
Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

Sandra asks…

Why do XL dogs only have a 9 or 10 year life span?

So I have a saint bernard and he’ll be 4 years old this month. It makes me sad to know that there is a good chance that he’ll only have another 5 or 6 years to live. So i’m just curious why large dogs like that only have a 9 or 10 year life span?

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Ruth asks…

What is the average life span of a parson russel terrior?

I’m looking to adopt one and not sure what the average life span of this type of dog is. Thanks

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Susan asks…

How long do you think my dogs life span is?

He is a Lab mix possibly a Lab and Dachshund mix. He is sorta small but I do not know how old he is now but I know he is not a year yet

He looks like this:

How long do you think his life span is?

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Your Questions About Collie

Susan asks…

How can i persuade my parents to get me a border collie?

I have always loved border collies ( and any dogs) but my parents don’t want a dog. They say that ” its too much responsibility “. I have proved to them that I am responsible enough to have a dog but they just change the subject every time I try and speak about it.
I have done pleanty of research on them. I live in a small village with lots of fields and woods near by. I am quite active and like to go running. My mum and dad don’t realise how much I would love a collie. I don’t think that they take me seriously. I am open to any suggestions.
Many thanks 🙂

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Jenny asks…

What can I do to help my border collie grow out of herding little children?

My Border Collie is almost 6 month old. Will she grow out of herding and nipping little children?

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Chris asks…

How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?

I have a year old Border Collie, Had him since he was about 4 months old…I have slacked on a little training. I was wondering if there were any tips anyone can give me, on how to make him listen. He will listen when its just me, but when there are other people around he doesnt listen very well. Also I donno if its cause hes testing me or what, but i would just take him out & he would go to the bathroom, & hes out there for like 10 min, & like after hes back in the house for like 5min he would go to the bathroom on the floor…I just donno how to get him not to do that. Also i cant let him outside with out a leash or him being on his zip line b/c he run all over the place & down the road. If anyone has any good advice please let me know…Thanks your for you time.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Temperament

David asks…

I need to find a dog that weighs 25-40 lbs I do a lot of hiking and has to be great with kids.?

Any ideas would be very helpful.

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Helen asks…

A Good Breeding with The Runt of the litter?

Every litter has a runt, but do you think even in a good breeding ( both parents health checked and cleared of passable genetic diseases and intelligent ) will the runt still be:
Tempermentally challenged
Have health problems
Be small

What is your definition of the runt?

Imo the runt could be the last born or the weaker sickly pup out of the litter.

Why not or why would you get the runt?

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Ruth asks…

Golden and Rough Collie together?

I’m planning to buy a rough collie because I used to own 2 and they had the sweetest temperament i’ve ever seen in dogs! I currently have a 2.5 months hyper golden retriever at home. If I let them play together, will the golden’s hyperness rub off on the collie??

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Vest

Richard asks…

I don’t fully agree with atheists or theists. Here’s are my qualms and questions to both of you?

Atheists, I can agree with those of you that say that based on current knowledge and evidence, we can’t say there is a God, and that you won’t believe in one until there is evidence. I do, however, have a problem with those of you that say with complete certainty that there is no higher being, and that there is no doubt whatsoever? Why? Think of it this way:

A dog has limited intelligence. Based on what it can perceive, based on what it can retain and observe based on it’s limited environment, and based on said limited intelligence, a dog can with complete certainty think that the yard it lives in is the entire world, or that the humans it has seen are the only humans in the entire world, or that it will live forever. We know these things to be false, because we have higher intelligence, and know of things that are far beyond a dog’s comprehension and intelligence.

In the same way, what makes you think that we as humans, are so knowledgeable? We have not even explored most of our own galaxy in the immeasurable universe; in that sense we are like the dog, chained in a yard, with a limited outlook on the grand picture. So, how can we with absolute and complete confidence say that there is no higher being, until we have complete knowledge of the universe?

Now, my question for theists. What makes you say that a higher beings cares particularly about us; why do you think he vests such a personal interest in us? We are not special. We are merely organisms with a higher intelligence level than most. Also, it works the same way, both ways. How can you, with complete certainty, say that a higher being does exist, when there is no proof? How can you even know the details of Heaven, Hell, angels, when there is not a shred of proof, except for your religious texts, which were written in an ignorant time when men thought the world was flat?

I myself am an agnostic, and although I don’t personally believe in a higher being, I don’t rule out the possibility that one might exist. However, if one does exist, I take the deists’ approach, that it does not interfere in human concerns.
@ Fiction Slayer. You’re not answering my question, just avoiding it. I’m certainly not saying that you should believe in some ancient religious text; I’m merely saying it is illogical and ignorant to claim with 100% certainty that a God does not exist, based on the reasons I provided.

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Jenny asks…

Atheists who with 100% certainty say God doesn’t exist can never satisfactorily answer this question?

I don’t fully agree with atheists or theists. Here’s are my questions to both of you?

Atheists, I can agree with those of you that say that based on current knowledge and evidence, we can’t say there is a God, and that you won’t believe in one until there is evidence. I do, however, have a problem with those of you that say with complete certainty that there is no higher being, and that there is no doubt whatsoever? Why? Think of it this way:

A dog has limited intelligence. Based on what it can perceive, based on what it can retain and observe based on it’s limited environment, and based on said limited intelligence, a dog can with complete certainty think that the small plot of land it lives in is the entire world, or that the humans it has seen are the only humans in the entire world, or that it will live forever. We know these things to be false, because we have higher intelligence, and know of things that are far beyond a dog’s comprehension and intelligence.

In the same way, what makes you think that we as humans, are so knowledgeable? We have not even explored most of our own galaxy in the immeasurable universe; in that sense we are like the dog, chained in a yard, with a limited outlook on the grand picture. So, how can we with absolute and complete confidence say that there is no higher being, until we have complete knowledge of the universe?

Now, my question for theists. What makes you say that a higher beings cares particularly about us; why do you think he vests such a personal interest in us? We are not special. We are merely organisms with a higher intelligence level than most. Also, it works the same way, both ways. How can you, with complete certainty, say that a higher being does exist, when there is no proof? How can you even know the details of Heaven, Hell, angels, when there is not a shred of proof, except for your religious texts, which were written in an ignorant time when men thought the world was flat?

I myself am an agnostic atheist, and although I won’t personally believe in a higher being until there if proof, I don’t rule out the possibility that one might exist. However, if one does exist, I take the deists’ approach, that it does not interfere in human concerns.
1 second ago – 4 days left to answer.

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Lizzie asks…

Atheists who with 100% certainty say God doesn’t exist can never satisfactorily answer this question?

I don’t fully agree with atheists or theists. Here’s are my questions to both of you?

Atheists, I can agree with those of you that say that based on current knowledge and evidence, we can’t say there is a God, and that you won’t believe in one until there is evidence. I do, however, have a problem with those of you that say with complete certainty that there is no higher being, and that there is no doubt whatsoever? Why? Think of it this way:

A dog has limited intelligence. Based on what it can perceive, based on what it can retain and observe based on it’s limited environment, and based on said limited intelligence, a dog can with complete certainty think that the small plot of land it lives in is the entire world, or that the humans it has seen are the only humans in the entire world, or that it will live forever. We know these things to be false, because we have higher intelligence, and know of things that are far beyond a dog’s comprehension and intelligence.

In the same way, what makes you think that we as humans, are so knowledgeable? We have not even explored most of our own galaxy in the immeasurable universe; in that sense we are like the dog, chained in a yard, with a limited outlook on the grand picture. So, how can we with absolute and complete confidence say that there is no higher being, until we have complete knowledge of the universe?

Now, my question for theists. What makes you say that a higher beings cares particularly about us; why do you think he vests such a personal interest in us? We are not special. We are merely organisms with a higher intelligence level than most. Also, it works the same way, both ways. How can you, with complete certainty, say that a higher being does exist, when there is no proof? How can you even know the details of Heaven, Hell, angels, when there is not a shred of proof, except for your religious texts, which were written in an ignorant time when men thought the world was flat?

I myself am an agnostic atheist, and although I won’t personally believe in a higher being until there if proof, I don’t rule out the possibility that one might exist. However, if one does exist, I take the deists’ approach, that it does not interfere in human concerns.
1 second ago – 4 days left to answer.

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Your Questions About Colliers International

Donna asks…

Applying for a position – Direct email to HR rep in charge or apply on website?


I am applying for a job at Colliers International. They have a section on their website where you apply for positions, however a friend of mine is already with the company and knows the woman who is in charge of hiring. I have her email.

Which would be more appropriate? A direct email to her regarding the position or apply through the website?

Would sending her an email introducing myself and letting her know that I am applying online for the position be more appropriate? Attaching my resume as well.

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Maria asks…

Did God create Hell just so He could continue enjoying the smell of burning flesh forever?

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Chris asks…

How did Harvard University originate?

When and where did the concept originate?

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life 2

Ruth asks…

When is the right time to neuter/spay a dog?

I have heard two things. I have heard that you can spay/neuter a dog at almost 3 months or sometimes earlier. Then, I have heard that you should wait until the dog is at least 18 months old. Which is correct and why? I have always had my dogs spayed/neutered at around 5 months old. Will the dog’s life be different depending on when you spay/neuter them?

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Steven asks…

Do you think they will ever make a Dogs Life 2 for PS3?

I am personally an Xbox 360 guy but growing up I played A LOT of PS2 and Dog’s Life was my favorite game ever!

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Richard asks…

How does a dog whistle work?

There is an annoying dog that barks for hours in the middle of the night. From roughly 12 a.m. to 2-3 a.m. this dog barks non-stop. The problem is I cannot pinpoint the house because at 3 am I don’t feel like wandering the streets.

If I buy a dog whistle and blow it steadily, will the dog’s ears hurt to the point they will stop barking? The dog lives 1 street over, will it hear it?

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Donald asks…

What you know about mike jones.?

could someone send me the lyrics to what you know about by mike jones. i cant find them anywhere

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Mark asks…

Lyrics to Collie Buddz song?????

I can’t find the lyrics to “I’m blind to you” can someone tell me where I can find them??

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Carol asks…

“When I was a youth I used to burn cali weed in a rizla” Which reggae song are these lyrics from?

These lyrics are most famously used by The Prodigy, in Fire. However, they were originally in an old reggae song that I’ve been trying to find for years and years and years! Please can someone tell me who originally sung this song and/or give me the title. It’s my life’s mission!!!

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Rescue

Chris asks…

How to teach a 4 year old dog how to walk on a leash?

I have a four year old border collie mix and she is very smart we got her a few months ago from a rescue shelter she’s well mannered but when I take her for walks she pulls any advice?

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Betty asks…

How to stop dog messing with open wound on leg?

My collie has an scratch on her leg and she won’t stop licking it and chewing it. We have fleas ( Which are currently being treated for ) and they are making her make it worse.

What can I put on her wound that won’t hurt but will stop her from licking it?

The vet wrapped it and she got the bandage off as soon as we got home. We tried the dog cone and our other dog chewed it off her. We can’t separate the dogs because we have no where else to put our younger one because she is a fence jumper and also a whiner when she isn’t with her ‘big sister’

She’s on medication for the leg but with the licking it’ll never heal and I’m worried about infection. The vet is also at a loss, we can’t put her on tranquilizers because once again she’s with another dog and they do play rough sometimes and I don’t want her getting hurt.
I can’t seperate the dogs. My Rotterman will literatly BARK and HOWL and cry if she cannot see our collie. We’ve had animal control complaints already made because we tried to crate both dogs and our Rotterman wouldn’t stop howling.

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Paul asks…

What is good and bad about Border Collies as family dogs?

My son wants a Border Collie. We have 2 cats, 1/2 acre land, and busy schedules.

Do they bark a lot? Will they kill the cats? We’ve looked up basic info about the breed, but what’s the REAL scoop, good and bad?

Thank you!!
I am a teacher who is off summers, so we have some time then. The school year is rough, tho’

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Your Questions About Collier

Mark asks…

Whats the largest trailer park in America?

A friend of mine says its in Lee or Collier County, Florida. I haven’t been able to find any information from anyone claiming to be the largest trailer park anywhere on the internet. Maybe the people there dont have the internet yet.
If I was a part of the largest trailer park I would use that to make myself feel better about living in a trailer park.

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Lisa asks…

How can I find my father for free?

I am 21 and looking for my birth father. I don’t know much about him. All I know is that his name is Terry Collier, he lived in florida about 21 years ago, i don’t know if he still does or not. His birthday is Nov. 22 i think, and that he wanted to live the gypsy life. He was with a Melissa Hyer. If anyone knows who im talking about or has any websites i can try please leave me a comment.

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Betty asks…

How big the puppy of my boyfriend will get?

Miro is a mixed bread of 4 months. The father an australian shipdog, and the mother a mix between a border collier and a boxer. He weighs 599.641 once(17kg). Sorry but I’m italian and I’m not use to the english system, I usally use kg.
He doesn’t have his adult theets, he just lost one today!
He is also a little longer than he is tall!
He is black and white spotted everywhere! A blue eye, and the other brown.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Ending

Sandy asks…

Do you think that pit bulls are screwed in life?

APBTs, staffies.. ANYTHING that resembles a pit bull
Do you think that its screwed in life because of its breed?
Like if a fight happens and its not the dog’s fault..but it ends up somehow being blamed on the dog because of its breed(check my 2nd to last question if you are confused)
Or in certain places where they are illegal and it gets put in a shelter and automatically gets put down just because its a pit bull
Do you think that they’re screwed in whatever situation that happens?

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Mary asks…

What is more important: A man’s life or a dog’s life?

I am so shoked at way things have been going with Michael Vick and his dogs. He was put in jail for dogfighting. I cannot believe a man’s life was jeopadized just because of dogs. I mean they are his dogs, he can do whatever he want with them. Now he used to make millions in the NFL now he is going to work for $10/hr at a construction company. I think that America just give too much importance to dogs.

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James asks…

What are the cons of neutering your dog?

Does it change the way they develop or any physical aspects? personality? I want a dog but I can’t help but kinda wince at the thought of having a dog’s balls chopped off. I have owned a dog that wasn’t neutered before and I kept him under decent control. He didn’t get any females pregnant.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie For Sale

Carol asks…

I can’t choose on what dog to get! I want a border collie..but?

Im going to buy a dog. I was going to buy a border collie, but people keep telling me that they are very energetic and they need a lot of exercise and a big back yard.

Right now i have a big back yard, but at the end of the yaar will be at a different house and the yard will be smaller. About 4m deep by 15m wide.

I have no problem in taking it out each night for a walk. im close to parks and near the beach. I do want an active dog, one that will keep me busy but isn’t agressive, and border collies seem to have a great nature.

Are there any dogs similar?

I dont want a dog thats just gonna sit on your lap. !!

It will be left home by itself while im at work. From 8.15 to 5.15.

At the end of the year i will be living alone and think it will be a good idea to have a bigger dog aswell (guard dog wise).

Do i just get the dog i want? Maltese are cute, but im not sure.

any opinions would be great!!

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Maria asks…

germen shepherd,border collie..?

ive been researching different breeds of dogs as i may get one soon. it will be my first dog. will be in a family environment and must be well with cats and other small animals as i have a male cat and two rabbits.

what would be the best breed out of the germen shepherd or border collie? would i be able to train them to get use to my other pets

is there any other breeds you reccommend for me??


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Sharon asks…

Shelties or Shetland sheepdogs?

What is good about a sheltie what are there good and bad qualities

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Your Questions About Collie Man

Thomas asks…

What can I use to keep mosquitos and flies from swarming my dog?

I was wondering if using OFF! mosquito spray would be ok used on my collie/cocker dog that lives outdoors? or if there is a spray made special for this use on dogs and where i can look for it at, i live in Michigan.

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Paul asks…

What would be the approximate price to import my pet from brasil to australia?

I know it´s quite expequarantinee is a medium sized border collie and has had all injections, i´d just like to know the approximate price Including the 6months quarantine period….
Thank you

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Donald asks…

If Manning wins a second ring would you say Manning is best active qb?

In my mind I would have to say he is. He will probably hold most records. Also in comparison to Brady I think his 2 rings would be more signficant than Brady considering that Brady had a very good cast on the defensive side the three times he won and that since that defense is not as good as it he has not won a ring in 5 rings. Also Manning would have done it with two different coaches.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Cycle

Jenny asks…

What are the typical symptoms for a dog during her period?

This the first time I own a female English bull dog and like to know what is the first signs when period begin and how long does it last?

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Paul asks…

How can you make a dog quit peeing on the carpet?

My dog is 2 years old and will pee on the carpet about every other day or so I don’t ever catch her but it is when we’re home. She’s crated during the day so maybe it’s at night. And it’s never the same spot twice so cleaning doesn’t help.

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Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a dog?

I cant seem to get rid of the fleas on my pet.
I have tried everything.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Puppies

Charles asks…

How big will my puppy be?

I have looked at online growth charts and I went to the vet today and he said he upped her weight prediction but I forgot to ask by how much. The online calculators say between 50-85 lbs. She is a rough collie mix with probably foxhound as the other half but it’s up for debate. At 3 months she was 15 pounds. At 5 months she is 35 pounds. Also, she only eats about 2/3 of what she is supposed to so she’s too thin now. Her appetite is finally beginning to increase though. So she’s not even ideal weight now, she’s a bit too skinny. So any expert estimates? Thank you.

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William asks…

will my border collie puppy get on with my cat?

im getting a border collie puppy soon from a neighbour. will it grow to like my cat or will it chase it?

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Robert asks…

How long to stop puppy biting?

How long did it take for your puppy to stop biting and mouthing ?
I am getting a border collie puppy in a couple of weeks and would like to know whats the best and quickest way to stop them ?

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Your Questions About Collie Buddz

Mary asks…

Can somebody please provide the lyrics of Rise It by Collie Buddz?

They are no where and the song is wicked awesome. Cmon somebody gotta have this info.

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Susan asks…

Best reggae artists that you know of?

They can be ranging similar to anywhere from Bob Marley, to Cypress Hill, to Collie Buddz. I just want some good, new reggae.

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Joseph asks…

What are the lyrics to africa is calling me by collie buddz?

We can not figure out what is said when “take a trip to the mother land” ___???_____ “take a trip to the mother land to reunit my people from foundation” This the beginging of the chorus.

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Your Questions About Dog’s Life Rescue

Jenny asks…

How do I deal with a cat with CLAWS – INSIDE- my house?!!?

About 3 weeks ago, at most, a young-looking cat came into our back yard. My daughter felt horrible, because it was freezing outside and she could tell the cat was hungry, but she absolutely could not get the cat near her. We decided to warm up some canned tuna, and she placed it at the very back of the yard. Over time, she slowly taught the cat to come up to the door, she will open the door, and the cat will go straight into a small dog’s crate and sleep there, then wake up in the morning, meow, and expect to be let out.
The problem is, when my daughter lets her out to play, she starts scratching on all our furniture! The only cat I’ve ever had was a rescue that was de-clawed, so I know NOTHING about taking care of cats with claws.
Could you please advise? This isn’t our cat, but we also don’t want to ignore her needs.

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David asks…

What breed can I register my Dogo as in the UK and have it believed?

I’ve had it since its birth. A truly beautiful dog that I took responsibility of and fully socialised/ trained/ looked after myself. About 7 months ago I rescued this dog from a bunch of thugs who were planning to raise it to participate in dog fighting, don’t ask me how but I made sure these idiots were not going to infect this innocent and beautiful creature with their hate..

That being said.. It’s banned. I know. But it doesn’t deserve to be put down because of circumstances completely out of the dog’s control. It has been COMPLETELY socialised around both children, other dogs and even CATS!! (112 lbs of Dogo often runs away scared from my cat when it decides it wants to steal the sofa from him!) so having an idiotic governmental law that was hastily brought in to control this breed’s population applied to MY dog is out of the question. I also follow the law that applies to exempt dogs even though it hasn’t been exempt.

Anyways I feel like I’ve ranted somewhat… please can anyone advise how to go about getting my beloved Dogo registered as a different breed that is believable? I know some of you will want to berate me for this question and may even report it but I’m pleading with you to see sense.. I really am desperate. I’ve fallen in love with this dog and I know with my continued training with him (i don’t let him get away with any bad behaviour but im never cruel to him) he will never be a danger and is not a danger to anyone or anything.

Please help. I can’t lose him.

Thank you.

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William asks…

Why is buying from a reputable breeder better than buying from a backyard breeder or even adopting from shelte?

Why is it better to buy from a reputable breeder spending 2,000$ – 5,000$ for a puppy
rather than buying one from a back yard breeder
or even adopting from a pet shelter?

adopting from a pet shelter doesn’t guarantee the dog’s health so you can end up spending thousands of dollars on vet bills
Reputable breeders charge sooooooooooooo much & what do you get really how much am I saving?

Backyard breeders sometimes do offer health guarantee & sometimes have puppies in the house & in better conditions than even shelters.

I would like real facts not peoples opinions please very important.
Thank you everyone great info.

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Your Questions About Rough Collie Breeders

Helen asks…

What breed of dog do you like best , please vote?

I’m asking for a vote on your top pick breed , for a active family , good with kids and other pets . And not heavily overbred .Choices are
1. Golden retriever
2. Australian sheperd
3. Rough collie
4. Samoyed

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Robert asks…

How much does a rough or smooth coat collie cost?

How much does a Rough or Smooth coat female Collie cost from a breeder?
And before you say “find a breeder and ask!” I intend too as soon as I find a good one. I just want a good heads up on how much 🙂

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Thomas asks…

What should I ask a dog breeder to determine the reputation of the breeder and the quality of the dogs?

Particularly re: rough collies

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Your Questions About Collie Man

Michael asks…

Have Man United fans NEVER booed a former player or a player who insulted them before?

I mean, they must all be angels sitting at OT.

All those boos when we took Obertan back to OT were clearly a figment of our imagination.

And he wasn’t even a good player for them.

Hypocritical statement of the year so far.

OQ: Capital letters at the start of sentences – Are they really that necessary? Best grammar of the year so far.

OQ2: Would you like to see a picture of my border collie? Definitely dog of the season so far.

OQ3: Begovic – Keeper of the year so far?
No, certainly not boos of the season so far…
That’s good John because neither do we.
Lol – I was a broken nose, I’ve seen more blood on a well-cooked steak.

And we weren’t booing the injury. We were booing his disrespectful remarks and the manner in which he left the club, long before he got injured.

Deal with it.
Lol, whatever mate, we weren’t laughing at the injury, but really, it’s a broken nose. It’s hardly going to impact him in a massive way is it?

Do you have a massive uproar and sent someone a get well soon card, flowers and grapes when someone stubs their toe? Cos it’s really in the same league.


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Joseph asks…

What is the best treatment for my chocolate labrador?

He gets repeated ear infections in one ear and the vet keeps giving him anti biotics. He had skin disorders and the vets didn’t know what to do about this …but a man walking his lab told us to give a daily fish oil tablet…and his skin condition is cured. Maybe someone has used something that works for the ear infections?

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Mandy asks…

Should I start Austin Collie or Mark Clayton?

Should I start Austin Collie or Mark Clayton? points per reception league

Thank you for your input!

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Your Questions About Dogs Life Span

John asks…

What is The Average Life span of Siebreaon Huskys?

What is the average life span of a Siberan Husky? My sister is worried about her Husky which was born in 93 94 my guess and the Dog is really gettiing slow and hurting and such. So shes been abit upset.

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Robert asks…

Why is it different life forms have different life spans?

Why is it different animals have different life spans? For example, why is it dogs and cats have life spans of 10 to 15 years, while that of man is about 70 years to 100 years. Likewise, bird can live for 30 to 50 years while those of insects ranged from a few weeks to a few months?

What caused their bodies to age so differently?

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Lizzie asks…

What is the average life span of a shitzu dog?

I have a shitzu and was wondering how long the average life span is for them?

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Your Questions About Collie Man Lyrics

Nancy asks…

best relaxing/chill songs?

what are some of the best relaxing or chill songs to listen to
examples such as collie man

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Donald asks…

lyrics to you aint know by lil wayne ft. collie buddz?

i can’t find these lyrics anywhere! it’s driving me crazy!! help please!!!!

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Betty asks…

hey what are the lyrics for you ain’t know ft. collie buddz? anyone got them?

yea i can’t find it so if anyones got it, that would be soo sick

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