pretty grim. Is the disease or infection limited ONLY to the liver? It rarely ever stays that way if it is. The liver has a few functions, one of them being as a filter for your dog’s blood. But, the liver is only a secondary filter for the kidneys. When a dog is having liver difficulties, he almost always is having kidney problems as well…and that’s a whole other ballgame. Be careful with the medications you give her, even if they ARE prescribed by a vet. It has been my experience that vets don’t know everything and sometimes they just make things worse. With the advent of the internet, there is no reason not to begin research on your dog’s condition and take a proactive stance in his care. Once you really get into doing the research, you’ll be suprised to find out what your vet is doing wrong. For instance, how many of those medications he prescribed are metabolized and filtered through the liver, which is already compromised and doesn’t need the extra workload?? Did he mention anything about natural herbs, like Milk Thistle, and it’s benefits for the liver? Although I really like my vet, I will never EVER take his word as being final. No vet is God, and none of them know everything there possibly is to know. Nor do I expect them to. When my dog is ill, I hit the internet and the books and I have come across many discrepancies between them and my vet. I dont take the final word of human doctors either. Put your computer to good use and do some research. Find out what you can do to prevent a relapse and to keep your dog comfortable as long as possible. Vets dont have the vested interest in your dog that you do, and they dont lose any sleep when another dog dies. I’m sure there are many who vets who truly care, but NONE of them can possibly care as much about your dog as you do. It is ultimately your responsibility to make sure your dog continues with a reasonably good quality of life, and you cannot shirk this responsibility off on your vet. Good Luck.

Lizzie asks…

What is the name of this song and who sings it?

My brother is looking for the title of this song and who sings it. These are part of the lyrics that he remembers : “early in the morning, rising to the street, light me up a cigarette, and I slap shoes on my feet song”. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

admin answers:

That’d be What I Got by Sublime 🙂
What I Got

Early in the morning, risin’ to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason, a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money’s all gone

I got a dalmation, and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a mother f*cking riot
Life is (too short), so love the one you got
Cause you might get runover or you might get shot

Never start no static
I just get it off my chest
Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it all to charity
Love is what I got
It’s within my reach

And the Sublime style’s still straight from Long Beach
It all comes back to you, you’ll finally get what you deserve
Try and test that you’re bound to get served
Love’s what I got
Don’t start a riot
You’ll feel it when the dance gets hot


(That’s) why I don’t cry when my dog runs away
I don’t get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don’t get angry when my Mom smokes pot
Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock
F*ckin’ and fightin’, it’s all the same
Livin’ with Louie dog’s the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin’, let the lovin’ come back to

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Your Questions About Collie Man

Lizzie asks…

Is Peyton Manning better right now than he was at his prime age?

Is Peyton Manning better right now or was he better at his prime? Im just saying that his stats were very good at prime but couldnt get a super bowl ring until he got older. Is he better than Brady or is he his old self where he use to choke in big games?

admin answers:

I guess you could say he’s better. His overall knowledge has gotten so much better over the years, and he still has a great skill set. And the fact that he got to the Super Bowl with such a young receiving core last year kind of puts a stamp on just how good that guy is. If Garcon and Collie improve from last year, then Manning is primed to put up some big numbers again.

George asks…

What song do you currently have stuck in your head?

Slightly Stoopid – Collie Man

admin answers:

You ask awesome questions, just sayin’
i have everybodys fool stuck in my head. Hah.

Nancy asks…

Songs like Collie Man by Slightly Stoopid?

Ive listened to allot of their songs, but none of them hit me as much as Collie Man. But i need more songs…
i know this question was asked 3 years ago, but the answer given to it only suggested two bands, both of which are similar to the bands usual songs… but neither does anything similar to Collie Man.
The vocals and simple melody are what haunts my mind constantly when not hearing the song and i think i might have played it about 50 million times by now on my ipod. 😛

admin answers:

Collie man is a great song, but they have other great songs too. Closer to the sun is my favorite. Also listen to open road, mellow mood, anywhere I go, I’m on fire, wiseman (acoustic roots version), no cocaine, hiphoppablues. These are probably my favorites, but they have probably 40 songs I love

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending

Thomas asks…

What’s the worst that can happen if I leave aural hematoma untreated?

What can happen if I leave my dog’s aural hematoma alone?
So if I leave it untreated, she will have a cauliflower ear, and nothing worse?

The problem is that I can’t take her to the vet and get help. She looks like she’s suffering, and it pains me to see it.

admin answers:

Hematoma’s need to be seen by a vet. They generally need to be lanced & drained, but your vet is the only one who can tell you what it needs based on his exam.

The end result of the potential cauliflower ear isn’t really the important part of the equation with this. Like the other poster replied, it is quite painful. If you broke your ankle, the end result would be that you’d have a limp for the rest of your life. Doesn’t sound so bad if you just look at what it would eventually do to you…but it leaves out the fact that you’d be going thru some excrutiating pain until it healed on its own. Your dog’s hematoma is no different. It is painful and needs to be looked at.

In this recession, it is hard to find the extra money sometimes to do anything other than pay for absolute necessities in life. But you’ve taken on the responsibility to be his caretaker and that includes taking care of health problems when they arise. Borrow the money, barter services with someone for it, ask your local shelter if they have a low-cost clinic, apply for care-credit thru the vet, ask if they’ll break the payments up, do whatever it takes to find the money to bring him in.

No matter that in the end it may just be disfigurement…it is the here and now of ending his pain that is the important part.

Donna asks…

When do kids develop intellect and emotions?

I was babysitting my 9 year old neighbor today, and we were watching Marley And Me. When I saw it in theatres I remember, everyone crying, boys and girls. Well when it ended he stared at me and said “That was weird, why did they make a movie about a dog’s life?”, I just stared at him and replied “Idk, why don’t you go get your $200 Abercrombie jacket and go outside and play.

admin answers:

They don’t develop them, they are taught them. Kids need to be taught ethics, morals, and manners or they run the risk of growing up to be very bad people.

Jenny asks…

Who here believes the Federal Government has the right to prosecute Michael Vicks dog fighting practices?

Personally, I think the Federal Government, and all government for that matter, has no right to stick their noses into dog fighting. Those dogs, pitbulls, LOVE TO FIGHT. They are FIGHTERS by nature. it is their NATURAL instinct to FIGHT. When one pitbull sees another, it attacks. it’s that simple.

So why would the federal govt or any government have anything to say about something that is, in ACTUAL REALITY, NATURAL? And what is it with all the people who think dog’s that are born to fight to the death (that is their purpose in life, by instinct) are more important than the Iraqi women, children and of course the less valuable of all, men are being slaughtered for the benefit of the Federal Reserve? Why is it that people care about these stupid killer dogs and let people be murdered for years on end?

I don’t get it.

I can’t wait to hear some of the intelligent remarks that will discount human life and make the life of a DOG more important. Remember, Bush TORTURES people.
Pitbulls are FIGHTERS.
Personally, I despise fighting of any kind.

admin answers:

No this should be a state crime.
If your wifes bush is torturing you then you should find a new woman.

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

John asks…

What are your favorite lyrics to a song?

I would like to know. My favorite bands are coldplay, the kooks, arctic monkeys, keane, guster, jack johnson, badly drawn boy, death cab, the shins. stuff like that. anything you can think of?

admin answers:

You listen to the best music EVER.
Here are all of my favorite bands (in order)-i’ll put my favorite song next to it too<3
have a listen i'm sure you'll like most of them<3

1. Arctic Monkeys.-when the sun goes down
2.The Kooks. -always where i need to be
3. The Strokes.-(every single song)
4. The Shins.-so says i
5. Jack Johnson.-better together
6. The Format.-she doesn't get it
7. Death Cab for Cutie.-marching bands of manhattan
8. Lil' Wayne.-skys da limit
9. Regina Spektor.-somedays
10.Babyshambles.-f*** forever
(the get out of order here:)
11.Daft Punk.-digital love
12. Yeah Yeah Yeahs.-kiss kiss
13. The Weakerthans.-civil twilight
14.Ben Kweller.-penny on the traintrack
15. Albert Hammond Jr.-hard to live (in the city)
16.U2.-where the streets have no names
17. Louis XIV.-soft
18.The Blow.-parenthesis
19.Klaxons.-golden skans
20. Modest Mouse.-dashboard
21. Boston.-peace of mind
22. The Fratellis.-everybody knows you cried lastnight
23. Peter Bjorn and John.-amsterdam
24. The Killers.-andy your a star
25. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.-skin of my yellow country teeth
26.The Zutons.-you will you wont
27. Hot Hot Heat.-goodnight,goodnight
28. Slightly Stoopid.-collie man

sorry i'd list more but ,i am really tired.

My best advice is to listen to The Strokes (they're kind of addicting)

Jenny asks…

a reggae song that is fast paced?

the lyrics in the chorus are “whine for me” like three times. its a relatively new song and its FAST PACED. and its not by r kelly.

admin answers:

Search these artists

Buju Banton
bling dawg
leftside & esco
Mad cobra
Mega Banton
Delly Ranks
Mr Vegas
Mr Easy
Wayne Marshall
Ward 21
Tony Matterhorn
Vybz Kartel
Busy Signal
Collie Buddz
Beenie man
elephant man

Betty asks…

Slightly Stupid, Collie Man?

What is ithis song talking about? I know that their talkings about weed and collie man means weed dealer, but the song doesnt make alot of sense. What is it talking about?

Here are the lyrics:
And some man live his life
For profits alone
That very same man
He lives his life all alone
And the road to life
Yes it goes up and down
Doesn’t really matter
As long as the music goes on
Hey mister collie man
Why don’t you come round no more
Hey mister collie collie man
Don’t you hear me troubled call
Hey mister collie man
Look i didn’t come to disturb
You best not be come ’round here
Unless you’ve got me sensi herb
I never needed any
Reason for me to say
Through all them troubled times
Yes me love you any way
And the roughest path
You know the rocky rocky road
You know that
Life and love is a
Heavy heavy load
Hey mister collie man
Why don’t you come ’round no more
Hey mister collie collie man
Dont you hear me troubled call
Hey mister collie man
Look i didn’t come to disturb
You best not be come round here
Unless you’ve got me sensi herb
You best not be come round here
Unless you’ve got me sensi herb

and the link:

admin answers:

He is a drug deal he isn’t supposed to make any sense

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament

William asks…

what type of dog would you rather get for a puppy?

what would you choose
so which do you choose?

admin answers:

Smooth collies…great collie temperament….less hair to groom!

I love smooth collies the best, and then a close second would be rough collies. I have grown up around collies. My uncle introduced me to collies, he was a collie breeder and competed in conformation and obedience with his collies. And then my sister became involved in breeding and showing collies.

I know the breed very well, and always planned on having collies of my own some day. Finally, the time was right and we got our first smooth about 3 and 1/2 years ago. (Then our second collie a year ago.) The collie is a very versatile breed. They can be shown in conformation. They compete successfully in obedience, Rally and agility. They also excel in herding, and are still doing the job they were bred to do hundreds of years ago. And finally, they make a loving, loyal family pet. They thrive in both the city or the country as long as they are allowed to live inside as a member of the family and get plenty of exercise.

The collie isn’t for everyone. They tend to be a more vocal breed, which can drive some people crazy. They also try to herd children, joggers, bicycles, cars, etc. So a fenced yard is a must for collie owners. But I love the breed, I think they are beautiful inside and out.

If you are interested about learning more about the breed click on the link and then choose the correct bandwidth:…

Michael asks…

What should I expect for a mixed puppy of these breeds to turn out as; as an adult?

A puppy I’m considering adopting has a background like this:

1/4 rottweiler
1/4 border collie or lab (owner doesn’t know)
1/4 american bulldog
1/4 pit bull

What would the temperament be like?

admin answers:

My wife and I adopted a wonderful rottweiler/boxer/bl. Lab/pit bull puppy.
He is very HYPER at times, but also very submissive, and cuddly the rest of the time. And EXTREMELY smart! I would suggest (with any puppy) picking them up, and flipping them onto their backs in your arms. If they squirm and wiggle to get out, there may be dominance issues down the road. If they lay there calm and cuddle, they should make a great dog, and not be very agressive adults.

Also, you need to raise them properly by reinforcing commands, get them used to humans, and patiently work with them so they don’t jump on, chew on, or get too rough with people…especially kids.

Chip is GREAT with our nephews because WE reinforced not to bite or jump. There are a TON of websited to help with training your puppy to be the best dog it can be!

One note about my personal experience with rottweilers, or rotty mixes, is that they can get abnormally anxious if they can’t get into a room that you are in (Chip is no exeption to that). Your puppy may or may not experience this, but i have had rottweilers tthat you HAD to leave, say, the bathroom door craked a little, or the garage door cracked…just so they could pop their heads in and make sure everything was ok, and then run off to play elsewhere. It is a bit uncomfortable at times, but no big deal to keep them from freaking out (one rotty male actually broke the door off the frame to the bathroom just so he could come in and lay at my feet! :S)

I hope this helps…good luck!

Jenny asks…

Wolf dog hybrid temperaments toward other animals?

How do wolf dog hybrids interact with other animals? Such as cats or smaller dogs? I’d prefer if people who own or raise these animals because I am planning on getting one but my girlfriend wants a cat or tea cup yorkie. Please help me with this

admin answers:

DON”T GET A WOLF-HYBRID. I cannot stress this enough. They are much more dangerous than wolves, because their temperament is too unstable. They are not at all like domestic dogs either. Its essentially like having a wild animal in your home, only one with confused instincts. Anyone who tells you they make great pets is lying. Make no mistake, even the best trained wolf-hybrid will still kill you if you do the wrong thing or set off the wrong trigger.

In terms of their interactions with non-canine animals, they kill them. They’re predatory instincts are too strong to be trained out. They will immediately kill cats, birds, rabbits, and anything they see. Small dogs are no different. I would say that no dog under 60 pounds is safe anywhere near a wolf-hybrid. In all honesty, large dogs are no safer. Wolves have a natural urge to kill dogs as competitors, and many wolf-hybrids seem to as well. There are almost no domestic dogs that could withstand a wolf-hybrid attack either, not even a Pit Bull.

Let me put it too you this way. I love big, strong-willed working dogs. I completely trust Pit Bulls, Mastiffs, American Bulldogs, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Akitas, Dobermans, etc. I let them sleep in my bed with me, play with children, etc. I would never, ever trust a wolf-hybrid not to kill me or a family member.

Even if you think you could control one (which you cannot) your girlfriend could not. You would be putting her life in serious danger.

That being said, there’s no reason why you have to get a Yorkie (a breed I personally cannot stand). Reach a compromise position. If you like wolf-like dogs, consider a Shiba Inu, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, or American Eskimo Dog. You may also want to seriously consider a Rough or Smooth Collie, which are many times as trainable as those other breeds.

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Your Questions About Collie

Ken asks…

How can I get my border collie to stop niping me?

My fiance and I have a 6 month old border collie. He nips us, Not hard but he still nips us. Also when he is in puppy play groups he nips other dogs on the behind. How can I stop this behavior?

admin answers:

When he nips, yelp like a puppy would, stand up, turn your back, and cross your arms. All play ends for at least 30 seconds and until he is calm and quiet. He’ll soon learn that nipping is no fun at all. If this is a herding behavior sort of nipping, he may need more physical exercise and/or a ‘job’ to do. Many areas have farms now where dogs can go to learn herding and use that instinct so they don’t use it on you. Agility, flyball, and other dog sports are also good choices for a border collie. They are very intelligent and enjoy having activities. Nipping other dogs in play is normal, if the other puppies mind, they will let him know, you should not need to intervene unless one of the dogs is uncomfortable with the intensity of the play.

Mandy asks…

How Will a border collie work for my family?

We found a shelter dog who is a lab and border collie mix and I did research on border collies and I know that are extremely smart and need a job to do. We are fine with exercising the dog in the dog in the morning and afternoon and giving her a job once in a while but the problem is she would be home alone for 6 hours 5 days a week. My dad says he is willing to come home from work at noon to walk the dog and take her to the bathroom. I heard that leaving on the radio or tv and giving the dog a special treat right before we leave will distract her and keep her busy. Would she be destructive or bored? We also have cats. Will she try to heard them? The dog we want is a bit timid so probably won’t scare the cats as much as a hyper dog. Remember she isn’t a pure bread border collie she is also a lab.

admin answers:

Well, if you have her working in the day, you could use the hours alone as a nap after her job. Just keep her busy before the separation starts.

Also, keep in mind she is part Lab and not a purebred working line Border Collie. Most likely she is mixed with a pet quality Border Collie, which isn’t as intense as a pure working line… Maybe the Border Collie parent was a mutt itself.

^ She probably will not see the cats as prey, but incase she does… Correct it right when it starts.

Carol asks…

How much attention and/or activities a day does a Border Collie need?

I might be getting a border collie, but I would like a better understanding of how much play time and activities they require to stay happy each day.


admin answers:

Physical exercise alone is not sufficient for this very intelligent and highly energetic dog. They want to work and must do so with body and mind as one, carrying out different tasks. Fast and agile, these lively little dogs have boundless energy and thrive on hard work and play. They are a delight to see streaking after a ball or bringing straying sheep back to the fold.

A Border Collie is a herding dog. These dogs need vigorous excercise. I recommend 3-4 walks a day, one hour each. Plus additional play time with a Frisbee and tennis ball. I might also recommend buy a backpack if you get this dog, put it on him while walking. This makes the dog feel like he has a job, you might also consider doing agility. If you are lazy (no offense) and don’t like to get up and do things physical, look else were for a dog.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

Linda asks…

How can i keep my black lab cool in the summer?

He lives outdoors and never wants to stop playing

admin answers:

Great question! Black dogs have trouble getting rid of the heat, especially since they usually love the sun!

Ensure your dog has a shady area to get out of the sun at all times of the day. Perhaps putting up a awning or tent, or plant a tree for this. Dog houses sitting directly in the sun get hot.

Providing a shallow kiddie pool (with toys) usually helps as his feet are what gets wet and this helps to keep him cool. Blood circulation to the feet helps cool him.

Also on really hot days or after exercise, I also wet down my dog’s head (to keep her brain cool), back (just for gneral evaporationa nd cooling) and the insides of her legs where the big arteries are.

I also give her ice cubes to play with/eat. I do this supervised as they can choke on them.

There are also lightweight blanket vests that hold water well that you can purchase to put on her. (Think of that TV commercial where the cloth holds up to 4 times its own weight-Shamwow! Type) As the water evaporates, it helps to cool her. Check out agility trials and websites for these. They were very popular in my city a few years ago. I am trying to get one for Jessie as her heat tolerance is very low.

Regular grooming helps to get rid of the undercoat that holds heat in. I use the “furminator” and its amazing how much comes out even rom a short-haired dog.

Susan asks…

Song with a line about having a Dalmation?

Heard song one time about 3-4 mos. ago. Male singer. First part of the song he says something like I have a Dalmation. Some reference to a Dalmation dog.

admin answers:

Mebbe it’s ‘What I Got’ by Sublime?

Early in the morning risin’ to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money’s all gone
But I got a dalmatian and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a mother fuckin riot
Life is too short so love the one you got cause you might get
runover or you might get shot
Never start no static
I just get it off my chest
Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Take a small example
A tip from me take all of your money and give it up to charity
Lovin’s what I got
It’s within my reach
And the sublime style’s still straight from long beach
It all comes back to you you’re gonna get what you deserve
Try and test that you’re bound to get served
Love’s what I got
Don’t start a riot
You feel it when the dance gets hot
That’s why I don’t cry when my dog runs away
I don’t get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don’t get angry when my Mom smokes pot, hits
the bottle and goes back to the rock
Fuckin and fighting it’s all the same
Livin’ with Louie dog’s the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin come back to me

Daniel asks…

what size category does my dog fall into?

american eskimo dog i need to buy him a life vet and i need to know weather he is small or x small. i know he is a small dog i just don’t know what size to buy him (shopping online) otherwise i’d just go 2 the store and have him fitted >.<
also what size shoes do i buy him!?!?
Life Vest****
he cant swim!! and the floor is really hot last year his paws burnt =[ otherwise i’d never dress me dog -.-

admin answers:

Gaby…believe it or not, American Eskimos (Spitzes) come in three sizes:

Standard: 15″ to 19″ tall & 18 to 35 lbs.
Miniature: 12″ to 15″ tall & 10 to 20 lbs.
Toy: 9″ to 12″ tall & 6 to 10 lbs.

Normally for vest measurements you would need to measure the diameter of his chest at its deepest point (usually measured just behind his front legs and all the way around), his neck (as you would for a collar), and length (from his neck to the base of his tail).

Those measurements will dictate if he is an X-Small, a Small, or a Medium. (I can’t imagine a Spitz would run into either an XX-Small or a Large).

Once you have those numbers, you should be able to determine the appropriate size of vest to order for him.

Related to booties, typically (not always but usually) a dog’s paw size will run one size smaller than his clothing size…so if you determine that the right size of sweater or vest for your dog is a size Small, his booties will likely be an X-Small size. However, you should measure for it to be sure. Different manufacturers of booties measure differently. The safest thing to do is to get both a paw width AND a paw length measurement. Paw width is from side to side when weight is put on the paw, paw length is from toenail to end of pad. Those figures will then help you to determine the appropriate size of boot for your dog from the manufacturer of the product itself.

An example is: My Papillon is 7 pounds even. He’s 14″ from neck to base of his tail, 14″ girth at chest, and about 8″ around his neck. Depending on the brand I will often buy him X-Small clothing…however, if they run quite small I have opted to go with a size Small at times. He’s kind of at the very in-between range of X-Small and Small. His booties are X-Small.

I also have a Chihuahua…4.8 pounds. Her length is at 11″, her chest is at 11″, and her neck is slightly less than 7″. She gets an X-Small in her clothing. I have not yet tried to fit her for booties yet, but based on her paws she would likely need an XX-Small bootie.

Hope that helps.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Breeders Texas

Susan asks…

Chosen a Rough Collie, but still a few questions,…?

I have chosen to get a rough Collie, but I would Like to know some more about them (Like their personality from the owners view.)
Their Life span, height, etc. (Google does not solve everything.)
Also, where are some GOOD breeders in Texas?
Also, how much exerciser do they need?

admin answers:

It really depends on the dog. My collie is usually very relaxed. They are not exactly “cuddly” but they love to be around you ALL the time. They are also whiners X) Sweet dogs, my collie is pushed around by a two and three year old and doesn’t even care. They are super sensitive to how their owners fell which I like, some may not enjoy such an attentive dog. Excercise wise it isn’t too much. My dog is laid back and only needs a walk a day usually less because I’m busy. The only demanding thing about collies is the cost of groom, which you will definitely want to get done professionally. 🙂 Good luck!

Daniel asks…

Does anybody know where I can get a lassie collie in Texas?!?

I really want one, I live in Texas and cannot find any pups or breeders after a lot of research please help!!

admin answers:

You mean a Rough Collie?

Contact these people for list of breeders.


Mandy asks…

Does anyone know of a reputable rough collie breeder in Texas?

Looking for a rough collie breeder in Texas; the closer to Houston the better, but it really doesn’t make too much difference. I expect to pay around 400 with first shots included.

If anyone has had a positive experience with a breeder in TX, please let me know. I’ve searched everywhere.

Looking at getting the puppy around May, so future litters would be preferred.

********** Yes, I have looked at rescuing one; however, I believe a puppy would be more suited to my tastes. I am constantly checking the Houston, Austin, and Dallas Collie rescue pages for puppies, but I don’t want one older than six months or so. ****************

admin answers:

Dogs from responsible breeders will be $750-$2000 for a pet.

$400 will get you a rescue dog or a badly bred unhealthy puppy. If you are looking for puppies around May then you need to start saving that extra potential $1000 and enough for a several thousand dollar cushion for emergencies.

Http:// for rescue information at the bottom of the page is an e-mail. Contact this person for a breeder list.

Http:// for help on picking a responsible breeder

There was just a show in Rosenberg two weekends ago – it would have been a GREAT place to meet good breeders.

HONEYTREE is in Liberty Hill outside of Austin
Desert Wind is just North of Houston is in Crosby

There’s a show March 19-21 in Houston. It would be the BEST place to meet dogs and breeders. Http://

Added: In looking at your past questions, you may have a rough time finding a good breeder or rescue group that will allow you to have one of their dogs. You are in school and I didn’t see you planning for what’s going to happen once you are in the workforce.
You are in school and unless you have a trust fund, you’ll have a hard time convincing someone that you have the cash for emergency vet bills, training, and proper upkeep.
You live in an apartment – herding dogs tend to be super vocal.
You live in an apartment – Without a yard, how are you planning on WORKING a super active herding breed for several hours a day?

Perhaps saving the money and waiting until you are out of school would be the best option? Unless you have come up with a gameplan. . .

Either way, GL!

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