Your Questions About Dog’s Life Rescue

Mandy asks…

Want to feed my golden a raw diet but his digestive can’t tolorate the protien?

He is a rescue . He was in pretty bad shape when I first got him . He was full of paristes and they did a lot of damage to his digestive system and he can not tolorate high protien. So I did start him slowly on a raw diet . But with in 24hr had nasty dierriah.

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Helen asks…

Why does a housebroken dog suddenly begin peeing in the house?

This is a 2 yr old rat terrier-a rescued dog who until recently has been perfectly housebroken. Why would she suddenly begin peeing on the carpet? She has ample outdoor time and is outside during the day.

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Lizzie asks…

How can I practically and cheaply treat my dog’s separation anxiety?

I have a 4 year old rescue dog: chocolate cocker Spaniel. He’s actually a very kind animal, hasn’t snapped or barked at anyone aggressively except for dogs smaller than him. We’ve had a lot of problems with him though and all those issues are evident of separation anxiety. He will bark if left in his kennel or the backyard by himself for less than 1 minute (15 seconds to be exact on most occasions). I understand that Cockers are a very anxious breed to begin with, and I do admit that I can overreact to his acting out which probably just reinforces this behavior.

Realistically, to me, this is just a dog. I want him to be a part of my family, but I’m not willing to pay thousands of dollars on training and I can’t take a month off of work so that I can be home with him to train him myself. Because he still has issues with being house trained, he has to spend extra time in his kennel (ie: when left in the living room by himself he’ll either urinate/defecate or eat/chew anything he finds). My quality of life and own anxiety level, and that of my wife, has significantly been detrimented by the arrival of this animal to our home.

No judging comments will be accepted. I only want realistic and helpful feedback. I will report any abusive or judgmental comments to yahoo. Thank you for your help.

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