Daily Archives: December 29, 2016

Your Questions About Organic Dog Food Recipes

Charles asks…

What should i feed my dog since i want to stop using commercial food?

I have a bichon and she is older I want to stop using her commercial food because i no longer trust it event tho they say its safe does anyone know of good diets and recipes for dogs I want to keep her healthy and full of the nutrients she needs thnks….

admin answers:

Making your own food is VERY time consuming and you should take her to the vet more often to make sure she is getting all the nutrients. I tryed this and my vet just told me to stop because there was always something wrong and my dog wasnt getting what he really needed.

So I looked on Y!A and found out about some REALLY good dog food. Theres IS good dog food outthere with NO wheat gluten (which is why there was a recall) no fillers, by products or corn.

Blue Buffalo:


Innova/California Natural, Karma:

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul:

and if you REALLY want to go organic:
TimberWolf Organics:
(You can put chicken and cooked meat in there with the food)

Just look through some of those and see which one you can find near you and which is good on your wallet. Making your own dog is can be expensive and you can really be putting your dogs health at risk. These foods have NO WHEAT so they will never be on the recall as they are with their own company.

Hope this helps

Lizzie asks…

Can my Bichon Frise be alergic to his own fur?

I changed the food for organic with no lamb and no grains, stopped giving him treats, but as soon his fur gets a little longer he starts scratching and loosing fur around the house, I don’t know what do do anymore, what else can I try?

Thank you!

admin answers:

Try a no beef, wheat, and corn food ( Nature recipe, Blue buffalo ) ..

No he wouldn’t be allergic to his own fur, but could very well have a skin condition (that could worsen when the hair becomes longer and unkept).

Avoid bathing more then once a month, usually bathing only worsens dry skin on dogs… Person above is a tool! =D

Donald asks…

what other food can chihuahuas and Labradors eat?

i have 2 chihuahuas which are 2 yrs old, and one labrador 2yrs old also.. i think that their getting tired of their usual dog food. i want to give them something that is good for them also. what kind of meat and vegetable can i give them?
how many servings of food should i give my chihuahuas coz i just had them recently
and how can i prepare the food? can i add salt and pepper to it? or i just saute the meat without any condiments?
pls give me recipes… i would really appreciate that..

admin answers:

I feed my dogs a homemade food which includes a mixture of all raw meats and offal (except pork), green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, apples (all liquidised), sunflower and pumpkin seeds (crushed), organic sunflower oil, honey, a little garlic, boiled white rice.

Onions should be avoided as should exotic vegetables (bell peppers, egg plant etc). As a rule of thumb I avoid any vegetables that wouldn’t normally be found in the stomach of prey animals and limit offal to 10% of the whole mix.

If you want the recipe then just say so and I’ll happily post it on here for you 🙂

Here you go – All of the food is raw – no need to cook any of it and definitely NO salt, pepper or other condiments 🙂

1 kg raw beef mince
1 kg raw beef
1 kg raw mutton/lamb
1.5 kg raw chicken/turkey (white or dark meat it doesn’t matter)
1.5 kg raw tripe
1 kg mixed raw offal – liver, kidney, heart

Ethnic butchers are the best source of meat as they stock a much wider range at cheaper prices, will often deliver and best of all will chop most of the meat to your specifications, which saves loads of time.

The meat should be chopped into pieces roughly the size of the top of your thumb.

2 kg of mixed leafy/green vegetables (spinach, spring greens, broccoli, green beans, turnip greens)
1.5 kg carrotts
1 kg apples
2 large (supermarket sized) bunches of fresh parsley
1.5 kg of frozen peas, lightly cooked
300g sunflower seeds
100g pumpkin seeds
100g sesame seeds

Pulverise all of the above in a food processor so that it resembles a slightly textured cold soup.

Mix all of the above ingredients together (I use a large rubber tub trug, but washing up bowls or buckets will do just as well and then add:

1 kg white rice – cooked (ie 1kg is the raw weight)
1 medium jar of organic honey
1 tube of garlic puree
1 tube of tomato puree
2 tablespoons of brewers yeast
1 – 2 cups of sunflower oil

Mix together well and weigh out daily portions into freezer bags and freeze 🙂

I allow 25-30g of food per kilogram of body weight (or expected adult weight in the case of puppies). Feed this amount for the first 2-3 weeks and then adjust up or down according to weight gain or loss until you reach the optimum portion for your dog’s metabolism.

The dogs love it and are fantastically healthy (it has been approved by my vet).

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