Your Questions About Dog Training Books

Helen asks…

Can anyone recommend any dog training books?

Can anyone recommend any good Yorkshire terrier training books.I’m getting a puppy and would like it to be trained well. Thank you.

admin answers:

“It’s Me or the Dog: How to Have a Perfect Pet” by Victoria Stilwell.
She uses positive methods that are very easy for anyone with any level of dog experience to execute. For example, you don’t want your dog to jump on you? Turn around and face the opposite direction when the dog is jumping, fold your arms over your chest, and completely ignore the dog and be totally BORING. When a dog is jumping it usually wants attention so if you show the dog that jumping gets him exactly the opposite of what he wants, he’ll stop.

Easy, right? 🙂

Plus, positive methods are much better for a dog’s mental health and help to build a dogs self confidence.

Another one I highly recommend: “Before and After You Get Your Puppy: The Positive Approach to Raising a Happy, Healthy, and Well-Behaved Dog” by Ian Dunbar. Not quite as accessible as the Victoria Stilwell book, but this guy is one of the top professionals in the dog training world and has a PhD in animal behavior. He is also the guy who is the father of the concept of puppy obedience class.

Good luck, and good for you for actually wanting to train your Yorkie, rather than treat it like a fashion accessory 🙂

Mary asks…

What ate some good dog training books out there?

My one year old maltese needs some training in some areas, and I wanted to try to train him myself instead of behavior classes because they are SO expensive. What are some good books that helped you or that you know of? Also, what is a good way to socialize my dog, besides the training classes, if any? He barks and growls at other dogs and sometimes people.

admin answers:

Beyond Basic Dog Training by Diane Bauman

Donna asks…

How much do I need to walk my 4lb. toy poodle?

I have a sweet, playful and energetic year old toy poodle named Thor. I take him out once in the morning and evening to go potty and he gets an hour long walk at noon everyday. Recently, I have been reading dog training books which insist that dogs need a lot more exercise than I have been giving my little guy. I never thought of it as a problem as Thor is constantly chasing his toys around the apartment.
Is an hour long walk a day enough or do dogs need more exercise? Do small dogs need the same amount of exercise as big dogs?

admin answers:

It depends on the energy level of the dog, even small breeds such as terriers can need lots of exercise and you can get big dogs who are low energy and don’t need much, although there are exceptions in every breed.

If he lies down when you come home, he’s had enough exercise!

Low energy up to an hour a day, moderate energy 1-2 hours a day and high energy 3 hours, possibly more a day.

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