Your Questions About Rough Collie

William asks…

Does anyone know of a place to buy either a rescued or from a breeder Scotch Collie AKA Rough Collie?

I am looking for a Scotch Collie. They are also known as Rough Collie if one or the other rings a bell. I have already looked at and am trying to find one in the USA. Thank You for any and all help.

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Paul asks…

What are some good tasks and job to give herding dogs (like Rough or Smooth Collies) when you live in the city?

Herding dogs are meant to, well, herd. I’m contemplating getting a smooth / rough collie and I live in Chicago – and I want to know what are some interesting jobs or tasks that you can give a city-dwelling collie? Any thoughts? Collies are smart, but get bored with repetitive tricks, and I want to tap into a collie‘s full potential – but I need creative ideas on how to tap into that in the city. Any thoughts?

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Chris asks…

What are your thoughts on owning a Rough Collie?

I’m not getting a dog right now (I really want to in the future), but if I did I would really love a rough collie. I was just wondering what you know/thought of them through experience (but I’d still like to hear even if you’ve never owned one)
here’s a picture of the dog I’m talking about


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