Your Questions About Rough Collie Houston
Donna asks…
Info on nova scotia duck tolling retrievers?
I’m new to owning an nova scotia, i honestly had no idea that there was such kind of breed. I picked up summer from the houston humane society, and i was positive she was full golden retriever but she never grew to be as big as an female golden so i was concerned and she had white on her chest, white on the tip of her tail and feet and adorable speckle under her chin, id never seen anything like it. Ive been reading bout novas on the internet but would like to.know more bout them, summer part golden and nova, whats the difference between a novas and goldens temperment?
admin answers:
I very much doubt she’s a Toller (nobody calls them Novas). As they are a rare breed that has thankfully not been noticed by backyard breeders, even adults are snapped up like gold dust and rarely find their way into rescues. She could be a Golden Retriever crossed with a Rough Collie, Border Collie or Brittany with those markings. If she is a real Toller (the wedge-shaped head is a real giveaway), she will have a far higher work drive than a Golden Retriever.
Jenny asks…
Will the refs let the Ravens beat the Colts next week?
All year long we’ve seen the Colts get loads of calls (or non-calls) go their way. Just to name a few:
1) @ Arizona. Bethea pulls down a Cardinals receiver in the endzone in plain sight and then intercepts the pass that was thrown to his man. No call.
2) vs. NE. Austin Collie is covered by Darius Butler on a deep route. There is zero contact of any kind and the pass is overthrown anyways. Pass interference Defense. 30+ yard penalty giving Indy 7 points.
3) vs. NE. On 4th & 2, Kevin Faulk bobbles then catches a pass gaining FULL possession with his left foot on the 30 yd line. The ball is spotted at the 29 which would’ve been physically impossible. Numerous sports casters disagreed with the call and said Faulk had the 1st.
4) @ Houston. Pierre Garcon(?) is running stride for stride with a Houston DB. Zero contact. The ball is WAY overthrown. Pass interference defense. 40 yard penalty. Indy gets 7 free points.
5) vs. Titans. On 4th down & goal the Titans go for it. VY throws a jump ball to the corner of the endzone. The Colt DB never turns and as he puts his arm in the air to knock it down he uppercuts the Titans WR knocking his head back and him down. No call.
6) @ Ravens. A Colt receiver is tackled in the backfield on a reverse for what should’ve been a 3rd and very long. Instead, phantom roughing call on Ngata? and 1st down Colts. Led to a FG I believe.
There were others but these were the worst of them.
@Krazy eyes
I respect that you admit the Colts get a lot of bad calls. Not all Colts fans can do that. However, you’re wrong. I’m a fan of the game first and foremost.
I cannot stand it when a team or player gets all the calls. It takes away from the integrity of the game.
I’ve only complained about the Colts as they are the only ones receiving horrific calls. In case you’ve been living under a rock. The Colts have only 1 SB this decade. So obviously your theory is garbage. Thanks for playing though.
admin answers:
Be prepared for the refs to spot the Colts 7 points as they have done so many times this season. I don’t think it will be impossible for the Ravens to win BUT if the Colts do somehow get to the SB, the NFL will absolutely do everything in its power to ensure that Manning gets another ring.
It’s the only way Manning can ever hope to reach Brady’s level and the NFL wants its golden boy (Manning) to surpass Brady so badly.
Mary asks…
what would do if u won 1.5 millions dollares?
admin answers:
A modest mobile home on 1 acre zoned in the city limits in Houston, a modest alternative fueled car, $1 mill. In gold boullian stored in Switzerland, an AKC registered show quality sable/white rough collie, & the rest divided to:
1-Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors
3-National Mental Health Institute
4-Democratic Party
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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics
Linda asks…
What band performed at King of the Mountian snowboarding on CBS?
there was a band who performed and I don’t know who it was. They lyrics were along the lines of ‘with a fire in his eyes Johnny would ride’ I NEED TO KNOW WHO SINGS THIS SONG!
admin answers:
Mark collie?
Johnny came home in ’67 to a little bit less than a heroe’s welcome
Guns of war ringing in his head I wonder what he must have thought
About the things some people said
Johnny was a rebel alright it was in his blood like fire in his eyes
Believin’ that freedom was well worth keeping alive
Johnny was a rebel alright he knew where to stand and where to fight
Believin’ that freedom was well worth keeping alive
Johnny was a rebel alright
He used to ride that Harley through the hollows and the hills
Blow through town standing on one wheel
Long hair flyin’ like a sheet in the wind I knew he never would fit in
In the old hometown again
Yeah Johnny was a rebel alright…
That night out on the courthouse yard behind the civil defense and the national guard
I saw an angry mob get out of hand I saw Johnny take a bullet for another man
[ guitar ]
Johnny died young like the good often do fightin’ for right in the struggle of truth
It seems like a waste when I look back today but I guess it’s like he used to say
Our freedom’s only worth as much as we’re all willing to pay
Johnny was a rebel alright Johnny was a rebel alright yes he was
Johnny was a rebel alright yes he was Johnny was a rebel alright yes he was
Mark asks…
what is this song about- Hey Mister Collie Man – band: Slightly Stoopid?
i love the song, after i read the lyrics i couldnt find any meaning? help please best answer 10 pts!
admin answers:
Like a lot of their other songs, its most likely about weed.
Collie = Colorado where medical marijuana is legal.
Thomas asks…
Reggae: Who is Quaju Peg the collie man?
In The Congos’ 1977 song “Fisherman”, a roots-reggae song, one of the lyrics is
“Quaju Peg the collie–man
sell the best collie in sea port town
Quaju Peg the collie man
ha the best collie weed in town”
I know he’s some marijuana seller from the lyrics, but who is Quaju Peg? Was/is he real?
admin answers:
I think this guy is real. I did a google search and he comes up as a bass player on different cd’s . He also has a myspace page, but i’m at work so i couldn’t open any of those sites
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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle
John asks…
How do I treat my dogs for roundworms?
Today I found out that my german short hair dogs have roundworms. So I started researching what they were and stuff. I read that once a dog is 6 months old, they develop a resistance to worms. And if a larvae was to complete the life cycle, it would come to rest in various body tissues and become encysted. While encysted they are protected from the dog’s antibodies and most types of dewormers. So how do I treat them most effectively for the worms?
admin answers:
I am not sure what you are reading, but it is not accurate – or at least what you are writing is not correct. That’s actually good news, because round worms are definitely treatable.
Take a stool sample to the vet and have them analyze it and they will prescribe the correct treatment depending on what type(s) of worms you are dealing with.
How did you discover that your dogs have round worms?
Most puppies develop roundworms – this is quite normal. The best place to get information about this is from your vet.
Robert asks…
Are these characteristics common with dogs in heat?
My Beagle just went into heat for the second time. I thought she had been acting a little different in the past few days before i noticed she was really in heat.
She seemed tired, or like she didn’t feel so good. Is that a dog’s PMSing?
Also, her fur coat has been super soft for the past week. Does that have anything to do with it?
And last of all, does going into heat hurt her? Just wondering if she gets cramps and mood swings like i do. How can i make her the most comfortable during this time?
admin answers:
These symptoms don’t seem to be related to her heat cycle, but she could have some other underlying condition that hasn’t been treated to cause her lethargy, which may seem worse now that she’s in heat. It is common though for a bitch in heat to display bouts of “moodiness” or irritability (easily startling or feeling “touchy”, becoming somewhat aggressive to other animals, wanting to keep to herself, etc) throughout her 3-4 week long heat (and yes, they will already be going into heat several days before they actually start bleeding).
I would try to allow her plenty of time alone in a quiet, cool, somewhat shady or dark room when she seems to “not feel so good” so that you don’t cause her any additional stress, but ultimately, you should have her seen by a vet to make sure she’s not ill in any way. And, while you’re there, schedule an appointment (or get a referral to a low-cost spay/neuter clinic) to get the poor girl fixed, so she doesn’t have to experience this again! Know that having her spayed will keep her healthier and increase the chance of her living out a long life, free of developing cancers.
Michael asks…
What is the one green thing you are doing thatwill make the most difference?
What do you feel is the simplest but most important green thing you can do in your everyday life? How will this make a difference?
admin answers:
There is no one quick solution to being Green.
At home, we use fluorescent bulbs in place of incandescents – and only use the lights we need.
Most of our trash is put in the recycle bin. All organic matter is buried in the back yard and mixed with my dog’s feces to aid composting – and to prevent the dog from digging the food up.
There are many green activities you can use, such as utilizing dry/composting toilets, taking public transportation or cycling, capturing rainwater for non-potable uses, etc…
By utilizing fewer resources (and returning or reusing the leftovers) we give the planet a chance to breathe. There are only a limited abount of resources on this planet, and once they’re depleted, that’s it.
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Your Questions About Rough Collie Breeders
Sandra asks…
How to find a reputable Collie breeder?
My family and I are looking for a rough collie breeder. I’ve been looking at websites, but my parents seem to find a flaw in every breeder we look at lol. How do you tell if a breeder is good or bad? I know to make sure they health test/show/etc, but what are some other things?
Or, does anyone know any good breeders in California? Thanks.
We already have one adult dog that we got from the shelter. We want to purchase a puppy from a breeder this time.
admin answers:
You have to email them for a breeder referral
SoCal Collie Club
American Collie Club
Mark asks…
Will a 16 months dog adapt to a new family?
I have never owned a dog before so I’ll be needing lots of advice on this topic. I’m thinking of adopting a 16 month old female Rough Collie. Her previous owner is a reputable Rough Collie breeder that wants a new family for her. Will it be really hard for her to adapt to a new family? I just called the breeder up and she told me I might have to give more attention to her for changing her family. Should I find a puppy instead or adopting is better for a first time dog owner?
admin answers:
Just giver her a lot of attention and exercise. Collie’s are a working breed and will feel lost and bored if they do not have some thing to do. The best way to bond is to simply play with her.
Betty asks…
if i buy a rough collie puppy from a breeder what vaccines will it need?
hey everyone
i have found nothing about this anywhere and my dad needs to know before i buy, will the breeder already have gave them there first jabs? will they tell me what to get them?
or do i go straight to a vet and ask them, can they tell what they already had jab wise?
how often does a rough collie need vacines, im guessing every 3 years?
much appreiated
admin answers:
Most breeders do vaccinate for measles as the antibodies are like those made from the distemper
shot. You will probably have to take your pup to the vet. And get Distemper, parvo etc. And don’t forget to ask about Heartworms so you can prevent your pup for getting them as the treatment is Arsnic poison. You will also have to repeat the shots in one month and then he will need a rabies shot at
six months.
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Your Questions About Colliers International
Sandra asks…
Does Paul Collier’s plan offer a credible solution to the reduction of global poverty?
Does Collier’s plan offer a credible solution to the reduction of global poverty? Summarize his plan and explain your position
admin answers:
Summarize his position:
Is it a credible solution? In theory his arguments are compelling. In reality it fails in the implementation. As Collier mentions himself: “Unless we have an informed society, politicians will get away with gestures. Things that look good, but don’t work.” To understand what he means, just watch the current debate among politicians about economic policy in the US!
There are other problems with Collier’s plan, for example, the size and direction of international capital flows and their consequences on domestic economies. However, this goes way beyond this forum. A good place to start is to study the Asian Crisis of 1997.
Betty asks…
How did Europeans listen to music before WW1, and what were some popular French and German songs from the era?
When did radio become widespread? Did people listen to phonographs? How did people hear recent songs for the first time? What was considered “popular” music?
admin answers:
Hi David… I’m back!
Here you go:
1900-1914 (“Caf’conc’ et Cabaret”) : Sous les ponts de Paris (1913) by Georgel : cabaret songs, often saucy, popular entertainment, …
1914-1918 (“Chansons dans la guerre”) : Quand Madelon (1914) by Bach : patriotic songs,…
1918-1930 (“les années folles”) : J’ai deux amours, mon Pays et Paris (1930) by Josephine Baker : love and glamour in 1920s Paris, discovering jazz, ..
1930-1939 (“de l’euphorie à la débâcle”) : Parlez moi d’amour (1930) by Lucienne Boyer : “chanson réaliste” (very depressing…) or very sentimental,…
1939-1945 (“chansons sous l’Occupation”) : Douce France (1942) by Charles Trenet : nostalgia,…
The late 1800s saw the dawn of the music hall when Yvette Guilbert was a major star. The era lasted through to the 1930s and saw the likes of Félix Mayol, Lucienne Boyer, Marie-Louise Damien, Marie Dubas, Fréhel, Georges Guibourg, Tino Rossi, Jean Sablon, Charles Trenet and Maurice Chevalier.
La Bal Musette:
Here’s a forum board of International WWI Music that you can join:
HEINRICH SCHLUSNUS (1888-1952) was the premier German baritone in Germany for over 40 years, particularly noted for his singing of Verdi. He was also a fine singer of lieder. His records span the acoustic and well into the electric era, throughout the Third Reich and beyond. They are all of the highest calibre.
The celebrated Jewish baritone, JOSEPH SCHWARTZ (1880-1926) was born in Riga but apecialized in the German repertoire, though he also sang other roles such as Escamillo in CARMEN. His records are well sought after and for good reason. This was a great artist. MARGARETE MATZENAUER (née Temesvar 1881-1963). After an initial success in Europe, she sang at The Metropolitan for 20 years ERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINK (1861-1936) A very different singer was the German soprano ELISABETH SCHUMANN (1885-1952), here seen as MIGNON. Her unique lyric soprano was perfect for Richard Strauss operas, for instance, as well as for lieder. Jewish-German soprano LOTTE LEHMANN (1888-1976), deservedly sang alongside such greats as Tauber and Chaliapin during the 1920s, but the appearance of the Nazis forced her to move to the USA where she triumphed again for further decade. She was as fine an exponent of lieder and operetta as opera with a warm soprano sound that appealed to everyone. Http://
Songs, 1907-1919, n.d.
Includes: “Bohemia” (two different songs),and “Come to the Land of Bohemia.” “The Broken Troth”
B Instrumentals, 1898-1946
Includes: “In Gay Bohemia” and “Ku Vitezstvi” (“On to Victory”). (6 items)
C Folio, n.d., “Bohemian Dance Album” (accordian arrangements).
Here’s a whole bunch of songs by country:
And…… Don’t forget Klezmer.
Lisa asks…
Are the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle still happening?
May I know the latest incidence that has happened there?
admin answers:
Incidents in air
TBF Avenger 1942
PBY Catalina 1942
TBF Avenger 1943
Lockheed PV-1 Ventura x4 1943
PB4Y Privateer 1943
PBY Catalina 1944
PB4Y Privateer 1944
SBD-5 Dauntless 1944
PBY-5A Catalina 1944
B-24 Liberator 1945
PB4Y Privateer 1945
Flight 19, lost on December 5, 1945
Martin Mariner, lost on December 5, 1945
C-54 1947
DC-3 NC16002, lost on December 28, 1948
Avro Tudor Star Tiger, lost on January 30, 1948
Avro Tudor Star Ariel, lost on January 17, 1949
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 1950
Grumman F9F-2 Panther 1950
C-46 British York transport, lost on February 2, 1952
TV-2 Texan 1953
USN Super Constellation, lost on October 30, 1954
Martin Marlin, lost on November 9, 1956
Super Sabre, lost on March 18, 1960
Pogo 22, lost on October 15, 1961
USAF KB-50 Aerial Tanker, lost on January 8, 1962
USAF C-133 Cargomaster, lost on May 27, 1962
USAF C-133 Cargomaster, lost on September 22, 1963
USAF KC-135 Stratotankers, lost on August 28, 1963
USAF C-119 Flying Boxcar, lost on June 5, 1965
Cessna 172, lost on June 6, 1969
F-4 Phantom II “Sting 27”, lost on October 10, 1971
Caribbean Flight 912, lost November 3, 1978
DC-3 N407D, lost on September 21, 1978
Fighting Tiger 524, lost on February 22, 1978
Beechcraft N9027Q, lost on February 11, 1980
Ercoupe N3808H, lost on June 28, 1980
Beech Bonanza, lost on January 6, 1981
Piper Cherokee N3527E, lost on March 26, 1986
Grumman Cougar Jet, lost on October 31, 1991
Incidents at sea
General Gates; went missing 1780 (no British warship claimed her sinking)
USS Insurgent, a 36-gun French-built warship with 340 crew; went missing September 1799
USS Pickering; went missing on voyage to West Indies, on or around August 20, 1800
USS Wasp; sloop-of-war that severely harassed British shipping in the War of 1812, went missing on Caribbean cruise, October 1814
USS Epervier, while carrying original peace proposals for War of 1812; left Algiers for Norfolk, and went missing, 1815, delaying the ending of hostilities (rare instance of maritime disappearance directly connected to international politics)
USS Wildcat, crew of 31; went missing after leaving Cuba, October 1824
Schooner Lynx, crew of 40; went missing in far western Atlantic, 1824
Schooner USS Hornet, victor over HMS Peacock in 1812; went missing in far western Atlantic, 1824
Rosalie; went missing in Sargasso Sea, 1840
USS Grampus; went missing sailing south of the Carolinas, March 1843
HMS Atalanta, crew of 290; went missing, after departing Bermuda for home, 1880
Spray, piloted by renowned world-circumnavigator Joshua Slocum, considered “finest sailor of his age”; went missing after departing Miami, November 14, 1909
Timandra, 1,579 gross-ton freighter, crew of 21 under Captain Lee; went missing, while bound for Buenos Aires from Norfolk in cargo of coal, sometime between March 6 and March 27, 1917; sent no wireless/radio communication, despite capability
Collier USS Cyclops, crew and passengers of 309 under Lieutenant Commander George Worley; went missing after leaving Barbados for Baltimore, sometime after March 6, 1918; sent no wireless/radio communication, despite capability
Tramp steamer SS Cotopaxi, crew of 32 under Captain Meyers; went missing, after leaving Charleston, South Carolina for Havana, Cuba, December 1, 1925; sent no wireless/radio communication, despite capability
Freighter SS Suduffco, crew of 29; went missing, while sailing from New York City to Los Angeles, March 14, 1926, though owner waited approximately one month before reporting her overdue; sent no wireless/radio communication, despite capability
British freighter Anglo Australian, 5,500 tonnes, crew of 38 under Captain Parslow; went missing, bound from Cardiff, Wales for British Columbia, March 1938; last reported by wireless/radio off Azores: “Passing Fayal this afternoon. All well.”
Evelyn K; lost on March 6, 1948
SS Samkey; lost on January 31, 1948
Home Sweet Home; lost on January 13, 1955
Connemara IV; lost on September 26, 1955
Revonoc; lost on January 1, 1958
SS Marine Sulphur Queen; lost on February 3, 1963
Sno’ Boy; lost on July 2, 1963
Enchantress; lost on January 13, 1965
El Gato; lost on October 28, 1965
Witchcraft; lost on December 22, 1967
El Caribe; lost on September 10, 1971
Dawn; lost on April 22, 1975
Sylvia L. Ossa; lost in October 1976
SS Poet; lost on October 26, 1980
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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Rescue
Sharon asks…
Help controlling herding behavior in a border collie mix puppy?
I rescued a six-month-old border collie mix pup last week and she’s extremely bright. She starts in agility lessons and obedience training next week. She gets a LOT of exercise and stimulation but she’s been trying to herd my five-year-old daughter. While she hasn’t hurt my daughter and I understand that it is a natural behavior, it is something that I need to find ways to stop or redirect.
I know that border collies and mixes CAN be trained not to herd children, and I need advice on helping her redirect her intelligence and instinct into something more productive. I hope that agility lessons will help some, but any help for at-home training is much appreciated.
Last time I posted a question like this, I was attacked by people telling me that I shouldn’t have gotten a herding breed and expected it not to herd, so let me make one thing very clear: My puppy is a RESCUE dog. There are not enough working farms in the world to provide loving homes for all the mixed-shepherd breeds in the world. Besides that, working farms want purebred border collies, not mixed breeds like mine.
Are you saying that all of these animals are better off euthanized than in loving homes that do their best to care for them? I’m enrolling my pup in agility and obedience lessons and I take her for a five-mile walk every day, but I need to “grow a brain” for rescuing this poor baby’s life? Don’t judge me for adopting a dog that needed a home and has strong herding instincts. Blame the irresponsible jerks who didn’t spay and neuter their border collies to begin with. I will NOT be shamed for saving a dog’s life just because I don’t happen to have a herd of sheep for her to tend. We don’t shame beagle owners who don’t take their dogs hunting or Dalmatian owners who don’t give their dogs carriages to guide, so please don’t attack me for adopting a herding dog. I saved her life, I am a responsible owner, and I will not accept people accusing me of animal abuse just because I don’t own a freaking farm. (Sorry for how aggressive this sounds, but the answers I got last time were WAY out of line and inappropriate.)
Clockwork, what gave you the impression that I bought this dog? She was on the euth list at my local animal control because she was very sick. She had been found abandoned in an empty house, half-starved and sick with pneumonia. I footed her vet bills for her recovery and paid to spay, vaccinate, microchip, supplement, and medicate her. And you’re accusing me of being “delusional” for thinking I rescued her? You’re the one who needs to get your head checked.
And the reason that I have this dog (should I need to explain this) is because she’s a wonderful, brilliant, loving dog and because I adore her. I shouldn’t need to explain why I love my pet to people like you. Please just go away and keep your judgments to yourself. I dare you to go tell the millions of owners of non-working dogs that you think their animals are better off dead than in loving homes. Go to Hell.
admin answers:
Your mixed breed Border Collie can be started on livestock, since she is keen on herding. Go to the United Stated Border Collie Assoc. Site. There, it lists sanctioned herding trials. You can go to one and speak to the handlers. When your dog turns a year old, you can get her started. In the meantime, you can take her and have an instinct test done. You don’t need to own a farm, for your dog to be started on livestock, you can take lessons 2-3 times a week.
Agility/obedience and walks are not enough mental stimulation for a BC/BC mix.
Mary asks…
How to convince my parents to get another dog?
On the 13th of May last year (which happened to be Mother’s Day) we had to unexpectedly put down our dog of nearly 11 years due to water on the lungs. I had had her since I was 5 and I was torn up over it for weeks and it is still unpleasant to the point of tears to think about today. We have recently moved house and in two weeks our lawn will be put in. I want to ask my parents if we could get another dog, as I really miss the company they give (I’m an only child who doesn’t like spending more time with people than I really need to). After my last dog died we did discuss briefly the idea of getting another dog once we were in our new house.
Unfortunately life isn’t going particularly well at the moment. About two months after Mali (my dog) died, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer that had spread to some lymph nodes. She underwent 4 rounds of chemotherapy and is now in her second last week of six weeks of radiation. She will be on hormone therapy for the next five years as the tumor was hormone receptive. This means that she will most probably have all the symptoms of menopause all over again for that period of time. So basically Mum is now staring to lean towards no dog. Dad is more open to the idea.
I’m not planning on asking for a new dog, I would much prefer to rescue on from the pound or similar welfare organisations in my area, reducing the cost somewhat. We still have my old dog’s bed and several kilograms of dog food (yes, it is still good) and I’ve obviously had previous experience in looking after a dog, and in light of recent event’s I feel a lot more mature than I was raising Mali from a puppy. I have two other pets, a python (most low maintenance pet ever!) and a horse about 5 minutes drive away whom I ride regularly and see twice a day every day, before and after school. Unfortunately, horses and snakes are not the most cuddly animals and I’ve been longing for a dog for a long time. A lot of my friends have dogs, and at the farm where I work every weekend there’s an old kelpie and a husky and when they come say hello and ask for cuddles, it makes my day.
Any advice on how t approach this matter would be highly appreciated.
@Dominator You sir, are an insensitive piece of humanity. And at 16, I have as much of a right to controlling my own life as anyone else. Go grow a heart.
@Dominator I’m not a nagging child. And who’s to say that “children” are incapable of thought and emotion. I’ve certainly met children with greater emotional and rational capacity than you seem to have.
admin answers:
Tell them as you’ve told us. I agree, having a wonderful friend to tell every thing to makes life easier.
As long as you are willing to care for it I’d say yes.
Getting a rescue is a wonderful idea and you can give a lonely dog a forever home.
Chris asks…
Will a golden retriever bond more closely to me if I have it from being a puppy?
May seem like an obvious question, but I was just thinking, if I have the dog from it’s very early life, will it develop a bond with me that it could not get if I, say, rescued it from a pound? I know all dogs are different I’m just thinking in general terms. I really want my bond with the dog to be as strong as possible. Incidentally is there anything I can do to strengthen the dog’s bond to me other than just socialising with it? Thanks.
admin answers:
They have puppies at pounds.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Brands
Charles asks…
What dog food is good for my puppy, easy to find, and not cost a lot?
Well I want to feed my 5 1/2 month old pup good food, but not have to look for it in 5 different stores and end up spending a lot of money on it. I have a GSD puppy and want him to be eatting healthy.
admin answers:
Well with a GSD you should be careful not to feed a high protein food
How to grade your dog’s food: (Some brands are done at the very bottom)
Start with a grade of 100:
1) For every listing of “by-product”, subtract 10 points.
2) For every non-specific animal source (”meat” or “poultry”, meat, meal or fat) reference, subtract 10 points.
3) If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin, subtract 10 points.
4) For every grain “mill run” or non-specific grain source, subtract 5 points.
5) If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first five ingredients (i.e. “ground brown rice”, “brewer’s rice”, “rice flour” are all the same grain), subtract 5 points.
6) If the protein sources are not meat meal and there are less than 2 meats in the top 3 ingredients, subtract 3 points.
7) If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 3 points.
8 ) If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points.
9) If corn is listed in the top 5 ingredients, subtract 2 more points.
10) If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract 2 points.
11) If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is allergic to other protein sources), subtract 2 points.
12) If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 2 points.
13) If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to wheat), subtract 2 points.
14) If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to beef), subtract 1 point.
15) If it contains salt (or sodium, as it is also called), subtract 1 point.
Extra Credit:
1) If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points.
2) If the food is endorsed by any major breed group or nutritionist, add 5 points.
3) If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points.
4) If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points.
5) If the food contains fruit, add 3 points.
6) If the food contains vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3 points.
7) If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 2 points.
8 ) If the food contains barley, add 2 points.
9) If the food contains flax seed oil (not just the seeds), add 2 points.
10) If the food contains oats or oatmeal, add 1 point.
11) If the food contains sunflower oil, add 1 point.
12) For every different specific animal protein source (other than the first one; count “chicken” and “chicken meal” as only one protein source but “chicken” and “salmon” as 2 different sources), add 1 point.
13) If it contains glucosamine and chondroitin, add 1 point.
14) If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are pesticide-free add 1 point.
94-100+ = A
86-93 = B
78-85 = C
70-77 = D
69 = F
Here are some foods that have already been scored.
Dog Food scores:
Authority Harvest Baked / Score 116 = A+
Bil-Jac Select / Score 68 = F
Blue Buffalo / Score 114 = A+
Canidae All Life Stages Chicken & Rice / Score 94 = A
Canidae All Life Stages Lamb & Rice / Score 101 = A+
Canidae Platinum / Score 91 = B
Chicken Soup Senior / Score 115 = A+
Diamond Maintenance / Score 64 = F
Diamond Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 92 = B
Diamond Large Breed 60+ Formula / Score 99 = A
Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance Ultra Premium / Score 122 = A+
Dick Van Patten’s Duck and Potato / Score 106 = A+
Doctors Foster and Smith Adult Chicken & Brown Rice Formula / Score 101 = A+
Doctors Foster and Smith Adult Lamb & Brown Rice Formula / Score 102 = A+
Eagle Pack Holistic Select Large & Giant Breed Adult Formula / Score 101 = A+
Eagle Pack Super Premium Large & Giant Breed Puppy Formula / Score 97 = A
Eagle Pack Super Premium Natural Formula / Score 96 = A
Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy Formula / Score 82 = B
Foundations / Score 106 = A+
Hund-n-Flocken Adult Dog (lamb) by Solid Gold / Score 93 = B
Iams Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Premium / Score 73 = D
Innova Dog / Score 114 = A+
Innova Evo /Score 114 = A+
Kirkland Signature Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables (Costco brand) / Score 110 = A+
Natures Recipe Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 96 = A
Nutrisource Lamb and Rice / Score 87 = B
Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Puppy / Score 87 = B
Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Adult / Score 86 = B
Nutro Max Large Breed Adult / Score 85 = C
Pet Gold Adult with Lamb & Rice / Score 23 = F
Premium Edge Chicken, Rice & Vegetables / Score 111 = A+
Premium Edge Lamb, Rice & Vegetables / Score 110 = A+
Premium Edge Puppy Large Breed Lamb, Rice & Vegetable / Score 104 = A+
ProPlan Natural Turkey & Barley / Score 103 = A+
Purina Beneful / Score 17 = F
Purina Dog / Score 62 = F
Purina Come-n-Get It / Score 16 = F
Royal Canin Bulldog / Score 100 = A+
Royal Canin Large Breed Giant Adult Formula / Score 95 = A
Royal Canin Natural Blend Adult / Score 106 = A+
Sensible Choice Chicken and Rice / Score 97 = A
Science Diet Advanced Protein Senior 7+ / Score 63 = F
Science Diet for Large Breed Puppies / Score 69 = F
Wellness Fish & Sweet Potato (
Betty asks…
which one is better nutro, natural balance, natures recipe, organix ,or royal canin dog food?
i am looking into higher quality dog food and im wondering which brand is the best to feed my baby (dog) hehe since i heard pedigree isnt that great i seached petco and just list some brands. please tel,l me which one you recommend
~ already know about blue buffalo and solid gold and eagle packjust wanted to know about those brands
admin answers:
Organix would be better for the fact that organic foods use no pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics or growth hormones. The best way to look for a good food beyond this is to check the protein source. Avoid by-products. Chicken/beef meal is good but fresh is better. The protein source should be the very first ingredient, there shouldn’t be a lot of fillers such as corn, the food should be naturally preserved with vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), free of preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, the more protein sources the better, it is good to have digestive enzymes and omega 3 and 6 in the food. If the food is made by a major brand, avoid it…such as Science Diet Naturals. Major companies that put these products out are just trying to keep up with the profits and are more likely to use inferior ingredients. Natures Variety is a good organic food. I think Nutro is at the lower end of your list. The others are all good foods, just check ingredients as outlined above.
Michael asks…
What would kind ofpuppy food should I feed my 3 month od Dachshund?
I got a puppy about three weeks ago. And She has shown to be a picky eater. She is only 3 months old now, and I want to make sure I feed her the best food I can. I’ve bene told so many different opions, and dont know which to follow.
I’ve been told to put her on dog food at 12 weeks.
Also I’ve been told to only feed her food that the first ingredient is a meat. Nothing starting with corn. But I’ve been told that Science Diet was one of the best, and it starts with corn. So I’m confused. Should I put her on something else, or keep her on science diet. I’ve also heard Pedigree was good, but I’m not so sure.
Also If she wont eat, is it ok to mix soft food with dry in an attempt to get her to eat it. I’ve been told both ways on that subject.
Thank you for the help.
admin answers:
Oh, no, no, no! Science Diet and Pedigree are two of the worst! You don’t want to feed your pup anything that contains corn (dogs cannot digest corn well at all), by-products, animal digest (animal feces), artificial colors and/ or flavors, etc. I would strongly suggest that you don’t talk to your vet about nutrition. Vets take a class on nutrition and it’s taught by a dog food company. The vet learns whatever that company wants them to learn and then they sell that dog food in their office. Also, any dog food that you see on a commercial or that you can buy from the grocery store is going to be a poor quality food. Grocery stores are for people, pet stores are for pets.
My husband and I have been very happy with Natural Balance and Canidae. They are both good quality dog foods and those are the two food our three dogs have done the best on. They eat Canidae because they seem to do a bit better on it, but we were very happy with Natural Balance as well. I would highly recommend both brands!
Here’s a kibble rating chart and some foods and what they scored. This is what we used to find a good quality food for our pups.
You will need your kibble’s list of ingredients, as found on the bag (or oftentimes their website).
Please note, however, this is for ingredients ONLY…. So before feeding a pup be sure to look at
the protein and fat and calcium and calories in the Guaranteed Analysis.
Start with a grade of 100:
-For every listing of “by-product”, subtract 15 points
-For every non-specific animal source (“meat” or “poultry”, meat, meal or fat) reference, subtract
10 points
-If there are no specific meats or meat meals, subtract 25 points
-For every grain “mill run” or non-specific grain source, or grain “middlings”, subtract 10 points
-If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin, subtract 15 points
-If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first five ingredients (i.e. “ground
brown rice”, “brewer’s rice”, “rice flour” are all the same grain), subtract 5 points for each
-If the protein sources are not (specific) meat meal and there are less than 2 meats in the top 3
ingredients, subtract 3 points
-If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 5 points
-If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points (subtract 5 if corn is listed in the
top 5 ingredients)
-If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract 3 points
-If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is allergic to other protein sources),
subtract 2 points
-If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 5 points
-If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to wheat), subtract 2 points
-If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to beef), subtract 1 point
-If it contains salt, subtract 3 points
-If it contains corn syrup, molasses, or other added sweetener, subtract 10 points
Extra Credit:
-For every different specific animal protein source (other than the first one; count “chicken” and
“chicken meal” as only one protein source, but “chicken” and “turkey” as 2 different sources – do
not count egg, cheese, or other similar ingredients), add 1 point
-If the food contains 3 or less different mentions of grains (or other high-carb plant-based foods
like potatoes), add 5 points
-If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points (if the number 1 ingredient is organic meat,
add 10 points)
-If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 3 points
-If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points
-If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points
-If the food contains fruit or vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3 points
-If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are pesticide-free, add 1 point
-If the food contains barley or oats or oatmeal, add 1 point
-If it contains sunflower, hemp, flaxseed, or other polyunsaturated vegetable oils, add 3 points
(add 5 if it is the #1 fat)
-If the vitamin and mineral sources are chelated, add 5 points
94-100+ = A
86-93 = B
78-85 = C
70-77 = D
<70 = F
Food Grade Results
A's Score
A+ Chicken Soup for the pet lovers soul 113
A+ Eagle Pack Holistic chicken 114
A+ Eagle Pack Holistic LG and Giant Breed Adlt 113
A+ Eagle Pack Natural 104
A+ Timberwolf Organics Lamb and Venison 136
A+ Solid Gold Bison 123
A+ Solid Gold Wolf King 109
A+ Solid Gold Hund N flocken 105
A+ Solid Gold Mmillennia 111
A+ Innova 117
A+ Natural Balance Duck and Potato 114
A+ Canidae 119
A+ Foundations Chicken and Vegetable 109
A+ Flint River Ranch Fish and Chips 109
A+ Wysong Synorgon 110
A+ Flint River Ranch Lamb, Millet and Rice 117
A+ Back to Basics 107
B Eukanuba Natural Lamb and Rice 87
C Nutro Lamb and Rice 85
D Iams Lamb and Rice 74
F Pedigree Adult Complete 14
F Ol'Roy 9
F Science Diet Chicken Adult Maintainance 45
F Purina Beniful original 23
All Purina and Pro Plan foods rate as a F
F Pro Plan Giant Breed Adult 41
F Pro Plan Performance 53
F Pro Plan Chicken and Rice
F Purina Dog chow
F Purina Large Breed 40
F Diamond Lamb and Rice 61
F Diamond Performance (formerly professional)
F Diamond Large Breed 55
As for mixing the wet and dry food together, yes you can do that. Both of our females will eat anything, but our male is really picky! So, we feed them the Canidae dry food and mix in some Canidae wet food and they LOVE it! : )
Also, here's the Canidae.. Http://
And the the Natural Balance website.. Http://
This website was also very helpful to us.. Http://
I hope this helps some! Good luck! : )
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Petsmart
Betty asks…
Is there a cheap or nice brand of dog food that doesn’t have corn in it?
My friend told me that when Shih Tzus eat corn it can cause staining around their eyes and some other stuff just by eating corn in dog food.
Can someone give me suggestions for what brand of food I can buy for my dog ?
admin answers:
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material and higher quality ingredients means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Seriously on a budget? Two of the most affordable of the higher quality foods would be Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul and Canidae All Life Stages.
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by… You guessed it, the crappy pet food companies! They also often get kickbacks from the companies for pushing these products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grain-free diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grain-free formulas. Some good grain-free diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now!, GO Natural Grain Free, Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Ziwipeak, and Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo.
If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality dog food brands have websites with store locators on them that will help you find the store closest to you which supplies their products. Simply type the dog food brand’s name into Google, go to their website, and type your zip code into their store locator.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing the new slowly in with the old over the period of about week or so), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies. For example:
Days 1 & 2: 75% old food, 25% new food
Days 3 & 4: 50% old food, 50% new food
Days 5 & 6: 25% old food, 75% new food
Day 7: 0% old food, 100% new food
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted: (RawFed) (Jane Anderson’s Raw Learning Site) (Raw Fed Dogs) (Raw Meaty Bones) (Raw Prey Model Diet Vs. BARF Diet) (Raw Dogs Livejournal Community, excellent raw feeding information on the profile page and overall helpful community for raw feeding questions) (Myths About Raw Feeding)
Also remember that freefeeding (leaving food down) is the fast lane to canine obesity. Make sure to have scheduled feeding times loosely based on the feeding guidelines on your dog’s food. Adult dogs are typically fed two meals a day.
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
Paul asks…
What is the best type of food to feed my dog?
My dog ruby has been stuck on the same food for ages and i think she wants a change! but i don’t know what is the best food to give her! Can u help me???? (Dry food though)
admin answers:
A high quality one!
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material and higher quality ingredients means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Seriously on a budget? Two of the most affordable of the higher quality foods would be Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul and Canidae All Life Stages.
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by… You guessed it, the crappy pet food companies! They also often get kickbacks from the companies for pushing these products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grain-free diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grain-free formulas. Some good grain-free diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now!, GO Natural Grain Free, Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Ziwipeak, and Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo.
If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality dog food brands have websites with store locators on them that will help you find the store closest to you which supplies their products. Simply type the dog food brand’s name into Google, go to their website, and type your zip code into their store locator.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing the new slowly in with the old over the period of about week or so), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies. For example:
Days 1 & 2: 75% old food, 25% new food
Days 3 & 4: 50% old food, 50% new food
Days 5 & 6: 25% old food, 75% new food
Day 7: 0% old food, 100% new food
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted: (RawFed) (Jane Anderson’s Raw Learning Site) (Raw Fed Dogs) (Raw Meaty Bones) (Raw Prey Model Diet Vs. BARF Diet) (Raw Dogs Livejournal Community, excellent raw feeding information on the profile page and overall helpful community for raw feeding questions) (Myths About Raw Feeding)
Also remember that freefeeding (leaving food down) is the fast lane to canine obesity. Make sure to have scheduled feeding times loosely based on the feeding guidelines on your dog’s food. Adult dogs are typically fed two meals a day.
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
John asks…
Can dogs eat bananas or other fruit and veggies?
My daughter has been giving our terrier mix carrots and banana pieces as treats during training. He loves them and begs for more. He likes them more than regular dog treats. He seems to love all veggies and fruits, which we found out after he ate half of our garden during the summer. We feed him Iams Lamb & Rice as his regular diet. I can’t find any straight forward answers on google as to whether or not these treats are actually good for him. He eats maybe 3-4 baby carrots and 1/4 of a small banana a day during training.
admin answers:
They can, but there’s really no need for them to. Dogs are carnivores, so they really have no need for grains or veggies and it isn’t really very easy for them to digest them. You do have to be careful of what you as well. Apple seeds are dangerous, as are raisins and grapes.
Give this a read to make sure you aren’t feeding anything dangerous (though, honestly, a couple of the things they say are ‘dangerous’ on there are actually just fine.): (Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog)
Treats aside, I’d recommend getting him on a higher quality dog food. Iams is actually a very low quality dog food.
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material and higher quality ingredients means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Seriously on a budget? Two of the most affordable of the higher quality foods would be Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul and Canidae All Life Stages.
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by… You guessed it, biased, low end pet food companies! They also often get kickbacks from the companies for pushing their products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grain-free diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grain-free formulas. Some good grain-free diets include: Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now!, Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Ziwipeak, and Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain-free diet, Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo.
If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality dog food brands have websites with store locators on them that will help you find the store closest to you which supplies their products. Simply type the dog food brand’s name into Google, go to their website, and type your zip code into their store locator.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing the new slowly in with the old over the period of about week or so), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies. For example:
Days 1 & 2: 75% old food, 25% new food
Days 3 & 4: 50% old food, 50% new food
Days 5 & 6: 25% old food, 75% new food
Day 7: 0% old food, 100% new food
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted: (RawFed) (Jane Anderson’s Raw Learning Site) (Raw Fed Dogs) (Raw Meaty Bones) (Raw Prey Model Diet Vs. BARF Diet) (Raw Feeding) (Myths About Raw Feeding)
Also remember that freefeeding (leaving food down) is the fast lane to canine obesity. Make sure to have scheduled feeding times loosely based on the feeding guidelines on your dog’s food. Adult dogs are typically fed two meals a day while puppies are typically fed three or four.
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
WARNING: Natura Pet Products (Innova, EVO, California Natural, Karma, Healthwise and Mother Nature) used to be high quality pet food products but Natura has recently sold out to Proctor & Gamble, a company known for it’s animal testing and low quality pet foods (they put out Iams and Eukanuba). If you are still feeding any of the products previously owned by Natura you may want to consider switching to a different food now that those products are owned by a large, shady company like Proctor & Gamble.
Http://–gamble-purchases-natura-pet-products.html (Breaking News: Proctor & Gamble Purchases Natura Pet Products)
Edit: Actually, Save Shelter Dog’s, it’s a myth that dogs are omnivores. 🙂 (Dogs are Carnivores) (Myth: DOGS ARE OMNIVORES.) (Of Carnivores, Omnivores, Teeth, and Science) (DOGS ARE CARNIVORES)
Some skull comparisons:
(Wolf Skull. Note the molars are sharp and designed to rip and tear meat. Signature of a carnivore.)
(Dog Skull. Again, note that the molars are sharp and designed to rip and tear meat. Signature of a carnivore.)
(Bear Skull. Note that the molars are more blunt and capable of chewing vegetation. Signature of an omnivore.)
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Petsmart
Donald asks…
What is a good diet for my Boston Terrier Puppy so she doesn’t pass gas so much?
Hi have a 7 month old Boston Terrier. We feed her Science Diet brand food, a mixture of wet and dry, which the vet recommended. She has such bad gas. You can hear her fart and it clears out the room. We absolutely do not feed her table scraps. Is there a better diet to keep her from being so gassy?
admin answers:
Well, there’s your problem right there. Science Diet is a crappy quality dog food!
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by the crappy pet food companies! They also often get paid to sell some of their products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now! And Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo. If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality food brands have websites with store locators on them.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing new slowly in with the old over about a two week period), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies.
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted:
Also remember that freefeeding (leaving food down) is the fast lane to canine obesity. Make sure to have scheduled feeding times based on the feeding instructions on your dog’s food.
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
Laura asks…
what are some good food to feed a toy poodle?
my big sister is purchasing a toy poodle( the tiny ones you can stick in your purse). he’s really beautiful and healthy. i just wanted you guyz to give me an idea of some good foods he can eat. i was thinking of ceasar, but will it be a good idea to mix it with a little dry food?
admin answers:
They don’t belong in purses. Anyway, Cesar is a very low quality dog food.
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to dump cheap leftovers in. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now! And Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo. If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality food brands have websites with store locators on them.
Remember that foods should be switched gradually, especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies.
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted:
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
Betty asks…
Is purina puppy chow good for my labs?
Ive been feeding my almost one year old lab purina puppy chow her whole life. I just got another lab about 7 months ago and have done the same for him. Is it a bad dog food???? I want the best for my dogs so if purina isn’t good what should I switch them to?
admin answers:
Good for them? No, it’s a pretty low quality food.
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by the crappy pet food companies! They also often get paid to sell some of their products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now! And Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo. If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality food brands have websites with store locators on them.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing new slowly in with the old over about a two week period), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies.
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted:
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food
Donald asks…
What is the difference between dry dog food and mixer?
I have been seeing dry dog food and mixer in the super markets and both look exactly the same to me! What is the difference?
admin answers:
Dry dog food is dog food that has been baked or cooked and then ‘dried’ into small cubes or shapes. One of the major benefits of dry food is that it helps keep your dogs teeth in good condition as the chewing action helps remove plaque. Dry dog food is normally ‘complete’ meaning it contains all the recommended daily vitamins and minerals for a dog’s daily diet. There are many kinds of dry dog food that you can buy, including organic dog food, holistic dog food and natural dog food. You even get a variety of dry dog foods specially created for different kinds of dogs. There’s dry puppy dog food, junior dog food, adult dog food, senior dog food, even dog food for lactating bitches or those recovering from surgery.
Dog food Mixer, is ‘dry’ dog food, but generally, it is not a ‘complete’ food and is intended to be ‘mixed’ with tinned dog food or other foods. Its original use was that it added ‘bulk’ to the food at feeding times and was therefore used to help with dogs that ate excessively and needed to cut their calorie intake. However these days dog mixers are not so widely used, as other foods, particularly as ‘complete’ dry dog foods come in various packages aimed at different kinds of dogs (including overweight dogs).
Hope this helps!
Linda asks…
How can I control my dog’s flatulence?
I have a one-year-old Shar-Pei. He has frequent gas that can clear a room. He eats organic, grain-free dog food. Perhaps the high meat content is a cause. Other than switching his food, how can we control his gas problem?
I forgot to mention that I’ve tried Beano, and my vet said there’s nothing I can do…
admin answers:
You need to change the food. I have a 2 yr old Boxer and let me tell you, he’s nasty. My Dane (who I had first) was eating Eukenuba and loved it. When I got my Boxer, he started eating it too, and I swear, it smelled like he took a Sh** in the house. Anyway, someone told me that the expensive/rich foods cause gas. So I switched to Purina One and its soooo much better.
Also, it you want a good laugh, get a kids book called “Walter the farting dog”. Its so true…
Jenny asks…
How bad is it if my 1 year old eats dog food?
It’s an organic, all-natural dog food, if that helps…
admin answers:
They will be fine. There are laws about how pet food is made, it has to be safe for human consumption. Sounds terrible but SOME homeless and/or poor people buy pet food to eat because it is cheap.
Don’t everybody attack me, I said some.
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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament
Ruth asks…
What type of dogs are best if you have children and cats ?
We are thinking of getting a dog soon but already have 2 older cats and two teenagers ! Do any dog lovers know which kind of dogs are best with other pets and have nicer temperaments when they are walked etc ? I quite like the idea of a Little Scotty or something similar.
I would like a dog that gets on well with people and other pets ( at home and out walking. )
Any help would be appreciated.
admin answers:
There is only one answer for this!
A Rough or Smooth Collie-Lassie! (Smooth is the short haired version of the breed)
The nice thing about Collies is not only are they smart and gentle, they are not hyper and pig headed as some of the other breeds that people will suggest here.
Also they do not have the health issues of other breeds.
Visit the CCA website to learn about the Collie as a family dog.
I picked the breed as I wanted a dog who was gentle with all my different animals, including my cats and parrots. Collies are inherently gentle and are the ultimate family dog.
Helen asks…
What is the best pure breed large dog?
List 5 breeds that are your favourite. Here is mine
1) Rough Collie
2) Golden Retriever
3) German Shepard
4) Rotty
5) Labrador
admin answers:
Collie–rough or smooth (they’re the same breed but with a short easy-care coat) I know of no better family pet, safe, gentle, caring, responsible, loving, as well as active and playful when you want them to be, calm when you don’t. They’re good watch dogs (bark when someone comes or is hanging around) but not guardy dogs that are likely to bite the mailman or your child’s guest. They can do it all and do it well–dog sports, herding, carting, backpacking, therapy work, guide/service dogs, nanny or couch potato. They aren’t obsessive or hyperactive like many herding breeds.
And in no particular order:
Golden retriever–only a sensible, calm one–the active hunting type is way too rowdy until they grow up and settle down, which can take a couple of years or more. But at their best they’re sweet, loving, and beautiful.
Standard poodle–if you can afford the grooming. They’re quick, very funny, happy, bright and responsive dogs, and beautiful. Their coats are just wonderful to touch.
German Shorthaired Pointer.. Handsome, easy-care, bright, responsive, a bit rowdy while growing up but essentially gentle dogs. Very nice to live with. Sometimes predatory with cats though.
Doberman Pinscher–elegantly beautiful, “velcro dogs” that want to be with you all the time. Intelligent, responsive, loyal, gentle. American bred ones mostly lack the strong guarding temperament these days, but they can certainly intimidate if needed.
I will add that the “best” breed for anyone is different for each person, depending on what they want in a dog.
Linda asks…
What is the temperament of a rhodesian ridgeback?
My boyfriend and I would like one (or two) one day but don’t know anyone personally who has ever owned one. Any advice or knowledge on this breed of dog? Also, are they good with cats? P.S. I have never had a dog but boyfriend has an wonderfully behaved black lab.
admin answers:
Ridgebacks are from Southern Africa. They have been developed by crossing lots of breeds, mainly from gundog, terrier and hounds, but mastiff types and indigenous African hunting dogs are in there too! The ridgeback is not an attacking breed; it is bred to track game and then keep it at bay and also to be a loyal companion. They are not guard dogs as such, but will keep a very watchful and protective eye on the family they love.
Ridgebacks are bred for endurance and stamina but should be light on their feet and extremely agile. Being a hunting breed and developed to think for themselves, they will chase anything that runs away, which could cause problems. It is important that time is made available to give them the amount of good exercise they need. Without the stimulation a daily run gives the dog, you may find you have a very bored hound on your hands, and a bored ridgeback can be a destructive ridgeback.
These dogs are big and strong in mind and body. If your ridgeback does not respect your authority you may be faced with a problem! Earning a Ridgeback’s respect should be a first priority. They can test you to the limits, so you must be prepared to out think your dog. Never lose your temper though, they are not servants and although they are more trainable that most hound breeds, you won’t ever get the instant submission you see in a working or gundog breed like the collie or Labrador. Once you have gained a Rhodesian Ridgeback’s respect you will have a life long devoted and entertaining companion.
With strangers ridgebacks can be standoffish. Even after a proper introduction a friendship cannot be rushed, but once given it is rarely forgotten. Natural suspicion should not be confused with nervousness. Ridgebacks are playful and love to romp and chase anybody and anything that joins in, and they can play very rough, shoulder barging is a speciality. This can be off-putting to other dog owners in the park, and they may think you dog is aggressive, when all he wants to do is play.
In daily life, most ridgebacks think they are unable to live on an ordinary floor or dog bed, and will try every trick in the book to take over the sofa, or even your bed! Most ridgebacks are gluttons, which makes them notorious thieves; keep your kitchen secure and the butter at the back of the fridge. Ridgebacks are excellent gardeners, you would almost think that they wanted to live in an underground den in the middle of your lawn, instead of on your sofa, and they love rearranging your spring bulbs, and are ready to help with pruning at any time of the year. They can be incredibly lazy and expect to be lifted over the smallest fence; others can outmanoeuvre Houdini. Some have a taste for chewing antique furniture or car interiors; others won’t touch the stuff, and stick to seeing how fast they can chase round your legs as you carry in the shopping.
Ridgebacks don’t necessarily grow old gracefully but if you have a sense of humour and a love of animals then a ridgeback can be the most rewarding of companions. Loyal to a fault, loving, devoted member of the family, they adore children and hate burglars, are sensitive to your moods, but independent. They can lie around the house for hours or walk for weeks, there are no short cuts to training a ridgeback, but once over all the hurdles you will be in danger of wanting to do it all over again.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Brands
James asks…
Is it ok for cats to eat dog food?
My cat will only eat dog food and if I dont give it to hime then he will not eat for days. I have tried all types of cat food. So is dog food ok for cat long term?
I have feed him wet and wet with dry,I even mixed the cat and dog food. I even let him go hungry and then try it all again.I even try to trick him with the dog and cat food but he smells it and walks away.
admin answers:
No… It’s not ok. Cat food has special added vitamins that cats MUST have or they can suffer heat disease and blindness.
Feed your cat only cat food… Even if you have to sit there and feed him one bite at a time out of your hand.
Cats were never meant to eat dry food, also known as cereals or kibble. We, humans, make them eat it for convenience to us. It has nothing to do with them or their nutritional needs. It’s completely species inappropriate.
All small domestic cats descended from desert cats. In the wild, desert cats derive their entire liquid intake from their prey. They do not have a thirst mechanism because they don’t need it when eating a species appropriate diet. They get all they need from what they eat. Additionally water was usually not available to them in their desert climate. So they do not often drink water. Regular ol’ house cats have descended from those same wild desert cats.
So in a home environment, your kitty does not get the moisture it needs from dry food and it’s almost always in a constant state of dehydration. Water fountains are encouraged to TRY to get your cat to drink more and your kitty may even enjoy it, but it will never meet its water intake needs drinking from a bowl.
Deadly feline illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, obesity, allergies, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), bladder stones, kidney stones, urinary tract blockages and Urinary Tract Infections (FLUTD), with and without deadly crystals run rampant these days. Cats are not taking in enough water to stave them off. Proper water intake through a species appropriate diet alone can prevent most of these conditions.
Overall, wet is all around better for any cats diet, be it canned or Raw and they should never be fed dry cereal kibble if we wish to most closely match their wild nutritional and dietary needs. Kibble meets our needs… not our cats.
I recommend varying the diet with a constant rotation of accepted canned foods that your cat enjoys. If you do this, and allow your cat the same assortment they would have in nature when eating mice, bugs, birds and rabbits, your cats’ digestive system won’t be so sensitive and you won’t have to run around looking for a specific brand when your store is out. You will have a nice variety to choose from instead.
Canned foods I recommend for your rotation:
Nature’s Variety –
Wellness Grain Free Formula’s –
By Nature Organics –
Organix –
Evanger’s Holistic Pheasant –
Evanger’s Organic Braised Chicken –
Evanger’s Turkey & Butternut Squash –
Lizzie asks…
What is the best dog food for a miniature dachshund?
My dog is very picky and he will only eat certain things. Sometimes i have to “mix” it with something else.
admin answers:
Well stay away from brands like purina, science diet, eukanuba, iams, alpo, pedigree, ol roy. Pretty much anything u see on tv or see at walmart. Go for a better brand like canidae, innova, chicken soup brand, timberwolf organics, or solid gold. These foods r made of holistic ingredients that ur dog will love. There r no fillers and no allergens such as corn
Nancy asks…
Rate these 4 organic dog food brands?
I am looking for other dog owners’ opinion in what brand of kibble would you consider the best from 1-4 making one the best and four the worst of the four brands.All of these brands are organic or holistic.
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
By Nature
Halos Spot Stew
Wellness Small Breed Super5Mix
I have my small breed on Solid Gold.I am looking for a 2nd brand so I can switch out the food every few days.My dog gets bored with the same thing every day.
admin answers:
Only the By Nature is organic (and it’s not completely organic-it’s not even the most organic…the dog food with the most organic ingredients, at 95% is Karma).
I think they’re all good foods, here’s the order in which I would choose them:
1. Wellness Super5mix
2. Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
3. Halo
4. By Nature
The foods I would consider the best: Innova, California Natural, Healthwise, Merrick, Solid Gold, Merrick, Flint River Ranch, or Prairie.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food
Mandy asks…
What brands of dog food should I feed my dog with allergies?
I took my 2-year-old goldendoodle to the vet today. He has some scabs on his face that he’s been itching and irritating for a week. The vet told me he has dermatitis, and most likely allergies too. Besides the treatment for the skin issues, the vet recommended trying a different dog food, preferably an organic one with meat as the first ingredient. Can you recommend any brands of dog food that would be good to try for a dog with allergies?
admin answers:
A higher quality dog food might very well help your mutt.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now!, Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Ziwipeak, and Taste of the Wild.
If he still experiences problems, you may need a food specifically designed for dogs with food allergies. California Natural is a good, high quality allergy food and Natural Balance puts out a few allergy formulas as well.
Michael asks…
Questions about dog food to be answered by people who own dogs.?
I feed my dog pedigree chump every day for lunch and dinner(obviously i give her more than just that, she gets porridge for breakfast, dog treats, food scraps such as chicken, turkey etc now and then).
Is food like Pedigree chump good for dogs? I have a sneaking suspicion it cant be very good and is full of chemicals and other crap. I sometimes give my dog organic dog food from healthfood shops but it’s not very convient as it’s not always available and Pedigree has vegetables and pasta in the tin and I like my dog to have a bit of variety.
What brand of dog food do you give your dog? And does anyone have any evidence dog food on the shelves is bad?
I have a West Highland Terrier. I give her small breakfast, lunch and dinner and little treats now and then during the day. She is a very good weight and healthy.
I also will not buy my dog Iams as its tested on dogs. Sick Sick Sick.
admin answers:
The best brands I know of are Wellness (which I feed my dogs), Timberwolf, Innova and Eagle Pack, all of which can be found at most pet stores (sorry, not at retail superstores). The food you are using right now has high amounts of corn and wheat (very bad for dogs and can shorten their life span and cause numerous long term health problems) and can also contain meat by-products (ground up chicken beaks, feet, bowels other gross meat toss-aways). While the pet store foods are more expensive, you dog will not eat as much because they do not have the fillers that commercial brands, including Purina, Iams, Science Diet, Pedigree, Eukanuba, etc.
I used Science Diet Natural for years because I though a natural food would be best. After years of skin problems, allergies, diabetes and other pet health problems, I switched to Wellness. Within two weeks my animals were all more energized. Skin problems cleared up as well as congestion in my one cat. The change has also alleviated some of the swelling my collie has from arthritis so she can move easier.
Also, thank you for not feeding your dog Iams (who also owns Eukanuba). They like people to think they are a good animal company but are out to simply make money off of poor quality, expensive food.
Mary asks…
Reasonably priced natural or organic dog food?
I have a Weimaraner. They are prone to bloat so I don’t want to take any chances with weird ingredients. I have been feeding her Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul. Just wanted other’s opinions on what the best holistic dog food is without being outrageously expensive.
admin answers:
Nutro Ultra is a great holistic food. It’s packed with “super foods” to help with her immune system, healthy heart, brain function, vision, hips & joints, etc. Also, Nutro does not use ground yellow corn, which is a filler and big allergen among dogs. They don’t use by-products (heads, feet, intestines). And there are no artificial colors or flavors. It has high levels of essential fatty acids to help keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. And it’s 100% guaranteed!
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Coupons
Chris asks…
First time trying canidae should I get small bag or large bag?
I am going to Switch to canidae..should I get the large bag or just the small bag since it is the first time and they may not like it. The small 5 lb bag is I think around $ 13 and the large bag is $ 50 for a 44 lb bag. I got a large rotti/shep mix and a rotti puppy and they eat a lot so I don’t know if the little bag will even last 2 or 3 days. What do you think I should get ? Also my moms dog will be eating this to and he is a small cocker spanial/chihuahua mix but he don’t eat a lot like my 2 dogs. I am thinking of getting the big one but they might not even like the food anyways. What should I get? Also is there any online printable coupons for canidae that you know of thanks.
admin answers:
I have three Mastiff type dogs and they hate Canidae. So I’d say get the smaller bag first to see if your dogs will like it. I ended up dontating the bag to the local animal shelter!
I did find another food though that they all love – Embark Dog Food.
Its a dehydrated raw food that you can either add to their kibble or simply feed on their own. Embark is a grain free, low carbohydrate dog food. This diet was designed for dogs of all life stages including active adults, puppies, pregnancy and nursing. It contains higher protein and fat to support muscle structure, function and body mass. It contains no by-products.
Made from: USDA turkey, organic flaxseed, potatoes, celery, spinach, carrots, coconut, apples, organic kelp, eggs, sesame seeds, bananas, cranberries and rosemary.
You can find out more about it here if you are interested:
Lisa asks…
Info and help on kittens?
2 days before thanksgiving, our dog chased a blonde kitten up a tree. Her stomach bulged, we thought she had worms. We kept her in our old (but large!) chinchilla cage until we set her free. Well, last night we heard her meowing on a walk with our pup, and today even louder from down the valley/road/meadow. She’s so very gentle, and seems like she’s been owned. Today we took her to the vet, and amazingly, she has no worms or cancer or anything, just a few fleas that were killed right there. We fed her puppy food but now have kitten food. We didn’t need to catch her. She came to us, and I guess we’re meant to keep her. She’s lived for a week since we let her go, so she seems fine. She survived a week w/o food, but she’s healthy and nice and we may keep her. But can you give me info and experiences and stuff on kittens and strays (but not the spay thing- I know that) and advice? We aren’t sure wat to do- we have two dogs, 3 fish and a chinchilla. I made signs to put up, but doubt reply.
Turns out she does have worms, mild case. One was only from rodents (guess that’s what she was eating!) We’re pry gonna keep her- bought cheap toys and vet gave us a free sample of dry cat food, so it should be a good, safe kind (Science Diet). She doesn’t go to the bathroom in the house, which is good because my mom is not buying a litter box. We put her on the chinchilla’s collar and leash (chinchilla’s happy she’s not on the leash this time) and walk her around outside, let her play. The dogs are tied up or in the house when we’re out with the cat. Actually, the cat doesn’t mind our puppy, she knows he’s just a big nosy baby, but our 10 y/o dog was the one who chased her, and will kill her so we make sure she’s locked up and away. So the cat will be indoor/outdoor, going potty outside, in a carrier/cage indoor and we let her play under supervision. We’re getting her own leash and collar soon, and I’m surprised my dad hasn’t thrown her out, maybe he’ll be happier with a cat than pup.
admin answers:
Well first off if someone does reply, be aware that there are people out there scouting for free cats/kittens for lab experiments and such so be sure to ask them good questions, like the cats name, their vet, etc. Detailed stuff that may throw someone off if they are just some weirdo.
I would keep her quarantined in a room by herself for about 2 weeks, just in case of anything like ringworm. Ringworm shows up about 2 weeks after initial infection, and is highly contagious to both animals and people (but mostly ones with compromised immune systems, or the young or the elderly). Wash your hands after handling. Also, keeping her in a separate room will get her used to scents and sounds in a low key environment.
Oh and keep her indoors b/c it is very dangerous out there for a kitty! The last thing you need is her to get injured/attacked, pick up Feline AIDS, etc…
Get a scratching pad (really cheap, my cats love the cardboard ones you set on the floor and they come with catnip to rub in). They have yet to scratch furniture! A cat bed is good, we keep ours on the couch. We kinda spoiled her with that, oops. She won’t go in it if it is on the floor! At least the fur won’t go on the couch. Plenty of toys too, but be careful you don’t get small ones so your dogs won’t eat them! Things she can play with by herself are good too b/c they are a form of enrichment. A cat teaser is a must, That way your hands are out of her reach so she never associates them as being OK things to play with.
Foods – a mix of soft and dry food is key. Both are necessary. Read ingredient labels and make sure there is no wheat gluten. For hard food we use Purina One Kitten Formula (always seem to be coupons for it too) and for soft you have to be careful, we use Friskies but only certain flavors do not have wheat gluten so read the label for every flavor. We get the Poultry Platter, Ocean Whitefish and Tuna, and Salmon Dinner. Unless you are loaded, you don’t have to break the bank by going straight for the super expensive organic stuff, there are ways around staying away from bad ingredients.
She sounds like a real sweetie and has a similar story to a kitten we adopted recently. She is 8mo old now. She showed up at a persons house, very friendly. They thought she was one of the foster mom’s cats so they brought her to the foster mom and she kept her b/c she was so sweet for a feral. Then along came my husband and I, and now she’s the little princess of our home!
Lastly – give her lots of love!
Susan asks…
Converting from meat-eating diet to vegetarianism?
lol i dont know if vegetarianism is a word but I recently picked up this book called “Skinny Bitch”… I am 5 foot 8 and 150 lbs but wanted to lose about 10 lbs, heard the book was good and #1 bestseller… I read horrible things about the abuse of animals in factory farms and it made me cry. I love animals, and I don’t want to contribute to their suffering by eating meat anymore. And I am a person who could eat roast beef sandwhiches EVERYday I love it so much! I REALLY want to try and cut down on my meat intake and eventually not eat any meat products all together because I have been reading up online and through other books and finally know the truth about what I’m eating… not only is it unhealthy but it’s heartbreaking. I just wanted to know if there are any tips for people like me who want to make the switch? I have a lot of natural and organic food stores (like Trader Joe’s) nearby. Also, are there any meat producers who are humane? I heard Chik-fil-A was.
Are there any ways to get politically involved in STOPPING this horrible torture of animals?
admin answers:
Yes, vegetarianism is a word! 🙂
I went from an omnivore to vegan literally overnight and have been for eight years now. There are many vegan and vegetarian meat substitutes out there (but please be careful with too much processed foods). Boca Original is a very tasty vegan burger. Tofurky makes a lovely roast with gravy and it’s sooooooo YUM! (They also make keilbasa and Italian “sausage” that makes a wonderful “sausage-dog”.) Tofutti makes a vegan ice cream line that is DEEEE-LISH as well as a sour cream and cream cheese that is to die for (not low-calorie, though. Use sparingly.)
There are many ways you can become influential in the community and help animals who are tortured through factory farming, domestic animal abuse, etc. Look online for your particular state, city or county. Also, look on for vegetarian cookbooks — there are many, and the recipes are mostly really great! Becoming vegan and/or vegetarian opens you up to a whole new world of ethic foods that you may never have known existed. And you’re doing a good thing for yourself and the animals!
Many people say they don’t like tofu, but there are great ways to cook it. Buy a block of it and freeze it (it makes it more “meaty-textured” after defrosting!). Defrost it, gently squeeze as much water out as you can. Cut it into fairly think slices and put a few drops of soy sauce on each, allowing it to soak in. Coat them in Shake-n-Bake mix (any kind; I like the kind for pork chops) and cook in the oven. YUMMY!
Oh, and if you find a vegetarian or vegan product you particularly love, email and tell them. They will usually send you coupons for free or discounted product! Good luck and happy eating!
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Amazon
William asks…
My pet is ill, need advice with medication, please, really would be appreciated?
Hi i have a golden Labrador he is 9 and a half years old and he weighs 44KG. He hadn’t been eating any food for a few days so I took him to my vets, my local vet is away and won’t be back until the end of the month, so I saw another vet instead. This vet seemed to be only after my money, didn’t seem to care about my dog and only said pay £400 every month for this medication or put the dog down. Now I can’t afford that amount every month and there’s no way I wanted to put my dog down, as he still has that life in him.
My dog has liver problems my normal vet said before that to do a biopsy on him would be very risky and with his age may not be worth it, so we decided not to do that, he did however tell me to get some milk thistle as this is shown to help a lot. Now I’m not sure how much to give him, as his liver is causing him problems so he would need a high dosage but i ain’t sure how much to give. He has also started to pee blood in his urine today.
He weighs 44KG and I have been giving him 1 capsule a day.
On the bottle it says this as ingredients in each capsule. :
Each vegetable capsule provides: Raw milk thistle herb/seed powder…..350mg
(Silybum marianum)
Vegetable capsule shell
(hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose)
Milk thistle seed powdered extract…..100mg
(total flavonoids including silymarin 80mg (80%)
If anyone can advise me as I have been doing research myself but still not sure how many capsules to give as I think I can give him 2-3 capsules a day due to his weight and also the fact that he has developed liver problems. I have ordered milk thistle organic in liquid form thus much easier to put in some milk and water for him to drink and not entirely sure how much to give him on that as well, here is the link of the item that should hopefully have arrived by tomorrow
Do you think I should give just the liquid form only or do you think I should give him both medications. I would go to the vet but as my normal vet ain’t back till the end of the month I wouldn’t want to go back to that other so called vet who seems to be only doing it for the money!
My dog has energy and a will to carry on living as he is waggling his tail a lot and wants to be be loved and played with, ok he isn’t playing as he use to, but he is always happy to see new people still and other dogs, he has that will to live and he’s telling me he’s still got time in him yet. If I saw it in him that he was in a lot of pain and really struggling I would definitely put him out his misery but he ain’t, even my neighbour said he still is wagging his tail happily and want to go for his walks still. Any help would be so much appreciated as he has lost weight and eating tiny amounts, but definitely wants to drink a lot and keeps eating the snow that we had the other day when we go for walks
admin answers:
I am not a vet and will not tell you what to give your dog. Understand that. Besides researching the milk thistle also look into SAMe to help with liver problems. Also when your vet gets back ask about doing a check on your dogs liver values. Ask about Denamarin for dogs.
As for the peeing blood, that sounds like a UTI. See a different vet, not the one so willing to euthanize an energetic dog.
Good luck to you and your beloved dog.
Thomas asks…
My pet is ill, need advice with medication, please, really would be appreciated?
Hi i have a golden Labrador he is 9 and a half years old and he weighs 44KG. He hadn’t been eating any food for a few days so I took him to my vets, my local vet is away and won’t be back until the end of the month, so I saw another vet instead. This vet seemed to be only after my money, didn’t seem to care about my dog and only said pay £400 every month for this medication or put the dog down. Now I can’t afford that amount every month and there’s no way I wanted to put my dog down, as he still has that life in him.
My dog has liver problems my normal vet said before that to do a biopsy on him would be very risky and with his age may not be worth it, so we decided not to do that, he did however tell me to get some milk thistle as this is shown to help a lot. Now I’m not sure how much to give him, as his liver is causing him problems so he would need a high dosage but i ain’t sure how much to give. He has also started to pee blood in his urine today.
He weighs 44KG and I have been giving him 1 capsule a day.
On the bottle it says this as ingredients in each capsule. :
Each vegetable capsule provides: Raw milk thistle herb/seed powder…..350mg
(Silybum marianum)
Vegetable capsule shell
(hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose)
Milk thistle seed powdered extract…..100mg
(total flavonoids including silymarin 80mg (80%)
If anyone can advise me as I have been doing research myself but still not sure how many capsules to give as I think I can give him 2-3 capsules a day due to his weight and also the fact that he has developed liver problems. I have ordered milk thistle organic in liquid form thus much easier to put in some milk and water for him to drink and not entirely sure how much to give him on that as well, here is the link of the item that should hopefully have arrived by tomorrow
Do you think I should give just the liquid form only or do you think I should give him both medications. I would go to the vet but as my normal vet ain’t back till the end of the month I wouldn’t want to go back to that other so called vet who seems to be only doing it for the money!
My dog has energy and a will to carry on living as he is waggling his tail a lot and wants to be be loved and played with, ok he isn’t playing as he use to, but he is always happy to see new people still and other dogs, he has that will to live and he’s telling me he’s still got time in him yet. If I saw it in him that he was in a lot of pain and really struggling I would definitely put him out his misery but he ain’t, even my neighbour said he still is wagging his tail happily and want to go for his walks still. Any help would be so much appreciated as he has lost weight and eating tiny amounts, but definitely wants to drink a lot and keeps eating the snow that we had the other day when we go for walks
admin answers:
To my knowledge, milk thistle dosage is up to 67mg per 10pounds of body weight. Although it could be higher.
Doing some conversion, your dog is 97lb. Which would mean your dog’s dose is 647mg per day. If you need to give both the liquid and the capsule in order to get to that dosage, I would say that it’s okay. According to Jean Hofve, DVM, that canine dosage is a third of what she gives really really sick dogs with liver disease. But I assume that because your dog has a lot of life in him, I’d only give the 647mg daily. Be aware that too much milk thistle extract could cause upset stomach, gas, and/or diarrhea. If any of that happens, just lower the dose. Good luck!
Robert asks…
Do i have a bipolar disorder ?
i can act nice and mean at the same time like for example i have a dog and i act very sweet to him then a few minutes i act very mean to him like hit my dog then act nice to the dog ?I have hard times sleeping at night listening to depressing music sometimes cry i get very deppresed then the next day i can be happy and ok sometimes sad . i change moods sometimes like today i feel ok not very happy .iVE also had suicidal thoughts like everyone will be better without me .Im only 15 btw and it started when i was 12
admin answers:
Nutritional deficiencies are linked to bi polar and other mentall problems.Look at these books Balance Your Brain,Balance Your Life,Gut and Psychology Syndrome The LCP Solution and look at reviews for the books on Amazon.You need essential fatty acids,B Complex 100 and a good multi vit and mineral supplement and not cheap grocery store vitamins,they contain bad fillers.SWanson`s on-line has good priices,or go to an herb shop or health food/organic grocery store.5HTP may help.The way food is processed today,kills the enzymes needed for digestion.Without enzymes,there is no digestion.All you get is adverse reactions to the food,if you can`t digest it.Noursing Traditions is a good book.Talks about how food was properly prepared in generations past.Also Gut and Psychology Syndrome talks about that as well.That one is a bit pricey,but well worth the money.
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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver
Carol asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities? Resume Included?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University (much easier to get into than Stanford)
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington — I discussed getting into this University and my counselor said that I have a very good chance, as long as I score a 1300 on the SAT…:)
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63
Academic Standing: Top 5% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 21/450
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
SAT & ACT: I have not taken them yet since I am still a Junior.
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
How do things look?
GPA is UNWEIGHTED….since it is Illegal to have a weighted GPA in my state..
admin answers:
I know this does not directly answer your question, but if you are looking to do more perhaps this will interest you.
Here is an idea where you can accomplish something worthwhile and demonstrate you have many skills such as leadership, organizational skills etc:
Start a cybermentoring program.
You can easily start this program at your school. It is is fun to do, will make a difference in people’s lives (and will look great on your college applications also). A full guide with EVERYTHING you need is at: ; (note: NOT .com).
Let us know how if you are considering starting a branch of “On Giants’ Shoulders” at your school through the “Contact Us” section of the website. And be sure to ask us any questions you may have.
Source(s): ; (note: NOT .com).
Daniel asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63
Academic Standing: Top 5% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 21/450
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
SAT & ACT: I have not taken them yet since I am still a Junior.
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
So…how do things look? 🙂
I would like to add one thing…GWU has accepted hundreds of people who had below a 3.7
admin answers:
I would say your middle colleges have a pretty high chance of accepting you but your dream one no…bbecause your gpa isn’t high enough
Sharon asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63 (unweighted)
Academic Standing: Top 6% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 23/380
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
SAT & ACT: I have not taken them yet since I am still a Junior.
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 National Honors Society
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
So…how do things look? 🙂
admin answers:
I think that academically, you have a great chance of getting into your ideal universities, and maybe even your dream universities. However, another important factor is your SAT or ACT grade, which you have not taken yet. If you do well on that, you will most likely get accepted by the college of your choice. You can look up information about colleges on the website
it lists lots of information about the college you search for, such as acceptance rate, whats required, common SAT scores, etc. Its a very useful website.
Wish you luck, Athena
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Brands
Steven asks…
Have a Border Collie/Spaniel mix dog and want recommendations for the best dog foods.?
Which dog foods are the best for my dog? I am currently feeding him Iams dry dog food and he is pooping a lot. Is there a better food, and/or one that will stay with him better?
admin answers:
Yes there are much better foods out there. Iams used to be a great food until the corparate world bought it and started adding things like corn, byproducts, wheat, soy, dies, and artificial preservatives. The more natural you go the better. Here is a list of some great foods that i recomend and i feed the top brand….
Eagle Pack Holistic Select ( it has digestive enzymes to make the food even easier to digest and be absorbed into the system. Less cleanup, more immunity, lower serving size!)
California Natural
Natural Planet Organics
Oven Baked Holistic
just avoid corn, soy, wheat, byproducts, dies, bha, bht, ethoxyquin, beef, dairy,….
Jenny asks…
What vegetarian dog food would you recommend?
I understand dogs are not exactly meant to be vegetarian, but i am vegan and also want my dog to be at least vegetarian. What brand of food would you recommend? I have seen Natures Best and AvoDerm brands, but i would like recommendations from people who HAVE used the food or are vets and know a lot about nutrition for dogs.
I am not trying to “force it” on the dog. I feed her Science Diet but i want to also use vegetarian food because i feel guilty buying meat even though i don’t eat it.
admin answers:
I can understand completely how you feel…
Here is a site that sells only Vegan dog food.
Please note, I do not feed my dog vegan dog food but my sister does.
I do sympathize with the cruelty in which cattle are kept before being killed for food as well as the methods used in killing these animals. I am not against eating animals but I will not support specific companies who do not allow their livestock to live happy, healthy lives up until the point that they are killed.
This does not make a lot of sense to people, but it does to me 🙂
I purchase meat from a local butcher shop who only sells meat from his own farm. They are free range and fed only organic feed. You can go and visit his farm to see how his animals are treated. The meat is better quality and you can rest assured that no animals were tortured so that you can eat it.
You can do a google search for free range organic meats and poultry in your area or go to your local butcher and ask about their practices.
I buy my meat from the above mentioned butcher and feed my dog a raw diet. He is very healthy and happy.
Best wishes!
ADD: I forgot to post the link! This is where my sister orders hers from online. You can also purchase it in stores, but there are none in the state where we live. She has a very healthy 8 year old rescued JRT
Michael asks…
What do you think of these brands of dog food?
Iams and kibbles and bits?
Why do you like them or why do you not like them?
Are they good food or bad?
admin answers:
Those are really bad dog foods. You are not going to find any good dog foods at the grocery store. In a good dog food, whole meat (chicken, beef, etc) should be one of the first ingredients. Canidae, ProPlan, Nature’s Variety,and Solid Gold are probably some of the best foods.
Start with a grade of 100:
1) For every listing of “by-product”, subtract 10 points
2) For every non-specific animal source (“meat” or “poultry”, meat, meal or fat) reference, subtract 10 points
3) If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin, subtract 10 points
4) For every grain “mill run” or non-specific grain source, subtract 5 points
5) If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first five ingredients (i.e. “ground brown rice”, “brewer’s rice”, “rice flour” are all the same grain), subtract 5 points
6) If the protein sources are not meat meal and there are less than 2 meats in the top 3 ingredients, subtract 3 points
7) If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 3 points
8 ) If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points
9) If corn is listed in the top 5 ingredients, subtract 2 more points
10) If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract 2 points
11) If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is allergic to other protein sources), subtract 2 points
12) If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 2 points
13) If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog is not allergic to wheat), subtract 2 points
14) If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog is not allergic to beef), subtract 1 point
15) If it contains salt, subtract 1 point
Extra Credit:
1) If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points
2) If the food is endorsed by any major breed group or nutritionist, add 5 points
3) If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points
4) If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points
5) If the food contains fruit, add 3 points
6) If the food contains vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3 points
7) If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 2 points
8 ) If the food contains barley, add 2 points
9) If the food contains flax seed oil (not just the seeds), add 2 points
10) If the food contains oats or oatmeal, add 1 point
11) If the food contains sunflower oil, add 1 point
12) For every different specific animal protein source (other than the first one; count “chicken” and “chicken meal” as only one protein source, but “chicken” and “” as 2 different sources), add 1 point
13) If it contains glucosamine and chondroitin, add 1 point
14) If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are pesticide-free, add 1 point
Hope this helps!!
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Your Questions About Dog Training Classes Denver
Michael asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63 (unweighted)
Academic Standing: Top 6% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 23/380
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
SAT & ACT: I have not taken them yet since I am still a Junior.
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 National Honors Society
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
So…how do things look? 🙂
admin answers:
You have good resume, so you will probably be accepted to most of listed colleges. Good Job!
Daniel asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University (much easier to get into than Stanford)
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63
Academic Standing: Top 5% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 21/450
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
SAT & ACT: I have not taken them yet since I am still a Junior.
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
How do things look?
admin answers:
Use the site below and compare your profile with those of the enrolled freshmen./
Lisa asks…
What are my chances of getting into these Universities?
I would like to know, by just looking at the resume I will paste on here, my chances into getting into the following colleges. The top 4 colleges are the dream colleges so you don’t have to speak on behalf of them since I know they range for a 7%-10% acceptance rate, but if you know information that could help me or you think that I would get accepted, please share! I will list the colleges first-
Dream Universities: Would love to go here but reality, hardly get accepted and I am aware of that.
1. George Washington University
2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown University
Ideal Universities: This is where I mainly would like to know what my chances are to getting in these
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle University
3. Seattle Pacific University
4. Gonzaga University
5. University of Denver
6. Carroll College
Safe Universities: I am sure I could get into these colleges easily..right?
1. Washington State University
2. Northwest University
Here is my resume-(Dont mind the dashes, they are my school/state/county names that I crossed out)
Cumulative GPA: 3.63
Academic Standing: Top 5% of Junior Class
Class Rank: 21/450
AP Courses: AP Biology, AP European History, AP 10 English, ADV 9 English,
AP US History, AP 11 English
2010 – 2012 (My State) State Board of Education Student Representative
2010 – 2012 (My State) Association of Student Councils Executive Board Member
2009 – 2011 —— High Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2011 ——- High ASB Executive Committee
2009 – 2011 ——– High Student Ambassador
2010 – 2011 ——– High Link Crew Leader
2009 – Present 4-H Camp Leadership Team
2009 4-H Camp Counselor in Training
2010 State Board of Education, Junior Rep. Selectee
2010 State Farm Star Award
2010 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 WSSDA Annual Conference Selectee
2009 State Farm Star Award
2009 — Golden Dog Nominee, Certificate of Academic Excellence
2009 — Rising Star Award, In Recognition of Academic Excellence
2009 Scholar Athlete Award
2009 21st Century Scholar
2007 – 2008 —– MS PE Student of the Year
Volunteer/Community Service
2010 Water Stargrass Removal Project, —– Conservation District
2010 Kid Care for Love and Logic Parent Class
2010 Kid Care for Association for Teachers and Parents
2009 – 2010 Youth Take Heart
Extra-Curricular Activities:
2010 —— High Varsity Boys Soccer
2010 —– High Cross Country
2010 Spanish Club
2010 Key Club
2010 Speech and Debate Club
So…how do things look? 🙂
admin answers:
Well, I would say that things look pretty darn reasonable for you – and that is putting it conservatively. I went to an Ivy and my brother went to George Washington. To be frank, I can’t understand why you list GW along with Stanford, Yale, and Georgetown. GW, although a good school is not in that league. Well, not for undergraduate education anyway, perhaps GW competes with the others for some graduate programs.
I can’t speak confidently for some of the schols you listed but really think you ought to bump GW into the Ideal University section rather than keeping it as a long shot.
One of the important elements you left out is your SAT score or at least what our expectation is from and practice exams you took. The GPA and activities look pretty good but more detail on activities would also be helpful. Keep in mind that top schools look for depth rather than breadth so choose a couple of activities that you did best with, or the ones that interest you most to emphasize. The entrance essays also are given weight, as are your choice of reccomendations, so choose wisely.
Best of luck.
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Your Questions About Collie Buddz
Donna asks…
What are the chords for the song Mary Jane by Collie Buddz?
I’ve been looking all over the internet for the chords to the song Mary Jane by Collie Buddz.
Could any guitarplayer with a good ear please help me out?
Thank you very much.
PS: I tried requesting this on ultimate guitar but no one responded,you guys really are my last hope.
admin answers:
Am listen to this as I type this. G A C,are the first opening chords.first three. Then Em D G. This is the opening.verse is G A most of the song switchs to the Em D G once more the change up is D an C Most of the song is G A C. Easy tune took me five minutes to figure it out.Sit with the song play along using the chords I wrote down.Shouldn,t take you more than ten minutes to be playing along.Never heard of this guy. Cool song.E mail me at spudmonster58 at yahoo if you have any trouble. Remember to tune your guitar to the song. It is standard 440.
Paul asks…
How can I download a song to my iPod if it isn’t on iTunes?
I want the song Mary Jane by Collie Buddz but they don’t have it on iTunes. Is there somewhere else that I could get it from instead and transfer it to iTunes or something? I don’t want to have to get the whole CD and I don’t want to have to pay a subscription or whatever tho for some other site unless there’s no other way.
admin answers:
Easiest way is to download it from YouTube using the YouTube downloader (free) then get an MP4 to MP3 converter (free also). Rip the music track from the video, import it into iTunes and bingo load it on your iPod.
Sharon asks…
What is your favorite genre of music and why?
What is your gender?
Reggae music is my favorite by far. Especially older reggae music with a really slow tempo and the deep bass line.
Some good artists, for me, are: Collie Buddz, Inner Circle, Rootz Underground, Dub Syndicate, SOJA, and of course, Bob Marley. I also like Slightly Stoopid and The expendables.
I also like blues music. Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf are my favorites. I also agree that today’s music is mostly crap.
admin answers:
Blues, especially Blues guitar. Because I have the blues a lot.
Stevie Ray Vaughn; Muddy Waters; Clarence ‘Gatemouth’ Brown’; Bonnie Raitt, etc.
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Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Reviews
William asks…
What is the best food to feed my Pomeranian?
Yep. I buy him pedigree food, but I do not know if it is any good. I tried researching online on what is the best food for him, but it is ridiculous, I cannot find a thing. What brand is best for him? What type of food is best for him? It doesn’t even have to be a dog brand. For instance, maybe I could just feed him chicken with no salt on it, I don’t know. I need direct answers, not the vague ones that I find online. Thanks.
He is an eight-year-old, male Pomeranian. He is not overweight. He seems to be quite healthy. I always give him exercise. He will eat whatever I give him. His teeth are healthy. He has no health problems or diseases.
admin answers:
Here are some of the BEST foods out there!
Innova, Innova EVO, California Natural ..:
Timberwolf Organics:
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul:
Stay away from Pedigree, Science Diet, Kibbles and Bits .. Basically anything that you can get at petsmart/petco — walmart .. Etc.
Search for a food that has no corn, wheat, soy, fillers .. Etc.
Here is a list of the top 10 dog foods:
Here is a dog food star review:
I would feed my dogs ONLY a 5/6 star reviewed dog food.
Hope that helps!
Helen asks…
what foods are good for Bichon Frises eat?
my dog doesn’t like the ceareal food…
my dog isn’t a lab and he’ll just spit out all of that ceareal dog food out.
admin answers:
Cereal… Food?
Not all pet food is made equally. A lot of it is full of corn, by-products, dyes, unhealthy preservatives, filler grains and all sorts of nasty stuff. A lot of pet food companies are perfectly happy to the dump cheap leftovers and things that aren’t safe for human consumption (from human food processing plants) into their foods. Will it kill your dog? No, it has to be nutritionally complete and safe to even be marketed. Is it healthy? Not by a long shot.
Corn is a low quality ingredient you never want to see in your pet food. Corn and low quality grains are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to food allergies in our pets.
Thankfully, there are some excellent dog foods being made these days that include organic, human grade ingredients rather than trash not fit for human consumption.
Examples of low quality foods to avoid: Anything you can find in a grocery store will be low end, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Kibbles n’ Bits, Beneful, Ol’Roy.
Examples of high quality foods to look for: Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, Canidae All Life Stages, Fromm Four Star, Merrick, GO Natural, Nature’s Variety Prairie, Nature’s Logic, Artemis Fresh Mix, Timberwolf Organics.
Although the high quality foods are more expensive, you’re getting what you’re paying for. Less filler material means more concentrated nutrients… This means you typically need to feed far less of the high quality food than you would of the low quality one. Which also means less poop!
Before following your vet’s food recommendation, keep in mind that vets get /very/ little nutritional training during their schooling. Besides that, what training they /do/ get is usually sponsored or taught by the crappy pet food companies! They also often get paid to sell some of their products at their clinics (Science Diet, Royal Canin etc.)
A great option is to go with an entirely grainless diet. Many of the high quality foods now put out grainless formulas. Some good grainless diets include: Innova EVO, Wellness CORE, Blue Wilderness, Nature’s Variety Instinct, Orijen, Horizon Legacy, Merrick Before Grain, Canidae Grain Free All Life Stages, Fromm Surf & Turf, Now! And Sold Gold Barking At The Moon, Taste of the Wild.
Some pretty decent foods can even be found in common pet stores. Petsmart carries Blue Buffalo products (such as the excellent grain free diet Blue Wilderness). Petco carries Wellness, Solid Gold, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux Organix, Pinnacle, and Halo. If you can’t find a food, most of the high quality food brands have websites with store locators on them.
Another option, if you can’t find anywhere around you that sells good foods, is to order your pet food online. Here’s an excellent place to do so:
Remember that foods should be switched gradually (mixing new slowly in with the old over about a two week period), especially when switching to a higher quality one, so as not to upset tummies.
Another option for feeding dogs is to feed raw. This is something that should be thoroughly researched before being attempted:
More on dog food: (Learn how to determine the quality of your dog’s food.) (Dog food reviews. Four stars is a decent food, five stars is a great food, and six stars is an excellent food.)
Thomas asks…
what is a good dog food for a german shepherd?
i have a 3 month old german shepherd and
what is a good food to feed him …..
right know im feeding him purina puppy
what do u suggest
admin answers:
You can find MUCH better than Purina.
There is no food that is the *best*, different individual dog may thrive on different foods. What is best for one may not be the best for the next. And just because a food is good quality, it doesn’t mean it will jive the best for your dog.
What you want to find is the HIGH-QUALITY food that *your dog* does best on.
Merrick Puppy Plate –
Chicken Soup Large Breed Puppy –
Innova Large Breed Puppy –
Canidae ALS –
Wellness Just for Puppy –
Eagle Pack Holistic Selects Large & Giant Breed Puppy –
Artemis Medium/Large breed puppy –
Solid Gold Wolfcub –
If you’re on a budget, the Chicken Soup and Canidae brands are probably your best bets. Those are very reasonably priced foods.
Most of the foods I listed are typically available at holistic or locally owned petstores. If you are shopping at Petco or Petsmart, here are some better foods:
Blue Buffalo Large Breed Puppy –
Natural Balance Ultra Premium (All Life Stages) –
Nutro Ultra Large Breed Puppy –
=== === ===
Read the ingredients before you buy. Go with a high-quality dog food.
Here is my “short list” of rules when I am looking at dog food ingredients:
1) When I chose a dog food, I chose one high meat content. I want to see preferably at least 2-3 out of the top 5 ingredients be meat or meat meal (first ingredient must be!). Meal is simply the meat with the moisture removed.
2) I want to see higher quality grains, such as barley, brown rice, and oatmeal, instead of seeing wheat and corn. Or an alternative starch/carbohydrate such as potatoes or sweet potatoes.
3) I don’t want to see any byproducts.
4) I don’t want to see a lot of fillers.
5) I don’t want to see preservatives that are believed to be carcinogens (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin).
6) I don’t want to see artificial colorings such as the Red, Blue, and Yellow dyes.
7) I don’t want to see added sugars (sugar, corn syrup).
8) I don’t want to see mystery meats (meats identified only as “meat” or “poultry”.)
Here is an article about byproducts:
And an article on what ingredients to avoid:
Here are some examples of high quality foods:
* Artemis
* California Natural
* Canidae
* Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
* Eagle Pack Holistic Selects
* Fromm
* Innova
* Merrick
* Nature’s Variety
* Orijen
* Solid Gold
* Taste of the Wild
* Timberwolf Organics
* Wellness
Or check this website; the 4, 5, or 6 star rated foods are all good foods, 3 or less stars I would stay away from. Http://
Higher quality food may seem more expensive at first, but it evens out. The higher quality the food, the less fillers eaten (and therefore the less poop comes out the other end). Your dog eats more of a low-quality food to try to get the nutrition it needs, and most of the food just passes right on through. Also, higher-quality food will make your animals healthier, so you save money on vet bills in the long run.
Stay away from grocery stores brands. They are low-quality foods chalk full of fillers, preservatives, dyes, etc.. (Grocery store foods are those like Beneful, Old Roy, Alpo, Pedigree, etc.)
Beware “premium” foods. “Premium” does not always mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. Most of these foods have the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. (Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..)
Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that’s why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don’t focus a lot on nutrition. It’s not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told “this is good food”, so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it’s good as well.
Hills company, the makers of Science Diet, are heavily involved in vet schools. “Hill’s scientists author more than 50 research papers and textbook chapters each year and teach at leading schools of veterinary medicine” (Source of quoted section:!598359213!167846923!7005!8005&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026072&bmUID=1196192566575 )
“Big box” petstores like Petco and Petsmart rarely have quality foods. (I do believe that PetCo sells “Solid Gold” and “Natural Balance” brands and Petsmart sells “Blue Buffallo”, which are all higher quality foods, but most of the foods aren’t.)
Also, grocery stores and Walmart aren’t good places to buy food either.
Your best bets for getting quality dog food are:
– small, locally owned petstores
– dog boutiques
– farm supply stores
When switching foods, do it gradually. I do this over about a two week timespan:
25% food A, 75% food B
50% food A, 50% food B
75% food A, 25% food B
100% food A
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